Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
Of course it is mandatory it is the only way to get your ascend amulet.
Well firstly, it isn’t and secondly, getting an ascended amulet isn’t mandatory either.
No, it’s not.
People keep saying, “forced”, I don’t think it means what they think it means.
^ “gief” alternatives or you’re adding nothing to the discussion.
“it’s not mandatory”
A lot of things aren’t mandatory, but in the absence of them people often feel like they’ve run out of entertainment, which usually ends up with either a choice list of flawed or subjectively “fun” things like WVWVW, sPVP or “get a legendary” the last of which often is likened to self amputation in terms of enjoyment. If the only remaining answer is “go play something else” then something has gone awry.
Make the dungeon fun and I will – I liked Tors and hate these.
Define ‘fun’ that is universal for everyone.
Make the dungeon fun and I will – I liked Tors and hate these.
Define ‘fun’ that is universal for everyone.
It was clearly his “subjective opinion”
Rather than critique him, why not give us your idea of a fun dungeon, and tell us IF GW2’s dungeons fulfill the criteria, how do they do so and what could they possibly improve. That’s a discussion, not a kitten for tat back n forth argument.
Dungeon is just one of many reasons I’ve completely ignored my personal stories on 7 characters. I’ve never had a shot at the monthly, evne the old one. I just do what I feel like doing. If the Veteran Slayer comes up in the daily and I just don’t feel like it, I Alt+F4 and go play something else. /shrug
Shrug. Anet can’t force me to do dungeons. I won’t do dungeons. Bluntly, after 10 years of various MMO’s and eternal DungeonFest in all games I hope to NEVER click a dungeon entry portal again.
I had, and still have some hope that they will keep the world engaging and fun. And maybe.. fix the drop rates of at least Champions and Vets.
I really don’t care. I would like to see some things not included in other spheres, PvP in PvE, mandatory Jump puzzles like scaffolds in Dredgehaunt to get a vista, but, its my game, I no longer care what I may be gated from, I am not doing anything I don’t find fun. My fun.
The only real “forcing” I am seeing is that loot drops in dungeons, and in the world they don’t seem to care that even Champions give 0 drops a majority of the time.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2
War = Fight everyone and everything, fight alone, no need for a guild.
I hope you know Guild Wars is named after a lore event that happend many years ago and not after a game mechanic.
Lol that was a stretch considering wars are fought by armies… or Guilds. Besides that, he made a very good point with as little words as possible. Join a guild if you want to run dungeons. Helps a ton.
I neither have an ascended amulet, nor do I feel like I’ve run out of entertainment by not having one. I do not feel I must have one or else and I do not feel forced into completing achievements I don’t want to do to obtain one. Will I get one? Probably but I don’t feel like I need it yesterday and won’t spit the dummy if I don’t get it as fast as I want. Do I still find Guild Wars 2 fun? Yes I do.
The alternative to grinding out an ascended amulet is not having one. Both are acceptable choices and the game can still be played either way. Yes, it can.
Amulets are not mandatory. Great to have, I’m sure. Would you die a lot in high level fractals without one? I imagine it would be tougher, yes. Would you have less stats then some people without one? Well, yeah. This, by no means, makes them mandatory and, by extension (and also by nature), makes monthlies not mandatory either.
It was clearly his “subjective opinion”
Rather than critique him, why not give us your idea of a fun dungeon, and tell us IF GW2’s dungeons fulfill the criteria, how do they do so and what could they possibly improve. That’s a discussion, not a kitten for tat back n forth argument.
I personally find the dungeons fun. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t run them. In keeping with the original topic as well, I wouldn’t complain about getting no rewards for it either. It’s a game. I play for fun, not rewards.
As for improvements, more fight and dungeon mechanics mostly.
I’m personally waiting to see what they do with the overhauls to mechanics.
Maybe additional systems like Vanquishing (killing all mobs in the Dungeon), and Bonus Missions (I.E. Priory in AC has asked you to collect fragments and artifacts all around the dungeon. Bringing them back would yield additional reward).
If Anet put getting Legendaries as a monthly requirement, then watch the people who disagree with this start whining along.
You’ve got 28 days to do 5 dungeons.
Is that really difficult to achieve?
Yes, it is if you don’t do dungeons. Pretty straightforward. Since dailies and monthlies are a currency reward rather than just an achievement, and since they are the mechanism in place for the gear grind treadmill, they should really be available to people with all playstyles, which includes people who don’t do WvW or dungeons. This doesn’t require a great deal of thought or reality-testing. Anyone should be able to understand this.
I personally don’t salvage anything but Rare’s. ANet need to change it because it doesn’t fit in with my playstyle, and 500 is too much.
If it’s going to be a case of you get rewarded for playing the game the way you play it anyway, they may as well go ’here’s your monthly allowance of Laurels’. If they made the amount of what you usually do a lot, people will complain it’s a grind.
Doing 1 dungeon every 4 days (meaning you’ll be done in 20 days) isn’t as much of a hassle as people are making it out to be.
Since WvW is another game-mode (PvPVE), it should have a separate monthly achievement anyway for the people who want to just play WvW.
You don’t have a good grasp on playstyle in this context. We are not talking about catering to every last detail of play. Players usually self-select around PvE open world/PvE dungeons/PvP. There are people that hate dungeons and hate PvP. There is no reason to mandate that people play major game systems that they detest. But, given that I wouldn’t put salvage in as a required activity either. The key is for there to be options available that allow players to both play the game enjoyably and get the daily and monthly achievements.
Of course it is mandatory it is the only way to get your ascend amulet.
Well firstly, it isn’t and secondly, getting an ascended amulet isn’t mandatory either.
No, it’s not.People keep saying, “forced”, I don’t think it means what they think it means.
The people using “forced” or “mandatory” are using the terms in their technical and contextual sense. When you choose vertical progression to give players a sense of progression you are instituting a non-optional gear grind. The stat variance of the initial pieces is irrelevant to the issue. Vertical progression progresses. You either chase the stats or slowly become unable to play the game.
(edited by Raine.1394)
As many have pointed out you are not “forced” to do it, however you are not forced to do anything in any game.. you are not forced to complete the story in a singleplayer story game, a better term would perhaps be getting the most out of it or something.
I don’t mind playing with other people, it’s far more fun to run around in the world with others and in wvw then alone but I dislike dungeons, why though?
You “need” to have a decent amount of non-interuptable time to do them I can’t join leave or take a break whenever I want as with world pve and wvw.
You “need” a specific amount of players if I got 5 friends one of us is out of luck if i got 2 we lack people and spamming LA is simply not fun and can take ages.
I did the current monthly though, which doubled the amount of dungeons I’ve done since release, i’d rather not do it in the following months though so hopefully in the future selectable monthlies and dailies will be able to cater to people who both like and dislike dungeons/fractals.
So the pve crowd cried about the small 50 wvw kills for months and it was ok.
Now, we wvwers (and dungeon haters), cry about dungeons and suddenly, we want things to be handed to us…
Hypocrisy much ?
So the pve crowd cried about the small 50 wvw kills for months and it was ok.
Now, we wvwers (and dungeon haters), cry about dungeons and suddenly, we want things to be handed to us…
Hypocrisy much ?
Right. I defend the OP’s position because I was in the same place when I was stuck with a WvW requirement, so I know what it’s like. And a whole lot of kitten support I got from PvPers back when I was the one getting rogered. Standard response: WvW is part of the game so deal with it.
Hypocrisy much?
Of course it is mandatory it is the only way to get your ascend amulet.
Well firstly, it isn’t and secondly, getting an ascended amulet isn’t mandatory either.
No, it’s not.People keep saying, “forced”, I don’t think it means what they think it means.
The people using “forced” or “mandatory” are using the terms in their technical and contextual sense. When you choose vertical progression to give players a sense of progression you are instituting a non-optional gear grind. The stat variance of the initial pieces is irrelevant to the issue. Vertical progression progresses. You either chase the stats or slowly become unable to play the game.
Then we should just remove the dailies and get it over with.
No more people getting tricked into thinking that they were forced.
No more whining about having to do boring stuff.
At this point removing daily and monthly seem to me the ideal solution, and for the love of me I don’t even know why it’s there in the first place.
I spvp all day and I barely notice it.
If the game’s fun, you should play it because its fun.
But apparently everyone’s playing for the dailies these days…
for all you that argue about doing 5 dungeons is not that hard (i don’t do pve in this game or craft i play for WvWvW) i guess you wouldn’t mind if the monthly also included taking stonemist castle 5 times so all would be fair
You don’t have a good grasp on playstyle in this context. We are not talking about catering to every last detail of play. Players usually self-select around PvE open world/PvE dungeons/PvP. There are people that hate dungeons and hate PvP. There is no reason to mandate that people play major game systems that they detest. But, given that I wouldn’t put salvage in as a required activity either. The key is for there to be options available that allow players to both play the game enjoyably and get the daily and monthly achievements.
I’m all for choice. Maybe have selectable Monthly criteria in Hard / Medium / Easy categories so people don’t just choose the easiest ones in a given list.
Hard: Complete 12 Different Dungeon Explorable Paths / Retake The Orr Temples
Medium: Complete All Story Mode Dungeons / Do 100 Events
Easy: Vanquish A Dungeon Path / Kill 20 Champions
(These are just examples to illustrate a point. Don’t shout that one is easier than the other)
WvW should also have their own Monthly achievements. Hardcore WvW players don’t want to PvE, and visa versa.
But even if you gave choice, people would still complain because not every choice would fit into their playstyle. When it comes to things like this, you need to have some sort of challenging aspect to it otherwise the rewards are just handed.
I really have to ask though….at level 80, what exactly do you do if not for running some sort of dungeons?
I do WvW or I play world completion, I only have it at 100% on one of my characters after all but I have nine slots so far.
I’m not going to complain about dungeons in monthlies, but as someone who absolutely hates dungeon grinding at max level I can understand the sentiment. That I don’t have to do this in GW2 is one of the main reasons I play it. But now they started introducing this gear creep with ascended items that were originally only available from dungeons (well, fractals) and are now still much easier to obtain if you do play dungeons. Naturally some people are going to complain, I don’t get why people are so surprised by this. This always happens when the target audience of a product changes.
This isn’t even the first monthly that requires dungeons. We’ve had enough time to try and see if they aren’t so bad after all, since they were in the previous monthlies too. I don’t buy the argument that these achievements are supposed to get us out of our comfort zone. If I can’t be in my comfort zone in a game why would I play it?
But even if you gave choice, people would still complain because not every choice would fit into their playstyle. When it comes to things like this, you need to have some sort of challenging aspect to it otherwise the rewards are just handed.
True story.
I’ll be the first to complain not having a daily or monthly for logging in or forum posting.
Damnnn The game sure is going downhill fast…
(edited by showatt.9413)
Instanced dungeon grinding is the lazy mmo devs favorite tool. But since we already have WoW and a bazzillion other WoW clones (like GW2) it is no wonder people have stopped logging in.
ArenaNet was smart enough to realize that allowing players to choose how to achieve their daily rewards makes sense. They just need to extend the same logic to monthlies and they’re set, because despite what some arrogant jerks might claim, the fact that you don’t want to do something in the game, doesn’t mean you don’t want to do anything.
Dailies and monthlies are NOT designed to expose people to parts of the game that they otherwise wouldn’t try (screw what the propaganda says). They’re designed to keep worlds somewhat populated during the lean times between new content. They’re to keep people plugged into the game. So it doesn’t matter what activities people are doing while they are in the game, so long as they are in-game doing them.
Sure, there’s no subscription on the line, but there is still player perception, especially new players. No one wants to play on an empty server and new players are more likely to become ex-players fast, when their first experiences with the game are lonely ones. Population and concurrency matters, even with a sub-less game.
As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to earning your “log in” reward each month, 50 player kills is just as valid a way of doing it as running a handful of dungeons or fractals, gathering or crafting 500 items, killing a 100 different mob types, salvaging a load of junk, gambling at the Mystic Forge, capturing keeps, killing champions, and on and on and on. The fact that you are in the game, active and playing, makes you just as deserving of receiving a reward as anyone else, regardless of how you spend that time.
The answer is painfully simple: let people play the game, the way they want to play the game. We’ve heard it a hundred times and seen it in practice a fair few times (and we’ll see it again with dailies, starting this month). It works. Fix the monthlies by applying this tried and true philosophy to them and reward people for staying plugged into the game, doing the things they most like doing.
I think in the 2-3 months I’ve been playing GW2 I’ve gotten the daily maybe a handful of times. No biggie – I just ignore it and the monthly.
Do I want an ‘accended’ thingie? Nope.
I love PvE and WvW, but I stay away from dungeons. Hate ‘em. I’ve done Fractals, CoF and Arah and never want to do them again.
I hate PvP and WvW. Why i was forced to do at least WvW for mothly?
Quid pro quo.
(edited by Sitael.4680)
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
Well they created this huge beautiful world and then forced everyone to play in a little rooms with ugly walls. Pretty much the worst thing you can do to a mmo player.
Of course, some people like to stare at walls and will pay to do so, but most people want something more.
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
Because while some people don’t mind all the content, others don’t like doing certain parts of the game, ie dungeons, W3, World Events, etc. Having a daily that can be done while doing any of these is great, but with how the monthly is set up now, people have to do parts of the game that they don’t want to do. It’s a legitimate complaint in regards to dailies/monthly. It’s only “crying” or “whining” to those who don’t mind doing it and can’t see past their little bubble and realize “Oh yeah, I can see their point, I wouldn’t want to have to do dungeons/W3/World Events (insert whatever) to complete a daily/monthly.”
I have not completed a single monthy yet. Mainly because i don’t like WvW, and the dungeons/pvp are made for hardcore players…which i am not.
So untill they make monthlys casual/solo player friendly, i won’t be able to complete them nor enjoy their benefits.
Storymode dungeons aren’t made for hardcore players…explorable mode dungeons are. Storymodes are relatively easy, comparatively.
Arah story mode : first time i did it took almost 3 hours…and i was in my panties from dieing so often. Second time didn’t take as long, but still not enjoyable. And both times i did not learn the “mechanics” of the dungeon. So i consider it “hard core” as compared to other game dungeons.
ok, this post is similar to the legendary posts. “i dont want to have to wvw for my legendary” well i dont want to have to pve for mine. the same concept applies here. the devs want you to do ALL aspects of the game, therefore they will put incentives for you to explore these aspects. dont want to do something on there but like one of the other things on there? well some other people dont like what you like on there and like what you do not like. they cannot cater to you until you are a person who likes what they get no matte rwhat it is. they already are gonna make dailies customizable. what more do you want??
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
Because while some people don’t mind all the content, others don’t like doing certain parts of the game, ie dungeons, W3, World Events, etc. Having a daily that can be done while doing any of these is great, but with how the monthly is set up now, people have to do parts of the game that they don’t want to do. It’s a legitimate complaint in regards to dailies/monthly. It’s only “crying” or “whining” to those who don’t mind doing it and can’t see past their little bubble and realize “Oh yeah, I can see their point, I wouldn’t want to have to do dungeons/W3/World Events (insert whatever) to complete a daily/monthly.”
It’s kinda ironic that you say people refuse to see from their point of view when you’re refusing to see it from the point of view of the others.
Lemme explain this to you. There are 3 different kind of people here on this forum:
1 : whiners who doesn’t want to do some dailies and are whining about them on forums.
2: People who don’t mind doing it and tell the whiners they don’t have to do it if they don’t want to…which is true.
3: People who doesn’t want to do some dailies, just like the whiners, but instead of whining they simply ignore the dailies altogether and do things they enjoy find it perfectly livable. They, in their spare time, decide to second the people from the 2nd category, telling the whiners it doesn’t have to be like that.
honest to god I can’t remember the last time I did a daily for the sake if doing it. I just did whatever I wanted and the dailies ended up getting completed. I never needed any reward from the daily to get my full exotic. I never needed daily to do anything in the game.
On the contrary, attempting to change the daily will never solves the problem because no one plays the game the same way so why bother?
Plus, they’re already introducing optional dailies + rotation.
So tell me again what’s the point to all this whine? I thought so. It’s been said before and it’ll be said 100 times to come : Daily isn’t the game. If there isn’t a daily that suit your play-style, just do whatever you want. You play the game to have fun. If the dailys aren’t for you, surely there will be other part of the game that you enjoy, just as I enjoy spvp but could not stand wvw for even 1 second.
Do I want it changed? No. because I’m perfectly aware that while I don’t like wvw, there are people who does.
ok, this post is similar to the legendary posts. “i dont want to have to wvw for my legendary” well i dont want to have to pve for mine. the same concept applies here. the devs want you to do ALL aspects of the game, therefore they will put incentives for you to explore these aspects. dont want to do something on there but like one of the other things on there? well some other people dont like what you like on there and like what you do not like. they cannot cater to you until you are a person who likes what they get no matte rwhat it is. they already are gonna make dailies customizable. what more do you want??
But the Legendary is just a skin and you get nothing from it except cosmetic’s (that is until they change that and make it the best weapon(s) in the game, then I can see your arguement as more valid).
ok, this post is similar to the legendary posts. “i dont want to have to wvw for my legendary” well i dont want to have to pve for mine. the same concept applies here. the devs want you to do ALL aspects of the game, therefore they will put incentives for you to explore these aspects. dont want to do something on there but like one of the other things on there? well some other people dont like what you like on there and like what you do not like. they cannot cater to you until you are a person who likes what they get no matte rwhat it is. they already are gonna make dailies customizable. what more do you want??
But the Legendary is just a skin and you get nothing from it except cosmetic’s (that is until they change that and make it the best weapon(s) in the game, then I can see your arguement as more valid).
the legendaries will always be best in slot, so they will tier up to match ascended, and then tier up to match the next level, so there is a good reason behind getting one. also, i meant the reasoning of the posts, rather than what the end result was.
ok, this post is similar to the legendary posts. “i dont want to have to wvw for my legendary” well i dont want to have to pve for mine. the same concept applies here. the devs want you to do ALL aspects of the game, therefore they will put incentives for you to explore these aspects. dont want to do something on there but like one of the other things on there? well some other people dont like what you like on there and like what you do not like. they cannot cater to you until you are a person who likes what they get no matte rwhat it is. they already are gonna make dailies customizable. what more do you want??
But the Legendary is just a skin and you get nothing from it except cosmetic’s (that is until they change that and make it the best weapon(s) in the game, then I can see your arguement as more valid).
But then what do you get from daily?
Some karma jug, which you used to either make legendary or buy exotics. All appearals.
Some mystic coins, which you used to make legendary or exotic. All appearals and can be earned without dailies.
Laurel, which allows you to buy stuff that is 80 % appearal, and 19 % of the non-appearals can be bought with other currencies.
The one amulet that is limited to laurel you don’t really need it to compete.
Gold, which you use to buy appearals.
Honestly, how does ANYONE take dailies and monthlies seriously I have no idea. It’s a useless function and if you already have achievements I really don’t understand what its for, other than making people rage. (and play the game via the boring, grindy way)
Might as well remove it and save us all the breath wasted on debating about it.
(edited by showatt.9413)
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
Because while some people don’t mind all the content, others don’t like doing certain parts of the game, ie dungeons, W3, World Events, etc. Having a daily that can be done while doing any of these is great, but with how the monthly is set up now, people have to do parts of the game that they don’t want to do. It’s a legitimate complaint in regards to dailies/monthly. It’s only “crying” or “whining” to those who don’t mind doing it and can’t see past their little bubble and realize “Oh yeah, I can see their point, I wouldn’t want to have to do dungeons/W3/World Events (insert whatever) to complete a daily/monthly.”
It’s kinda ironic that you say people refuse to see from their point of view when you’re refusing to see it from the point of view of the others.
Lemme explain this to you. There are 3 different kind of people here on this forum:
1 : whiners who doesn’t want to do some dailies and are whining about them on forums.
2: People who don’t mind doing it and tell the whiners they don’t have to do it if they don’t want to…which is true.
3: People who doesn’t want to do some dailies, just like the whiners, but instead of whining they simply ignore the dailies altogether and do things they enjoy find it perfectly livable. They, in their spare time, decide to second the people from the 2nd category, telling the whiners it doesn’t have to be like that.
honest to god I can’t remember the last time I did a daily for the sake if doing it. I just did whatever I wanted and the dailies ended up getting completed. I never needed any reward from the daily to get my full exotic. I never needed daily to do anything in the game.
On the contrary, attempting to change the daily will never solves the problem because no one plays the game the same way so why bother?
Plus, they’re already introducing optional dailies + rotation.
So tell me again what’s the point to all this whine? I thought so. It’s been said before and it’ll be said 100 times to come : Daily isn’t the game. If there isn’t a daily that suit your play-style, just do whatever you want. You play the game to have fun. If the dailys aren’t for you, surely there will be other part of the game that you enjoy, just as I enjoy spvp but could not stand wvw for even 1 second.
Do I want it changed? No. because I’m perfectly aware that while I don’t like wvw, there are people who does.
Again, you just proved my point. You say you do what you want to do and you end up completing your daily. How is this any different from other people wanting to do what they want to do, but are unable to complete a monthly in the process because it involves something they don’t want to do.?.?.? Personally, I don’t have an issue with how they’re set up now. I don’t mind dungeoning, sPvP, doing world events, or even W3 (even if W3 is mainly a bland back and forth zerg fest with no real reward/sense of accomplishment as of late). Even before I wouldn’t get monthly’s done (Jumping puzzles…seriously.?.?.?) and I didn’t complain. Unfortunately now, doing dailies/monthly’s is the ONLY other way for those who don’t like dungeoning to get the next teir of gear (which WILL make a difference when more gets released), but that’s for another topic on GW2 and vertical progression…
WvW should also have their own Monthly achievements. Hardcore WvW players don’t want to PvE, and visa versa.
But even if you gave choice, people would still complain because not every choice would fit into their playstyle. When it comes to things like this, you need to have some sort of challenging aspect to it otherwise the rewards are just handed.
I support choice. Yes, WvW hardcores should have a WvW monthly and a WvW mapping achievement as well.
Yes, there will always be complaints (witness the recent issues in dailies). Still, offering choices rather than “Do this whole list” might lessen the number of complaints, and would be inclusive of more players — both of which I believe to be “good things.”
Challenge is also good, but it’s tricky. How challenging are 100 events, 5 dailies or 500 salvage? Some might say that all 3 of those reqs are just time-in-game gates. Given some of the advice given to anti-dungeon complaints, 5 dungeon paths is not a challenge either — to those who do them regularly — nor was 50 WvW kills.
Challenge is subjective, too. Those 5o WvW kills were a pain in the kitten for me when I did them. This was because my server held nothing for months, and was always badly outnumbered. “Run with the zerg and you’ll be done in no time!” You can’t run with a zerg if there is no zerg.
Just to point out that the first big complaint about ascended gear was vertical progression and the fact that you could only get it by doing the fractals dungeon. So ANET said they would be adding content for other ways to earn ascended items. Yet for this months achievement there’s a dungeon requirement. Obviously, people who don’t like doing fractals won’t be the people who like regular dungeons either. Yes, you can still accumulate laurels and ascended items by doing just the daily but the monthly is a better payoff.
Now I am not complaining about doing dungeons for myself…..I don’t like them but I will do them if I have to. I’m just saying that acquiring ascended gear thru laurels is again tied to doing dungeons even if it’s only five. I think giving people choices on the monthly like they did on the Wintersday event is the way to go.
They need to offer choices for the monthly. I have done everything in this game except for PvE dungeons. If they let people choose between doing dungeons, WvW activities, or something else then I would be ok with the monthly achievement.
As a PvP player I need to be on equal terms with my opponents. I am already behind the gear curve and need to catch up. So yes, this month I am forced to do dungeons.
I think one of the big problems that anet did with dungeons is not having proper drop tables for bosses, just random blues and a chest with more random blues. If we actually had class specific items for instance which only dropped from Dungeon Bosses and I’m talking about having an actually proper decent chance to get them here then the game would be suffering less player drop off right now.
I don’t think I’m getting the point of editing the title of “uncomfortable” threads adding in “in my opinion” or “I think that”…
Isn’t every single post an opinion?
If I say “GW2 is great” it isn’t edited in “GW2 is great, in my opinion”, so if someone says “GW2 forces players to complete dungeons” it should stay as it is.
Not that I think players are forced to complete dungeon that is.
Players are not forced to do anything at all.
The only thing a human being is forced to is having a heartbeat, because heart is indipendent than our willpower and cannot be stopped manually.
The above is my opinion btw (except the heart part, that is a fact which you can check yourself… if you can’t check your heartbeat then you most likely aren’t reading this post).
I think one of the big problems that anet did with dungeons is not having proper drop tables for bosses, just random blues and a chest with more random blues. If we actually had class specific items for instance which only dropped from Dungeon Bosses and I’m talking about having an actually proper decent chance to get them here then the game would be suffering less player drop off right now.
Add in the lack of anything useful from Dragon chests and chests from World Events and you pretty much covered a major issue…
I think one of the big problems that anet did with dungeons is not having proper drop tables for bosses, just random blues and a chest with more random blues. If we actually had class specific items for instance which only dropped from Dungeon Bosses and I’m talking about having an actually proper decent chance to get them here then the game would be suffering less player drop off right now.
It really is a bad system that give you tokens so that you are guaranteed to get an item of your choice instead of having to potentionally play forever to get a certain item.
Bad bad designed system indeed! RNG is so much more fun..!
If you don’t like what you have to do to get the monthlies, don’t do them. If you don’t think the ends justifies the means, don’t do them. Simple as that.
You will get less laurels, yes but that’s what you get for not taking a small detour away from how you usually play. Before you say, “But I should be able to play how I want!”, you already are able to play how you want, you just won’t get the monthlies like that. If all I did was, I dunno, farm some kind of lodestone over and over, it would be stupid of me to complain that I didn’t get the monthly because it didn’t cater to my playstyle. There is no way to cater to every single person’s playstyle.
Additionally, not having the best stat items does not mean you’re being forced to get it, regardless of how anyone feels.
Here’s an example of the situation:
If I say to a child, “If you clean your room, I’ll give you this lollypop!” what happens?
Well children are completely insane so it could be any number of things but here’s a couple:
- They could get really excited go and clean up their room as fast as they can so they can get the lollypop because that’s what they were really interested in.
- They could moan and complain but still go and clean up the room because even though they hate cleaning the room, at least they’ll get a lollypop out of it.
- They could pout and say they don’t want to clean up the room, completely focused on being angry that they forget about the lollypop because they hate cleaning rooms.
- They could kick, scream and demand the lollypop over and over because that’s the only thing they’re interested in but will not clean the room because they hate cleaning rooms.
- They could do something totally unexpected like, spontaneously vomit, trip over whilst somehow having a fork in their hand even though, to your memory, they never had an opportunity to obtain said fork, grab the tablecloth on the way down, pulling everything off the table, have the fork narrowly miss stabbing them in the face/eye only to have their fork-wielding hand land right next to a power outlet. You know what I’m talking about.
Now, assuming I don’t simply fold to the kid’s demands and ignoring the fact that it’s a real life example with possible variables and not a game, who gets the lollypop? The ones who figured the ends justified the means. They were not forced to clean the room, they were simply given incentive to do something they wouldn’t normally do.
All mmos forums are full of ridiculous senseless whiners, specially on the genral discussion section…. How can you possibly complain about a very small task for a monthly achievement.
Because while some people don’t mind all the content, others don’t like doing certain parts of the game, ie dungeons, W3, World Events, etc. Having a daily that can be done while doing any of these is great, but with how the monthly is set up now, people have to do parts of the game that they don’t want to do. It’s a legitimate complaint in regards to dailies/monthly. It’s only “crying” or “whining” to those who don’t mind doing it and can’t see past their little bubble and realize “Oh yeah, I can see their point, I wouldn’t want to have to do dungeons/W3/World Events (insert whatever) to complete a daily/monthly.”
It’s kinda ironic that you say people refuse to see from their point of view when you’re refusing to see it from the point of view of the others.
Lemme explain this to you. There are 3 different kind of people here on this forum:
1 : whiners who doesn’t want to do some dailies and are whining about them on forums.
2: People who don’t mind doing it and tell the whiners they don’t have to do it if they don’t want to…which is true.
3: People who doesn’t want to do some dailies, just like the whiners, but instead of whining they simply ignore the dailies altogether and do things they enjoy find it perfectly livable. They, in their spare time, decide to second the people from the 2nd category, telling the whiners it doesn’t have to be like that.
honest to god I can’t remember the last time I did a daily for the sake if doing it. I just did whatever I wanted and the dailies ended up getting completed. I never needed any reward from the daily to get my full exotic. I never needed daily to do anything in the game.
On the contrary, attempting to change the daily will never solves the problem because no one plays the game the same way so why bother?
Plus, they’re already introducing optional dailies + rotation.
So tell me again what’s the point to all this whine? I thought so. It’s been said before and it’ll be said 100 times to come : Daily isn’t the game. If there isn’t a daily that suit your play-style, just do whatever you want. You play the game to have fun. If the dailys aren’t for you, surely there will be other part of the game that you enjoy, just as I enjoy spvp but could not stand wvw for even 1 second.
Do I want it changed? No. because I’m perfectly aware that while I don’t like wvw, there are people who does.
Thankfully Arena Net disagree with you. Choice is important.
People shouldn’t have to do content they don’t enjoy to be rewarded. Arena Net obviously agree with this statement and this month this issue will be fixed with the addition of player choice in daily activities. .
If the designers are going to insist on keeping dungeons and fractals as a requirement of monthlies and not give players a choice to avoid them in lieu of doing something they prefer, the very least that could be done is to implement a method of quickly finding a group.
I don’t mind dungeons and have enjoyed the few visits to fractals, but like many, the amount of time it takes trying to find groups is a major turn off. Even in a large guild 10-20 minutes is the average standing around time spamming for participants and waiting for ppl to finish what they are doing .
So far this month I have tried to do one a day – were 8 days in and I have 2 completed – 2 fails and 4 days where the wait time to gather or join a group exceeded 30 minutes and I gave up – In total that’s 3 hours and 10 minutes of doing nothing, time i could have spent doing in-game things I enjoy.
Getting the 30 laurels faster for your ammy/rings is needed if you’re WvWing, and encouraging WvW players to do dungeons does suck.
Otherwise if you’re just playing the open wold endgame, you don’t even need ascended gear for that to begin with.
If the designers are going to insist on keeping dungeons and fractals as a requirement of monthlies and not give players a choice to avoid them in lieu of doing something they prefer, the very least that could be done is to implement a method of quickly finding a group.
I don’t mind dungeons and have enjoyed the few visits to fractals, but like many, the amount of time it takes trying to find groups is a major turn off. Even in a large guild 10-20 minutes is the average standing around time spamming for participants and waiting for ppl to finish what they are doing .
So far this month I have tried to do one a day – were 8 days in and I have 2 completed – 2 fails and 4 days where the wait time to gather or join a group exceeded 30 minutes and I gave up – In total that’s 3 hours and 10 minutes of doing nothing, time i could have spent doing in-game things I enjoy.
Its not just the time to actually find a group ~ even with gw2lfg.com its not that easy anymore finding groups as people are quitting enmasse. What I have a problem with is not just the time to find a group, + the time to clear the dungeon but what if your group can’t take down a boss or finish part of the dungeon and then breaks up – that is a significant amount of time wasted, and that leaves a very sour after taste.
If the designers are going to insist on keeping dungeons and fractals as a requirement of monthlies and not give players a choice to avoid them in lieu of doing something they prefer, the very least that could be done is to implement a method of quickly finding a group.
I don’t mind dungeons and have enjoyed the few visits to fractals, but like many, the amount of time it takes trying to find groups is a major turn off. Even in a large guild 10-20 minutes is the average standing around time spamming for participants and waiting for ppl to finish what they are doing .
So far this month I have tried to do one a day – were 8 days in and I have 2 completed – 2 fails and 4 days where the wait time to gather or join a group exceeded 30 minutes and I gave up – In total that’s 3 hours and 10 minutes of doing nothing, time i could have spent doing in-game things I enjoy.
Its not just the time to actually find a group ~ even with gw2lfg.com its not that easy anymore finding groups as people are quitting enmasse. What I have a problem with is not just the time to find a group, + the time to clear the dungeon but what if your group can’t take down a boss or finish part of the dungeon and then breaks up – that is a significant amount of time wasted, and that leaves a very sour after taste.
Yup I have only just found out about gw2lfg.com – Clearly something is amiss when the player base is having to provide its own tools to get the most out of a game.
People are so care-bear these days its honestly getting pathetic, gaming as a whole is being whined about by a bunch of children. People whining about time wasted, you’re playing the wrong genre; MMO’s were and some are designed to take TIME to get things done; just because you enter a dungeon, doesnt mean you’re guarenteed to WIN, its meant to be a challenge people, figure out what you did wrong, try again. The way some of you talk, its like you think you should auto-win the second you enter the doors. People whining about GW2LFG not being good enough, dont use it; I find groups in game all the time, the old fashioned way; like how I did in EQ. Gimme a break, just do us all a favor and stop playing.
5 Dungeons in a month… not to hard to do, if you dont want to do it then dont i guess
I have not completed a single monthy yet. Mainly because i don’t like WvW, and the dungeons/pvp are made for hardcore players…which i am not.
So untill they make monthlys casual/solo player friendly, i won’t be able to complete them nor enjoy their benefits.
Storymode dungeons aren’t made for hardcore players…explorable mode dungeons are. Storymodes are relatively easy, comparatively.
Arah story mode : first time i did it took almost 3 hours…and i was in my panties from dieing so often. Second time didn’t take as long, but still not enjoyable. And both times i did not learn the “mechanics” of the dungeon. So i consider it “hard core” as compared to other game dungeons.
So you pick the level 80 dungeon as the example? Good move. Maybe you should start with an earlier dungeon, which gives you a better background for later dungeons. Arah is harder than most of the other dungeons in the game, because it’s the last one.
The last time I played Arah storymode I didn’t die at all, and I’m far from a hard core player. And I don’t like dungeons.
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