Forming an alliance, who would you side with?
The Tengu for sure.
I like the Kodan, but they seem too scattered for any real military alliance and seem stuck to their icebergs. I would rather have a force that can move around than one which is stuck to their home. The Quaggans don’t seem tough enough (I still love them though) overall due to their societal views on fighting. Overall I would have to say the Tengu. They seem smart enough and powerful enough to ally with. My second choice would the the skritt, due to the fact that they seem to not hate the other races as much as others, and when together are an effective force.
Samuel Stormwalker
Largos .
Yep, Largos wins it for me.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
I’d side with the little known, secretive clan of techno-artisans that hide underneath Tyria.
Those Artfully Nuking Engineering Technicians have immense power and seem hell-bent on quietly, systematically destroying the world. Word is, they’re the ones responsible for the silent disappearance of several dragons, including Jormag!
Woe betide any who oppose them! They are force to be reckoned with.
Liadri. Knowing how weak most NPC’s are, I’m sure we could 2 man half of Kyrta in days and control the realm ourselves.
- John Smith