Hello, folks!
In 2012 I did some forum research into happiness in GW2. So now it is 2014… how have things changed? I sampled 30 posts in each profession sub-forum and judged the happiness of the OP on a scale of 1-5 (1 being very unhappy, 3 neutral, 5 very happy). This was done in March and May of this year. The ranking system was quite subjective and used a lot of my own discretion, so take the results with a grain of salt!
The overall forum happiness in March and May is 3.1: slightly happy! Although we are not flying colours here, at least the happiness is above neutral: which was not the case in 2012 (2.9 in September and December). The Profession Balance Forum was the unhappier than all the individual professions, with a happiness of 2.6.
Congratulations Engineers! You are the happiest profession in Mar2014!
RANKING (rounded to 1 dp):
1. Engineers _______________________3.5
2. Warriors & Guardians______________3.3
3. Elementalists & Thieves_____________3.1
4. Rangers, Mesmers & Necromancers____2.9
_________________Professions Overall: 3.1
5. Profession Balance ________________2.6
Overall, happiness on the forums have increased 23% since 2012. Either the angry ones have left, or the people still here are getting happier, or both!
Engineers are the happiest profession not only in May 2014, but also in December 2012 AND overall! The reason they scored so high was their absence of complaints, combined with many OP’s saying things like “my engineer is my favourite to play”, and “best profession in the game”. Engineers clearly take the cake in May. Congratulations Engineers!
Warriors made a huge bound to success, increasing in happiness by 46% since 2012 to take out second place equal. I can’t remember why they were so unhappy in release year, but there you go. Good on ya, Warriors.
2014 is also a much better year for Rangers, Mesmers, and Necromancers, who are all about 40% happier. If anyone remembers release year, I remember the forums at that time were flooded in a plethora of bug complaints regarding pets, clones, and minions. So it seems like that problem has at least improved.
Guardians and Engineers happiness have increased about 10%, but don’t let this deceive you because these two classes have been happy since the beginning.
Thieves have increased slightly in 2014 (3%) but they were considerably happier in release year. They haven’t taken their nerfs lightly. Although I must add that most of the complaints in the thief forum are other classes complaining about them being too strong (similar case for Necromancers this month).
Elementalists are the only profession to be unhappier in 2014 than they were in 2012, having decreased 9%. The most common complaints I observed in the forum are about them feeling underpowered, i.e. being too squishy and not dealing enough damage, and feeling weak in PvP.
_Rangers, Mesmers and Necromancers are the unhappiest professions in May 2014, being the only professions to sit below the equality line. Most common complaints were regarding PvP imbalance.
PvP REQUEST: @Zuik.7158 and @Skan.5301
Here is my analysis of the sPVP and WvW sub-forums.
sPVP: 2.2
WvW: 2.9
I had lots of fun reading the sPVP forums, but they do seem rather unhappy. With a score of 2.2, this is one of the lowest scores I have EVER had over my four studies including about 100 forums. The only one that tops it is Personal Story (2.1) in September 2012, because it was not working. An interesting aside: at 2.3, even the BLTP forum was happier that sPVP, and it was completely down at the time. So there are some very unhappy sPVP’ers out there!
In fact, sPVP has had negative happiness in every study that I have run (2.7, 2.7, 2.6, 2.2).
WvW was also unhappy, but they were unhappier two months ago when they had a score of 2.5. The majority of the complaints here were concerning EoTM.
sPVP is 12% more unhappy than it was in release year. WvW is 10% more unhappy than it was in release year.
sPVP is the most hated forum, with 23% of posts expressing their rage.
In comparison, Profession Balance (which was also quite an unhappy forum) only had 10% hate posts.
Warriors and Engineers enjoyed the most love, with 13% being love posts.
Guardians are the most undecided, and did not have any love nor any hate.
Hope you found this interesting!
The forum is happier than it is in 2012. Profession Balance is rather unhappy. In May 2014, Engineers are the happiest profession. Rangers, Mesmers and Necromancers are the unhappiest. Elementalists are the only profession who is unhappier in 2014 than they were in release year.
(edited by Karina.9871)