Forum vs. in-game moderation
They can edit a post in 20 seconds. but 2 weeks to fix a bugged skill point.
They can edit a post in 20 seconds. but 2 weeks to fix a bugged skill point.
Apples and oranges. False dichotomy.
TIL forum moderators are also programmers.
TIL forum moderators are also programmers.
Need that NBC ‘more you know’ logo.
In case you couldn’t tell, OP (and Doz or whatever your name is,) that’s sarcasm. We’re being facetious. They aren’t the same people. And I know I repeated myself, but for some odd reason I feel like you probably still won’t get it.
Not sure why that would be directed to me. I in no way said anything about programmers. Forum mods and in-game GMs shares a similar skill set and could quite easily be handled by the same people.
Thanks for your snide comment anyway.
Might want to watch out, I had this exact topic closed and infracted on the other day.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Wow. That’s absolute garbage. It was my understanding this was a public forum and we are be able to discuss what we want, as long as we remain civil replies are kept on topic. So now we’re not allowed to create topics we WANT to discuss? That’s going too far.
Nothing that reflects negatively on the game please!
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
Rarely saw GMs in GW1 as well… and I don’t expect one to just show up in the world.
Community Coordinator
Hi Everyone,
As explained in our code of conduct, if you do not agree with a moderation action or think that it was an inappropriate one, please send a mail to
Also, if you don’t want to see your threads moderated, please stick to rules. We are trying to keep this forum as a peaceful and constructive place. So everyone can express what he/she feels as long as it respects the code of conduct.
Thanks for your understanding.