Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AESOkami.1072


I think I’ve gone mad.

I was doing the personal story quest where you had to help ogres collect tree trunks with Sieran, but as soon as I start the instance, I see Kralkatorrik’s champion out of nowhere. I kept my eye on it while fighting the harpies, and a little bit later I see another Shatterer.

Both of them seemed to be floating in the air while breathing fire at nothing. Then they fly off into the sky, teleport back to standing on air, and repeat.

Just what the kitten were they doing there? Were they both sent by Kralk to brand my charr and the ogre but they got distracted?

Please reply your thoughts on this.


The Elder Dragons could’ve been great if they weren’t victims of piss poor writing.

Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kesvalk.1674


had the same problem, also saw 2 of them on ground near the quest target.

it’s like the are walking on a invisible shield up in the sky.

Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Only one of those dragons bears the title ‘The Shatterer’. When it dies, next one inherits it. There are multiple dragons flying around the area. Same as in Orr. Just look up and there are dragons in the sky.

Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

It’s a bug of some sort with that particular mission, I’ve experienced it too.


Found 2 Shatterers during ogre quest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


Same happens with Claw of Jormag.
Same happens with Tequatl the sunless – but funny is that, it’s not like he dies but runs away to sea.

The Shatterer is like this as well.

It’s also mentioned on wiki, that once the Champion of Elder dragon dies, next one will receive the title from the previous one.

During Arah MyStory Mission, while flying on a ship, you can see countless Tequatl’s, which rather have their own names.

During LA Fort attack, Plaguebearer looks the same and behaves the same as Tequatl.


Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?