“There’s a difference between constructive criticism and criticism. In my experience, the moderators aren’t quashing all negative feedback – they’re keeping the discussion civilized and removing posts that can have a bad impact on the game or players (accusations that players are scammers, exploit details, etc.)
ANet has an interest in the forums being a friendly place where most folks feel comfortable participating in the discussions. More feedback from more of the playerbase is definitely of more value than allowing an angry subset of the playerbase to rant unrestricted. I read the Battle.net forums, but I don’t post there because of the unfettered nastiness. I’d rather the moderation be a little too strict (yes, I’ve had posts moderated) than the forums turn into a free-for-all brawl. "
I understand where your view point is coming from. However, I think over moderating a forum is a great way to loose peoples interest in sharing there thoughts and ideas. No, this does not mean to sit by the window when a tornado is coming.
As far as battle.net. Here is my take on that one, 1.) You pay for play (Kinda prefer that type of game play, personally). 2.) They allow “freedom of expression” without allowing bashing (Harassment, threats, etc) and 3.) If you cannot handle “freedom of expression” or as you so kindly have pointed out “unfettered nastiness”, then do not play and support the company.
However, GW2 is also fun to play. I do have issues with there “forgot password” system, but over all so far I am enjoying playing GW2 again.
But staying on topic, I do respect and understand your point of view, but I agree with blizzards way more then Gw2. I guess that is another difference between FTP Vs PTP.