Fourm changes. Good, bad?

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394


CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator


Given certain trolls seem to be free to post as they please and mods frequently edit posts to make language less negative i doubt this is a good thing,

In regards to coming across posts that violate the rules, rather than reply in kind, please report any Code of Conduct violations you come across. Thousands up thousands of posts are made every single day and although we wish we could review them all, it’s just not physically possible, so any assistance we can get from players like you using the report function are greatly appreciated.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I assume the lore forum is going to be expanded upon, right? So players can talk everything story-related there, like the living story and the personal story.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394


CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator


There’s quite a few good discussion threads that have been moved to the trashcan, just because one or two posters made nonconstructive posts.

I wanted to touch on this specifically.

First, our forum software does not allow us to split off posts from threads. Our only course is to lock a thread, delete each post, or remove the whole thread.

Second, we’ve been working with the Moderation Team to try to save or even close the threads, versus removing the whole thing. There are a lot more threads out there which are receiving Moderator notices when they go off the rails, so folks can get back on-topic. Our hope is that with a more streamlined forum, we can concentrate on making the experience better.

I much prefer to keep a thread, unless it goes off the rails. If we have more infractions in a post than we have good posts, it is easier to remove it or lock it, so the discussion can “reboot” as it were.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394


CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator


As there has not been any inflammatory remarks in this thread, I’m not sure why there was a reminder regarding the moderation of threads. Maybe I’m personally missing something.

Just to help keep things transparent in the process…there have been 5 posts on this thread which you aren’t seeing. Hence the request to keep it constructive and respectful to all.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394


CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator

I assume the lore forum is going to be expanded upon, right? So players can talk everything story-related there, like the living story and the personal story.

What I can say is that we are not finished with the forum changes.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


(…) Our hope is that with a more streamlined forum, we can concentrate on making the experience better.


Nvm, let’s just wait – until when are the changes supposed to be finished?

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“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

(edited by Rouven.7409)

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I assume the lore forum is going to be expanded upon, right? So players can talk everything story-related there, like the living story and the personal story.

What I can say is that we are not finished with the forum changes.

If in time it becomes an issue with suggestion threads clogging the Discussion area do you think there may be value in adding Suggestion subforums back, but in a more specific way? For example, the WvW section could have its own Suggestions area (I guarantee that would see plenty of chatter), the sPvP section have its own, etc? Adding suggestion threads to an already highly active Discussion area will have posts rolling off into obscurity at what may prove to be too quick of a pace for people to keep up.


Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


The removal of the Personal Story forum feels like the official death of the personal story system in GW2. Is there a better place to discuss the personal stories or is its removal our indication that no more personal story will ever be added?

I just thought the same of the Dynamic Events Forum

Where should that be discussed now ?

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Where would I repost my miniature thread? I cant find a subforum it fits most. Black lion one maybe?
maybe you can just move it to an approprirate subforum so I dont have to recreate it

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antara.3189


As there has not been any inflammatory remarks in this thread, I’m not sure why there was a reminder regarding the moderation of threads. Maybe I’m personally missing something.

Just to help keep things transparent in the process…there have been 5 posts on this thread which you aren’t seeing. Hence the request to keep it constructive and respectful to all.

Well then that definitely explains what I’m missing. Thank’s for the clarification

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I find the changes pretty much pointless to be honest. Neither for nor against them.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


In my opinion, the forum changes are counter productive and terrible. They do nothing but further alienate the community from the company and cause more PR issues for a once great company.

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


In my opinion, the forum changes are counter productive and terrible. They do nothing but further alienate the community from the company and cause more PR issues for a once great company.

Using the above post as an example: The question I would have if I were a mod (which I wouldn’t want that job..hats off to those who have the patience,) is “What is alienating the players, and how is it counterproductive?” Details are important. Vague statements don’t do anything to further understanding and cooperation.

I can understand how the poster feels, as I have felt similar about other issues, but not knowing where he’s coming from makes it easier for someone who is more trollish than I am to make comments that are uncalled for and end up derailing threads.

I personally believe this is why they’re being more diligent in their forum moderation.

@Aeonblade: I don’t mean anything personal by this post, I was using your post as an example of vague ideas that simply need to be a bit more fleshed out. No offense intended.

Level 80 Elementalist

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

From what I heard, they want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums most related to the area of the game. I’m not sure how useful that will be in the long-run though; it’ll be better in the sense that it will foster more discussion from players interested in that game’s aspect, but having suggestions spread out across the forums may make it harder to keep track of them, especially on sub-forums that are very fast-moving.

I’ll quote myself from another thread:

We want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums which make sense for their ideas. As example, if you have an idea about sPvP, you can and should post it in the sPvP sub-forum.

The development teams are very excited about this change.

So you are actually going to venture into the Dungeon forum, aside from people reporting posts?

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


What’s your view on the changes. Personal I raised an eyebrow when suggestions was pretty much scrapped.

Meh – it was a waste of electrons. ANet doesn’t look there for ideas. You might as well write a letter to /dev/null.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tumult.2578


From what I heard, they want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums most related to the area of the game. I’m not sure how useful that will be in the long-run though; it’ll be better in the sense that it will foster more discussion from players interested in that game’s aspect, but having suggestions spread out across the forums may make it harder to keep track of them, especially on sub-forums that are very fast-moving.

I’ll quote myself from another thread:

We want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums which make sense for their ideas. As example, if you have an idea about sPvP, you can and should post it in the sPvP sub-forum.

The development teams are very excited about this change.

So if I want to post a suggestion that pertains exclusively to PvE, where is that done?

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

From what I heard, they want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums most related to the area of the game. I’m not sure how useful that will be in the long-run though; it’ll be better in the sense that it will foster more discussion from players interested in that game’s aspect, but having suggestions spread out across the forums may make it harder to keep track of them, especially on sub-forums that are very fast-moving.

I’ll quote myself from another thread:

We want people to make suggestions in the sub-forums which make sense for their ideas. As example, if you have an idea about sPvP, you can and should post it in the sPvP sub-forum.

The development teams are very excited about this change.

So if I want to post a suggestion that pertains exclusively to PvE, where is that done?

General discussion, I guess. Or dungeons if it’s dungeon pve. ?

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thejoedude.3465


i do not really like the scrapping of the suggestions forum, i found it a good place to discuss problems with other players, how players would like to see it fixed, and things people would like to see added to the game, now we cannot do that anymore

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


As there has not been any inflammatory remarks in this thread, I’m not sure why there was a reminder regarding the moderation of threads. Maybe I’m personally missing something.

As far as the changes go, It’s a step in the right direction in my opinion, and I hope that the CDI evolves into a bigger process that also removes redundant threads regarding the same topic. A CDI covers a lot of topics, and also answers a lot of questions that other threads repeat.

That’s because they removed them. Honestly it was a joke. I included tinfoil hat references and a tinfoil hat smiley face. How could it been taken seriously by anyone?

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


…There have been changes?

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Well the search function still does not work and those asking about it seem to fall upon deaf ears. So that’s one thing.

Overall, over the last few months I am not happy with the turn this forum has taken. I feel there is a bit of hyper-moderation and I’ve seen many threads and posts disappear or get infracted that I don’t agree should have been actioned (I’m not talking about my own as there are some I earned). I feel like members here with an opinion or point of view that doesn’t agree with Anet feel like they have to walk on pins and needles now for fear of an infraction.

This forum just doesn’t seem fun anymore like it used to. I don’t mean fun as in trash talking Anet because I don’t consider that good natured forum fun, but I mean it seems the fun of casual banter has diminished as a whole. There is too much of a sense of ‘tread lightly’ from what I have seen. I’ve been very active on this forum since April 2013 and over the last 2-3 months I have seen what looks like a steady decline in forum activity as a whole. Maybe that is the intent? To funnel everyone into the CDI threads? I don’t know. I just don’t like the turn it has taken I guess.

Back to the search function, I don’t like seeing threads closed with a moderator note saying, “use the search function before posting” since the search function is broken. It doesn’t work.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


Well the search function still does not work and those asking about it seem to fall upon deaf ears. So that’s one thing.

Overall, over the last few months I am not happy with the turn this forum has taken. I feel there is a bit of hyper-moderation and I’ve seen many threads and posts disappear or get infracted that I don’t agree should have been actioned (I’m not talking about my own as there are some I earned). I feel like members here with an opinion or point of view that doesn’t agree with Anet feel like they have to walk on pins and needles now for fear of an infraction.

This forum just doesn’t seem fun anymore like it used to. I don’t mean fun as in trash talking Anet because I don’t consider that good natured forum fun, but I mean it seems the fun of casual banter has diminished as a whole. There is too much of a sense of ‘tread lightly’ from what I have seen. I’ve been very active on this forum since April 2013 and over the last 2-3 months I have seen what looks like a steady decline in forum activity as a whole. Maybe that is the intent? To funnel everyone into the CDI threads? I don’t know. I just don’t like the turn it has taken I guess.

Back to the search function, I don’t like seeing threads closed with a moderator note saying, “use the search function before posting” since the search function is broken. It doesn’t work.

+1 for that, and ya it is really ridiculous what the note says about using the search function. They know it’s been useless from day 1.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MercyKilling.8519


Overall, over the last few months I am not happy with the turn this forum has taken. I feel there is a bit of hyper-moderation and I’ve seen many threads and posts disappear or get infracted that I don’t agree should have been actioned (I’m not talking about my own as there are some I earned). I feel like members here with an opinion or point of view that doesn’t agree with Anet feel like they have to walk on pins and needles now for fear of an infraction.

I’m new here and I also get the feeling that a person can’t really speak what they honestly feel, but have to kowtow and watch their P’s and Q’s overmuch. There’s another forum that’s in much worse condition, IMHO. Try posting anything negative about Neverwinter on their forums and it vanishes, even if worded civilly.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

There’s plenty of negativity on these forums that is allowed to stay, so I don’t think that’s entirely accurate.

But what I’m wondering, now that we have less sub forums, is if the devs will be able to find the necromancer sub forum. I know, I know…. it has kind of been hidden behind cobwebs and layers upon layers of dust. But perhaps we can post some signs, and cryptic inscriptions on the walls, that hint at some long lost forum? Maybe some brave and adventurous dev will become curious, and wander into the forgotten halls of this ancient sub forum, and discover unimaginable treasures of great suggestions to fix the class.

You know… it could happen.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teege.4623


Honestly? They really don’t get parody do they? My post wasn’t an attempt to stir up controversy but poke a bit of fun at the often repeated idea that there’s always some nefarious motive behind any change.

I’m sorry my attempt at bringing a little lighthearted levity to the thread fell flat. I promise in the future to refrain from humor unless I include a disclaimer.

Some of us enjoy your humor though. Somewhat related, I could forward you correspondence that states I’m not allowed to joke on the forums here. That aside, I think the forums are doing just fine.

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythx.9847


“There’s a difference between constructive criticism and criticism. In my experience, the moderators aren’t quashing all negative feedback – they’re keeping the discussion civilized and removing posts that can have a bad impact on the game or players (accusations that players are scammers, exploit details, etc.)
ANet has an interest in the forums being a friendly place where most folks feel comfortable participating in the discussions. More feedback from more of the playerbase is definitely of more value than allowing an angry subset of the playerbase to rant unrestricted. I read the forums, but I don’t post there because of the unfettered nastiness. I’d rather the moderation be a little too strict (yes, I’ve had posts moderated) than the forums turn into a free-for-all brawl. "

I understand where your view point is coming from. However, I think over moderating a forum is a great way to loose peoples interest in sharing there thoughts and ideas. No, this does not mean to sit by the window when a tornado is coming.

As far as Here is my take on that one, 1.) You pay for play (Kinda prefer that type of game play, personally). 2.) They allow “freedom of expression” without allowing bashing (Harassment, threats, etc) and 3.) If you cannot handle “freedom of expression” or as you so kindly have pointed out “unfettered nastiness”, then do not play and support the company.

However, GW2 is also fun to play. I do have issues with there “forgot password” system, but over all so far I am enjoying playing GW2 again.

But staying on topic, I do respect and understand your point of view, but I agree with blizzards way more then Gw2. I guess that is another difference between FTP Vs PTP.

(edited by Mythx.9847)

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

You spelt forums wrong.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I came from City of Heroes. Both the Mods and Devs had a great rapport with the player base. It was one of the reasons there was such an outcry and attempt, though futile, to save the game.

The mods had great sarcasm detectors and understood when someone was saying something in jest. They also had the power to edit posts, remove objectionable material and prune the thread if it was going off the rails rather than locking it and have it sink quickly in the pages of threads. The devs provided constant two way communication where if you presented a well thought out question or argument you would get a response back in the open forum.

Of course CoH was a subscription game for nearly it’s entire run so unless you were willing to pay a monthly fee, those who strongly disapprove aspects of the game (the big change up to PvP for instance, PvP was added later in the game as an afterthought and was never really balanced) left and were never heard of again. So the vast majority who did post, most were positive and constructive.

Also “Suggestions” was moved into the forums “For Fun” section simply because it become a sport in poking holes in other player’s suggestions that have been brought up time and time again in the past or simply not thought out well or simply ridiculous. But the devs still read the suggestions board, when the suggestion was well thought out or presenting hard numbers showing how X was unbalanced compared to Y. But as I said there was an earnest dialog between players and devs. Most of the time here it seems that anytime a dev from ANet wants to post, it has to be vetted and approved and when posted anything remotely detailed is removed with generalities in their place.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I’ve said this for a good 10 years of gaming:

A suggestion forum is to a game developer like a spam folder is to your gmail account.


This change at least shows the devs of this game actually care. Though I wonder how these forums will become without that spam folder…

Wouldn’t it make more sense to create a suggestion sub forum under each major topic?

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Just include the word “Suggestion” in your title so the devs can see the appropriate threads quickly.

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Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Yes I can see how every excited tween with an idea will remember to do that.

Fourm changes. Good, bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mythx.9847


“Just include the word “Suggestion” in your title so the devs can see the appropriate threads quickly.”

Why do the work for them? Let them figure out what is deemed feedback vers regular chat.