[Fractal Rings] Rings a Pleanty
The only way to get rid of them is to sell to vendor. Many have suggested other options but it takes time for Anet to response (if at all).
So I, like many other players, have a countless number number of useless fractal rings kept in storage, for me around 60. Would it be possible to trade them in for pristines at the merchant inside the fract lobby or just regular relics? I think this would be a viable solution to trade them in for pristines to purchase the rings you want quicker or trade them in for relics to get other useful items. Otherwise is there a plan for use of unused rings that nobody wants?
Wish us in WvW had these problems :/
Or just save them for Alts
I hope people stop complaining. Just see what Anet did to karma and silk.
I remember the time when people complain about how useless karma and silk is.
I would settle for being able to put them in the Mystic Forge.