Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
Everyone knows, lots of fractal nerfs are coming with this patch and frankly, unless alot of re-balancing is done, I see even less people doing fractals, lets break it down ~
The entire fractals right now are more or less pug unfriendly, especially at higher tiers. Just look at Grawl/Volcano fractals, almost everyone is skipping so many now which really is a major indicator that something is wrong, with the up and coming nerfs/exploit fixes even more of this will become just a horrible frustrating experience, a prime example is the dredge fractal…
Everyone uses the wheel trick to avoid most of the mobs here, You’re talking the boss who alone is pretty potent + veterans + a morass of regular mobs, for a pug group without using any exploits its almost doomed to fail.
Anet has spouted boss mechanic changes, but when? And how will these fights change…if at all? Right now, many of the fractal boss encounters are just rubbish, no innovation – just more mobs to kill, mobs become tougher and do more damage, whilst you do less damage, meaning the player has to get more skillful and work better as a cohesive team, and trust me with most pug groups…not going to happen.
Whoever designed most of the fractals, did so with the utmost disgust for the casual player base, just look at most of the level designs in general, most seemed to be designed for maximum frustration, clearly well beyond the original ideas, that each one was supposed to be done in 15/20 minutes no matter the tier? Cliffside fractal for instance with an average group is so long, boring and how many players fall off? Look at the prison level with the knockdown spamming harpies…
Lets hope, for future content that is actually innovate and fun, because lets face it ~ after doing Fotm for any period of time, it gets extremely boring – and extremely frustrating with a bad group.
Everyone knows, lots of fractal nerfs are coming with this patch and frankly, unless alot of re-balancing is done, I see even less people doing fractals, lets break it down ~
The entire fractals right now are more or less pug unfriendly, especially at higher tiers. Just look at Grawl/Volcano fractals, almost everyone is skipping so many now which really is a major indicator that something is wrong, with the up and coming nerfs/exploit fixes even more of this will become just a horrible frustrating experience, a prime example is the dredge fractal…
Everyone uses the wheel trick to avoid most of the mobs here, You’re talking the boss who alone is pretty potent + veterans + a morass of regular mobs, for a pug group without using any exploits its almost doomed to fail.
Anet has spouted boss mechanic changes, but when? And how will these fights change…if at all? Right now, many of the fractal boss encounters are just rubbish, no innovation – just more mobs to kill, mobs become tougher and do more damage, whilst you do less damage, meaning the player has to get more skillful and work better as a cohesive team, and trust me with most pug groups…not going to happen.
Whoever designed most of the fractals, did so with the utmost disgust for the casual player base, just look at most of the level designs in general, most seemed to be designed for maximum frustration, clearly well beyond the original ideas, that each one was supposed to be done in 15/20 minutes no matter the tier? Cliffside fractal for instance with an average group is so long, boring and how many players fall off? Look at the prison level with the knockdown spamming harpies…
Lets hope, for future content that is actually innovate and fun, because lets face it ~ after doing Fotm for any period of time, it gets extremely boring – and extremely frustrating with a bad group.
Guy crys cause theres a slight level of difficulty in the game. Awesome.
Forums and game need more of you, so what was already easy can become a steamroll where “everyones a winner” like gw2 wants.
There isn’t any difficulty, thats the problem ~ its just, pile on 20+ mobs for an encounter, or giving a boss an overpowered attack that the players can’t dodge, this is anets mentality for so called difficulty, and this is why you have many players cheat in the game, or actively look for the latest exploits.
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
I really hope the Explorable revamp makes them painful for pugs as well. The whining that will erupt will be akin to sweet nectar.
or giving a boss an overpowered attack that the players can’t dodge
An example would be wonderful.
Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+
despite the fact wheel is nowhere a problem, mostly because is boring and you can do easily the boss either way.
I will laugh to Death if they remove spykits efficience from dredge stage…
Its almost impossible without them, and the necessity of having some is unacceptable imho.
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
I really hope the Explorable revamp makes them painful for pugs as well. The whining that will erupt will be akin to sweet nectar.
or giving a boss an overpowered attack that the players can’t dodge
An example would be wonderful.
Dude. I love you. This game needs more people like us, or its gonna get carebeared into the ground.
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
No, just no. There should be PVE content that is not doable by sloppily thrown together pugs of nubs. What PVE needs right now is challenging content, sadly there is none.
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
No, just no. There should be PVE content that is not doable by sloppily thrown together pugs of nubs. What PVE needs right now is challenging content, sadly there is none.
The “/s” means “End Sarcasm”.
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
No, just no. There should be PVE content that is not doable by sloppily thrown together pugs of nubs. What PVE needs right now is challenging content, sadly there is none.
The “/s” means “End Sarcasm”.
It appears that I haven’t woken up completely yet :P
despite the fact wheel is nowhere a problem, mostly because is boring and you can do easily the boss either way.
I will laugh to Death if they remove spykits efficience from dredge stage…
Its almost impossible without them, and the necessity of having some is unacceptable imho.
Its easy with a static group at higher fotm levels, try with a pug group though and come back here – same with LIS on the grawl fractal. This is one of the major problems right now, anet needs to really consider the future between a more casual friendly game, and a more hardcore friendly game – they can’t have both. We’ve seen what happens in many other MMos that try to appease by player archetypes.
Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+
What attack do you mean?
I can evade every attack of him, even at LV 30+
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
No, just no. There should be PVE content that is not doable by sloppily thrown together pugs of nubs. What PVE needs right now is challenging content, sadly there is none.
This is called ‘Raids’ – not going to happen in GW2, if it did – it’d destroy the game completely because it would seriously unbalance the game.
Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+
What attack do you mean?
I can evade every attack of him, even at LV 30+
I call BS on that, its not possible to avoid every single attack unless your a thief and constantly in and out of stealth, even then if the boss concentrates his main attacks he can down anyone with his main chain, and thats also accounting for 30 AR.
But again, your probably not taking into consideration PUG groups, most players don’t have the luxury of static fotm farming groups, with highly co-ordinated throughly geared-out, maxed AR and voice over IP programs like vent etc..
Besides, that boss attacks are not really the issue, its the 20 – 30 elementals every 25% which are.
(edited by TsukasaHiiragi.9730)
I support this fully. All PvE content should be easy enough that a sloppily thrown together pug of nubs can breeze on through it. /s
No, just no. There should be PVE content that is not doable by sloppily thrown together pugs of nubs. What PVE needs right now is challenging content, sadly there is none.
This is called ‘Raids’ – not going to happen in GW2, if it did – it’d destroy the game completely because it would seriously unbalance the game.
It wouldnt unbalance anything. IT would make carebears that feel entitled to everything rage and QQ, and eventually keep playing when they realize it doesnt affect their gameplay at all.
Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+
What attack do you mean?
I can evade every attack of him, even at LV 30+
I was hoping people would just leave that one alone. It was a terrible example of a hard to dodge boss.
Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+
What attack do you mean?
I can evade every attack of him, even at LV 30+I was hoping people would just leave that one alone. It was a terrible example of a hard to dodge boss.
But you can’t deny that the boss truely does need a nerf in that respect, not just because of his attacks but the entire encounter. I’ve yet to see any pug group do volcano fractal 20+ efficiently.
Since I haven’t been a forum warrior for about a month since I’ve been busy, I’m guessing ATTHWSM is the latest forum troll by the sounds of your posts and attitude, this should be fun ~ let the games commence.
(edited by Moderator)
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.
Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
The only reason I even consider these types of complaints remotely valid is because it’s (currently) the only source of ascended rings. Once that changes then anyone complaining it’s too hard just needs to accept they aren’t good enough (or their group isn’t). Let the hardcore PvErs have their thing. Let them have some unique and awesome skins for it. Just don’t reward them with better stats (except AR of course).
I haven’t got past Fractals 4 because it’s not my thing. So no, I’m not some elitist jerk. I just understand some people really love the fractals as is and it means a lot to them that it exists, as is. The game is for everyone and there should be something for everyone.
I do want to be able to get full ascended gear playing MY game though. I also think those who love fractals should be able to get full ascended gear playing their game. Same with WvW, Dungeons, and open world PvE. (edit: there should be unique skins for each source of ascended gear though)
(edited by Unspecified.9142)
That’s the thing. I’m always with my guild, and we can do all of the PvE content with relative ease.
Is Anet suppose to forsake every player who plays regularly within a Guild, so that random pugs don’t get a little frustrated?
TsukasaHiiragi.9730:I call BS on that, its not possible to avoid every single attack unless your a thief and constantly in and out of stealth, even then if the boss concentrates his main attacks he can down anyone with his main chain, and thats also accounting for 30 AR.
But again, your probably not taking into consideration PUG groups, most players don’t have the luxury of static fotm farming groups, with highly co-ordinated throughly geared-out, maxed AR and voice over IP programs like vent etc..
Besides, that boss attacks are not really the issue, its the 20 – 30 elementals every 25% which are.
I’ll try to make it more clear, maybe my english isn’t good enough or the word can is not placed right in my sentence.
I wanted to say, that I’m able to evade his attacks, not that i never get hit by any attack.
It’s funny how you said that his attack was op because it was undodgeable, and suddenly it is not the main problem, instead the adds are.
(and yes, they are the biggest problem in pugs)
Btw: for static groups i opened a thread (at least in the german board) to help players find a static group and thanks to the thread i and some others found one (and others hopefully will too)
I don’t think that it’s necessary to reach high level fotm with pugs. if pugs could do, where would be the challenge? they shouldn’t make it to easy.
Pugs can easily do it until 20-25
I’ve gotten to fractal 11. I’ve done fractal level 10 with pugs before. It’s not too horrible. I’m actually surprised at how a lot of people I’ve played with know the tricks (like stacking on the boss in cliff fractal or skipping the second harpy area or the dredge wheel or using spy kits).
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
The only reason I even consider these types of complaints remotely valid is because it’s (currently) the only source of ascended rings. Once that changes then anyone complaining it’s too hard just needs to accept they aren’t good enough (or their group isn’t). Let the hardcore PvErs have their thing. Let them have some unique and awesome skins for it. Just don’t reward them with better stats (except AR of course).
I haven’t got past Fractals 4 because it’s not my thing. So no, I’m not some elitist jerk. I just understand some people really love the fractals as is and it means a lot to them that it exists, as is. The game is for everyone and there should be something for everyone.
I do want to be able to get full ascended gear playing MY game though. I also think those who love fractals should be able to get full ascended gear playing their game. Same with WvW, Dungeons, and open world PvE. (edit: there should be unique skins for each source of ascended gear though)
YOU.. SIR. YOU are the first person ive seen that gets what Im saying. If you dont wanna do it, if your casual or whatever, thats fine! YOU have fun with what you want, and if people want more end game stuff with better rewards, then let them have it.
YOU.. SIR. YOU are the first person ive seen that gets what Im saying. If you dont wanna do it, if your casual or whatever, thats fine! YOU have fun with what you want, and if people want more end game stuff with better rewards, then let them have it.IT DOESNT AFFECT anyones gameplay.
YOU.. SIR. YOU are the first person ive seen that gets what Im saying. If you dont wanna do it, if your casual or whatever, thats fine! YOU have fun with what you want, and if people want more end game stuff with better rewards, then let them have it.IT DOESNT AFFECT anyones gameplay.Thank you for being so enlightened
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
We ruin MMOS? Thats why EQ1, EQ2, WoW, and RIFT are still making money after YEARS with MONTHYL SUBS? Ya your right kid hahha.
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
Are you saying casual players are supposed to be able to do fractals at 50+? Or even 30? I call BS on that.
I don’t think that it’s necessary to reach high level fotm with pugs. if pugs could do, where would be the challenge? they shouldn’t make it to easy.
Pugs can easily do it until 20-25
now, I haven’t played that much. but in my experience fractal 22-29 is waaaaay easier than fractal lvl 16-20. I have run around 10 dailys at 26-28 fractal and I have yet to fail or even get my Armour damaged more than 4 points. and i think we all now why. because ppl actually know what they are doing at these levels ( mostly). sure, i’ve had a ret in my PuG a few times but the other 3 members makes up for it.
at below 29 ( i haven’t tried 30) you don’t have to be coordinated on a chat level if everybody knows what have to be done. one of the fastest and wipe free runs I’ve ever had we didn’t say anything in the chat apart from “r” in the swamp fractal and “gj , nice run” in the end. it was beautiful. If you feel you constantly get grouped with bad people above 22 you shouldn’t be there.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
So you, as a casual, deserve to have the game tailored to your needs, but hardcore gamers do not? And we suffer from egoism?
Explorable Dungeons were intended to appease the Hardcore crowd. Whether it lived up to that is irrelevant. Saying that the game was built only for casuals is false.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
So you, as a casual, deserve to have the game tailored to your needs, but hardcore gamers do not? And we suffer from egoism?
Explorable Dungeons were intended to appease the Hardcore crowd. Whether it lived up to that is irrelevant. Saying that the game was built only for casuals is false.
Thank you. ^ this.
There is exactly TWO (major) problem with fractals currently.
1) People believe they need to be able to do them successfully.
2) There is gear that is not merely cosmetic and (currently) not available elsewhere which promotes the idea they need to be able to complete the fractals at high levels.Fractals is, and should remain, focused on providing something for players who WANT to do an extremely challenging instanced PvE activity that requires a solid group with good coordination.
The complaint about not being able to complete fractals 20+ with a PuG is silly. It’s not meant for PuGs. That’s really all there is to it.
Actually, your wrong ~ it was. Everything in this game was/is and always has been created for the casual players. I think the problem is here, especially it seems to me there is just alot of newer posters who haven’t been around here since the very start, and in fact way ‘before’ launch.
The casual player makes up way more of the playerbase than the current hardcore players, the problem is ~ most of the current playerbase who hasn’t quit are the hardcore/elitist base who want a much more controlled game (in their favor)
This is one of the major reasons I have problems with elitist players, they tend to ruin MMos in general – often using entitlement against players, when its really the opposite – its more like, I have this (insert item/title/shiny) and you don’t… so its more like egoism. The problem is in the MMo world, there just isn’t enough of humble players, whether its a casual or a hardcore player.
First, if you want I can probably dig up posts on GW2Guru I made from like 2 years ago (edit also was in BWE1 and perordered about 5 minutes after preorders went live…). I could also post a /age on my GW1 account showing I’ve been playing that for 5+ years. (Yay internet cred… but apparently this garbage matters to some)
Speaking of GW1, there’s a LOT of content in that game which is NOT for the casual folks. Anet never compromised on the difficulty of things like UW, FoW, DoA, or Slaver’s Exile. Yes the changes to heroes had some effects on those but that was to compensate for a dwindling player-base not casuals.
There is every reason to believe Anet intends there to be things in the game some people just can’t do, and their fine with that. Clocktower is a wonderful example. They intended only 5% of people to be able to complete it. Sure a holiday event probably wasn’t the best time for it, but it still speaks volumes about their intentions.
Everyone can try it and has the right to experience it, but that doesn’t give you the right to finish it.
The very nature of the fractals design SCREAMS not for casuals. It keeps getting harder. It doesn’t matter what they do, eventually everyone is going to hit that wall they can’t get past. If that’s fractals 20, well that’s your wall. If it’s fractals 50, that’s your wall.
There is nothing wrong with people having special titles or shinies to show off their achievements as long as there is no power gap. Which is why I said the problem is the lack of ascended items in the rest of the game, nothing else.
An example would be wonderful.
Those examples aren’t from fractals but from dungeons but try to dodge lupi’s necrid trap or simin’s dark pact.
So a “hardcore” 15-year old who has a ton of time and can afford to get so good at grinding encounters until they know them by heart is supposed to somehow have exclusive access to the best gear in the game so they can roflstomp everyone in WvW (you know, the part of the game which actually requires some skill)?
Sorry, but no. I don’t want to grind PvE content for months just to be competitive in a completely different part of the game.
If raiders get to have the best gear drops, I say we PvP-ers get to have those too, only how would that work? Can’t have a noob on his first day in WvW drop the same quality gear or tokens or whatever as a veteran who can turn you into a crater just by sneezing in your general direction.
And how would the game know which is which, who is the PvP equivalent of a “boss” and who isn’t?
No, I think gear with actual stat differences should be accessible to everyone on an equal basis. Titles, skins, have at them. But no gear grind and especially no gear grind which requires PvE raids.
An example would be wonderful.
Those examples aren’t from fractals but from dungeons but try to dodge lupi’s necrid trap or simin’s dark pact.
You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.
Nice, but you realize he’s using bugged trait which today should be fixed, right?
If a poorly organised group can’t beat a certain part then what right does the poorly organised group have to advance further?
You’re welcome.
Nice, but you realize he’s using bugged trait which today should be fixed, right?
I was referring to dodging the skill you said cannot be dodged. I’m not concerned with how he went about soloing the boss, and it isn’t relevant to my response. I had to link a video since my anecdotal evidence of dodging on my Guardian would likely not have been enough.
So a “hardcore” 15-year old who has a ton of time and can afford to get so good at grinding encounters until they know them by heart is supposed to somehow have exclusive access to the best gear in the game so they can roflstomp everyone in WvW (you know, the part of the game which actually requires some skill)?
Sorry, but no. I don’t want to grind PvE content for months just to be competitive in a completely different part of the game.
If raiders get to have the best gear drops, I say we PvP-ers get to have those too, only how would that work? Can’t have a noob on his first day in WvW drop the same quality gear or tokens or whatever as a veteran who can turn you into a crater just by sneezing in your general direction.
And how would the game know which is which, who is the PvP equivalent of a “boss” and who isn’t?No, I think gear with actual stat differences should be accessible to everyone on an equal basis. Titles, skins, have at them. But no gear grind and especially no gear grind which requires PvE raids.
Please re-read the thread entirely and actually respond to what has been said. In this thread, no one is asking for better gear.
(edited by Gisei.5749)
ATTHWSM.7840 u made my day bro. You think you are good and great because u have a lot of free time for doing fractals? I loled. Its not a matter of casual players, its a matter of some people dont give a kitten about pve at all. What about that ? I dont call elitists, i call then whiny kids that live with their parents and dont have a work and play 16h a day and think they are good because they have the best armor on the game.
“We ruin MMOS? Thats why EQ1, EQ2, WoW, and RIFT are still making money after YEARS with MONTHYL SUBS? Ya your right kid hahha.” Are u playing all of them atm ? It would explain the free time you have for coming here and post like a little kid.
And the contribute to this topic. Its not about everybody being a winner or not, its the fact that you dont get rewards for doing WvW (just an example) Any amor or armor tier should be exclusive to a dungeon. People who does WvW and like to do it and dont give a kitten about pve lovers should also be able to get the best equip on the game. Really, people whining about pve. This is great, when i want a good laugh i just log in at and there is always some kid who will make my day Im so glad that anet will put those items available outside fractals because atm i reached 20+ and with only 10ar its easy as hell. Same mechanics, same glitches, dodge aoes, nuke, done. So again, thank you anet for putting those jewels available outside fractals. Now we just need some rewards for people who do WvW everyday. Let the kids have fun with their PVE and think a little about WvW and spvp.
Your behavior is no better than ATTHWSM’s has been, so I thank you for being generous enough to also provide people with these laughs you enjoy so much.
As I said, no one is asking for better gear in this thread. If you had bothered to read, Ascended gear being made available outside of Fractals is agreed to be a good thing.
I was referring to dodging the skill you said cannot be dodged. I’m not concerned with how he went about soloing the boss, and it isn’t relevant to my response. I had to link a video since my anecdotal evidence of dodging on my Guardian would likely not have been enough.
Because it can’t be dodged without using bugged traits, try dodge it on guardian/thief/ranger/engineer/mesmer/necro. This attack is undodgeable which dev (Robert Hrouda) confirmed.
Because it can’t be dodged without using bugged traits, try dodge it on guardian/thief/ranger/engineer/mesmer/necro. This attack is undodgeable which dev (Robert Hrouda) confirmed.
Then perhaps they should get onto fixing that because, as of the time that I last did Arah, it was indeed able to be dodged, by any profession.
So again, thank you anet for putting those jewels available outside fractals. Now we just need some rewards for people who do WvW everyday. Let the kids have fun with their PVE and think a little about WvW and spvp.
February patch is going to add new rewards in WvW, like progression, new skills maybe? Maybe even Ascended gear? Who knows it remains to be seen.
I know but in my opinion thats something that should be implemented already. I do some dungeons/PvE as well as some WvW. But i know people who dont because they are tired of killing mobs bla bla bla. Lets see what the update will give us.
while people complain to the extreme its very important game developers realise, that under no circumstances should they cater to the casual player. instant gratification and lack of challenge will kill an mmo faster than anything.
fractals are fun because they’re hard, and get harder as you progress. how boring would they be if any crappy pug breezed through them, and you get all your fractal stuff.
Developers should look at spvp and WvW as well, not only for fractals and pve boys. But whats the point on fractals getting harder if its always the same 7/8 paths? My opinion.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they add more paths to fractals down the line. I seem to remember a dev saying shortly after FotM was released that it’s flexible enough story and design wise to make sense to add more paths.
Watch the YouTube videos online and the loot drops will make you lol. They were getting blues at level 20. I don’t see the point in grinding that high for the same drops you might get in a DE.
I honestly do not understand the whines and cries about how hard dungeons are, I did my Dungeon Master achievement with pugs through and through, only two runs did not finish first try and that was Arah p2 where the leader raged and left, we found another puggy and finished and then CoF p3, them torches can be a pain when people do not listen.
More than half of the achievement I did without red circle on the ground warning (when i started playing I was bit wasted and was going over option settings and must have disabled it, and didnt even realise until few weeks in the game when watching a youtube video). Yes I died alot, quite alot actually, during the time I didnt have the ground warnings, enough in fact to think I was just too bad for this game. But I started getting better and I died less and less each run. I had to rely on visuals and sound for knowing when to dodge.
After I enabled the ground warning again the game felt stupidly easy and only times I died was during a full wipe, having to jump from the pc or being too intoxicated.
So my advice to the whiners, disable your ground warnings for a while, learn to play by actually watching animations and surroundings and you will be able to do any content with ease.
I got to fractal 43 I recall in pugs, very few failed and that was mostly because of random crash by someone in the group and only twice did we have to stop because we just didnt have the synergy as a team, one was fire shaman and other was collussus boss, funny thing is that was lowish level fractal.
I pray to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and intoxication that ANet doesnt cave in from the hordes of terribads that flood the forums with their whines of how the game is too hard (when in fact the players are just real bad, and bad players usually do not get much better)
You know what my concerns are?
Seriously I don’t understand how some can still play fractals. Fractals are nothing more than “glorified” dungeons that don’t happen to be difficult just extremely boring and sometimes frustrating due to the fact there are no real mechanics to this game. They just up HP , nerf damage and come up with a kitten called “agony” that isn’t really a mechanic by itself.
I know I will be slammed by saying this but fractals are nothing more than picking up any wow/rift(or any mmo dungeon) dungeon and upping the dmg to extreme lvls.
And we all know how criticized that would be.
My concerns are overall with this game direction. Honestly I think ANet has no clue to where to move next. Do they bring raids (which imo are not possible with the current mechanics of the game) or do they go back to the casual friendly mentality?
I’m bored with the game and haven´t played for a while because I won’t be spending my entire play time doing the same dungeons all over again. If they introduced new mechanics each time you go up or at least every couple of levels I would feel it’s interesting, sadly it’s just the old +HP +dmg type of difficulty.
Which is kinda sad cause I like the game but everytime I log all I hear/see is “fractals” and that makes me logout immediately.
lets be honest the game is easy, fractals is easy, if you die at lvl 2 of fractals is not because the dungeon is hard but because you are bad.
Why would ppl do fractals 30+ if they dont get any new loot? even cosmetic after lvl 20 the loot is always the same.
If casual player can have easy dungeons and Faceroll Dragon Events why cant we Hardcore player some Love?
Dont you ppl, want the game to grow to have new and more ppl.
Hardcore players like to faceroll glitched paths?
Catering to the elite 1% will not bring more people.
If ANes goes into Nerf instead try to change to content in a way that wont be boring… That will be the Orr Disaster Dejavu all over again, that’s why it’s now empty.
But anyway… I’m hoping more for ONLY A FIX, to the disconnect bug, that would make me happy forever.
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