Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


despite the fact wheel is nowhere a problem, mostly because is boring and you can do easily the boss either way.

I will laugh to Death if they remove spykits efficience from dredge stage…

Its almost impossible without them, and the necessity of having some is unacceptable imho.

Its easy with a static group at higher fotm levels, try with a pug group though and come back here – same with LIS on the grawl fractal. This is one of the major problems right now, anet needs to really consider the future between a more casual friendly game, and a more hardcore friendly game – they can’t have both. We’ve seen what happens in many other MMos that try to appease by player archetypes.

Ya your right we have seen what happens. They thrive.

EQ2 and WoW still making money with MONTHLY subs after 9 years? Check.
Rift still making money? Check.

Know why they work? Cuz if your casual, stfu and be casual. Play for fun, play with friends, do whatever you want. If your hardcore, go raid, go clear hard content, do whatever you want. Either group doesnt affect the other group in any way.

You put in 15 hours a week, have crap gear, and dont understand how to play your class and consider yourself a casual? Thats fine, why do you feel like you deserve the same items, the same zone completion and the same status as people that put in 40 hours, have the best gear, and understand the mechanics of this game?

because actually you PAID the same amount of money?

design the game for 5% of players….
Problem they have to deal with is if they prefer to keep those 5% players or the remaining 95%


Champion btw is the ONLY part really easy in underground fractal.
Wheel i suppose its a tactic to save few minutes, at cost of some loot.
Its harder and riskier.

(i play only with random groups 26-30)

If they fix cliffside and underground debatable “tactics” fotm will get empty and this forum will be full of complaints….unless they seriously nerf some parts…..

As happened when they fixed cliffside last time.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


Thing I don’t understand is don’t people understand you don’t have to do high level fractals?

At level 10 you receive the daily for rings, and the loot is not that much greater at 20/30 to the point it becomes a “must do to compete”…So why not let the players who are hard core do their more difficult fractals while u simply farm fotm 10 + daily and obtain the same items in the same amount of time as them?

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eirikr.8047


I’ve never played in an organized group and so far, have not had too much trouble in FoTM. Mind you, I’m only at level 28. From 20 – 25 the pugs I was in got the grawl stage and only once did any of the groups I was in wipe. The most difficult stage I’ve encountered so far was the one where you break the seals with the hammer. At level 27 we accidentally killed chanters on both sides of an upper level and we were unable to recover from that.

For me, I expect anything beyond level 30 will not be worth doing due to the time commitment and the fact that I’ve never done an organized run.

With the patch, I expect only levels 10 and 20 to be popular, and perhaps some level 30. I’d be surprised if anyone does level 13 after the patch.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Distaste.4801


despite the fact wheel is nowhere a problem, mostly because is boring and you can do easily the boss either way.

I will laugh to Death if they remove spykits efficience from dredge stage…

Its almost impossible without them, and the necessity of having some is unacceptable imho.

Its easy with a static group at higher fotm levels, try with a pug group though and come back here – same with LIS on the grawl fractal. This is one of the major problems right now, anet needs to really consider the future between a more casual friendly game, and a more hardcore friendly game – they can’t have both. We’ve seen what happens in many other MMos that try to appease by player archetypes.

Ya your right we have seen what happens. They thrive.

EQ2 and WoW still making money with MONTHLY subs after 9 years? Check.
Rift still making money? Check.

Know why they work? Cuz if your casual, stfu and be casual. Play for fun, play with friends, do whatever you want. If your hardcore, go raid, go clear hard content, do whatever you want. Either group doesnt affect the other group in any way.

You put in 15 hours a week, have crap gear, and dont understand how to play your class and consider yourself a casual? Thats fine, why do you feel like you deserve the same items, the same zone completion and the same status as people that put in 40 hours, have the best gear, and understand the mechanics of this game?

Holy god this games carebears feel so entitled its stupid.

You clearly have no idea about MMO’s and their history…

EQ1 isn’t exactly thriving and the reason it did so well is because it was one of the first major MMO’s. It was certainly hardcore compared to today’s standards.

EQ2 was seen as way too casual unfriendly at release. This is actually one of two major reasons WoW crushed it. EQ2 over the years has become more and more casual friendly. It has also gone F2P because the population deminished to such low levels.

WoW was incredibly casual friendly at release by the standards back then. You could solo to 60 easily. However even that was too hardcore and Blizzard has since been making the game casual friendly with every expansion 25 mans, normal modes, etc.

RIFT is incredibly casual friendly….no clue why you are using this as an argument towards hard PvE content. RIFT isn’t exactly thriving either, I believe Trion just had to layoff some people and the RIFT team was hit very hard.

Finally to correct your statement they aren’t thriving because of hard PvE content, quite the opposite in fact. Heck, most of the fights in those games are far easier than FotM 10. The fact that most of the fights in FotM require moving, dodging, cleansing, etc puts them above most of those other games fights. While I think ramping the difficulty up on fractals for those that want to do it is just fine, there needs to be no extra gain other than bragging rights for it. Having time= better gear just means there is another roadblock to keep players from doing content. The cosmetic road was what ArenaNet should have followed, hopefully they reign it back in again and make gear easily accessible and cosmetics what you can grind for.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eXs.6210


I agree… I would love for the game to be more challenging… but it’s not, it’s pretty much crap gimmicks disguised as a “challenge”… standing on a platform and not moving while a mob bashes you in the face isn’t a challenge… being regularly just randomly set on fire for no good reason is not a challenge… I would love to learn movements of a boss to be able to dodge attacks, learn weak spots, etc…. but don’t just drop random undodgable stuff on the map and call that a challenge… don’t have two dodges but then make the boss or a mob have 3 attacks that 1-shot you… it has to be challenging but doable if you play well… as of now it feels like the game uses cheap tricks to kill you and calls that a challenge…

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eXs.6210


Also I don’t really understand this massive level scale… if difficulty is essentially in tiers, why bother having levels 1-10 for example then? Why not call that “level 1” and just have players do them 10 times? Except now you have people looking for one group instead of 10… easier way to find group, they still get to have their grind so they sell sine gems, the difficulty is the same… but seriously, I don’t get the point of 10 levels of the same difficulty and content

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Regarding the Legendary Shaman in Grawl fractal. One easy way to avoid his agony attack is staying at maximum range, strafing left/right during the fight, this works here just as it does with most other mobs that dont have tracking missile attacks.

Many of them will miss you aslong as you dont strafe in just one direction (mob calculates the impact position with your movement). If you stay at max range and strafe L/R alot you will most likely avoid it

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: void.6705


The hardest part of Cliffside is people being on the same page when you do the 3rd set of seals. Since there are a few good ways to approach this part once u get past that the last guy is easy with or without stacking. I hope they add a few more zones to fractals.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyr Lee.2491

Zephyr Lee.2491

Everyone who is crying about fractals being too difficult are just a bunch (hate to use this word) scrubs.

I’m sorry, I pug atm 30+ just fine. It is all about knowing your skills and where to be at the right moment.

It seems you guys want everything in this game to be face roll difficulty.

The Grawl boss is too simple.
I am a guardian, as soon as the elementals pop up most pugs should know to group up, have the guard use wall of reflection/shield absorb, use greatsword skill 5
Bring in the elementals and grape them.

If you don’t have a guard, use blinds on them.

People make fractals way harder then it needs to be.
You are just used to how easy it is from levels 1-19.
Starting at 20 you need to get organized within your pugs.
Know you roles.

Also Fractals was meant for the hardcore crowd
and don’t start crying about “needing” ascended gear, because of now ascended gear is only for fractals.
Also starting at 10 you get all the supplies needed for ascended.
Yes I know the easy infused rings come from 20+ , but guess what you can throw in normal ascended rings into mystic forge to become infused.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


“Ya your right we have seen what happens. They thrive.

EQ2 and WoW still making money with MONTHLY subs after 9 years? Check.
Rift still making money? Check.

Lol at Rift being a hardcore game. That game is so nerfed to the ground you can PuG almost all raid content. Same with Dungeons. It makes money still because it is so casual friendly.

I don’t know when the last time you played was but that may be one of the most casual friendly games out there. I went back to check rift out after a year of not playing and people are Pugging HK. I don’t know about EQ or WoW as I haven’t played them in years but my guess is they are the same, extremely dumbed down content to be more casual friendly, that is why those games still prevail.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


So, by some standards I’ve seen here GW2 is the most hardcore mainstream mmo on the market now?

Just makes me feel like lol’ing.

Specially since quite a considerable percentage of hardcore players left the game and it wasn’t yesterday.

Seriously some people are just so fanboyish and insane I don’t even want to comment on it.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


It’s not an issue of pugs doing it or not. It’s an issue of some classes not being taken because they’re awful. Others that are taken, but only if they respec for the instance. And others still that most feel are so mandatory they have to come in triplicate or the group isn’t going to happen.

thankfully my ranger is above the level 30 threshold and my warrior won’t have problems getting in unless today’s AE nerf include 100b and whirlwind.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lonami.2987


Fractals are fine, you just need experience.

You’re supposed to fail to learn. Everyone whined about dungeons at the beginning, before they knew how to play, and now they’re fine (most of them).

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaniix.9074


PUGs can do fractals fine. A full group of squishies cant, a group that is unwilling to learn can’t. Players with full glass cannon spec cause they like to see high crit numbers cant.

It just takes some time to understand what you are doing. We all see the same issues.
Players who rage because you don’t know the content and scream at people and rage quit and the players who refuse to listen to direction.

IF you don’t know ask, if you do know explain to others. Do not make silly attempts at high level fractals with a group of casters unless you are doing it for the extra difficulty and are willing to take that challenge.

And if you are going to rage quit because your group either doesn’t know how to glitch or isn’t willing to then its you that are the tool.

This is a social game, help each other out.

——Tranquill Rain [CO]——

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenth.2408


Sorry but I’ve pug’d up to level 31 with little problem. I’ve been doing 26/30 dailies for a long time now. 90% of the time it’s either entirely pug or maybe 1 guildy + 3 random pug.

I’m a thief so I don’t bring a lot of utility. But I do bring life insurance and a lot of ranged DPS (plus I sustain myself great with lifesteal food with a dual pistol / shortbow build). The types of life insurance I bring are things like refuge for dredge and for reviving safely on grawl shaman, and area blindness for things like the middle seal on cliffside.

While I can see parties having difficulty without a thief if they’re squishy, Other professions bring better utility overall. I don’t get how people think it’s difficult.

The only real challenge on later levels are things like coordinating well on the vet grawl shaman to get the bonus chest, and getting everyone on the same plan of action for the arm seals on cliffside… and maybe dredge if there’s no thief or mesmer.

If spy kits get nerfed for fotm I could see the first part of dredge being a real pain on higher levels too. But that hasn’t happened yet.

Also I do understand the concern if AOE is nerfed too much. The beginning grawl area “could” end up difficult as well as some dredge areas. I guess we’ll find out.

I, for one, won’t claim the sky is falling until after the patch goes live. There’s little use to speculating on things like the AOE nerf and/or upcoming fotm changes.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fizzypop.6458


Fractals are trash. The instances in this game are trash. Who cares? I love the guys who are all 50+ SO HARDCORE! No its not. This game has no challenging pve content. Anet knows it because they had to use agony resistance just to create “hard” encounters. This was only to give a kitten to the “hardcore” players so they’d stop whining. Hint challenging content is content that doesn’t restrict players based on numbers ever growing, but on the skill of the players involved. So let them nerf it…it won’t change anything…except apparently you’ll have the wannabe hardcore players whining about it.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Legendary Imbued Shaman ~ Volcano/Grawl Fractal scale 20+

I’ve completed it at lvl 32, and we only had two people get hit by the arrow attack during the entire bossfight. Every other attack was either blocked, reflected, or dodged.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenth.2408


PUGs can do fractals fine. A full group of squishies cant, a group that is unwilling to learn can’t. Players with full glass cannon spec cause they like to see high crit numbers cant.

It just takes some time to understand what you are doing. We all see the same issues.
Players who rage because you don’t know the content and scream at people and rage quit and the players who refuse to listen to direction.

IF you don’t know ask, if you do know explain to others. Do not make silly attempts at high level fractals with a group of casters unless you are doing it for the extra difficulty and are willing to take that challenge.

And if you are going to rage quit because your group either doesn’t know how to glitch or isn’t willing to then its you that are the tool.

This is a social game, help each other out.

I love my fully ranged (semi) glass cannon thief in fotm and do very well – though I rely on lifesteal food to make up for the lack of defenses (more than makes up for it with dual pistol spam).

I agree with your comment about glitching though. Bosses aren’t that hard. If someone doesn’t want to glitch it, what’s the big deal? In fact the only bosses with a decent potential to wipe pugs that don’t work well together can’t be glitched (ascalon and grawl).

I also agree with you about knowledge. Knowing what to do is the key to doing it. That’s probably why I have more successful runs with pugs past level 20 or so. By then 95% of players know what they’re doing in each fractal. 75% or so know other professions strengths and weaknesses enough to work together well.

If things go bad and there’s a wipe – then figure out why and talk game plan. The only time a wipe is an issue is arm seals on cliffside which is why I make sure my group is on the same page prior to engaging that part.

Fractal concerns with 1/28 patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The biggest problem with the game as I see it is that exploits are possible in the first place. This game has been out for going-on 6 months now, and the number of “cheats” available to skip or nerf bosses/other fights is still substantial.

You can’t even do a fractal run without the group glitching through some major part of at least one fractal.

The quality of the software is lacking in a HUGE way, and the level of attention that bugs, glitches, blockers, etc receive from ANet is a bit insulting.

And wanna know why I don’t care all that much when someone glitches a boss? Because of things like the pickup bug. This has been a long standing bug where if you’re holding down the right set of buttons, and hit F to pick something up as you’re running, your movement becomes completely uncontrolled for the next five seconds or so, and you run headlong into whatever you were running toward. I can’t tell you how many times, especially in fractals, I’ve died because I lost control of my character and they ran off into something and got killed. Or ran off a cliff. Or aggroed a whole slew of enemies. If we can be glitched to death, then so can the bosses. End of story in my mind.

The game is tons of fun, no doubt, but the low quality of the work (as well as the lack of apparent concern from ANet) is a real shame. If we were a month out of the gate it’d be one thing…but we’re long past that.