Fractal improvements... End of January ?
Why so negative? At least they’re making the change. Plus I think the change is GENIUS.
when they find some bugg or exploit people used to run faster they patched inmediatly but when you get kickd from the game or get an error, having 4 members to finish the run and the fifth without a reward, sure let them have 1 more month they can wait.
the point is right 1 month is quite a long time for something they would do easily since its already how every other dungeon work
Why so negative? At least they’re making the change. Plus I think the change is GENIUS.
They should have tested this to begin with, and have the brass ones to put fractal completions in the monthly to boot. If something is glitched for a large enough percentage of the community so as to require an overhaul of the system to even allow them to play it….you don’t require it for a continuous achievement system. Terrible move on their part to introduce ascended gear and fractals in a half-finished form (their words), and incredibly stupid move to push the achievement twice while acknowledging these problems.
So no, not genius. People were suggesting these very changes the day it went live.
Sorry but where do you read those changes for the fractals in january?
Eldiora, the timing is listed in the article itself, at the end.
Interesting because I read no timetable on that article.
But thanks for the link. Cant wait for that to go live.
Eldiora@ here is the "Missing Timetable’’ you are talking about.It’s the last line in the article
Quote:We plan to ship these two features at the end of January.
If they give us 1000 fractal tokens to compensate us for our 2 months worth of programmed griefing, I’ll be okay with the lateness of a fix.
If they give us 1000 fractal tokens to compensate us for our 2 months worth of programmed griefing, I’ll be okay with the lateness of a fix.
you, or we, kinda have no choice on the matter here. I’m particularly glad they made the change (second part), which allows people to group up even with diff levels.
I’d love if they also reduce the % of dropped non infused ascended rings along with the number of “special” fractal tokens required to buy it to have less randomness with about the same drop rate.
I did the 10-18 daily nearly 20 times without getting anything (more than 10 times were before the path with the token)