Free Camera Mode for PVE?

Free Camera Mode for PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maniamsmart.7981



Hi guys,

So recently I took a look at the new free roam camera spectator mode in PVP. I really enjoyed it, and found some pretty neat things in the different PVP maps after exploring a good few of them. I really got to appreciate the maps a bit more, and saw some things I never really noticed before.

However, one thing that got me curious was having a similar feature for PVE. Would there be a way for people to exploit the feature? Maybe event checking, jumping puzzles, etc.? I think it would be really cool, but don’t know how it would affect the game or immersion.

What are your thoughts? I personally would love to see a PVE equivalent.

Free Camera Mode for PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I would love one too. “Fly” over the maps. Seeing things you’ve never seen before and seeing where people and events are.

It might interfere with map exploration though. Maybe it should be map specific and only be a feature after you have 100% of that map.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Free Camera Mode for PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


Me personally I probably wouldn’t use it much, but I think it’d be awesome for machinima makers like Sammpo.

If this becomes a thing, I’d also love to spectate old maps in this way. Like Kessex Hills. That used to be one of the most beatiful maps before the tower of ugliness.

(edited by Tarasicodissa.7084)