Friends List Status Question
I saw the Unknown for a guild mate yesterday but he wasn’t online. I wondered if he was at the character select screen and if that would have been the cause.
This sentence is false.
Yesterday there was a fair few issues with the guild, friends list and whispering due to the maintence they were doing so that might have been the cause of that. Apart from that no idea sorry.
Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?
A few days ago, my friend had a problem with connecting with the guild. It kept on telling him that he isn’t part of one and yet I see him as part of the guild. Also, I can’t whisper with him, I can only see his whispers
But it’s all fixed now. Just felt weird a few days back
Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…