From A Newcomer

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asumir.1978


How beautiful are you, Tyria?
How varied, how detailed you are!

I am so glad to have finally met you.

From the simple design of the game site’s pages and package cover, to the choice of fonts here, to the tasteful, thought-out player names I see around me even in low levels, the level of civility I see in those who post in the forums, here and elsewhere-

I have come to a good place.

Thank you.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Welcome to the game!

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Welcome ^^

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anyandrell.6238


Welcome! So good to know that there are new explorers who love Tyria!

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asumir.1978


Dear Tyria,
I have just completed the long series of quests leading to the completion of my first story with you.
To the call of ‘Story – First Time’ came two other new souls like myself, One Norn, one Asura- and two players who confessed they were ‘old players’, both charr.

A merry band it was, and an adventure grand!
Our patience and skill were tested, hearts were broken and mended, and we won the day!

I shall never forget.


Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Welcome to the game. It is beautiful. And it’s a lot of fun.

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asumir.1978


One year? It feels like two!

Beautiful Tyria, glad have seen you so far, and yet, there is still so much to see!
Life has been irreversibly enhanced by you.

I still have many journeys to make.

Thaír ar Nádal aï Narvèduí – Zían athâ éhû Tharnadaï
From Shadow unto Light is born the Narvedui
While softly walks the Tharnadai

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neurion.4086


Welcome to Tyria, Asumir.

It is a mesmerising world, and fun.

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KickzNGigglez.4958


Usually I’d ask “why the necro?”, but this thread is actually pretty nice compared the usually garbage that floats around on the forums.

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neurion.4086


Oops! I didn’t notice it was a year old. I saw it on top and thought, “A new player”. lol

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Oops! I didn’t notice it was a year old. I saw it on top and thought, “A new player”. lol

Lol I almost made the same mistake. Still, I think there is a difference if it’s the OP who necro’s a post and if the topic is still relevant or not. So I think they could/should let it slide in this case.

Soo, instead of “welcome to the game” I will say “glad you are still playing and enjoying the game!”.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XerMeLL.6042


I am like you like 10 months ago when i started playing. I want to play this game since launch but i don’t have the money to upgrade my rig so i just waited for like 3 years to purchase a high end rig and play this finally. never been this happy with like 5 mmo i played seriously before.

This is the last MMORPG ill play.

From A Newcomer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

One year? It feels like two!

Beautiful Tyria, glad have seen you so far, and yet, there is still so much to see!
Life has been irreversibly enhanced by you.

I still have many journeys to make.

Could be because it’s been 1 year and 8 months, so nearly two years. Lol.

May you continue to adventure for years to come.