From MMO to SPOG.
The nice community is in open world PVE .. in PvP you will always have those
special kind of people like in any other PvP game.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
The nice community is in open world PVE .. in PvP you will always have those
special kind of people like in any other PvP game.
The open world PVE is just as bad as the PVP players. Even in the starting areas, there’s nothing but rude people, left and right.
I even took a poll recently and voted Gw2 as having a worse community than games like LoL, TF2 and even Xbox live in general. That’s how poorly I’ve seen the community act in the 2 fricking weeks I’ve owned it.
If you behave in chat like you do here .. maybe no wonder if the people are not
that friendly to you,
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
In the competitive community there will always be kittenbags, it’s unavoidable.
I have not ever had a bad experience in PvE in terms of community in the 10 months I’ve been here (regularly playing every day) except in the case of speed run dungeon groups, which can get a little hostile at times. Speed running is entirely optional and the best way to run dungeons in my opinion is with a casual pug or in a guild group with friends. GW2 is a very social game and the gameplay design itself even promotes social play and cooperation.
It sounds to me like you’ve just had a run of bad luck encountering kittens.
I’ve took to holing up and just not talking anymore.
This is the first MMO community that has made me feel so un-accepted when I’m trying to learn that I’ve given up trying to do anything team-based.
You certainly didn’t take part in many mmo communities.
But sure, it’s your opinion and you have your own standards.
I’ve been told twice now that GW2’s community is a fun-loving community, friendly, and that trolling is a minor thing here.
Because it is.
Tried sPvP, and one of the worst things I heard was “I want to slit your childs neck open and use it like a sex toy.”
So much drastic that I’ll lend you my sentimental shoulder to cry on.
Can’t you move on?
First timer in internet?
Tried WvW: If you don’t have a level 80, shut up and get out. General consensus from the commander I was stuck under.
Go EotM then?
Borderlands, OS and EB are end game maps which require gear and max level.
In EotM you can tag along after commander farm some loot and karma and level up.
Your only focus in EotM is to keep your speed by tagging on swiftness buffs given by others and tagging mobs for loot.
Tried dungeons: “Level 80 only, speedruns only.”
Since day one. Being low level makes you almost 1 shot in those instances.
Still surprised?
So, Now I’m doing the single player thing. I refuse to talk to anybody, even people who talk to me, and just sit around grinding and doing the personal story, once I’m finished with it, I’ll quit the game and that will be that. The community is so toxic and crude that I -DON’T WANT- to be a part of it. I’ve never met a single kind person outside of a few “Nice” fourm posts and one fellow roleplayer.
You didn’t get the welcome candy and gave up?
Hopeless child.
I play alone since my day one in this game and have no problem communicating with other players and enjoy every single part of content even with random players if that specific content requires it.
There are even specific guilds with maxed missions which offer free weekly missions no matter if you’re a solo player or pvp guild or whatever else.
To all of you that trolled, bullied, and just generally kitten on me? GG. You win. I won’t darken your /map or /team chat. May you rot in them.
Are you 12?
I’m amazed by how you plan to survive in modern world.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
If you behave in chat like you do here .. maybe no wonder if the people are not
that friendly to you,
if ppl are simply nice in general he would not have to post a thread like this, the simply fact that this community is filled with rude power mongers gives reason to his reaction.
It’s sad to hear that your experience is ruined by people. I admit there’s people that trash talk doesn’t matter what, if you are nice to them or not. Although from my experience, I usually don’t meet such kind of people, maybe because I’m half PvP’er and full PvE’r. 7/10 parties i usually join, doesn’t matter on what content dungeon, WB(World Bosses), farm or even half afking in LA, chat always feels so kind and funny, once found a guy, a random guy who asked only for grills(Gamer Girls) in CF(Chest Farm), me and my cousin acted like we’re grills, tho he knew it, and we roleplayed it so good, that it was amazing, and now I’m actually a good friend with that guy. I don’t know what to say, i guess maybe those people should “rot in their chat” or maybe not. Ignore them or act like you don’t care and keep it nice n steady. At the end of the day, its your choice to leave this game, and I hope you wont, although if you will, hope you’ll come back at it sometime.
Brian, you must have had the single worst luck in the sort of person you’ve had interaction with that I’ve heard. It’s a shame your experience has sucked. Maybe because I spend so much time with my /guild tab up (even when I’m the only one on) that I don’t see any of this. I’ve never Pvp’ed either so I guess I haven’t had my skin tested enough in this game
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Brian chill out and don’t give a kitten for the losers.
In PvP the thing is, that Anet made lame system, and when a newbie enters the arena it makes it complicated for the team he is in. And there is a lot of rage in the “competitive” play anyway. Don’t sweat it and play Practice not Ranked. PvP definitely needs some time to get used to.
In WvW just follow the zerg and contribute with what you can. It doesn’t matter at all what level you are, it just matters how big the zerg is.
In PvE avoid speed runs and groups that ask for “zerk”, “exp”, “anet points” and such. They are all losers that will make your game experience bitter.
Relax, don’t give a kitten about idiots and use your block list without a second thought:)
Unfortunately the games are being plaid mostly by teenagers that don’t know how to behave in a social environment. Find a mature guild of casual players and have fun.
Make your own group for new people in the group finder. All levels and professions welcome. Profit.
It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.
OPs initial post is more rude than anything i’ve experienced in game (minus the occasional wvw whiner…cured by a simple block and report).
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Anyone who would say something so disgusting as your pvp example needs a perma ban, no questions asked. I think that the cure to most MMO problems people have is to find a nice guild and do things with them.
Your experiences are more of an ‘Anonymous Internet Trolls’ situation than the actual community. That said, this thread isn’t helping and will draw more to you like moths to the flames.
The community also knows a rage thread when we read one, and I think it in your best interest if you ask a moderator to lock and/or delete it.
Hope I don’t have to explain why.
I would just report that stuff you mentioned in pvp example, that’s so far beyond unacceptable, competitive gameplays one thing, but yeah…
for dungeon runs you could always put up a lfg for casual group, im sure there are a lot of players who don’t want to run full zerk speed runs, might be a few minutes longer than fully experienced run, but probably more fun in the end (and yeah, probably meet a few decent people in the process).
find a nice guild, there are plenty out there, not hard to find. but if you go around thinking everything about gw2 is toxic, of course you’re going to have a hard time adjusting.
Ok, try this.
1/ Install APB: Reloaded.
2/ Make a character
3/ Enter a district.
4/ Don’t even play, just watch district chat
5/ Come back and tell us how bad our community is!
For the full experience, actually try playing that game. Win lose or draw, just see the abuse you get!
i think the idea of “nice community” is that you wont get kill steal and get pked in the open-world becoz it is purely pve. becoz there is less competitions, ppl will also be willing to show you ways to some places like jumping puzzle.
Henge of Denravi Server
Honestly, Guild Wars 2 has one of the best communities—if not the best community—I’ve ever encountered in any MMO. That’s not to say you won’t encounter a fair share of idiots. But that’s what block is for.
Feed those fools silence and move on.
I’d suggest you get into a guild, ppl in the same gild tend to be nicer to each other.
if you need a hand game wise as in builds tips and tricks, try the general chat, most of the time you will get whispered by a helpful payer.
There are indeed many players in this game that should be seen by therapists but there are alot of decent ppl out there too.
I don’t play much now days, I’m a pure pvp player and the current state of pvp is pushing me away from the game but feel free to add me to your friend’s list, I’ll be happy to help you out.
If you behave in chat like you do here .. maybe no wonder if the people are not
that friendly to you,
Besides this, for PvE don’t take it personal, people just want to optimize their time. Also PvP format in any game toxic players are to be expected, its always easier to blame others :]
There is one aspect missing from your experience OP … you say nothing about a guild. If you want help in PVE, being in a guild is a given. Asking random people in chat is not a thing.
If you behave in chat like you do here .. maybe no wonder if the people are not
that friendly to you,Besides this, for PvE don’t take it personal, people just want to optimize their time. Also PvP format in any game toxic players are to be expected, its always easier to blame others :]
I said OPEN WORLD .. not speedrun dungeons .. and he said that open world also
was sooo bad. I really don’t know how to take that serious. I mean there are ofc
some kittens everywhere now and then .. but mostly if somebody has a question
it gets answered and nobody sais : kitten n00b .. or whatever the cool kids in WoW say.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
If you behave in chat like you do here .. maybe no wonder if the people are not
that friendly to you,Besides this, for PvE don’t take it personal, people just want to optimize their time. Also PvP format in any game toxic players are to be expected, its always easier to blame others :]
I said OPEN WORLD .. not speedrun dungeons .. and he said that open world also
was sooo bad. I really don’t know how to take that serious. I mean there are ofc
some kittens everywhere now and then .. but mostly if somebody has a question
it gets answered and nobody sais : kitten n00b .. or whatever the cool kids in WoW say.
No offense but I have no idea wth you are talking about lol
Tried sPvP, and one of the worst things I heard was “I want to slit your childs neck open and use it like a sex toy.”
Alright i’ll give you that, the sPvP community is full of rabid kittenbags, but generally there is a decent person for every kittenbag, just don’t play ranked, stick with unranked and have fun, if you bump into some friendly people you enjoyed a match with, team up with them.
Tried WvW: If you don’t have a level 80, shut up and get out. General consensus from the commander I was stuck under.
I’ve been playing gw2 since the head start (3 days early access before it opened up for non prepurchasers), and i bave NEVER seen a commander that’s acted as such, it could be a server culture thing, or most likely a kitten commander.
If you like wvw and plan on playing it a lot, i suggest you do some research and find a good wvw server with good reputation.
Other than that i assure you that this whole lvl 80 thing is not representative of the wvw community as a whole, in fact, outside some elitist wvw guilds, the wvw community is the friendliest in gw2.
Tried dungeons: “Level 80 only, speedruns only.”
Here’s the thing with dungeons, people do it to earn gold after they finish the story version, and naturally they want to finish them as fast as possible.
If you’re still under lvl 80 and you want to do the story version of a dungeon, then specifically indicate so, because the whole speedruns thing is only for the explorable version of the dungeon (unlocked after you finish the story version).
Best advice for dungeons is to do it with a bunch of friends.
I looked at your post history and it seems that you have been complaining about rude people since you started. I have no idea how you managed to get so many rude people around you, I rarely ever see rude people and when I see them I see them in PvP or big meta events. If you think GW2 has a rude community you have never played a F2P MMORPG or something like LoL (my at-the-time-boyfriend made me try it, what a horrible place that was), this is by far the best MMORPG community I’ve ever seen.
Have you tried making your own dungeon groups? I never ever run speedruns/metaruns/exp runs/80 only runs and I always make my own groups, they fill within minutes.
The commander you joined was a mean one. Don’t let 1 commander ruin the fun for you. I recommend trying EOTM, most lowbies go there and you’ll feel more useful there.
Open-world PvE (besides the big meta events) should be troll free. I’ve never ever seen a troll there the whole time I’ve been playing (and I’ve been playing a long time). Sometimes there are trolls in LA, but for the rest I’ve yet to see any.
The PvP part, yes I can see why you think that.
He doesn’t have any friends, that’s why he doing the single player thing lol
For dungeons you could have just started a party and include “noobs” or “casuals” in the description
Looks like the OP has L2P issues.He even stopped posting in his own thread after 2nd comment.