(edited by Adula.3698)
Full Nightfury Recipe
I don’t think I’m gonna enjoy this, it costs way more than a Legendary and Glacial Lodestone price is going to be higher than Charged Lodestones…
Yea, no.. That’s practically the cost of a legendary, no ty. Great job ANET
Currently, you can expect 2500g to craft. Around the same price as 2 1 hand legendaries.
Seriously. This is why we cannot have nice things.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I feel sorry for the people that go for this…GL
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I’m going to have to pass on making the Nightfury. Way too expensive. Awesome idea and graphics though, probs to Anet for it. I’m loving that they’re bringing in truly unique skins like for example, a bat animation shoulder piece, and invisible shoes. Love it.
Currently, you can expect 2500g to craft. Around the same price as 2 1 hand legendaries.
Lovely, I’ll stick with my bat wings skin. No grind philosophy is dead, convert gems or gtfo is what I’m getting from this
It’s times like these I’m happy I don’t like flashy stuff like that. I’d be so poor. I thought they said it’d be a “journey”.
Crazy. Did I say crazy?
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Seriously TP flippers needs to get out, I remember how the unlimited bat tonic had it’s price going from 80g to over 250g, this is really infuriating, they’re like Qataris…
Is this confirmed somewhere?
Is this confirmed somewhere?
It’s officially on the wiki and a reddit users rich guildy apparently crafted it
Is this confirmed somewhere?
Well, unless they are cleverly faking the pictures, http://guildwarshub.com/tattered-bat-wings-to-craft-nightfury/
Seriously TP flippers needs to get out, I remember how the unlimited bat tonic had it’s price going from 80g to over 250g, this is really infuriating, they’re like Qataris…
Or they could have given us a cool collection instead, along with a title and achievement points. I can’t believe they made a festive-themed shoulder piece so expensive. I was excited for this even more than the expansion itself- was looking forward to some kind of collection/scavenger hunt and instead just need boatloads of gold. To top it off, it needs linseed oil which guild hall upgrades need as well… Which means it will be quite a while until I can even start to work on this. /sigh
Seriously TP flippers needs to get out, I remember how the unlimited bat tonic had it’s price going from 80g to over 250g, this is really infuriating, they’re like Qataris…
Or they could have given us a cool collection instead, along with a title and achievement points. I can’t believe they made a festive-themed shoulder piece so expensive. I was excited for this even more than the expansion itself- was looking forward to some kind of collection/scavenger hunt and instead just need boatloads of gold. To top it off, it needs linseed oil which guild hall upgrades need as well… Which means it will be quite a while until I can even start to work on this. /sigh
Thought it would be like getting the Mad king book from the 2012 festival, how ANet has fallen…
Thought it would be like getting the Mad king book from the 2012 festival, how ANet has fallen…
Speaking of that, they need to bring that back permanently.
Its a really neat backpack that should be available every Halloween!
Seriously TP flippers needs to get out, I remember how the unlimited bat tonic had it’s price going from 80g to over 250g, this is really infuriating, they’re like Qataris…
Or they could have given us a cool collection instead, along with a title and achievement points. I can’t believe they made a festive-themed shoulder piece so expensive. I was excited for this even more than the expansion itself- was looking forward to some kind of collection/scavenger hunt and instead just need boatloads of gold. To top it off, it needs linseed oil which guild hall upgrades need as well… Which means it will be quite a while until I can even start to work on this. /sigh
Thought it would be like getting the Mad king book from the 2012 festival, how ANet has fallen…
YES! I as well figured it would be similar to how we aquired the Mad King Memoires… but no… they had to make this festival themed skin completely unaquirable to anyone that doesn’t have the gold… as they’ve done with countless other items recently. It would be nice if for once when they say “be prepared to work for it” they actually meant that… instead of “be prepared to pay for it”.
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
Seriously TP flippers needs to get out, I remember how the unlimited bat tonic had it’s price going from 80g to over 250g, this is really infuriating, they’re like Qataris…
Or they could have given us a cool collection instead, along with a title and achievement points. I can’t believe they made a festive-themed shoulder piece so expensive. I was excited for this even more than the expansion itself- was looking forward to some kind of collection/scavenger hunt and instead just need boatloads of gold. To top it off, it needs linseed oil which guild hall upgrades need as well… Which means it will be quite a while until I can even start to work on this. /sigh
Thought it would be like getting the Mad king book from the 2012 festival, how ANet has fallen…
It’s crazy how they did something so right back then (I loved the scavenger hunt for the book), and then now.. it always involves crazy amounts of gold and materials, instead of just fun. It doesn’t always have to cost us something absolutely absurd. Can’t something just be fun and memorable?
Why can’t they just understand the concept of making a fun adventure that leads to an awesome cosmetic item without breaking the bank? I have less than 200g on my account and will never see these because of this recipe cost. But hey, it makes business sense. Give one of the coolest looking items a huge gold sink and people will buy gems. Too bad…
Who the heck actually figured out this recipe…?
Someone did the maths and it costs 3K+ gold to make this piece of garbage, like seriously what they were thinking? I did not remember Harold buying Toothless in the movie…
(edited by Amineo.8951)
Who the heck actually figured out this recipe…?
A redditers rich guildy
Someone did the maths and it costs 3K+ gold to make this piece of garbage, like seriously what they were thinking? I did not remember Harold grinding to get Toothless in the movie…
They don’t want you to grind, they don’t want you to go on a journey and earn them through playing. They want you to open your wallet so they can continue to not charge a sub but still make a butt load of money. I’d rather pay a sub and just have a fun experience getting cool items.
Are people REALLY complaining about an ascended item that’s supposed to be rare? It’s one of the ONLY items in the game with this kind of effect…do you people want EVERYONE running around with it?
Are people REALLY complaining about an ascended item that’s supposed to be rare? It’s one of the ONLY items in the game with this kind of effect…do you people want EVERYONE running around with it?
If I had this item the thing that would make it awesome is the effect. Idgaf how many people have it. I wanted it to make an awesome looking outfit that would blend well with other items. 2.5k-3k gold for a shoulder effect is… stupid. Why are things only cool if nobody else has them? It’s a great way to kitten on everyone else. It’s sad so many people get so much enjoyment from people’s envy for them. And in reality nobody is feeling actual envy over pixels. Those people just imagine that everyone thinks they are awesome when in actuality nobody cares unless they have it.
(edited by Zalavaaris.5329)
Good job NCSoft.
Me like.
please make this legendary, let me swap its stats on the fly!
Are people REALLY complaining about an ascended item that’s supposed to be rare? It’s one of the ONLY items in the game with this kind of effect…do you people want EVERYONE running around with it?
Yeah I don’t get this either. Also why do people want this today? It’s an awesome thing to go for long-term. Get the Halloween stuff now, then you have a long-term goal for the next 1-2 years, slowly gathering mats for it.
Is nice.
Someone did the maths and it costs 3K+ gold to make this piece of garbage, like seriously what they were thinking? I did not remember Harold grinding to get Toothless in the movie…
They don’t want you to grind, they don’t want you to go on a journey and earn them through playing. They want you to open your wallet so they can continue to not charge a sub but still make a butt load of money. I’d rather pay a sub and just have a fun experience getting cool items.
I agree, I think the reason we don’t see any good sub games, is that it takes more work to get people playing and its much easier to just throw everything worth getting into a cash store instead of creating fun and interesting ways to acquire those same items. Every F2P is just a lazy cash grab. GW2 just happens to have a better combat system and prettier graphics than most others.
Well, the Unopened Bottle of Batwing Brew has shot way up. Yesterday 100 gold, shortly after the recipe was announced over 200 gold, now around 500 gold. I will have to hope to be insanely lucky with ToT bags because I can’t afford that. I can slowly increment getting everything else, though.
My shopping list of remaining things I need for this: Unopened Bottle Batwing Brew, 95 Onyx Lodestones, 245 Glacial Lodestones, 300 Vials of Linseed Oil, 50 Lumps of Glass.
The glass and linseed oil will wait until I’ve made things for our guild hall, the lodestones I can buy/farm here and there (or maybe promote from smaller things?), but the lump sum of the Brew? Not happening ><
If you guys want fun and lighthearted festivals, you are playing the wrong MMO.
I’m serious. If you want fun and lighthearted festival stuff, where you just do some cute little quests or run some events a max of like, 20 times to collect festival currency, play FF14.
Their most recent Halloween event grants everyone who does the little quest line an “outfit” (quotations because it’s actually a set of themed gear pieces), a cute little pumpkin pet, and a broom mount.
And it’s just a set of cute little quests, no major hassle. Just a little something to have fun with. None of this grinding forever and spending thousands of gold stuff just to discover where an item is.
Stop trying to find fun in ANet’s holiday event set ups. You’ll just be disappointed.
You know…. I was REALLY hoping that HoT was gonna stop doing these things. Like, I just wanted to have a fun time getting stuff like this. I wanted to spend some time really having to re-explore Tyria, and to challenge myself as I slowly EARN the pieces day by day for this. Nothing or at least next to nothing be bought. Even precursor tracks are feeling like this to a lesser extent. I didn’t want RNG-gated chest drops. I didn’t want to see TP prices skyrocketing beyond any chance of me ever dreaming of pursuing this. I didn’t want to be reminded of the ludicrous nature of uber wealth while I play an enjoyed video game. I just really wanted this to feel like Guild Wars 2 2.0
This feels like Guild Wars 2 … Again.
In Vino Veritas
If you guys want fun and lighthearted festivals, you are playing the wrong MMO.
I’m serious. If you want fun and lighthearted festival stuff, where you just do some cute little quests or run some events a max of like, 20 times to collect festival currency, play FF14.
Their most recent Halloween event grants everyone who does the little quest line an “outfit” (quotations because it’s actually a set of themed gear pieces), a cute little pumpkin pet, and a broom mount.
And it’s just a set of cute little quests, no major hassle. Just a little something to have fun with. None of this grinding forever and spending thousands of gold stuff just to discover where an item is.
Stop trying to find fun in ANet’s holiday event set ups. You’ll just be disappointed.
There’s plenty of easy-to-get stuff in GW2’s Halloween as well. Getting enough Candy Corn for most of the vendor items is perfectly reasonable (everything except Gwenefryd), and the new weapons and minis can be grabbed off the TP for a reasonable price if they’re not gotten via RNG drops. None of the achievements are overly grindy except for pumpkin carving.
If people are going to get hung up solely on the handful of expensive items, then so be it. But its not like everything is like that.
If you guys want fun and lighthearted festivals, you are playing the wrong MMO.
I’m serious. If you want fun and lighthearted festival stuff, where you just do some cute little quests or run some events a max of like, 20 times to collect festival currency, play FF14.
Their most recent Halloween event grants everyone who does the little quest line an “outfit” (quotations because it’s actually a set of themed gear pieces), a cute little pumpkin pet, and a broom mount.
And it’s just a set of cute little quests, no major hassle. Just a little something to have fun with. None of this grinding forever and spending thousands of gold stuff just to discover where an item is.
Stop trying to find fun in ANet’s holiday event set ups. You’ll just be disappointed.
There’s plenty of easy-to-get stuff in GW2’s Halloween as well. Getting enough Candy Corn for most of the vendor items is perfectly reasonable (everything except Gwenefryd), and the new weapons and minis can be grabbed off the TP for a reasonable price if they’re not gotten via RNG drops. None of the achievements are overly grindy except for pumpkin carving.
If people are going to get hung up solely on the handful of expensive items, then so be it. But its not like everything is like that.
You’re right, however, no one here has said it needs to be easy to obtain, just that locking it behind a 3000g pay wall is ludicrous. I also don’t feel that festivals are the place to put items that they want to have a 3000g pay wall behind. Use festivals for things like massive quests and scavenger hunts or w.e other methods, just make it so that time and dedication gets you the item instead of “if you have enough gold, here’s the item for you!”.
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
I dont see how anyone is complaining about the cost, unless you are looking for instagratification and want it now now now.
Farm for the bat wings (I got my 4 in under 8 hours)
Farm ToT for the bottle ( 3,000 bags I got my bottle)
Time sink as you get time to finish the rest.
You do NOT need these shoulders right now……
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
I dont see how anyone is complaining about the cost, unless you are looking for instagratification and want it now now now.
Farm for the bat wings (I got my 4 in under 8 hours)
Farm ToT for the bottle ( 3,000 bags I got my bottle)
Time sink as you get time to finish the rest.You do NOT need these shoulders right now……
Congrats on getting the bottle, I’ve opened 10k in bags and nada! So it’s not that simple. Also, the bat wing brew is currently on of the cheapest components at this point…. 3k is Eternity or a few legendaries… if they wanted this price point, they should have made it legendary and let us swap stats… but it’s ascended… and stupid price at that.
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
I do hope they’ll upgrade it to legendary once legendary armors are out. Cause the price point is even higher than one of those right now.
And well, the effect is already something more than what an ascended item would usually do, so…one can hope, i guess.
I dont see how anyone is complaining about the cost, unless you are looking for instagratification and want it now now now.
Farm for the bat wings (I got my 4 in under 8 hours)
Farm ToT for the bottle ( 3,000 bags I got my bottle)
Time sink as you get time to finish the rest.You do NOT need these shoulders right now……
2000 bags today and lots on previous days… no bottle. The problem isn’t wanting it now. The problem is how much tattered batwings and the tonic will shoot up in price after Halloween ends, as well as ToT bags since the maize balm was nerfed. There is no slowly working on getting these. You need the cash now, at least for the tonic.
so ya the people who are causing the gold and tp problems get to have it. and area already flipping the tp for the stuff
I dont see how anyone is complaining about the cost, unless you are looking for instagratification and want it now now now.
Farm for the bat wings (I got my 4 in under 8 hours)
Farm ToT for the bottle ( 3,000 bags I got my bottle)
Time sink as you get time to finish the rest.You do NOT need these shoulders right now……
It is not a matter of wanting it now, however if you look at the circumstances that’s what players that will pursue such skin will have to do. Also, you cannot compare your experience to others when the drop come from RNG. What took you one day, might take other player an year or even never.
We are currently during the Halloween event where the ToT bags are plentiful and yet the Unopened Endless Bottle of Batwing Brew is 500g with only 25 listed to sell. Once the event is over and, as said by rhapsody, with the maize balm nerf, the tendency of such items price is to keep going up.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
RNG makes me sad. It makes hard work meaningless.
I’d like to think that next year they’ll introduce the endless batwing brew in exchange for cobs, or even more hilariously, the shoulder piece itself for cobs. And then we can look forward to the uber-rich crying that their ego-stroking vanity item isn’t as exclusive as they demand it be hehe.
Either I choose to find this funny or I let the reality seep in and get depressed as… (since it’s going to be changed to kitten anyway) a small kitten that’s seen too much of the world to want to see it’s more sickening elements emulated so faithfully in this digital reality.
Not building them because they look bad with heavy armor sets. But I am greatful Anet introduces new very exclusive items.