Full servers
That’s pretty much it…wait until the server is empty…or farm gold and convert it to gems to pay for a server transfer later on. But it’s a lot of gold.
If it’s only PvE, you can guest onto their server.
Alternatively, you can delete all of your characters to transfer, if you only want to play around to get a feel for the game.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
You could technically “guest” to your friends’ server and play with them should you end up on a different server. However, guesting different servers is limited to a certain number of times a day, so it’d be much better if you waited until your choice server was open.
And yeah, it can cost up to 1800 gems if you want to transfer servers at a later date.
Death and Taxes [DnT] | http://www.dtguilds.com/
Server population isn’t based on whether or not people are online, just like a city’s population isn’t based on whether or not people are awake. It counts all who are native to that server, online or not.
^^ Oh? Did something change, or was it like that all along? Afaik, the reason server status goes from full to high or vice verse is because of online people. Isn’t that’s why guild can bandwagoned from JQ to SR?
^^ Oh? Did something change, or was it like that all along? Afaik, the reason server status goes from full to high or vice verse is because of online people. Isn’t that’s why guild can bandwagoned from JQ to SR?
There are a couple hundred thousand people registered to each server (considering the 3 million sales mark ANet hit last year, which has probably grown by now). A server will only say “full” if it’s just that. Several people leave each server per minute, leaving those servers at “very full”. It’s been this way since launch.
Well regardless, he shouldn’t have trouble transferring to any server he wants to go. I’ve notice fluctuations every time I guest even on the top 3 rank worlds.