Future PreCursor & Legendarys

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

So from todays blog post

Just like all future precursor and legendary items, this precursor will be account bound and can’t be traded—it must be earned.

So does this mean that say I get a random new pre cursor drop from an enemy I cannot sell it, if this is the case it seems stupid, I can understand if I made if via the pre-cursor crafting that it would be account bound, but a drop in the game should never be account bound, as some people may get a weapon drop for a legendary they have no interest in at all.

Also on the back of that, where it says it must be earned, I kinda read that like pre’s will not be dropping and that all new legendarys must be done via the pre cursor hunt…

Sorry if this was covered in a previous blog post.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juclesia Elcritian.8410

Juclesia Elcritian.8410

Fairly certain they mean new precursors will not drop and must be obtained through collections only.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


New precursors won’t drop from mf or mobs and only be obtained through collections. You missed the “it must be earned” part, getting a precursor from a drop isn’t exactly “earning” it.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

From the previous News Blog on the new Legendaries:

For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon, but they will all be updated to use new skins that look much like the legendary weapons they’ll one day become. We like to think of these new precursor skins as the legendary weapon before it is embodied by its soul. Unlocking one of these new skins in your wardrobe will also unlock the two previous tiers of skins. So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.’


Edit: But, new precursors, will indeed, not be tradable.

so the new legendary weapons, and their precursors, will not be tradable

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: uller.6528


“ill yield different results, but all will provide a chance at the new ball of dark energy salvage item that will be used for crafting new legendary items in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns and beyond. Salvaging ascended rings will also grant players stabilizing matrices, a necessary component for legendary crafting”
This is the intresting part to me. What and how many balls of “dark blobs” do we need for these new track items

Ol Crusty Gamer :P

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


So, am I to understand that this legendary back item can only be obtained if you play fractals?

Also, will the ability to get this also be locked away from people that don’t buy HoT?

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


From the previous News Blog on the new Legendaries:

For all of our existing precursors, this is a tradable exotic weapon, but they will all be updated to use new skins that look much like the legendary weapons they’ll one day become. We like to think of these new precursor skins as the legendary weapon before it is embodied by its soul. Unlocking one of these new skins in your wardrobe will also unlock the two previous tiers of skins. So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.’


Edit: But, new precursors, will indeed, not be tradable.

so the new legendary weapons, and their precursors, will not be tradable

Yep. They have never stated that we won’t be able to loot a new precursor, only that they cannot be traded. Makes me wonder how it will affect the old precursor market, if new precursors are thrown in the MF loot table. Meaning- people are receiving less old precursors because there’s also a chance of getting an account bound one.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinbold.8723


“how many balls of “dark blobs” do we need”

My money is on a full stack of 250. Yes, I read it all, no I’m not crazy. It’s got to be harder than Mawdrey because it’s a legendary. Heck, if the sharpening stone station can take 5 Deldrimor Steel Ingots, 250 “dark blobs” is nuthin’.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


So, am I to understand that this legendary back item can only be obtained if you play fractals?

Also, will the ability to get this also be locked away from people that don’t buy HoT?

Yes and Yes

It did not however say that this would be the only legendary back item. There will probably be more in the future that will not be locked in fractals.

Did you think that you would get access to all the new skins without buying the expansion? What would be the point of the expansion then?

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


“how many balls of “dark blobs” do we need”

My money is on a full stack of 250. Yes, I read it all, no I’m not crazy. It’s got to be harder than Mawdrey because it’s a legendary. Heck, if the sharpening stone station can take 5 Deldrimor Steel Ingots, 250 “dark blobs” is nuthin’.

I already bought 250 spiritwood and 250 deldrimor ingots in preparation! Luckily I got them all below crafting cost. Of course i’m pretty sure crafting cost will triple once people see how many you need lol. 250 seems like a reasonable number to me.

Fractals encryption cost will rise to the cost of the ascended rings for salvaging purposes and that will rise to the cost of the cheapest ascended item you can craft. Since silk is still stupid expensive I assume those will be weapons. I should hopefully have enough to get my legendary.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Wow, ok, Zudet….wow.

First, your leap of ZOMG why u want something for nothing (and please don’t try to say that isn’t what you were going for there) is exactly that, a leap.

I wanted clarification regarding the legendary back item they spoke of (and more importantly from an actual Anet employee).

Now, disregarding the silliness regarding precursor crafting and them locking it behind the HoT upgrade, I get why they’ve done it…mostly.

My bigger question here regarding this lefedary back item was more about it requiring fractals, since i know many people that don’t touch FoM with a 10 foot pole AND the fact that I knew they were locking the other precursor crafting behind masteries only available to HoT players, so I wanted a solid yes or no from Anet on that front.

Reason being because if the answer was “no” on that second point for some reason, then I’d have some follow up questions for Anet AND if the answer was Yes for the first then I’d have a few more comments to make on it all.

Sure we can assume (and it is just an assumption) that they have some other back items planned for the game of legendary status, but the ETA on those will be fairly nebulous. This means that for the foreseeable future the only one in the game will be this one, and in FoM is a requirement for getting the pre made, then Anet may end up with a lot of angry posts in the forums.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

To me it feels like they are locking you into this new legendary grind, oh you want a new legendary well then you MUST invest in the new Pre-Cursor crafting, then you MUST do all the high end fractals etc etc, and you MUST jump threw any other hoops we can think of,

They should have left it 2 ways, 1 which is pre cursor crafting for those who want to take their time and work towards it.

And open world drops for Pre’s which can be traded, forcing people to play a certain way its crazy, it only allows some people to control a market for mats that can be traded, unless of course we will be seeing the likes of T6 mats being made account bound too, seeing as they are going to be dropping as zone rewards,

Its all these restrictions which has stopped me from getting HoT, seems like its 1 step forward ( with what the community want, IE pre cursor crafting ) and 2 steps back by putting it behind a mega pay wall/ grind fest ) this is disappointing.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nacario.9417


Why would people be offended? Work for it I say, everything ingame atm is buyable part from FoM stuff, and I dont even FoM

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Wow, ok, Zudet….wow.

First, your leap of ZOMG why u want something for nothing (and please don’t try to say that isn’t what you were going for there) is exactly that, a leap.

I wanted clarification regarding the legendary back item they spoke of (and more importantly from an actual Anet employee).

Now, disregarding the silliness regarding precursor crafting and them locking it behind the HoT upgrade, I get why they’ve done it…mostly.

My bigger question here regarding this lefedary back item was more about it requiring fractals, since i know many people that don’t touch FoM with a 10 foot pole AND the fact that I knew they were locking the other precursor crafting behind masteries only available to HoT players, so I wanted a solid yes or no from Anet on that front.

Reason being because if the answer was “no” on that second point for some reason, then I’d have some follow up questions for Anet AND if the answer was Yes for the first then I’d have a few more comments to make on it all.

Sure we can assume (and it is just an assumption) that they have some other back items planned for the game of legendary status, but the ETA on those will be fairly nebulous. This means that for the foreseeable future the only one in the game will be this one, and in FoM is a requirement for getting the pre made, then Anet may end up with a lot of angry posts in the forums.

The pictured legendary backpiece is clearly an evolution of the fractal capacitor, a back piece that has only been obtainable by doing fractals, and fractals alone for more than 2 years now.

There is however the possibility that you can just buy the components needed since apparently you can sell the new fractal boxes that drop the fractal loot. The details on what they drop, how you open them and if that’s all you will need are not available so that might be a more focused question to ask.

I find it unlikely they will launch with only a single legendary backpack skin though. I would expect 2-3 at launch with more later. If there is one thing Anet has been good about it is pumping out back skins. They require no animations, no clipping solutions and no character movement considerations so they should be fairly easy to add in rapid succession.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foverine.5342


In the previous blogposts, they states that the New set of legendaries that will come in Heart of Thorns will not be tradeable. That’s what they meant by ‘new’ precursors; However, this does not effect existing precursors. The ability to gain Current precursors through the mystic forge, drop, or bought from other players will remain. In fact, that will become the only way to get multiple of the same kind, given that the collections will only give you one of each.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

so the old prescursors drop from mobs after HOT wont be tradable? Old legendary weapons crafted with drop prescursor after HOT wont be tradable?

  • Original precursors will be unchanged except in appearance. However, a second method of obtaining (collections) them will be added to the game with HoT. They will still drop from mobs/mystic forge, and they will not be bound until used. The legendaries they make will remain as they currently are – account bound upon use.
  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.
Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


To me it feels like they are locking you into this new legendary grind, oh you want a new legendary well then you MUST invest in the new Pre-Cursor crafting, then you MUST do all the high end fractals etc etc, and you MUST jump threw any other hoops we can think of,

They should have left it 2 ways, 1 which is pre cursor crafting for those who want to take their time and work towards it.

And open world drops for Pre’s which can be traded, forcing people to play a certain way its crazy, it only allows some people to control a market for mats that can be traded, unless of course we will be seeing the likes of T6 mats being made account bound too, seeing as they are going to be dropping as zone rewards,

Its all these restrictions which has stopped me from getting HoT, seems like its 1 step forward ( with what the community want, IE pre cursor crafting ) and 2 steps back by putting it behind a mega pay wall/ grind fest ) this is disappointing.

I disagree with you extremely. Legendaries, their components (mainly precursors) and ascended items should have NEVER been allowed to drop in any 1 skill spammable content in the 1st place.

When you get a current legendary, it basically says you’re either a farmer or just lucky. I would like legendaries to make a statement that the player who has them has indeed done some hard stuff in the game and KNOWS how to play, not just zerker tag mobs at zerging events. Same goes for precursors and ascended.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.

Can you link the source of this information? Not trying to argue, but I don’t read reddit, twitter, and other areas where sometimes info is released. And I haven’t seen anything from Anet saying that the new precursors will not drop or come out of the forge.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


So, am I to understand that this legendary back item can only be obtained if you play fractals?

Also, will the ability to get this also be locked away from people that don’t buy HoT?

Yes and Yes

It did not however say that this would be the only legendary back item. There will probably be more in the future that will not be locked in fractals.

I hope their are alternative Legendary back pieces that can be obtained through other modes of play – not just Fractals only.

I don’t mind their being a Fractals one, just give us the opportunity to get a Legendary back piece in other ways – pvp, wvw, pve, etc. They can be different skins of course and would reflect what we do in game I guess (content wise I mean)

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.

Can you link the source of this information? Not trying to argue, but I don’t read reddit, twitter, and other areas where sometimes info is released. And I haven’t seen anything from Anet saying that the new precursors will not drop or come out of the forge.

Here you go:


Good luck.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


They said they would still be obtainable from the mystic forge, but that they would still be account bound.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


They said they would still be obtainable from the mystic forge, but that they would still be account bound.

Did they? Where?


Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

just like existing legendaries, you’ll have to play all game modes to make the legendary backpiece…

– The Baconnaire

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


“how many balls of “dark blobs” do we need”

I assume we need to craft and salvage enough ascended gear thats worth the price
of some of the actual expensive precursers.

Oh c’mon .. did anyone really thought the precurser hunt would make the new
legendarys less expensive and less grindy ?

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cafard.8953


“how many balls of “dark blobs” do we need”

I assume we need to craft and salvage enough ascended gear thats worth the price
of some of the actual expensive precursers.

Oh c’mon .. did anyone really thought the precurser hunt would make the new
legendarys less expensive and less grindy ?

As depressing as likely…

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


So from todays blog post

Just like all future precursor and legendary items, this precursor will be account bound and can’t be traded—it must be earned.

So does this mean that say I get a random new pre cursor drop from an enemy I cannot sell it, if this is the case it seems stupid, I can understand if I made if via the pre-cursor crafting that it would be account bound, but a drop in the game should never be account bound, as some people may get a weapon drop for a legendary they have no interest in at all.

Also on the back of that, where it says it must be earned, I kinda read that like pre’s will not be dropping and that all new legendarys must be done via the pre cursor hunt…

Sorry if this was covered in a previous blog post.

From what they have said new precursors will be account bound on acquire whether they are from drops or from collections. And I have to agree that it isn’t the way I would like to see it. If it’s from a collection and the player has worked for it because it is something they want then it shouldn’t be traded. But, if it comes from a drop I’d like to see it tradable — I can only think of 2 precursors that I would want for myself and only one legendary. To have that kind of high end item drop and have nothing to do with it really sucks.

I’ve had one ascended drop in all of my time playing. One. It was cleric’s. I unlocked the skin and sold the pistol for 1g. Then they came out with the news that stats would be changeable. I didn’t cry, but it’s only because my cat was watching me and I knew he’d make fun.

Sorrows Furnace

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.

Can you link the source of this information? Not trying to argue, but I don’t read reddit, twitter, and other areas where sometimes info is released. And I haven’t seen anything from Anet saying that the new precursors will not drop or come out of the forge.

Here you go:


Good luck.

Thanks, but I still don’t see an area where it states that new precursors won’t come out of the forge or as drops. I see more evidence that they will:

“…So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.”

“This crafting system is an account-based activity, which means you’ll only be able to craft each precursor this way once. However, all of the currently existing precursor acquisition methods will remain intact in addition to this new acquisition method. That means that if you want a particular precursor more than once, you’ll have to fall back to the original methods of acquisition.

I wish someone from Anet would just come out and clarify. I’ve been trying to get this info since they announced precursor crafting.

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Notsoperky.4291


Yay! Force people to go to fractals to obtain stuff! Great move!

I always hated the place, mainly due to the fact you had to run 4 maps before you got to the end boss and if, like me, you can’t stay ingame for that amount of time actually active at the keyboard, it’s one reason why i never got past level 3 or whatever.

With the change to one map rewarding something it might be a place to visit, but as I don’t enjoy cheese mechanics or jumping I’ll probably still not go.

Is there any other way to make this backpack that doesn’t involve going to a place I loathe? Can’t even buy it, as it’s account bound…how do wvw ’rs get it?

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.

Can you link the source of this information? Not trying to argue, but I don’t read reddit, twitter, and other areas where sometimes info is released. And I haven’t seen anything from Anet saying that the new precursors will not drop or come out of the forge.

Here you go:


Good luck.

Thanks, but I still don’t see an area where it states that new precursors won’t come out of the forge or as drops. I see more evidence that they will:

“…So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.”

“This crafting system is an account-based activity, which means you’ll only be able to craft each precursor this way once. However, all of the currently existing precursor acquisition methods will remain intact in addition to this new acquisition method. That means that if you want a particular precursor more than once, you’ll have to fall back to the original methods of acquisition.

I wish someone from Anet would just come out and clarify. I’ve been trying to get this info since they announced precursor crafting.

its good that you can read but maybe go all the way down to the bottom next time

New Legendary Weapons

I know you’re all dying for more information on new legendary weapons, but we’d like to delve into them more with a dedicated blog post in the future. For now, I’ll say that we’ve been working kitten new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be introduced in Heart of Thorns, with more to come in subsequent updates. The methods by which you’ll craft these legendary weapons are similar to the existing system, but we’ve refined it into more of a journey, similar to precursor crafting. We also want to better preserve the prestige associated with crafting a legendary weapon, so the new legendary weapons, and their precursors, will not be tradable. Keep an eye out—we can’t wait to start showing them off when they’re ready!

Future PreCursor & Legendarys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


  • The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.

Can you link the source of this information? Not trying to argue, but I don’t read reddit, twitter, and other areas where sometimes info is released. And I haven’t seen anything from Anet saying that the new precursors will not drop or come out of the forge.

Here you go:


Good luck.

Thanks, but I still don’t see an area where it states that new precursors won’t come out of the forge or as drops. I see more evidence that they will:

“…So, should you get lucky and find a precursor out in the world, you won’t miss out on the skins.”

“This crafting system is an account-based activity, which means you’ll only be able to craft each precursor this way once. However, all of the currently existing precursor acquisition methods will remain intact in addition to this new acquisition method. That means that if you want a particular precursor more than once, you’ll have to fall back to the original methods of acquisition.

I wish someone from Anet would just come out and clarify. I’ve been trying to get this info since they announced precursor crafting.

its good that you can read but maybe go all the way down to the bottom next time

New Legendary Weapons

I know you’re all dying for more information on new legendary weapons, but we’d like to delve into them more with a dedicated blog post in the future. For now, I’ll say that we’ve been working kitten new legendary weapons, the first handful of which will be introduced in Heart of Thorns, with more to come in subsequent updates. The methods by which you’ll craft these legendary weapons are similar to the existing system, but we’ve refined it into more of a journey, similar to precursor crafting. We also want to better preserve the prestige associated with crafting a legendary weapon, so the new legendary weapons, and their precursors, will not be tradable. Keep an eye out—we can’t wait to start showing them off when they’re ready!

That entire quote does not address my question at all; it is the portion addressing legendaries and my question is about precursors only. I am not asking if the new precursors and legendaries will be account bound on acquire. I am already aware of this fact. I am asking for a quote from Anet stating whether or not the new precursors will come out of the mystic forge and/or drop from mobs (as an account bound drop).

Because someone stated: “The new precursors will not drop and can only be obtained via collections. They will be account bound upon acquire. The legendaries they make will be account bound on acquire.”

And I still have seen no definitive statement from Anet or source of this knowledge (that the new precursors will not drop).

As a side not, I’m not sure why you made the snarky comment, “its good that you can read but maybe go all the way down to the bottom next time…” I am simply asking for a source of information, if one exists, and the quote you provided does not address my question.