Future races and professions, my thoughts and yours.
I would normally add something, but I like it as is and it clarified some things a few friends and I were talking about today.
I definitely agree about Largos.
They look amazing and I’d love to play as one!
Like you pointed out they are also very humanoid in shape so it’d be relatively easy to make armor fit them.
Easier than Charr for sure.
It could also be the first race to actually start the game underwater.
I’m just worried that if there’s only some sort of Assassin sect left that doesn’t really leave you with a lot of freedom in Professions.
If there are still cities of Largos left in the deep then it definitely makes sense for there to be those who are something else than Assassins.
Or maybe “Assassin” here isn’t a Profession and the players are “assassins” of any Profession tasked to slay the dragons.
Tengu seem likely.
One of them in Lion’s Arch pretty much says that they want to see how capable of dealing with dragons the other races are.
That hints at them wanting to join the fight once they trust the other races enough.
They are also civilized, have cities and aren’t stuck to just being of one Profession.
I’ve never been a huge fan of them, but they have a lot of fans.
I doubt that stone Dwarves will be playable.
They lost their ability to breed and there are very few of them remaining.
Having a ton of people run around playing as them would go against the lore.
Tengu would def get my vote.
However, some of you may have seen the Polar bear in full armor in Lions Arch, hell yeah Id play that race too. (also has coolest lookinf armor ive seen yet)
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
Yes, i can see the Largos becoming a playable race. I like how little is known about them also, making up a great area of content for the beginning of a personal story line.
Not sure what the character customization would be like for the Kodan, they all look the same as of now.
Just give me shamans and I’m good!
The Mauler from DAOC.
Hand to hand combat + gravity magic and auras.