GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josh.3759


Lets be honest here, I’ve played GW 1 for 5 years, I remember when factions came people were infatuated with Assassin new class mechanics techniques new builds. So why 1 year plus nothing new yet? A solid look as implementing a healer type class to the game will counter condi builds and necro spammer condis clueless. I remember Gw 1 took 2 solid healers to keep the team alive rotating to diff positions why not implement that now?

Good Fights GvG | WvW Team
| LvL 80 elementalist Call Meh God | Multi-Gaming no lifer

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Because the whole point of the combat system in GW2 was to get away from the need to have a healer class in every group (and certainly not 2 with only a 5 member party limit this time around). And if you just mean general healing abilities, well every class currently in the game has a method by which they can heal allies (cumbersome as it may be at times).

Plus, we haven’t had any expansion yet (whether we’ll ever get one is anybody’s guess though). I’m sure we will get another heavy class at some point to even out the class -to-class category ratios, but I don’t think we’ll get more than that (and to be honest, there isn’t really a need either, better to just extend the classes we have with new weapons and skills, etc).

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.3970


My guess/hope is that they are secretly working on a new standalone game like Factions and Nightfall were, and will surprise everyone by covering it up with the living story crap.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Because the game is not working properly yet, fixes first, add things later. Simple

#ELEtism 4ever

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corpus Christi.2057

Corpus Christi.2057

My guess/hope is that they are secretly working on a new standalone game like Factions and Nightfall were, and will surprise everyone by covering it up with the living story crap.

This would, honestly, be the only excuse that any reasonable person could accept for giving us this terrible LS, T3 “unique” armor for gems, bugged fractals etc. etc.

Three 80-lvl Rangers. Why? ‘Cos they’re that cool.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dikeido.8436


Lets be honest here, I’ve played GW 1 for 5 years, I remember when factions came people were infatuated with Assassin new class mechanics techniques new builds. So why 1 year plus nothing new yet? A solid look as implementing a healer type class to the game will counter condi builds and necro spammer condis clueless. I remember Gw 1 took 2 solid healers to keep the team alive rotating to diff positions why not implement that now?

Did you purchase this game with doing any kind of research on it? If you did then you got no one else to blame but yourself.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

Lets be honest here, I’ve played GW 1 for 5 years, I remember when factions came people were infatuated with Assassin new class mechanics techniques new builds. So why 1 year plus nothing new yet? A solid look as implementing a healer type class to the game will counter condi builds and necro spammer condis clueless. I remember Gw 1 took 2 solid healers to keep the team alive rotating to diff positions why not implement that now?

Because why?

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I really don;t see the point of stuffing more and more classes into a game when you could just take the ‘new’ class’s skills and give it to one of the old classes.

If they wanted a healer, they could just allow you to make a Guardian focused purely on healing and support.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pariah.8506


Because their balance team consists of 2 guys.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Nope, we have to make due with LS -_-

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


My guess/hope is that they are secretly working on a new standalone game like Factions and Nightfall were, and will surprise everyone by covering it up with the living story crap.

This ^^^^^^^^^

It only make sense that some point a expansion will come out, and I do believe they would keep it a secret till right before launch, but I also believe the LS content will continue even with an expansion. The game is just a year old which is nothing in MMO years and since LS content might open up different areas of the map it’s a toss up if it would be a temporary teaser or permanent, in my mind the only way to truly open a new area of the map is with a expansion. If that is what happens continual LS updates & timed expansions it would be a game changer in the history of MMOs would it not?

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josh.3759


Well they tried the no healer for a year now, and no some class heal better than most. I’m sure everyone would agree at this point that GW 1 PvP was far better than this. I remember waiting for tourney results to come out people making you tube videos of recent match’s. You say work on the problem at hand hows that been going on? We still get server lagg, heck I don’t recall ever lagging on Gw 1, not to mention in pvp there’s was multiple team variations now days if you don’t have a spirit ranger on you’re team chances you most likely lose, its like its a requirement to have one. The game shouldn’t be about having particular class to win fights.

Good Fights GvG | WvW Team
| LvL 80 elementalist Call Meh God | Multi-Gaming no lifer

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Until ANet abandons the idea of GW2 PvP as an eSport (i.e., when Hel freezes over), they are not going to want to increase the burden on their balance team.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slurpey.6014


this is gw2 and not gw1. if you like the changes made or being made to gw1 go play that game.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corpus Christi.2057

Corpus Christi.2057

this is gw2 and not gw1. if you like the changes made or being made to gw1 go play that game.

If you do not see the obvious connection between the two games, and if you do not accept some constructive criticism made here, you’d better not respond at all if everything that you want to add is “if you don’t like it, go away.” Thanks.

Three 80-lvl Rangers. Why? ‘Cos they’re that cool.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slurpey.6014


this is gw2 and not gw1. if you like the changes made or being made to gw1 go play that game.

If you do not see the obvious connection between the two games, and if you do not accept some constructive criticism made here, you’d better not respond at all if everything that you want to add is “if you don’t like it, go away.” Thanks.

I could care less about the connection. What I do see is people constantly complaining about something and it’s getting old. Just because I don’t share your opinion doesn’t mean I can not put my 2 cents in.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


EoTN didn’t add any classes, FYI.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inspired.6730


this is gw2 and not gw1. if you like the changes made or being made to gw1 go play that game.

If you do not see the obvious connection between the two games, and if you do not accept some constructive criticism made here, you’d better not respond at all if everything that you want to add is “if you don’t like it, go away.” Thanks.

It seems pretty clear to me that the connection between the two is the shared lore. But, other than that there isn’t nor need be anything. And saying that something was in the first try at a long-term successful game thus it should be in the second is bad logic.

GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

EoTN didn’t add any classes, FYI.

EotN was largely something they slapped together at the last minute when they made the decision to abandon GW1 and their then in progress Utopia chapter and tried to cram in as much lead into GW2 stuff as they could.

They already had plans for two new classes with their Utopia game. They sounded redundant and would probably end up just like the other 4 but they were there.

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GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

this is gw2 and not gw1. if you like the changes made or being made to gw1 go play that game.

If you do not see the obvious connection between the two games, and if you do not accept some constructive criticism made here, you’d better not respond at all if everything that you want to add is “if you don’t like it, go away.” Thanks.

It seems pretty clear to me that the connection between the two is the shared lore. But, other than that there isn’t nor need be anything. And saying that something was in the first try at a long-term successful game thus it should be in the second is bad logic.

It’s bad logic to assume they would do something a second time if it worked with flying colors the first time? Guess that’s why it took so kitten long to get a proper LFG tool and why we still don’t have a legit guild combat system in place yet.

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GW 1 every expansion new class GW2 nothing???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


My guess/hope is that they are secretly working on a new standalone game like Factions and Nightfall were, and will surprise everyone by covering it up with the living story crap.

They said before launch that they will not bring out stand alones like GW because that splits up the player base- instead they said they will evolve GW2 until GW3 comes out if ever.
So basically you will have expansion content but in the base game.

Gunnar’s Hold