GW 2 became a grind fest?
Haaaaave you met the Crown Pavilion?
I believe he means more along the lines of individually challenging
There is NO treadmill, UNLESS you want the look items (legendary and ascended items).
As Vesuvius said – the Pavillion, 3-headed Wurm and, Tequatl are all Group-coordination content. A.Net is adding content like that and the majority on this forum are whining against it.
I believe he means more along the lines of individually challenging
Again, haaaaave you met the Crown Pavilion? There are bosses there can you have to go head-to-head against. Just you and the boss. Doesn’t get more individual than that :P
Nope, never heard of that, things change and the game gives you no clue, it is a massive world and ANET doesn’t care about telling you what’s new, sorry but I’m not going back to every zone in the game I’ve finished to just check if they changed something there. Besides, LA destroyed? don’t know what happened? No biggy, ask the NPC:
-Hey WTF happened dude?
(NPC shows you a big explosion, says there were a few bad guys)
- Dude, WTF happened?
no further explanation or interactive gameplay, exactly like that dumb Theramore lazy event that made me quit wow forever.
And trust me, I do keep a vague track of those patches (generally too late, I just say, dam, missed that event).
I believe he means more along the lines of individually challenging
Again, haaaaave you met the Crown Pavilion? There are bosses there can you have to go head-to-head against. Just you and the boss. Doesn’t get more individual than that :P
By the way the crown pavilion isn’t sticking around. It’s temporary just like last time. And this latest patch doesn’t add new story or anything. OP (and many others) want real content, the likes of which you only see in an $50 expansion pack. Since launch they have maybe added 10% of what a real expansion pack should contain, and much of it was temporary…
Edit: lol it censored “a” next to $50.
(edited by Xenon.4537)
So all the living story patches doesn’t count? I know the story is not top notch, but it is pretty involving. Many living stories in the past introduce new dungeons, and solo/group events. A lot of these content are very challenging that does require coordination of many to complete. The only real difference between Wow is that these boss encounters doesn’t guarantee epic loot, which shouldn’t matter if you are only looking for challenge. Or are you? To say Anet didn’t add anything for pve group and/or solo content. I think you are being too demanding.
As for ascended gear, its optional. Weapons and trinkets gives you more bang of your buck. So just get those. But its just gear, nothing to do with story. Personally I would rather the gear not tie with these raid content. If it is, then I would said it is gear treadmill. Why? guess what everytime they introduce a new challenge, people expect a new tier of gear….. If Anet go with this route, I would just quit like I did on Wow.
Thinking back on Wow updates, each time its just raid content, little to no single player content. So I would say GW2 is 10000 times better in turns of grinding or treadmill already.
Also just a shout out to the devs. I think you guys are doing great. Keep at it.
Nope, never heard of that, things change and the game gives you no clue, it is a massive world and ANET doesn’t care about telling you what’s new, sorry but I’m not going back to every zone in the game I’ve finished to just check if they changed something there. Besides, LA destroyed? don’t know what happened? No biggy, ask the NPC:
-Hey WTF happened dude?
(NPC shows you a big explosion, says there were a few bad guys)
- Dude, WTF happened?
no further explanation or interactive gameplay, exactly like that dumb Theramore lazy event that made me quit wow forever.And trust me, I do keep a vague track of those patches (generally too late, I just say, dam, missed that event).
Why should they tell you everything? I mean, don’t you ever feel like going out and exploring what is out there? That is what immersion is all about. Don’t you ever want to find something no one else has just because? If you want be lead around by your nose, then play something like D3: ROS.
Nope, never heard of that, things change and the game gives you no clue, it is a massive world and ANET doesn’t care about telling you what’s new, sorry but I’m not going back to every zone in the game I’ve finished to just check if they changed something there.
Really? Nothing in game tells you what’s new? Were you the only one that didn’t get the in-game mail?
Go here:
and look at the Mail section that tells you everything you need to know about what’s new in case you somehow magically didn’t get that same mail in game…
Nope, never heard of that, things change and the game gives you no clue, it is a massive world and ANET doesn’t care about telling you what’s new,
Nonsense. Whenever you load up the launcher there’s always info on any new LS updates. Also, though I know this may not always be the case, the Festival actually has a box on the right side of your screen (along with the daily/monthly stuff) specifically telling you that it’s ongoing. It’s not easy to miss.
No biggy, ask the NPC:
-Hey WTF happened dude?
(NPC shows you a big explosion, says there were a few bad guys)
- Dude, WTF happened?
no further explanation or interactive gameplay, exactly like that dumb Theramore lazy event that made me quit wow forever.
Yeah. I see your point here. More detailed exposition would be nice.
No biggy, ask the NPC:
-Hey WTF happened dude?
(NPC shows you a big explosion, says there were a few bad guys)
- Dude, WTF happened?
no further explanation or interactive gameplay, exactly like that dumb Theramore lazy event that made me quit wow forever.Yeah. I see your point here. More detailed exposition would be nice.
In game maybe a bit more information on this would be helpful for the new players or those that simply missed it. The wiki does explain everything though and that information isn’t hard to find. However, imagine having to explain everything the wiki does in game. That would be a lot of text to read in game.
What do you mean by “became”? Are you joking? It’s always been like this.
What do you mean by “became”? Are you joking? It’s always been like this.
well, i blame the community a bit. I find it odd the community always tries to complain about bad loot and nerfed farmed farming spots. Other players complain about the challenge. What is left? Basically, I keep finding that people would want a grind to make themselves rich in game.
Errr…why cant we play for fun and skins?
I believe he means more along the lines of individually challenging
Again, haaaaave you met the Crown Pavilion? There are bosses there can you have to go head-to-head against. Just you and the boss. Doesn’t get more individual than that :P
Isn’t Pavillion open (for the challenges) only during the event? o.O
The Pavillion is temporary content, yes. And the only thing the Pavilion champs challenge is one’s patience. The Gauntlet, however, is another thing.
Why should they tell you everything? I mean, don’t you ever feel like going out and exploring what is out there? That is what immersion is all about. Don’t you ever want to find something no one else has just because? If you want be lead around by your nose, then play something like D3: ROS.
Because that is what a game is supposed to do, show you a story. It doesn’t allow you to play through whatever caused the destruction of Lions Arch. And it doesn’t really tell you what happened. So, you come back to the game, see LA destroyed and simply can’t immerse yourself in the new environment because you have no clue about what is going on.
No biggy, ask the NPC:
-Hey WTF happened dude?
(NPC shows you a big explosion, says there were a few bad guys)
- Dude, WTF happened?
no further explanation or interactive gameplay, exactly like that dumb Theramore lazy event that made me quit wow forever.Yeah. I see your point here. More detailed exposition would be nice.
In game maybe a bit more information on this would be helpful for the new players or those that simply missed it. The wiki does explain everything though and that information isn’t hard to find. However, imagine having to explain everything the wiki does in game. That would be a lot of text to read in game.
The problem with their updates is that it’s too bloated with temporary content and comments. They should just say: Hey, check this new content out.
But instead, when I look at the patch notes, it says: there was this cool thing in the game, but too bad, you missed it. There is no concise summary telling me what is actually in the game (and where it is) out of all that useless text. I’d have to dig what is permanent out of the sea of temporary content they love to write about.
Wikia isn’t very helpful either when it comes to pointing out what has changed.
So all the living story patches doesn’t count? I know the story is not top notch, but it is pretty involving. Many living stories in the past introduce new dungeons, and solo/group events. A lot of these content are very challenging that does require coordination of many to complete. The only real difference between Wow is that these boss encounters doesn’t guarantee epic loot, which shouldn’t matter if you are only looking for challenge. Or are you? To say Anet didn’t add anything for pve group and/or solo content. I think you are being too demanding.
Most of my problems are with the quality, not the amount. Particularly with dungeon content. Nobody does dungeons in a fun way, I actually feel guilty when I start listening to the cinematic and make everyone wait, in the end I have to skip it because they are just too long
As for ascended gear, its optional. Weapons and trinkets gives you more bang of your buck. So just get those. But its just gear, nothing to do with story. Personally I would rather the gear not tie with these raid content. If it is, then I would said it is gear treadmill. Why? guess what everytime they introduce a new challenge, people expect a new tier of gear….. If Anet go with this route, I would just quit like I did on Wow.
I came back to the game and I was like: hey, now that I have an exotic set, think I may start working on another to experiment other dungeons and get different gear… Nope, now they added this new ascended gear that is not tied in any way to dungeons, so good luck running dungeons for subpair gear. Worse of all, the dungeons and reward system are so badly designed that people only do zerg runs (boring).
Thinking back on Wow updates, each time its just raid content, little to no single player content. So I would say GW2 is 10000 times better in turns of grinding or treadmill already.
Also just a shout out to the devs. I think you guys are doing great. Keep at it.
The big difference is that wow used to invest in quality and challenge. It also had an addictive design that discouraged some gimmick dungeon practices and rewarded players according to the amount of time they spent in a dungeon/raid. GW 2, not so much. PVE has been completely neglected here. Open world content is not about coordinating 10 friends to get things done and getting big rewards, it’s about following a zerg to grind big rewards more efficiently.
The devs did a great job when the game was launched, now the quality hasn’t kept up with expectation, fixes to dungeon design never came, group strategy gameplay is punished in contrast with zerg “skip everything, stack up and kill it” strategy.
Why should they tell you everything? I mean, don’t you ever feel like going out and exploring what is out there? That is what immersion is all about. Don’t you ever want to find something no one else has just because? If you want be lead around by your nose, then play something like D3: ROS.
Because that is what a game is supposed to do, show you a story. It doesn’t allow you to play through whatever caused the destruction of Lions Arch. And it doesn’t really tell you what happened. So, you come back to the game, see LA destroyed and simply can’t immerse yourself in the new environment because you have no clue about what is going on.
Not really – if they tell you EVERYTHING, it wouldn’t be a story as you would know EVERYTHING.
We actually DID play through the destruction of LA, just because we didn’t see it all blow up doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. When we destroyed Scarlet and her ship, that was what destroyed LA, that and the magic ley lines. The dragon that was awoken is what LS2 will be about, more than likely.
Not really – if they tell you EVERYTHING, it wouldn’t be a story as you would know EVERYTHING.
We actually DID play through the destruction of LA, just because we didn’t see it all blow up doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. When we destroyed Scarlet and her ship, that was what destroyed LA, that and the magic ley lines. The dragon that was awoken is what LS2 will be about, more than likely.
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
The necessary fixes to dungeon design were, on the other hand, never made. With some nerfs done here and there because their reward system doesn’t adjust for dungeon difficulty and outright discourages attempting hard content (why take hours doing this hard path if I can get the same rewards doing the easy path that takes 20 minutes).
(edited by parcuis.6581)
What do you mean by “became”? Are you joking? It’s always been like this.
well, i blame the community a bit. I find it odd the community always tries to complain about bad loot and nerfed farmed farming spots. Other players complain about the challenge. What is left? Basically, I keep finding that people would want a grind to make themselves rich in game.
Errr…why cant we play for fun and skins?
Because skins are in gemstore (weapons/armor with every update).
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
The necessary fixes to dungeon design were, on the other hand, never made. With some nerfs done here and there because their reward system doesn’t adjust for dungeon difficulty and outright discourages attempting hard content (why take hours doing this hard path if I can get the same rewards doing the easy path that takes 20 minutes).
That is the entire point of the Living Story. If you weren’t around, you didn’t get to experience it. You only see the aftermath. They are trying a completely different approach to an MMO. As someone who has played since beta and never stopped, I find it to be absolutely awesome that the world has changed and I was there for it. Go to Kessex Hills, you will see the lake there filled with debris and the remnants of a tower. If you were playing during that event you would know why it is like that. I find that to be cool in and of itself.
Completely new players wouldn’t know the difference one way or the other. It’s all new to them anyway.
Honestly, if you weren’t playing for so long, you obviously didn’t care about the game. It’s like if I started playing WoW again after so long, I guarantee you I would have no idea what was going on, but I would understand it is because I haven’t played in forever. It is the same concept here.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
Are you saying that you’d rather be happy with a never changing static world that looks and feels the same EVERY time you log in? O_o Does that not sound boring to you… ?
So, back when I purchased GW 2 3 days before launch, arena net promised there would be no treadmills. So I got all my exotic set and kept playing until they added fractals. Now fractals was alright, but the dungeon had 40 levels or so, speak about a treadmill! (and imagine, repeating the same easy content over and over is not what I consider fun, I stopped at level 9 never to try it again).
I guess you DO find it boring. So you don’t want repeatable content, but you’re unhappy when content is removed… what exactly is it that you’re expecting from GW2?
(edited by Vesuvius.9874)
So, back when I purchased GW 2 3 days before launch, arena net promised there would be no treadmills. So I got all my exotic set and kept playing until they added fractals. Now fractals was alright, but the dungeon had 40 levels or so, speak about a treadmill! (and imagine, repeating the same easy content over and over is not what I consider fun, I stopped at level 9 never to try it again).
Lvl 9 can be done with under level char’s don’t judge how hard or easy it is if you have not even done a high lvl fractal
Guilds: [TDS] The Desert Squad-Retired, [bM] Badmash, [BoRP] Bunch Of Random Players
Always looking for fights gvg’s etc just hit me up!
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
Are you saying that you’d rather be happy with a never changing static world that looks and feels the same EVERY time you log in? O_o Does that not sound boring to you… ?
I’ve seen people try and twist others words pretty hard before, but I think you take the cake. You took what he was saying, did a 180 with it and then added in your own statements just for the heck of it. Bravo, that gave me whiplash.
There is NO treadmill, UNLESS you want the look items (legendary and ascended items).
As Vesuvius said – the Pavillion, 3-headed Wurm and, Tequatl are all Group-coordination content. A.Net is adding content like that and the majority on this forum are whining against it.
If you don’t want the look items then there is no reason to play the game either.
This game is a grind. All mmorpgs are – that’s the point of them. To keep you logging in and keep you playing/spending money.
This game lacks enough content that is must force it’s players to grind year and a half old content.
But, GW2’s problem is that the rewards for the grind are probably some of the worst I have seen in any game.
Between DR and anet pushing players in the direction of the gem shop – there isn’t much hope for the future of this game.
Loyalty To None
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
Are you saying that you’d rather be happy with a never changing static world that looks and feels the same EVERY time you log in? O_o Does that not sound boring to you… ?
I’ve seen people try and twist others words pretty hard before, but I think you take the cake. You took what he was saying, did a 180 with it and then added in your own statements just for the heck of it. Bravo, that gave me whiplash.
You seem really unhappy about that. I take it you hate temporary content as well.
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
Are you saying that you’d rather be happy with a never changing static world that looks and feels the same EVERY time you log in? O_o Does that not sound boring to you… ?
I’ve seen people try and twist others words pretty hard before, but I think you take the cake. You took what he was saying, did a 180 with it and then added in your own statements just for the heck of it. Bravo, that gave me whiplash.
You seem really unhappy about that. I take it you hate temporary content as well.
Pretty difficult to like logging into a game that content wise is almost identical to how it was when you bought it over a year and a half ago.
Loyalty To None
Several answers have been suggested for the question of why players grind. A major motivating factor is the players’ desire to pursue what appears to be the game’s ultimate goal, which for many games is to reach the highest level.1 Sometimes players might actually enjoy repetitive tasks as a way of relaxing, especially if performing the task has a persistent, positive result.4
One reason that is less influenced by player choice is a lack of game content or to be able to battle stronger enemies.2 If the player experiences all interesting content at the current level before reaching the next objective, the only alternative might be for the player to grind to the next level.1 “Interesting content” is key here since the player might have been given “new content” that is too similar to previous content to be considered interesting by the player. [note 1]5
Pretty difficult to like logging into a game that content wise is almost identical to how it was when you bought it over a year and a half ago.
But that’s what I’m trying to understand. There was a ton of new content added as part of the Living World. People complained. We are in a period right now where new content is not available. People are still complaining.
What is it exactly that people want ANET to do where every player says “Yes! Jackpot! This is what I’ve been looking for!”
There is NO treadmill, UNLESS you want the look items (legendary and ascended items).
As Vesuvius said – the Pavillion, 3-headed Wurm and, Tequatl are all Group-coordination content. A.Net is adding content like that and the majority on this forum are whining against it.
If you don’t want the look items then there is no reason to play the game either.
This game is a grind. All mmorpgs are – that’s the point of them. To keep you logging in and keep you playing/spending money.
This game lacks enough content that is must force it’s players to grind year and a half old content.
But, GW2’s problem is that the rewards for the grind are probably some of the worst I have seen in any game.
Between DR and anet pushing players in the direction of the gem shop – there isn’t much hope for the future of this game.
No, this game wasn’t a grind when I started, leveling and exploring was fun and interesting, also it was fun to run explorable dungeons for gear, the story and challenge at 80.
Now you go to LFG and all you find are people trying to zerg dungeons. The dungeon rewards are balanced for zerg runs, so nobody does it normally. They also turned a blind eye on exploits (or they nerfed the dungeons, like they did to the first boss in TA) You can’t listen to the dialogs while playing, which is quite annoying if you wanna know what is going on without making everyone wait.
Simply stated, they completely neglected dungeons and organized group gameplay. Which is at the heart of PVE in MMORPGs. You go back expecting improvements, but you find that the game has become worse, with exploit and gimmicks now being used ubiquitously.