GW2 3D

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: onio.6403


It will ever put this option in the game? when? I think that technologies are advancing and think it’s something that could be implemented. I personally have my team prepared for it and some incorporate it but this game is a little stagnant in that sense, because although the graphics quality has not increased gw2 HoT has been very significant in my view.

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


It already is implemented in game. You need a 3D capable monitor to use it however.
In the in game options under the graphics settings there is a little tickbox to turn stereoscopic 3D on or off.
Most people’s computers wouldn’t be able to handle it though, I think you’re seriously underestimating what it takes to run a game in 3D.

Here’s a reddit where people discuss it:

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Respawn.6802


I’m confirming that 3D is done quite well in GW2.

I tried it a year ago and there are hardly any glitches or effects issues.
Shadows are consistent on both images and the special glows ‘n flashes don’t bug out.
The UI sits quite well on the top plane of the game world giving a nice overlay onto the depth of the world you are looking into.

The resource cost seemed quite light (compared to some other 3D MMO runs) so it looks like somewhere along the line someone did a good job at anet getting this working.
In intensive areas like WvW where I would get 26fps in SMC 3-ways dropping shadows to low and a few other tweaks in 3D would get me 18fps on a GTX680, which is still better than many people were reporting on normal mode (and with skills taking 3 or more seconds to pop anyway it didn’t matter).

I would definitely recommend putting the time into researching how to setup and optimize your 3D settings if you have a 3D capable monitor to give it a try in this game.

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juclesia Elcritian.8410

Juclesia Elcritian.8410

I have a Samsung 3D monitor but this option is greyed out to me. I am assuming my card isn’t 3D capable though… it’s an old GTX 570.

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I have a Samsung 3D monitor but this option is greyed out to me. I am assuming my card isn’t 3D capable though… it’s an old GTX 570.

I don’t know much about it really, but I would assume that yes you have to have a graphics card that is capable of doing it. A GTX 570 is reasonably old, so I guess that would be why.

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

3D TV Play is horrible though, because of the low resolution. A pox on you, nVidia!

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I want this! I’m going to be upgrading the pc over the next few months so I might check into what’s needed.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BunjiKugashira.9754


There are currently two methods for playing in 3D.

  1. You choose an NVidia graphics card, a 60 hz Screen and the special hardware from NVidia (including active glasses that are linked to the system and need to be recharged on a regular basis). In this case you can use the 3D checkbox in GW2 and enjoy all the special features.
  2. You choose a 3D capable screen (including passive glasses like the ones you get in a cinema) and start GW2 using TriDef 3D. The graphics card brand doesn’t matter. This sadly isn’t supported by ANet and you can’t activate the checkbox to get all the special features.

I’m playing GW2 in 3D using the second option because I’ve had enough troubles with NVidia. It’s still a very good 3D experience, but NPC names (and the action camera’s point) aren’t in-depth, but on the screen’s surface. Also I don’t have access to the 3D world-map.

Shana Flamewielder
Sylvari Elementalist of [SFF]
Abaddons Maul

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Respawn.6802



You can use the Nvidia stereoscopic option on passive monitors with a bit of cheating.

Nvidia cards only recognize “supported” passive monitors (supported means paid them money) so with a bit of search engine research you can download a copy of a supported monitor EDID and force install it as an unsigned monitor driver.

Now your Nvidia card which is hardware capable of supporting any passive 3D monitor no longer has any artificial software barriers to grey out the checkbox

GW2 3D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BunjiKugashira.9754



You can use the Nvidia stereoscopic option on passive monitors with a bit of cheating.

Nvidia cards only recognize “supported” passive monitors (supported means paid them money) so with a bit of search engine research you can download a copy of a supported monitor EDID and force install it as an unsigned monitor driver.

Now your Nvidia card which is hardware capable of supporting any passive 3D monitor no longer has any artificial software barriers to grey out the checkbox

My problem lies more with NVidia’s driver updates. After some updates the installer would always fail at uninstalling the old driver leaving the file in a state that that isn’t existent, but at the same time you can’t create another file with the same name. The only known fix is to completely wipe the hard drive.

After my old card broke down I bought an AMD, which works quite flawlessy and allows me to play GW2 in 3D and max graphic settings at about 50 fps. The only downside is that I can’t use GW2’s 3D rendering checkbox for in-depth character names and 3D world map. I don’t know why that feature is limited to NVidia graphics cards. Probably because NVidia paid for it.

With the upcoming virtual reality glasses I’d really like the checkbox to be available for all 3D capable systems.

Or at least give us an option to remove the white dot of the action camera. That’s currently the UI element that annoys me the most because it’s not in-depth.

Shana Flamewielder
Sylvari Elementalist of [SFF]
Abaddons Maul