www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
GW2 Devs Have In-game Powers?
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
Honestly, I’d say that ANet has two problems here.
The first is that it looks like some GM or Dev took it upon themselves to act beyond policy. That’s… really, REALLY bad. Even if you agree with their actions, that’s bad. If they get away with it once, they may do it again. And next time, you might be the one they target. There’s no telling what sets off this particular person, maybe they’re on the verge of snapping about all the anti-Berserker rants. Maybe you’ll get banned for your equipment, or for being an “obvious” bear-bow ranger. Or maybe a bug will pop up with a racial skill, and they’ll start swinging the banhammer at anyone playing that race that they think is abusing said bug.
The second problem is the AFK timer itself. It has two problems. The first is that in some places, it needs to be on a shorter timer. In a combat zone event such as LA, it should be 15 minutes. The second problem with it is what it times. If you set yourself to run into a wall, it never kicks you even if you’re AFK. But if you stand still while answering questions and coordinating people between map chat, private tells, and team speak? It’ll target you, even though you’re actually incredibly active with the game at that moment. It needs to check for actual keyboard/mouse USE to reset the timer, so running into a wall doesn’t work. (And lots of RPers would thank you for that, as talking to people would be enough to keep them from getting kicked mid-RP.)
I completely agree. I just hope Anet is able to create better events in the future and learn from the issues that arose from this chapter.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1yrm9u/anet_employee_chris_cleary_kicking_afkers_in_bg/
We’ve been told repeatedly by Gaile and other ANet developers here on the forums that developers have absolutely no special powers in-game, and yet apparently people have been kicked for an assortment of things by developers. This happened during wurm attempts, and is now happening in LA. I don’t really mind if it’s true, but what bothers me is the lack of transparency and the lying that goes with it. If you can do these things, ANet, then tell us you can (and do) do these things, don’t tell us you don’t have powers and then go back on it. If these reports are false, though, then quell the rumors by saying so; inaction here only makes it worse. Either way, I really just want to know what the truth of the matter is.
I remember running into Qt Spy, a anet employee. They were kicking afkers in the event so people who actually wanted to play, could with a group that actually helped with the event. People were reporting afkers left and right.
(edited by TheFool.4589)
Relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1yrm9u/anet_employee_chris_cleary_kicking_afkers_in_bg/
We’ve been told repeatedly by Gaile and other ANet developers here on the forums that developers have absolutely no special powers in-game, and yet apparently people have been kicked for an assortment of things by developers. This happened during wurm attempts, and is now happening in LA. I don’t really mind if it’s true, but what bothers me is the lack of transparency and the lying that goes with it. If you can do these things, ANet, then tell us you can (and do) do these things, don’t tell us you don’t have powers and then go back on it. If these reports are false, though, then quell the rumors by saying so; inaction here only makes it worse. Either way, I really just want to know what the truth of the matter is.
I remember running into Qt Spy, a anet employee. They were kicking afkers in the event so people who actually wanted to play could…..
Those look like desperate half-measures. Like those 10-20 spots will mean anything…and what for are overflows if not so people who wants to play can no matter how crowded main server is.
If they think that kicking few idlers will make experience more enjoyable thats because they are playing on their NASA supercomputers thus haven’t seen 6 fps slideshow that large % of players have at this zerg events. I couldn’t care less about 30 afk players in corner, but 9 fps that is constant for me on average gaming rig is hindering my experience alot.
Is this a cultural thing? Is there a reason that lots of people think this behavior is okay?
I never said anything about leech-afking being okay. In fact, i mentioned it’s not something people should be proud of doing. It still doesn’t mean that those people break any rules – because they don’t. And if they don’t, nobody should be going around kicking them – because that is pure power abuse. And something far more reprehensible than leeching.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1yrm9u/anet_employee_chris_cleary_kicking_afkers_in_bg/
We’ve been told repeatedly by Gaile and other ANet developers here on the forums that developers have absolutely no special powers in-game, and yet apparently people have been kicked for an assortment of things by developers. This happened during wurm attempts, and is now happening in LA. I don’t really mind if it’s true, but what bothers me is the lack of transparency and the lying that goes with it. If you can do these things, ANet, then tell us you can (and do) do these things, don’t tell us you don’t have powers and then go back on it. If these reports are false, though, then quell the rumors by saying so; inaction here only makes it worse. Either way, I really just want to know what the truth of the matter is.
I remember running into Qt Spy, a anet employee. They were kicking afkers in the event so people who actually wanted to play could…..
Those look like desperate half-measures. Like those 10-20 spots will mean anything…and what for are overflows if not so people who wants to play can no matter how crowded main server is.
If they think that kicking few idlers will make experience more enjoyable thats because they are playing on their NASA supercomputers thus haven’t seen 6 fps slideshow that large % of players have at this zerg events. I couldn’t care less about 30 afk players in corner, but 9 fps that is constant for me on average gaming rig is hindering my experience alot.
Sounds like you’re blaming them for what exactly? You can’t get a new computer that meets requirements so all must suffer? I don’t wanna hear why you can’t get a new one, some people can’t, I know. They kicked those who were farming the event and hindering progress for others. Plain and simple. No biggie. Sorry you can’t enjoy the event. I used to be in your spot.
Relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1yrm9u/anet_employee_chris_cleary_kicking_afkers_in_bg/
We’ve been told repeatedly by Gaile and other ANet developers here on the forums that developers have absolutely no special powers in-game, and yet apparently people have been kicked for an assortment of things by developers. This happened during wurm attempts, and is now happening in LA. I don’t really mind if it’s true, but what bothers me is the lack of transparency and the lying that goes with it. If you can do these things, ANet, then tell us you can (and do) do these things, don’t tell us you don’t have powers and then go back on it. If these reports are false, though, then quell the rumors by saying so; inaction here only makes it worse. Either way, I really just want to know what the truth of the matter is.
I remember running into Qt Spy, a anet employee. They were kicking afkers in the event so people who actually wanted to play could…..
Those look like desperate half-measures. Like those 10-20 spots will mean anything…and what for are overflows if not so people who wants to play can no matter how crowded main server is.
If they think that kicking few idlers will make experience more enjoyable thats because they are playing on their NASA supercomputers thus haven’t seen 6 fps slideshow that large % of players have at this zerg events. I couldn’t care less about 30 afk players in corner, but 9 fps that is constant for me on average gaming rig is hindering my experience alot.
Sounds like you’re blaming them for what exactly? You can’t get a new computer that meets requirements so all must suffer? I don’t wanna hear why you can’t get a new one, some people can’t, I know. They kicked those who were farming the event and hindering progress for others. Plain and simple. No biggie. Sorry you can’t enjoy the event. I used to be in your spot.
Taken out of context.
Where did I say can’t buy new rig? Im pretty sure i never said I blame them for having pc I have.
I read dev post in which they said afk-ers are degrading experience of others, so I say if they are so considerate about players experience why don’t they add bloody option to turn off particle effects which are sufficating hardware so much, which is really ruining experience of many players.
p.s. I actually upgraded gfx card and ram prior to gw2 release but who could guess game will be so poorly optimized…not that it matters for topic
Yeah, I saw Qt Spy as well. I actually followed him and another ANet employee around named “Permapan”. The majority of the time, those two were also standing at the exit to Gendarran fields, not participating in the event.
I don’t know why some of the players here are jumping to ANet’s defense so quickly. This is clearly an abuse of power. One of these employees told me that they ban people based on a “three warning system”, where they will disconnect you from the game. If they disconnect you from the game, and you reconnect, and they disconnect you a second time, and you reconnect, then their third disconnect will be a ban.
I can testify, from personal experience, that my friend was disconnected. She tried to reconnect and figure out why she was being disconnected. She ran over to me to participate in the Black Lion Dolyak event, and then she’s disconnected again. She gets in again, and right after she joins she is kicked with an error along the lines of “someone else has logged into this account”. We go to her account on the forums to check the account security and see what IP logged on, and to see if we could disconnect it, because we thought she was being hacked. Nope, turned out to be a ban.
My conversation with an ‘anonymous’ ANet employee was less than satisfying at first. The employee in question tried to dodge as many questions as possible, and expressly said that they were not banning people for AFKing. After some more prodding though, he actually admitted to banning people for AFKing, because AFKing in an event like this is ‘degrading to the experience of others’ and constitutes ‘offensive behavior’.
This is nothing more than an abuse of power. You can’t go and ban your player base like this for utilizing mechanics that you, ANet, established. We’re playing the game as it exists. If there is a problem with it, then fix it, but let me inform you that banning people like this is a very good way to lose customers… I’ll be sorely disappointed if one of the following does not happen:
- An individual review for each case, and compensation awarded where warranted.
- Someone getting fired for this.
I’m not going to play a game where we have to fear the developer as if they are like Big Brother. If you don’t like the way players are playing, then revamp your EULA so that it is articulate and transparent [as opposed to broad, unspecific, and overreaching] and fix your actual game so that people can’t ‘degrade the experience of others’ like this. Overflows have always been a problem when it comes to big events like this… We told you this when Tequatl came out. That was back in September of 2013. You’ve had time to fix the overflow system since then, but you haven’t, so this is all on you.
TL;DR – Don’t punish the players for mistakes made by ANet.
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
I don’t need to determine Anet’s policy. I already understand it. If there’s someone taking advantage of a mechanic that wasn’t intended, Anet has the right to smite them. But if it helps, Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events. He was there when we discovered an exploit in the Wurm, which lead to the event shutting down for a few days.
Anet does not and will not provide players with ways in which they determine cheats/hacks, explain internal policies, discuss individual punishments, debate GM decisions, etc. If a mistake is made, they will correct it. Pretty simple. Customer Support does a great job assisting legitimate problems.
You do know that abuse of the report function is Bannable?
People who abuse the reporting function can be smited as well. However, when there’s game log evidence to back it up (after a GM review), there’s nothing for me to fear. I only report people who blatantly cheat or hack. Flying in WvW? Screen cap plus exploit report. Racial slurs in map chat? Reported as well. AFKing in LA during the event? Screen cap with timestamps at different intervals, say 10 minutes, and e-mail my evidence in.
Sorry mate. Your opinion is that AFKing during the event is ok. That’s fine. My opinion is that AFKing is a cheat and is a reportable offense. But the only opinion that matter is that of Anet.
So we need to be close to anet employees and have them join our TS to understand their policy? We don’t have that privilege.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Yeah, I saw Qt Spy as well. I actually followed him and another ANet employee around named “Permapan”. The majority of the time, those two were also standing at the exit to Gendarran fields, not participating in the event.
I don’t know why some of the players here are jumping to ANet’s defense so quickly. This is clearly an abuse of power. One of these employees told me that they ban people based on a “three warning system”, where they will disconnect you from the game. If they disconnect you from the game, and you reconnect, and they disconnect you a second time, and you reconnect, then their third disconnect will be a ban.
I can testify, from personal experience, that my friend was disconnected. She tried to reconnect and figure out why she was being disconnected. She ran over to me to participate in the Black Lion Dolyak event, and then she’s disconnected again. She gets in again, and right after she joins she is kicked with an error along the lines of “someone else has logged into this account”. We go to her account on the forums to check the account security and see what IP logged on, and to see if we could disconnect it, because we thought she was being hacked. Nope, turned out to be a ban.
My conversation with an ‘anonymous’ ANet employee was less than satisfying at first. The employee in question tried to dodge as many questions as possible, and expressly said that they were not banning people for AFKing. After some more prodding though, he actually admitted to banning people for AFKing, because AFKing in an event like this is ‘degrading to the experience of others’ and constitutes ‘offensive behavior’.
This is nothing more than an abuse of power. You can’t go and ban your player base like this for utilizing mechanics that you, ANet, established. We’re playing the game as it exists. If there is a problem with it, then fix it, but let me inform you that banning people like this is a very good way to lose customers… I’ll be sorely disappointed if one of the following does not happen:
- An individual review for each case, and compensation awarded where warranted.
- Someone getting fired for this.I’m not going to play a game where we have to fear the developer as if they are like Big Brother. If you don’t like the way players are playing, then revamp your EULA so that it is articulate and transparent [as opposed to broad, unspecific, and overreaching] and fix your actual game so that people can’t ‘degrade the experience of others’ like this. Overflows have always been a problem when it comes to big events like this… We told you this when Tequatl came out. That was back in September of 2013. You’ve had time to fix the overflow system since then, but you haven’t, so this is all on you.
TL;DR – Don’t punish the players for mistakes made by ANet.
You just said it yourself they were kicking people for being afk in the event. Maybe your friend was one of those reported for afking in the event. Did your friend afk in the event at all? Is she telling the truth? You know what’s going on. People want those bags, and what better way to get them then sit in the event and let others do all the work while they reap the rewards. I’m not assuming your friend did. But I am saying there’s a reason for everything and most of the time it’s because someone not telling the truth.
(edited by TheFool.4589)
Yeah, I saw Qt Spy as well. I actually followed him and another ANet employee around named “Permapan”. The majority of the time, those two were also standing at the exit to Gendarran fields, not participating in the event.
I don’t know why some of the players here are jumping to ANet’s defense so quickly. This is clearly an abuse of power. One of these employees told me that they ban people based on a “three warning system”, where they will disconnect you from the game. If they disconnect you from the game, and you reconnect, and they disconnect you a second time, and you reconnect, then their third disconnect will be a ban.
I can testify, from personal experience, that my friend was disconnected. She tried to reconnect and figure out why she was being disconnected. She ran over to me to participate in the Black Lion Dolyak event, and then she’s disconnected again. She gets in again, and right after she joins she is kicked with an error along the lines of “someone else has logged into this account”. We go to her account on the forums to check the account security and see what IP logged on, and to see if we could disconnect it, because we thought she was being hacked. Nope, turned out to be a ban.
My conversation with an ‘anonymous’ ANet employee was less than satisfying at first. The employee in question tried to dodge as many questions as possible, and expressly said that they were not banning people for AFKing. After some more prodding though, he actually admitted to banning people for AFKing, because AFKing in an event like this is ‘degrading to the experience of others’ and constitutes ‘offensive behavior’.
This is nothing more than an abuse of power. You can’t go and ban your player base like this for utilizing mechanics that you, ANet, established. We’re playing the game as it exists. If there is a problem with it, then fix it, but let me inform you that banning people like this is a very good way to lose customers… I’ll be sorely disappointed if one of the following does not happen:
- An individual review for each case, and compensation awarded where warranted.
- Someone getting fired for this.I’m not going to play a game where we have to fear the developer as if they are like Big Brother. If you don’t like the way players are playing, then revamp your EULA so that it is articulate and transparent [as opposed to broad, unspecific, and overreaching] and fix your actual game so that people can’t ‘degrade the experience of others’ like this. Overflows have always been a problem when it comes to big events like this… We told you this when Tequatl came out. That was back in September of 2013. You’ve had time to fix the overflow system since then, but you haven’t, so this is all on you.
TL;DR – Don’t punish the players for mistakes made by ANet.
You just said it yourself they were kicking people for being afk in the event. Maybe your friend was one of those reported for afking in the event. Did your friend afk in the event at all? Is she telling the truth? You know what’s going on. People want those bags, and what better way to get them then sit in the event and let others do all the work while they reap the rewards. I’m not assuming your friend did. But I am saying there’s a reason for everything and most of the time it’s because someone not telling the truth.
I was in Skype with her throughout the entire event. We thought it was due to lag. Turns out it was an ANet employee kicking her.
Do you want to know the ironic part? Qt Spy actually died, and my friend resurrected him LOL. How does he return the favor? Bans her of course.
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
I hope Anet will review the GM/dev in question and take actions if neccessary.
I hope Anet will review the GM/dev in question and take actions if neccessary.
I hope so as well. If not, other games are coming out soon. The last thing any of us need is to be bullied by devs…
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
Again, who’s to say she didn’t afk during the duration of the event? You don’t know what she truly did or did not do. No one tells the truth when asked. Again, there’s possibly something your friend isn’t telling you. Just saying.
Point again being is they kicked afkers due to them hindering progress towards the events goal. Anyone caught doing so was reported. Enough reports, means gms take actions. Also of coarse devs have powers. That’s like saying retail workers don’t get discounts for working at their store. End of story.
(edited by TheFool.4589)
Qt is one of the security lead’s characters. Because he’s the authority on Anet’s rules and policies, I fully support any action he takes. But we’re all human at the end of the day. If there was a mistake made, I’m sure he’d be the first to apologize.
If I take too long of a bathroom break during an LA event (darn those tacos!), and get hit by him, I’ll simply submit a Support Ticket to ask that it be reversed. Every situation is looked at on a case by case basis.
Again, who’s to say she didn’t afk during the duration of the event? You don’t know what she truly did or did not do. No one tells the truth when asked. Again, there’s possibly something your friend isn’t telling you. Just saying.
Point again being is they kicked afkers due to them hindering progress towards the events goal. Anyone caught doing so was reported. Enough reports, means gms take actions. Also of coarse devs have powers. That’s like saying retail workers don’t get discounts for working at their store. End of story.
Even if you afk the entire duration its not a bad thing. Afk timer is longer than the duration of the event, so he/she is doing nothing wrong.
Again, who’s to say she didn’t afk during the duration of the event? You don’t know what she truly did or did not do. No one tells the truth when asked. Again, there’s possibly something your friend isn’t telling you. Just saying.
Point again being is they kicked afkers due to them hindering progress towards the events goal. Anyone caught doing so was reported. Enough reports, means gms take actions. Also of coarse devs have powers. That’s like saying retail workers don’t get discounts for working at their store. End of story.
Let me try to be more clear…
Her and I were in the same party. Her and I were in the same server [Lion’s Arch Blackgate]. Her and I were travelling together, farming heirlooms, events, and rescuing citizens where we could. Her and I were talking via voice chat on Skype. She suddenly disconnected. She reconnected, and then disconnected ~2 minutes after joining. She got back in, was kicked off ~2 minutes after logging in because “Someone else had logged into her account”. Now she is banned.
Even if she lied to me about anything, which I don’t think she did, I was there for the whole thing. The only thing she did that would have caused her to stop moving for a while is change her play list on plug.dj, which did NOT take longer than 5 minutes.
My conversation with Qt Spy was less than satisfying as well. If ANet isn’t going to be clear about this, then I can post my entire chat log with him and show everyone what he said to me. First he expressly said that people WERE NOT being banned for AFKing. Then, after more prodding, he said something along the lines of “But really, if she was banned for offensive behavior, then she knows that she was doing something bad”. Meanwhile my friend is still on Skype and in tears because she STILL doesn’t know what she did wrong. All we have to go off of is this one guy, acting like a vigilant, making his own laws. This isn’t DC, he can’t go around being the kitten Batman.
Leader of The Hardcore Caravan [HC] – Blackgate
Again, who’s to say she didn’t afk during the duration of the event? You don’t know what she truly did or did not do. No one tells the truth when asked. Again, there’s possibly something your friend isn’t telling you. Just saying.
Point again being is they kicked afkers due to them hindering progress towards the events goal. Anyone caught doing so was reported. Enough reports, means gms take actions. Also of coarse devs have powers. That’s like saying retail workers don’t get discounts for working at their store. End of story.Let me try to be more clear…
Her and I were in the same party. Her and I were in the same server [Lion’s Arch Blackgate]. Her and I were travelling together, farming heirlooms, events, and rescuing citizens where we could. Her and I were talking via voice chat on Skype. She suddenly disconnected. She reconnected, and then disconnected ~2 minutes after joining. She got back in, was kicked off ~2 minutes after logging in because “Someone else had logged into her account”. Now she is banned.
Even if she lied to me about anything, which I don’t think she did, I was there for the whole thing. The only thing she did that would have caused her to stop moving for a while is change her play list on plug.dj, which did NOT take longer than 5 minutes.
My conversation with Qt Spy was less than satisfying as well. If ANet isn’t going to be clear about this, then I can post my entire chat log with him and show everyone what he said to me. First he expressly said that people WERE NOT being banned for AFKing. Then, after more prodding, he said something along the lines of “But really, if she was banned for offensive behavior, then she knows that she was doing something bad”. Meanwhile my friend is still on Skype and in tears because she STILL doesn’t know what she did wrong. All we have to go off of is this one guy, acting like a vigilant, making his own laws. This isn’t DC, he can’t go around being the kitten Batman.
Post it then. And again who’s to say she didn’t do the event without you and went afk for it? You’re gonna take her word for it of coarse, but you don’t really know what she did. That’s all I’m saying. People are good at begging and complaining rather then confessing they did something wrong. It’s human nature. Side note, do you know her in RL? As in person? Or is she a guildy? If you don’t know her in RL then you really don’t know who she is or what she would do.
(edited by TheFool.4589)
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Since when is going afk punishable? If they really think that getting the reward without doing anything is an exploit, then they should’ve just changed the mechanics already instead of suspending accounts based on on-the-spot made-up, highly questionable rules without informing people about the change of terms.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Since when is going afk punishable? If they really think that getting the reward without doing anything is an exploit, then they should’ve just changed the mechanics already instead of suspending accounts based on on-the-spot made-up, highly questionable rules without informing people about the change of terms.
It is simply case of staff abusing authority and acting like a sheriff.
They should focus on creating engaging content and reward systems based on personal contribution, not content that people wants to idle for bags.
This whole thing smells fishy to me. Seems like some devs are getting too cozy with players that they are getting special privileges. Like private TS sessions where people can give suggestions and have them implemented. There are people who are worried about insider trading already. The last thing you need are subtle hints pointing towards this.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
On the live servers, special Dev abilities (like immortality or teleportation) are limited to GMs, and all dev commands are logged and reviewed to make sure no one is abusing the system. The integrity of our live servers is very important to us.
ArenaNet employees can join the ArenaNet guild, and when we’re representing it, we get the special ArenaNet tag by our name. We don’t have any special abilities, though, and we don’t necessarily represent all the time, so the tag isn’t always visible. (I often rep another guild, since it has a lot of my RL friends in it.)
I have reason to believe Anet GM’s are abusing their powers on the EU servers (especially Desolation at high population encounters such as Tequatl and Wurm). I highly recommend reviewing any players with special abilities before threads like these get out of hand.
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
Yeah, this is sounding increasingly bad. Of course, if it’s true, ANet won’t do jack about it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
To make it clear, TTS doesn’t ask for favors from the Devs who run with us. What you’re quoting is based on assumptions from a single player on the map. For all we know, the AFKer DC’d, thus allowing more people to taxi in. We may joke with Devs in map chat, but at no point has any one of them told us they kicked an AFKer.
Now kicking during the rescue event in LA, that’s completely separate.
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
To make it clear, TTS doesn’t ask for favors from the Devs who run with us. What you’re quoting is based on assumptions from a single player on the map. For all we know, the AFKer DC’d, thus allowing more people to taxi in. We may joke with Devs in map chat, but at no point has any one of them told us they kicked an AFKer.
Now kicking during the rescue event in LA, that’s completely separate.
How is that separate? This has now become “your word against mine”. Without an official statement from Anet, how are we to know that there has been a change in policy regarding afk?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
To make it clear, TTS doesn’t ask for favors from the Devs who run with us. What you’re quoting is based on assumptions from a single player on the map. For all we know, the AFKer DC’d, thus allowing more people to taxi in. We may joke with Devs in map chat, but at no point has any one of them told us they kicked an AFKer.
Now kicking during the rescue event in LA, that’s completely separate.
How is kicking AFKers to make room for more (hopefully) active players in the LA zone event different than kicking AFKers to make room for more (hopefully) active players in the Wyrm or Teq zone events?
Seriously, how is it really different?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Yeah I think Palador hit it on the head. I camp out in such and such map to be sure I can get the rewards. I didn’t work for the spot on the map, I just showed up early and camped out. Sitting in LA is essentially the same thing: the rewards are structured this way and us, as players, have no control over that.
I wouldn’t get the rewards in LA without being there. I wouldn’t get the rewards from Tequatl without camping the map for hours, keeping the “main” inaccessible to other players because of my spot.
Just to clarify, I don’t really leech LA unless you count running around doing whatever I feel like leeching. If you do, no skin off my back.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Let me try to be more clear…
She suddenly disconnected. She reconnected, and then disconnected ~2 minutes after joining. She got back in, was kicked off ~2 minutes after logging in because “Someone else had logged into her account”. Now she is banned.
It sounds to me like her account was hacked and perhaps she was banned because the hacker was using a bot. She should probably secure her computer and then change her email and Guild Wars 2 password. I don’t believe this was due to being afk for a few seconds.
The LA event’s purpose was for players to rescue citizens or to collect heirlooms trophies. By standing around and doing nothing, all while reaping max rewards, goes against what the event was meant for. This is similar to buying Rare weapons for 10 Karma a piece. Just because something can be done in game, doesn’t mean that’s the way the mechanics were designed for.
AFKing in Bloodtide, while irritating, is not the same thing. Yes there’s Elite content running on the map, but I highly doubt anyone would get kicked on purpose to make room for people. You’re not forced to join the group for Wurm runs. If you want to participate, you’re more than welcome. Otherwise, if a player wants to run around and do other things on the same map, I can’t stop them since it’s a regular Open World. There’s merchants, Karma vendors, a Trading Post, and a new refugee camp.
As for the previous discussions, a player has chat logs that show GM Chris saying no one is banned for AFKing, so that pretty much clears up this argument. So if you got suspended for something, please open a Support Ticket.
so, if i have a phonecall or something im not allowed to port to safety for a few or i might get banned or something for that? how long were those afkers afk then?
In an event like Attack On Lions arch…. 5 mins max afk you should be kicked and not allowed back in for the next few. That includes numberlock run into a random corner afkers as well.
It is not for you to determine ANET Policy.
Chris the security head, visits our TS every now and then for runs. He’s taken his own time outside of work to clarify what’s not allowed, so I’ll PM him to ask for clarification on AFKs during events.
And this from the reddit thread. " Devs also do that to blatant afkers in TTS runs. Yay devs!"
So, apparently TTS has access to a dev who will remove/suspend people appearing to be AFK from instances upon request to make room for more TTS. Cozy.
To make it clear, TTS doesn’t ask for favors from the Devs who run with us. What you’re quoting is based on assumptions from a single player on the map. For all we know, the AFKer DC’d, thus allowing more people to taxi in. We may joke with Devs in map chat, but at no point has any one of them told us they kicked an AFKer.
Now kicking during the rescue event in LA, that’s completely separate.
How is it separate? If being inactive during events in LA is somehow “offensive behavior” how then is it not “offensive behavior” for all events in all zones at all times.
That is how you set policy. Consistent enforcement, consistent rule, transparent and clear definition of what is deemed “offensive behavior” game wide.
You do not make policy by determining you want to remove people and then find a rule that works only by an extremely broad interpretation. You don’t make policy “on the spot”, you don’t allow employees to make up policy on the fly.
Once you make a decision that behavior common throughout the game is now “offensive behavior” you relay that fact to your player base. You don’t hang around in a Quaggan potion gleefully bouncing players who have no clue why.
This was terribly unprofessional.
And saying this.. my account is now probably in jeopardy. Oh Well.
Someone has chat logs with another employee (or the same, i dunno, i don’t hang out with devs enough to know their characters and their names irl) saying it is. So which is it?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Someone has chat logs with another employee (or the same, i dunno, i don’t hang out with devs enough to know their characters and their names irl) saying it is. So which is it?
Typical. everyone’s pointing fingers but not looking at the facts or providing viable evidence. Telling people it happened isn’t evidence that you can go by. Start throwing down proof on the table then will talk.
(edited by TheFool.4589)
Someone has chat logs with another employee (or the same, i dunno, i don’t hang out with devs enough to know their characters and their names irl) saying it is. So which is it?
Typical. everyone’s pointing fingers but not looking at the facts or providing viable evidence. Telling people it happened isn’t evidence that you can go by. Start throwing down proof on the table then will talk.
You realise that includes you, since you were so quick to jump to Anet defence…
Someone has chat logs with another employee (or the same, i dunno, i don’t hang out with devs enough to know their characters and their names irl) saying it is. So which is it?
Typical. everyone’s pointing fingers but not looking at the facts or providing viable evidence. Telling people it happened isn’t evidence that you can go by. Start throwing down proof on the table then will talk.
You realise that includes you, since you were so quick to jump to Anet defence…
Im not jumping to the defense of anyone. I’m simply bringing what I know to the table. From what I understand, and what Qt Spy said was they were kicking afkers in the event. thats it. Another on this page also reported Qt Spy Saying the same thing. When multiple people report the same thing it starts becoming a fact. But there’s no evidence on here stating people got banned for it. Or were getting banned. jamin above said “then I can post my entire chat log with him” and has yet to do so. Thus no evidence. We know they were getting kicked for it. banned? No evidence. Just saying.
How is it separate?
You seem to skip over the explanations, so I’ll quote myself so it’s easier for you to find.
The LA event’s purpose was for players to rescue citizens or to collect heirlooms trophies. By standing around and doing nothing, all while reaping max rewards, goes against what the event was meant for. This is similar to buying Rare weapons for 10 Karma a piece. Just because something can be done in game, doesn’t mean that’s the way the mechanics were designed for.
AFKing in Bloodtide, while irritating, is not the same thing. Yes there’s Elite content running on the map, but I highly doubt anyone would get kicked on purpose to make room for people. You’re not forced to join the group for Wurm runs. If you want to participate, you’re more than welcome. Otherwise, if a player wants to run around and do other things on the same map, I can’t stop them since it’s a regular Open World. There’s merchants, Karma vendors, a Trading Post, and a new refugee camp.
getting to 1200 citizens = killing teq. I don’t suppose gm’s go about exerting haxX0rz kicking powers to ensure a teq kill right? If you happen to be in main or in a good overflow, then good for you. But you have no right to ask people to go away from sparkfly fen just because they aren’t there to kill teq with you.
Someone has chat logs with another employee (or the same, i dunno, i don’t hang out with devs enough to know their characters and their names irl) saying it is. So which is it?
Typical. everyone’s pointing fingers but not looking at the facts or providing viable evidence. Telling people it happened isn’t evidence that you can go by. Start throwing down proof on the table then will talk.
You realise that includes you, since you were so quick to jump to Anet defence…
Im not jumping to the defense of anyone. I’m simply bringing what I know to the table. From what I understand, and what Qt Spy said was they were kicking afkers in the event. thats it. Another on this page also reported Qt Spy Saying the same thing. When multiple people report the same thing it starts becoming a fact. But there’s no evidence on here stating people got banned for it. Or were getting banned. jamin above said “then I can post my entire chat log with him” and has yet to do so. Thus no evidence. We know they were getting kicked for it. banned? No evidence. Just saying.
And where is the chat log that smooth penguin is speaking of? :/ that’s why i said this has boiled down to “my word against yours”. And without evidence that this is in fact a punishable offense, going about reporting people for being afk is in itself an abuse [of the report button].
LA is very much an open world. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Open_world
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
How is it separate?
You seem to skip over the explanations, so I’ll quote myself so it’s easier for you to find.
deleted unrelated repost.
And you skip over context and pick phrases out of context to somehow prove your points.
Here is my entire statement.
How is it separate? If being inactive during events in LA is somehow “offensive behavior” how then is it not “offensive behavior” for all events in all zones at all times.
That is how you set policy. Consistent enforcement, consistent rule, transparent and clear definition of what is deemed “offensive behavior” game wide.
If you wish to comment on the entirety of the statement, Please do.
How is it separate? If being inactive during events in LA is somehow “offensive behavior” how then is it not “offensive behavior” for all events in all zones at all times.
Here’s my quote again. Please take a read and you’ll have your answer in black and white.
The LA event’s purpose was for players to rescue citizens or to collect heirlooms trophies. By standing around and doing nothing, all while reaping max rewards, goes against what the event was meant for. This is similar to buying Rare weapons for 10 Karma a piece. Just because something can be done in game, doesn’t mean that’s the way the mechanics were designed for.
AFKing in Bloodtide, while irritating, is not the same thing. Yes there’s Elite content running on the map, but I highly doubt anyone would get kicked on purpose to make room for people. You’re not forced to join the group for Wurm runs. If you want to participate, you’re more than welcome. Otherwise, if a player wants to run around and do other things on the same map, I can’t stop them since it’s a regular Open World. There’s merchants, Karma vendors, a Trading Post, and a new refugee camp.
LOL this reminds of an HC inside joke where members say “reported for reporting”. AFAIK Anet hasn’t specified AFK-only or AFK-free zones in open world maps.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Well it’s a circular argument now, with a refusal to address the actual issue by the usual suspects. So, I’m done, carry on.
Perhaps someday when I am miffed we lose Garrison with 10 AFKs at our spawn I can call my own personal dev and have them suspended for offending me? Because basically, this is what happened. Spin it however you like. (scarcasm. AfK people don’t affect my game.. it’s a game)
Watch what can of worms you open folks.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Well, if there aren’t any official statements from them regarding a change in afk policy, then i suppose there is none and that people who get punished really were done so mistakenly or are victims of [isolated cases of] rogue devs (hopefully not the latter).
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Well it’s a circular argument now, with a refusal to address the actual issue by the usual suspects.
It only becomes a circular argument when you don’t fully understand the mechanics of the event. Please take the time to read my posts, and you’ll be fully informed on the merits of my argument.
Well it’s a circular argument now, with a refusal to address the actual issue by the usual suspects.
It only becomes a circular argument when you don’t fully understand the mechanics of the event. Please take the time to read my posts, and you’ll be fully informed on the merits of my argument.
There are none.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Well it’s a circular argument now, with a refusal to address the actual issue by the usual suspects.
It only becomes a circular argument when you don’t fully understand the mechanics of the event. Please take the time to read my posts, and you’ll be fully informed on the merits of my argument.
I think they read it. They didn’t agree with you, and that’s their prerogative. You don’t get to be the end all be all of knowledge. That’s for the devs.
Edit: also I agree with Leo, if there is a change in policy, devs need to be transparent about it.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Again, who’s to say she didn’t afk during the duration of the event? You don’t know what she truly did or did not do. No one tells the truth when asked. Again, there’s possibly something your friend isn’t telling you. Just saying.
Point again being is they kicked afkers due to them hindering progress towards the events goal. Anyone caught doing so was reported. Enough reports, means gms take actions. Also of coarse devs have powers. That’s like saying retail workers don’t get discounts for working at their store. End of story.Let me try to be more clear…
Her and I were in the same party. Her and I were in the same server [Lion’s Arch Blackgate]. Her and I were travelling together, farming heirlooms, events, and rescuing citizens where we could. Her and I were talking via voice chat on Skype. She suddenly disconnected. She reconnected, and then disconnected ~2 minutes after joining. She got back in, was kicked off ~2 minutes after logging in because “Someone else had logged into her account”. Now she is banned.
Even if she lied to me about anything, which I don’t think she did, I was there for the whole thing. The only thing she did that would have caused her to stop moving for a while is change her play list on plug.dj, which did NOT take longer than 5 minutes.
My conversation with Qt Spy was less than satisfying as well. If ANet isn’t going to be clear about this, then I can post my entire chat log with him and show everyone what he said to me. First he expressly said that people WERE NOT being banned for AFKing. Then, after more prodding, he said something along the lines of “But really, if she was banned for offensive behavior, then she knows that she was doing something bad”. Meanwhile my friend is still on Skype and in tears because she STILL doesn’t know what she did wrong. All we have to go off of is this one guy, acting like a vigilant, making his own laws. This isn’t DC, he can’t go around being the kitten Batman.
Post it then. And again who’s to say she didn’t do the event without you and went afk for it? You’re gonna take her word for it of coarse, but you don’t really know what she did. That’s all I’m saying. People are good at begging and complaining rather then confessing they did something wrong. It’s human nature. Side note, do you know her in RL? As in person? Or is she a guildy? If you don’t know her in RL then you really don’t know who she is or what she would do.
Dear lord, I’ve heard of people blindly defending Anet’s decisions for anything, but this takes the cake. Hell, this takes the entire kitten ed bakery.
He said he was playing with her The Entire Time, he was with her When She was Disconnected, He was there with her On Skype, talking about the entire thing, during the entire duration of the event.
And yet you still proceed to call him and her both a liar, and that Anet is perfectly alright with banning her. Even after a Anet Employee in this topic has out right said they don’t have the power, or the privileged, to use their GM commands without kitten ed good reason.
There are no words for you. You are literally arguing against the facts as they’re shoved right in your face, because heaven forbid a company you worship for whatever ridiculous reason is revealed to have a few rotten eggs in it that abuse their power.
I think they read it. They didn’t agree with you, and that’s their prerogative. You don’t get to be the end all be all of knowledge. That’s for the devs.
Edit: also I agree with Leo, if there is a change in policy, devs need to be transparent about it.
Oh no, I agree. Anet is the final say to any and all things in game. While debating this issue, I pointed out mechanics and provided examples to support my argument. Everything I stated makes more sense than “it’s not written in the User Agreement, so it’s ok to do”.
Keep in mind many players have been perma-banned or had suspensions for abusing unintended mechanics. Cheap Karma weapons, salvaging Exotic jewels, etc. None of that was specifically stated in the rules, yet they all fall under the blanket term of “abuse” or “cheat”.
So ask yourselves this: “If I can get a reward worth hundreds of Gold for standing around for 45 minutes, is that what Anet intended for the event?” Debate that topic, rather than trying to counter me.
I think they read it. They didn’t agree with you, and that’s their prerogative. You don’t get to be the end all be all of knowledge. That’s for the devs.
Edit: also I agree with Leo, if there is a change in policy, devs need to be transparent about it.
Oh no, I agree. Anet is the final say to any and all things in game. While debating this issue, I pointed out mechanics and provided examples to support my argument. Everything I stated makes more sense than “it’s not written in the User Agreement, so it’s ok to do”.
Keep in mind many players have been perma-banned or had suspensions for abusing unintended mechanics. Cheap Karma weapons, salvaging Exotic jewels, etc. None of that was specifically stated in the rules, yet they all fall under the blanket term of “abuse” or “cheat”.
So ask yourselves this: “If I can get a reward worth hundreds of Gold for standing around for 45 minutes, is that what Anet intended for the event?” Debate that topic, rather than trying to counter me.
Those issues have been fixed as soon as they came to anet’s attention. There were official statements posted about it. Try harder.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits