GW2 Female Armour [Poll]
Its not so much on how much of each their is.
I’m just sick and tired of seeing Female, Human thieves wearing the same outfit.
Its either.Duelist (Now sneaktheif)
T3 Cultural
As little as possible (Krytan Top, Tiny shoes, tiny gloves, the short-skirt I can’t remember the outfit)
T3 Cultrual with Vigil Leggings.
Etc.Its just like I’m actually genuinely surprised when I see a female, human theif where something different…..
I don’t personally think the “problem” (if people find it a problem) is the number of skimpy vs non-skimpy armour sets. Is the number of people that choose them.
Do that number of guys really get turned on by looking at a semi-naked chick in a video game? =S
Actually that specific problem is that most leather armors are trenchcoats with pants so there really isnt much choice in the skin-tight or other departments. Vabbi assassin armor, was it skimpy? No. Is it something GW2 lacks? Yes.
Skimpy really isnt the problem, variety and quality is.
In general the game lacks in heavy skimpy/barbarian-like, medium anything-but-trenchcoats and light mesmery, fashionable stuff like the NPCs are wearing but we cant.
-Mike O’Brien, President of Arenanet
Maybe it’s just me but I don’t get turned on by “skimpy” armor. I wear it because it looks good and compliments the body. Now, TERA has some tasteless skimpy armor, this game is perfectly fine…
This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.
Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.
This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.
Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.
Agree, but would add that HEAVY does not really support “skimpy” in terms of being “realistic” (to whatever degree the word applies to a fantasy MMO).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.
Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.
I think heavy armor should look a lot like the male armor. I mean, Guardians tend to bunker and support, and it doesn’t make sense that they can do that in metal underwear.
light armor just need more GOOD armor in genereal
There seem to be very few choices for climate appropriate medium armor. Kryta is subtropical and I’m running around in a trench coat. Since the protection is magical anyway, how about a true battle bikini for the females, and for males, magical baggies and a surfboard… and slaps for footwear.
Heavies of both genders could use some non-spikey armor, and some shirtless options for the males at least.
Lights already have variety from mardi gras parade to church mouse.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
This would be a lot more useful if you define “skimpy” and seperate it by armor class.
Light: Fine as is.
Medium: We need more skimpy.
Heavy: We need generally more lighter looking choices which includes skimpy.
Also more skirt-like pieces for heavy. I like the heavy zodiac pants minus the ‘turns your skin blue’ part. Otherwise I thought the skirt looked really cool.
For light I really want to see more gowns and dresses in the game. Seriously, give Oscar de la Renta a call.
For medium armor, please take a trenchcoat break!
Also in general please don’t randomly chop pieces off of clothing. Like the masquerade set. That used to be an okay dress. Then the front of the skirt got chopped off and someone took shears to the top. What on earth?
Lights already have variety from mardi gras parade to church mouse.
This made me giggle. It’s so true!
I don’t personally think the “problem” (if people find it a problem) is the number of skimpy vs non-skimpy armour sets. Is the number of people that choose them.
Do that number of guys really get turned on by looking at a semi-naked chick in a video game? =S
With medium armour on females, I think most people just go with ‘not a trench coat’, as those are sort of boring to look at. There’s also generally a level of dissatisfaction with medium armour in this game. IMO, The very best looking sets are heavily restricted (Heritage and Norn T3)
This, pretty much.
And it’s not just boring, most of them are quite horrible to look at when your character is moving, they look so stiff, as if your character is wearing a cardboard cone strapped to the waste. The Commanders Jacket (the story reward) flows decently but it gets boring after a while, and the sleeves look kinda sloppy, not something I always want to look at, but decent enough to use. The Krytan set would be ok, except it makes my character look rather … voluminous at the hips. I might try it anyway, of I can spare the gems. Then, the GW1 reward armor looks quite nice from the front, but from the back it’s like I am looking at a butler rather. When I want to play Tomb Raider I don’t expect to look at Winston’s behind either. So many sets look decent from the front but fail from the back – and that is what I am looking at most of the time.
There seem to be very few choices for climate appropriate medium armor. Kryta is subtropical and I’m running around in a trench coat. Since the protection is magical anyway, how about a true battle bikini for the females, and for males, magical baggies and a surfboard… and slaps for footwear.
Chainmail bikini’s! Lisa where are you?
(edited by frans.8092)
Skimpy and male just ….do not sound right together. shudders
Would be cool to go shirtless, or at least hide the chest armour.
Historically many different armies and warriors fought hardly clothed if not entirely nude. They go more hand in hand than skimpy and female.
Anyway I think this is a little subjective in terms of a player’s main class. If you play medium or heavy, you probably want more skimpy options for variety. If you play light classes, you may want more less-skimpy options.
Mostly I’m OK with what’s there. There are just a couple places there doesn’t seem to be enough variety: medium charr armor that doesn’t clip and medium armor that isn’t trenchcoats.
The two are probably related.
Stormbluff Isle ( )
I like skimpy but I think we should have more non-skimpy now. We got enough of one, let’s bring the other up to par.
We have 15 Skimpy vs 27 Non-skimpy female light armors. We have ~5 skimpy vs 37 Non-skimpy female Medium armors(But a lot more low-cut tops). We have 9 skimpy vs 33 non-skimpy female heavy armors (Unfortunately, all faction armors are skimpy).
We have 5 skimpy vs. 37 non-skimpy male light armors. We have 0(!) skimpy vs 42 non-skimpy male medium armors. We have 5 skimpy vs. 37 non-skimpy male heavy armors.
I considered any armor that exposes any part of the torso (Other than neckline) or legs to be ‘skimpy’ for the purpose of this examination, which means a lot of armors that are ‘skimpy’ still cover a significant amount of the body.
Yes, there’s an imbalance and one side needs to be brought up to par with the other. It’s not the non-skimpy side, though.
This is a very good post regarding skimpy vs. non-skimpy and it made me realize that it isn’t necessarily the amount of skin shown or not but the utility of the “armor”. You are entirely correct that most female armor covers a fair amount of skin. But most female armor also (IMO) looks completely ridiculous for a person who is going to be running around killing enemies in the wilderness or underground. Ribbons/frills, thigh-highs or tights, miniskirts or thigh-high slits are just as unreasonable for adventuring as bikinis/slave outfits. This is only my opinion and what I want for my character – other people should be able to dress their character as they prefer.
So I agree that “skimpy” isn’t really the issue. And I’m not advocating the removal of existing armor – to each his own. What I would like is more female armor that looks like you would actually go adventuring in it.
Most of the Light armor that has pants also has a skirt which I guess is OK for casters but I wish there were at least a few with just pants (not tights). Medium armor should definitely be mostly pants. I’m sure the guys would also appreciate a lot less skirts with their pants And Heavy armor should almost never have a skirt. That would really be only for ceremonies.
(edited by Djinn.9245)
Let’s get out of combat swimsuits for all proffessions and genders. My Guardian is sick of his heavy metal armor and wants to relax out in the sun!
It’s not a matter of skimpy or not. Especially in GW2.
Nearly all armor sets have the same, terrible problem : bad in-game rendering. Nearly every piece of fabric look really heavy. And for some of them, I can’t even make out what kind of material it’s supposed to be (like the light order of whisper skirt).
Then you have unflattering renders, giving female characters disproportionate hips (seer, heritage, stately, zodiac).
Then you have a lot of skirts, but very few full skirts. Some appear to be mini skirts in front, and long skirt behind.
And what’s really weird is how most fabrics seem to be stuck, which doesn’t help in making the armor look good on characters.
I don’t care if it’s skimpy or not, I want my character to look good. And with the current light armor design, I can only find 1 single armor combination I’m happy with.
And for male, I can’t even find one…thanks to all those back skirts…but after 2 years, I doubt it’s going to go away.
Just like medium top covering the legs are not going to go away. You don’t see people wearing the same 2-3 medium tops because they are skimpy, but because they are mostly the only pieces not covering the legs front and behind.
Do that number of guys really get turned on by looking at a semi-naked chick in a video game? =S
I don’t understand it myself, but apparently they do. Not only that, but they create female characters for themselves so they can look at their character semi-naked lol.
Not enough revealing armour for medium and heavy.
And you think it is a big difference when you wear light armor AKA cloth armor ?
How much less protection will you expect from a Shirt when you opened up 3-4 buttons so that a little part of your breast is not “protected” by your shirt ?
Cloth can be much better protection than just skin – ever heard of a Flak Jacket?
Historically many different armies and warriors fought hardly clothed if not entirely nude. They go more hand in hand than skimpy and female.
Anyway I think this is a little subjective in terms of a player’s main class. If you play medium or heavy, you probably want more skimpy options for variety. If you play light classes, you may want more less-skimpy options.
Oh, no. I do understand that. That’s not what I was hinting at at all.
Skimpy is just a very….‘feminine’ sounding word. I’ve never heard it used to describe a male at all.
polls dont really matter in this case, they have a really strong poll already, they can see which gear sells better.
People need to face facts, fashion isnt about morals, or functionality, or immersion. Fashion is about what people want to wear.
They main problem is the Art team has a finite amount of ability to provide different fashions, so they have to appeal to what sells best. Seeing how dress up is so big in these games, one would think some developers would come up with an engine/system designed to shorten the turn around on designs>output
polls dont really matter in this case, they have a really strong poll already, they can see which gear sells better.
People need to face facts, fashion isnt about morals, or functionality, or immersion. Fashion is about what people want to wear.
They main problem is the Art team has a finite amount of ability to provide different fashions, so they have to appeal to what sells best. Seeing how dress up is so big in these games, one would think some developers would come up with an engine/system designed to shorten the turn around on designs>output
I agree, I just wish there were at least a few representations of light armor that looks like you would actually go adventuring in it. Medium also has hardly any (I wouldn’t go adventuring with a long skirt over my pants).
polls dont really matter in this case, they have a really strong poll already, they can see which gear sells better.
People need to face facts, fashion isnt about morals, or functionality, or immersion. Fashion is about what people want to wear.
They main problem is the Art team has a finite amount of ability to provide different fashions, so they have to appeal to what sells best. Seeing how dress up is so big in these games, one would think some developers would come up with an engine/system designed to shorten the turn around on designs>output
I agree, I just wish there were at least a few representations of light armor that looks like you would actually go adventuring in it. Medium also has hardly any (I wouldn’t go adventuring with a long skirt over my pants).
the designers have an obssession with skirts, the amount of pants showing in this game is surprisingly minimal.
this has nothing to do with male female/skimpy or not, almost every single outfit has a skirt. I think the designers have an aversion to butts, clothed or not.
Maybe it is due to english is my 2nd language. I have issue understand the “skirt” many posters refer to.
Although many light armor legging is surrounded by a robe (or skirt as many poster said), all i see is pant inside the skirt. That’s not what i will actually call a skirt. To me a skirt is actually should show skin inside the skirt no matter it is a long skirt or a short skirt or high cut…. etc
I consider those “skirt” is actually a robe to me. Therefore i see most of the light armor legging are pants with robe…
I do however want to see more real skirt option, like the phoenix legging, magician legging, kama exotic legging, those are real skirt.
What I’ve always wanted to see in a general sense is more culturally themed gear. North African or Arabic themed Elonian sets, Samurai styled armour and so on.
What I’ve always wanted to see in a general sense is more culturally themed gear. North African or Arabic themed Elonian sets, Samurai styled armour and so on.
Great suggestion. +1
Maybe it is due to english is my 2nd language. I have issue understand the “skirt” many posters refer to.
Although many light armor legging is surrounded by a robe (or skirt as many poster said), all i see is pant inside the skirt. That’s not what i will actually call a skirt. To me a skirt is actually should show skin inside the skirt no matter it is a long skirt or a short skirt or high cut…. etc
I consider those “skirt” is actually a robe to me. Therefore i see most of the light armor legging are pants with robe…
I do however want to see more real skirt option, like the phoenix legging, magician legging, kama exotic legging, those are real skirt.
yeah we dont just mean naked clothes, we mean extra material from the top that goes below the waist.
just think of it like this, how many gears have you seen that you can actually see any charachters butt (clothed)
I’m most annoyed at the vast differences between male and female armors of the same exact set tbh. My boy characters have nowhere near the amount of skin-showy armors that my light lady does and it’s a travesty.
The skimpy conversation is more one of taste. For example, I’d love rocking the t3 human medium if there was no underboob. I’d still say that’s pretty skimpy, but I like the style and detail of the design itself, as someone upthread said. I’d buy it for my male human mediums if it looked exactly the same on them and showed basically their entire torso and left breast. Hell, I’d buy it on my female human med at that point. As it is, it just seems like a shameless grab for T&A on ladies without the same shameless grab on men’s bodies. Equal opportunity skimpiness here.
My other problem with most skimpy armor is that they look ugly. Like wall sconces made into bra form (Flamekissed/Feathered) or half a bowling ball with a kindergartner’s art project on top (Conjurer’s) — or, heck, no support or detail at all just mystical blue paintjob boobs with afterthought accents (Light Zodiac).
Same with many of the covered-up designs, even. Light Ascended? Beautiful level of detail, but the pom-pom shoulders, gloves and pants are hideous while the actual construction of the top and boots are bland. The top is something I’m torn between because the detail is, like I said, wonderful but it’s basically a long sleeved shirt with none of the interestingness of the v similar Ascalon light top :\ The boots are detailed but somehow boring as well and look like heavy armor on top of all that, but that’s a quibble.
I want costume designs that are interested in various mixes of haute couture and armor (and maybe even cyberpunk/steampunk like the light male aetherblade and asura cultural sets) but :\ that’s not what I’m seeing so far as the majority in-game. And it’s a shame because I did see that in a lot of sets from GW1 and I do see it in a few sets that are not actually available to players at this time (Anise, I will start the first counterfeit clothing shop to knock off your dress, I swear to god. Then I’m coming for you, Norn shamans). I love the new ancestral costume, I just wish it looked basically the same on both men and women. Humanoid men really get the short end of the stick on the sleeves and gloves (one of the best constructed features on the design imo), while female charr totally lost out on the male charr’s dragon tail.
Maybe it is due to english is my 2nd language. I have issue understand the “skirt” many posters refer to.
Although many light armor legging is surrounded by a robe (or skirt as many poster said), all i see is pant inside the skirt. That’s not what i will actually call a skirt. To me a skirt is actually should show skin inside the skirt no matter it is a long skirt or a short skirt or high cut…. etc
I consider those “skirt” is actually a robe to me. Therefore i see most of the light armor legging are pants with robe…
I do however want to see more real skirt option, like the phoenix legging, magician legging, kama exotic legging, those are real skirt.
Yes, it is a language conflict: any cloth that hangs from the waist = a skirt no matter what is under it
Equality in clothing! Skimpy armors for all the genders!!
For females, for males and for plants!!
And by the way, can we have swimsuits? That would be niiiiice!!
Maybe it is due to english is my 2nd language. I have issue understand the “skirt” many posters refer to.
Although many light armor legging is surrounded by a robe (or skirt as many poster said), all i see is pant inside the skirt. That’s not what i will actually call a skirt. To me a skirt is actually should show skin inside the skirt no matter it is a long skirt or a short skirt or high cut…. etc
I consider those “skirt” is actually a robe to me. Therefore i see most of the light armor legging are pants with robe…
I do however want to see more real skirt option, like the phoenix legging, magician legging, kama exotic legging, those are real skirt.
yeah we dont just mean naked clothes, we mean extra material from the top that goes below the waist.
just think of it like this, how many gears have you seen that you can actually see any charachters butt (clothed)
If thats the case, I really wanna see some light legging thats similar to vigil medium legging (the very OP one almost everyone female thief got one before viper is released) other than actual skirt, i want to see some hot pants too.
I guess thats classify i am skimpy group…. although i only want just a little skin.
(Anise, I will start the first counterfeit clothing shop to knock off your dress, I swear to god. Then I’m coming for you, Norn shamans).
Maybe it is due to english is my 2nd language. I have issue understand the “skirt” many posters refer to.
Although many light armor legging is surrounded by a robe (or skirt as many poster said), all i see is pant inside the skirt. That’s not what i will actually call a skirt. To me a skirt is actually should show skin inside the skirt no matter it is a long skirt or a short skirt or high cut…. etc
I consider those “skirt” is actually a robe to me. Therefore i see most of the light armor legging are pants with robe…
I do however want to see more real skirt option, like the phoenix legging, magician legging, kama exotic legging, those are real skirt.
Yes, it is a language conflict: any cloth that hangs from the waist = a skirt no matter what is under it
So this is not about skimpy issue… player want more pant without the skirt option, correct? Then why complain skimpy designs when there are more “practical” light armor than “revealing” light armor?
A very easy solution is make new light armor similar to medium armor, more light armor “body” as one mesh with the “skirt”, then the legging will be a stand alone “pant”, combine with any of the existing body, you got nice combination of body and pant, and you can see the butt from behind.
The female norn/human light “named armor” leggings have great looking pants underneath the skirt but you only get to see them when swimming. The art has been done, should be easy to set it up as new stand alone pants.
Yarr! I be keeping me pirate runes, Matey. Yarr! You’re welcome. Yarr!
No to skimpy armors…NEVER
Eh….none of the choices fit me. I think we have enough of both, but I want MORE of both, equally despite preferring non-skimpy outfits.
Well at least the poll shows that people always want more of what they prefer. That’s good to know.
I’d just like to get a dyable undershirt so my character could wear the CoE light jacket.
Less boob windows, more elegant and beautiful non-skimpy armor please, we need more variety in that area.
And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!
Most of the Light armor that has pants also has a skirt which I guess is OK for casters but I wish there were at least a few with just pants (not tights). Medium armor should definitely be mostly pants. I’m sure the guys would also appreciate a lot less skirts with their pants
And Heavy armor should almost never have a skirt. That would really be only for ceremonies.
From what I’ve seen, medium armor IS mostly pants – the “Skirt” is part of the torso, not leg, armor. Because trenchcoats.
And yeah, on heavy armor – I really hate the design of the Banded Armor leggings on males/CA, but love everything else about that set – the godkitten skirt on that doesn’t even match the rest of the armor, though! It’s just a skirt of scales that looks terrible on everything, instead of the heavy etched plating that makes up the rest of the suit.
And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!
I can dress my male heavy in four different armor skins that expose my nipples. How many armor skins can you dress your female in that expose your nipples?
The female norn/human light “named armor” leggings have great looking pants underneath the skirt but you only get to see them when swimming. The art has been done, should be easy to set it up as new stand alone pants.
Yes, leggings are already in the game, now add tops without skirts.
Or, you know, something based on GW1’s Obsidian
Skimpy and male just ….do not sound right together. shudders
Would be cool to go shirtless, or at least hide the chest armour.
And god forbid you get made uncomfortable. It only women who should there to be ‘make your own kitten material’.
If your going to do skimpy at least make it so for both although at this point I would say some more armour that actually armour or covering on girls and skimpy on guys is due.
Personalty I want more elegant stuff and while I like the trench coats more that aren’t for medium without making them underboob or having fishnet slits down the kitten would be nice. The only one I want ‘skimpy’ medium armour for is my charr.
I wish they hadn’t put a boob window on the latest gem store one.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
Do that number of guys really get turned on by looking at a semi-naked chick in a video game? =S
I don’t understand it myself, but apparently they do. Not only that, but they create female characters for themselves so they can look at their character semi-naked lol.
It’s not just men who want revealing outfits. I’m female (and straight) but when my elementalist gets to level 80 she will wear as little as possible.
For me it’s what suits the character. My engineer wants something with decent coverage but that would be comfortable to run around in, my ranger wants something fancy but which keeps her arms clear because it’s more comfortable for using a bow and my ele…she’s a sylvari who isn’t bothered by cold, sees clothes primarily as a form of decoration and likes to show off her bioluminescence.
(And at the other extreme the Anonymity Mask has me wondering if I could make a character in a burka without offending someone and getting reported.)
Overall what I want is options, to be able to dress any character any way I choose. Whether that’s head to toe coverage or virtually nothing or somewhere in between.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!
I can dress my male heavy in four different armor skins that expose my nipples. How many armor skins can you dress your female in that expose your nipples?
I`m not talking about guys nipples. Think…lower.
Do that number of guys really get turned on by looking at a semi-naked chick in a video game? =S
I don’t understand it myself, but apparently they do. Not only that, but they create female characters for themselves so they can look at their character semi-naked lol.
Fun fact: A good chunk of woman like making their characters skimpy.
And as long as we’re talking about variety here…fair’s fair. I don’t think that the male counterparts have enough skimpy armor to match the females. Bring it on Anet!
I can dress my male heavy in four different armor skins that expose my nipples. How many armor skins can you dress your female in that expose your nipples?
I`m not talking about guys nipples. Think…lower.
Sorry but gw2 males have no geometry down there. Nothing to see
I like skimpy but I think we should have more non-skimpy now. We got enough of one, let’s bring the other up to par.
We have 15 Skimpy vs 27 Non-skimpy female light armors. We have ~5 skimpy vs 37 Non-skimpy female Medium armors(But a lot more low-cut tops). We have 9 skimpy vs 33 non-skimpy female heavy armors (Unfortunately, all faction armors are skimpy).
We have 5 skimpy vs. 37 non-skimpy male light armors. We have 0(!) skimpy vs 42 non-skimpy male medium armors. We have 5 skimpy vs. 37 non-skimpy male heavy armors.
I considered any armor that exposes any part of the torso (Other than neckline) or legs to be ‘skimpy’ for the purpose of this examination, which means a lot of armors that are ‘skimpy’ still cover a significant amount of the body.
Yes, there’s an imbalance and one side needs to be brought up to par with the other. It’s not the non-skimpy side, though.
This is a very good post regarding skimpy vs. non-skimpy and it made me realize that it isn’t necessarily the amount of skin shown or not but the utility of the “armor”. You are entirely correct that most female armor covers a fair amount of skin. But most female armor also (IMO) looks completely ridiculous for a person who is going to be running around killing enemies in the wilderness or underground. Ribbons/frills, thigh-highs or tights, miniskirts or thigh-high slits are just as unreasonable for adventuring as bikinis/slave outfits. This is only my opinion and what I want for my character – other people should be able to dress their character as they prefer.
So I agree that “skimpy” isn’t really the issue. And I’m not advocating the removal of existing armor – to each his own. What I would like is more female armor that looks like you would actually go adventuring in it.
Most of the Light armor that has pants also has a skirt which I guess is OK for casters but I wish there were at least a few with just pants (not tights). Medium armor should definitely be mostly pants. I’m sure the guys would also appreciate a lot less skirts with their pants
And Heavy armor should almost never have a skirt. That would really be only for ceremonies.
speaking about Heavy Armor realism for a second here…The Romans didn’t wear pants, so why is a skirt not okay in heavy armor?
Moderator should be along shortly to clean this up thankfully.
And god forbid you get made uncomfortable. It only women who should there to be ‘make your own kitten material’.
If your going to do skimpy at least make it so for both although at this point I would say some more armour that actually armour or covering on girls and skimpy on guys is due.
Personalty I want more elegant stuff and while I like the trench coats more that aren’t for medium without making them underboob or having fishnet slits down the kitten would be nice. The only one I want ‘skimpy’ medium armour for is my charr.
I wish they hadn’t put a boob window on the latest gem store one.
I’m not uncomfortable with male characters who expose their skin, fur or leaves. However, in contemporary fashion ‘revealing’ just does not work the same way for males.