GW2 Honesty

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zabriel.4852


If someone was to mistakenly send you 100g via in game mail?
Would you send it back ?
Edit: If it was a Legendary ?

Ps. Has anyone sent you by mistake a valuable item? If so did you send it back ?

Zabriel Dusk

(edited by zabriel.4852)

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vexander.9850


I would send the 100G back.

Someone did send me some items by accident (a few rares and an exotic). I did send them back.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sinzer.4018


come on, pixels? I’m not gonna choose pixels over a person.

I’ve never had anyone accidentally sending me stuff though but i’d imagine i’d act how i’d act irl; i’d return it.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


I’d contact the person that sent it first and, if a mistake has been made, then yes I would send it back.

I’ve never had anyone mail me anything by accident so far.

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Yep I’d send it back, no point being lame :p

Welcome to my world –

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Yes. Always.

Although I’m not sure a lot of people who would keep it are going to brag about it.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


That actually happened to me once. Someone sent me a mail with about 25 T6 mats of various types attached. I contacted the person via whisper asking if they’d made a mistake, and it was; they’d meant to send it to a friend. I was nice and mailed it back.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I used to have random items (cheap mats, some black lion chests, mostly worthless stuff) mailed to me while standing at the bank in DR. I would PM the person and ask if it was an accident. If they responded saying it was then I would send the items back and explain to them how it happened (see note at bottom). If they did not respond then I kept the items as they obviously weren’t of importance to them if they could not even be bothered to reply to my PM.

If I suddenly had 100g mailed to me then it would be returned, but I would include a long and detailed message in the body saying how lucky the sender was that it got sent to me instead of someone else that might’ve kept it. I would also include a message to any ANet employees who might’ve flagged the transaction stating the situation to avoid potentially being banned for first receiving a large sum of coin as well as sending such a large amount to another player, despite sending it to the person who first sent it to me.

Fear of getting banned for sending coin to people (oh the horror stories I’ve heard and witnessed) is the main reason I stopped sending random gold to new players to help them out or as gifts to friends…more so because I don’t want them getting banned for receiving the gold (that they didn’t even ask for) and being flagged as buying gold from a gold seller than my getting banned for sending it and being mistaken for one. ANet’s heavy hand and questionable automated system auto-banning made me stop being so nice to my fellow players with giving random gifts as going through support to (maybe) get unbanned for being wrongfully banned is not worth it.

Note for paragraph 1:
There was a “bug” in the game since beta up until a few months ago where typing out a mail complete with the intended recipient, and then right-clicking an item and hitting “mail item to…” would add the item to your existing mail message but would also replace your pre-entered recipient with your current target’s name or even the last player you targeted…which happens a lot standing around the bank and TP. This unwanted behavior seemed to have finally gotten fixed sometime in the last 2-3 months, though there was no mention of it in the bug fix area of any patch notes, but that’s not really a surprise, sadly.

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GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hendo.1940


Earlier I sold an Arah path for 6g per person and one of my clients claimed to have not had the 1.5g + 40 tokens popup so I refunded them. They whispered me a little later saying that the daily reward popped up a little later and they sent me the 6g again.

So … if I were to be sent 100g I would enquire about it before taking it.

Rezardi – [DnT]
Game over, yo.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Claudius.5381


I would send it back, be it 100 g or a legendary. I hope if I make a mistake I have built enough karma so that the other people behave likewise…

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trice.4598


That actually happened to me once. Someone sent me a mail with about 25 T6 mats of various types attached. I contacted the person via whisper asking if they’d made a mistake, and it was; they’d meant to send it to a friend. I was nice and mailed it back.

Wow your name seems very familiar to me, was that a while ago (like 9 months?) might have been me XD

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaat.8237


Happened the other way around for me. I accidentally sent some gold to the wrong person. They wrote asking if it was a mistake. After I responded that it was a mistake, that person sent the gold back to me. It wasn’t a huge amount, but I sent them a token “reward” of some gold for being a cool person.

MARA on Gunner’s Hold

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

A guildy tried sending me a bunch of mats about a year ago, but, because of name similarities they were sent to someone else, I PM’d him and recieved no reply so I added him/her to my friends list and to this day that user has not logged on no matter what time of day or night I checked, this leads me to suspect/believe that is a definite dormant account, so, needless to say they were never returned. Oh well.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


That actually happened to me once. Someone sent me a mail with about 25 T6 mats of various types attached. I contacted the person via whisper asking if they’d made a mistake, and it was; they’d meant to send it to a friend. I was nice and mailed it back.

Wow your name seems very familiar to me, was that a while ago (like 9 months?) might have been me XD

Haha, that might indeed have been me! XD I’m not sure if it was 9 months ago, but it was definitely around mid-2013.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eyelusion.8205


I’d send it back. I wouldn’t want someone to keep my mistake, so why not send it back?

Ele’s Pwn J00!

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


My integrity costs a hell of a lot more than 100g in pixel-money.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solo.9027


In all honesty i would probably send it back but really slowly or make them do weird stuff to get it back.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369



GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wonderly.1324


I know a kid who mistakenly recieved a bifrost. He kept it. I told him that story was not one he should be proud of sharing, when people ask him how he got his precurser

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwalkernz.1328


Mahahaha I would keep it for sure.

Noone have send me anything so far. Feel free to donate to a good cause.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OmaiGodman.2098


I received a random item before (just a green one that happened to match my level) and I took it, in hindsight I should have sent it back or at least have inquired about whether it was meant for me. If I were to ever receive anything from a stranger again, I’ll make sure to ask them, especially if it’s something expensive.

Any plan that involves dead quaggans is, by design, foolproof. I’m an unmitigated genius!

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I would have sent it back for many reasons but mainly becouse if I where to one to send it to wrong person I would feel pretty bad. I just say… Karma :P

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


this happens to me a lot
not 100g

but mats etc

I always send it back

Gunnar’s Hold

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wasted.6817


Yes. Someone sent me 50g once, time ago when 50g were a lot of gold, i sent it back. Yesterday i dc’ed after the last boss fight in AC, one person in our party sent me 13 silver, because he/she thought i didn’t get the reward. But i did, so i sent it back with my thanks. Sometimes you meet surprisingly decent and nice people.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


I would return what have accidently been sent to me… be it gold or things… I expect others to do the same for me in case I miss-send something!

It have never happened so far though.

Kima & Co

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xhieron.2168


I would keep it.

Then I would sleep on it, have a crisis of conscience, and send it back.

But I’d really want to keep it.

Peace and safety.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Lol Im too much of a White Knight player

I would always send accidently sent stuff back
I always report exploits and bugs
I always report players who are using Bots or hacks when I catch them
I always report players who spam mail and gold selling websites sent to me via mail
I always help out friends and sometimes randoms if they are short on money or items when I have a lots to spare

Im just nice like that

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Send back 100g? Maaaaybe not so much. Would depend on my mood at the time. Sometimes I just feel like being a kitten, ya know?

Send back a legendary? Oh most definitely. That’s a lot of work (one way or another). Lots more work than a simple 100g.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


This has happened a few times to me, not nearly 100g, but honestly it wouldn’t matter. If anything such a high amount would make me do so more.


Because if it was a mistake, which can happen to anyone I know that if I was the person who lost it I’d be quite upset. That’s not something I enjoy thinking about. I’d rather help someone fix an honest mistake than feel guilty from reaping the benefit.

Call me an oldschool player, but I feel its the right thing to do.

Duty is heavier than death.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xia.3485


I would troll the person first before giving it back. Because I’m a Kittehn.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I would keep everything and laugh at the person who made the mistake.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: locoman.1974


I’ve seen firsthand how a mistake like that in real life could ruin someone’s life (at least for a while), so I’d definitively send it back.

If it was someone I know I’d contact him first, probably joke a bit about it before sending it back (if it wasn’t intended, of course). If it was a random stranger, i’d send it back right away with a note telling them that I think I received that by mistake, and to send it back if he/she indeed meant to send it to a random stranger..

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

If was a mistake – yes I return things. Heck, I have given away items in GW2 and GW1.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I thought this was going to be about something else, but I’ll post my response anyways.


GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Revenant.4970

The Revenant.4970

You’re gonna have skewed responses on this.

Not many people are going to make themselves look bad by saying the truth of what they would do.

It’s also an opportunity to stroke their egos by saying they would do the ‘right’ thing or have already ‘done’ the ‘right’ thing, even if they didn’t.

(edited by The Revenant.4970)

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I have received items by mistake and always sent them back. I have sent someone something by mistake and not received it back.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Considering those pixels could have possibly costed real-world money… yes I’d send it back.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steel Fenrir.2791

Steel Fenrir.2791

I sent 10G to somebody in WvW just because he/she earned my respect. I didn’t put any message in the mail, I just sent it to him/her. That player returned it to me. I don’t know though if he/she will return 100G or a legendary in the mail, I think some will not return it, but some will return it and give you a confused emoticon haha.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


Well, if what happened to me in EVE is any indication. EVE being the cut throat game that it is where people are always looking out for number one and will scam you in a heartbeat. I put up a an item for 500,000.00 isk. Which was the best price on the market for the item. Someone set up a buy order for that amount but forgot the decimal (50,000,000 isk). When I saw the mistake, I sent them a message asking if they wanted the difference returned but they said no.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Revenant.4970

The Revenant.4970

I propose a triple blind, peer-reviewed, super-scientific experiment to answer this question.

All you have to do is send me gold (any amount will suffice) in-game, through the mailing system, and I will record my actions for all the guild wars 2 forum world to see.

This is the ONLY way we can solve this case!

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I propose a triple blind, peer-reviewed, super-scientific experiment to answer this question.

All you have to do is send me gold (any amount will suffice) in-game, through the mailing system, and I will record my actions for all the guild wars 2 forum world to see.

This is the ONLY way we can solve this case!

chokes on her soda

kitten it!

Don’t do that! Laughing soda thru my nose hurts!

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Revenant.4970

The Revenant.4970

I propose a triple blind, peer-reviewed, super-scientific experiment to answer this question.

All you have to do is send me gold (any amount will suffice) in-game, through the mailing system, and I will record my actions for all the guild wars 2 forum world to see.

This is the ONLY way we can solve this case!

chokes on her soda

kitten it!

Don’t do that! Laughing soda thru my nose hurts!

But….it’s in the name of science! You science hater!

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


It is sort of funny. I don’t play much anymore so i don’t know if it still does this, but back in the day (launch) when you would put items into the mail to be sent, it would auto fill in the name of someone close by. Even if a name was there already it would replace it. So it was beat to send mail standing in a field alone or put the receiver in last, because lord knows who the game decided needed your mail the most.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I propose a triple blind, peer-reviewed, super-scientific experiment to answer this question.

All you have to do is send me gold (any amount will suffice) in-game, through the mailing system, and I will record my actions for all the guild wars 2 forum world to see.

This is the ONLY way we can solve this case!

chokes on her soda

kitten it!

Don’t do that! Laughing soda thru my nose hurts!

But….it’s in the name of science! You science hater!

No no, I’m not a science hater… Not specifically anyway. I’m an ‘equal opportunity hater.’ Everything gets the same amount of hate from me.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazarus.3970


100g from a random person? No I wouldn’t return it on my own accord. If the person messaged me about it, then I would return it.

If it was someone I knew, then yes I would without question.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’d send it back. I don’t need it and I would probably try to contact the person that sent me it to see how they know me and why they want me to have their gold.

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


To be completely honest, yes.
I would send it back. Heck I’ve even sent back money that people tried to give me just because I helped them somewhere.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

GW2 Honesty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CAA.9653


Edit: Heck no!

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam