GW2 Longevity and you!
I’m not going to list one more time every valid argument that we’re giving for months now…
I haven’t even logged for 3 months, and I don’t plan to do so.Forum is now at the “nearly-full-of-fanboyz” step. There is no more real feedback possible, and anyway devs didn’t pay attention to us in the beta (even alpha), it’s too late.
I was hoping gw2 would be the great game I was told, but obviously it is not and there’s no more hope to make things change.The game, in every aspect, is following the same path as many games lately.
Old fans betrayed, ignored, even despised. Forums full of negative feedbacks, and still, fanboyz arguing “you don’t like it? Leave! Most of the players love this game the way it is”.
And people left, forums went full of happy players, and game emptied more and more.Difference being, I was telling on the other forums that “Gw2 would prove how excellent a game can be”, and even “this game is dead the day gw2 is released”. Nice try. Nice joke.
Denial is not gonna prevent the same things to happen to gw2 in any way.
But sadly, 1 person buying gems is worth more than 10 leaving.
Yes, we understand you’re disappointed with the game but why don’t you give Arenanet some constructive feedback?
What would you change?
There are at least as many doomsayers than fanboys on these forums. Bashing the game without constructive feedback is allowed…but ultimately won’t motivate Anet to change anything.
I think many people are unhappy because they burnt through the content at such a fast pace that there isn’t anything left to do for them anymore. But that’s their own mistake. It’s like reading all 5 books of Game of Thrones in two weeks and then complain to G.R.R Martin that you feel bored waiting for Volume 6&7.
I love GW2 so far and I see myself playing for several months at the least. I’m only a casual player so I have lots of the game to experience still but I can’t say I’m bored with it. If I do get bored I’ll just stop playing, wait for some content patch to arrive and play that
That’s the thing I like about GW2 – it’s very casual friendly and I don’t feel like I’m forced to keep playing to keep up. I can just play a little bit when I want and then stop playing if I get bored.
See? People like him are happy because he has the correct attitude towards gaming. He takes his time like reading a good book.
What strikes me is that many complaints remind me of the way lots of people seem to live their lives – always full speed, brain disengaged, rushing towards whatever goal is up next, as if maintaining a constant high stress level is the primary objective of life.
I’m not going to list one more time every valid argument that we’re giving for months now…
I haven’t even logged for 3 months, and I don’t plan to do so.Forum is now at the “nearly-full-of-fanboyz” step. There is no more real feedback possible, and anyway devs didn’t pay attention to us in the beta (even alpha), it’s too late.
I was hoping gw2 would be the great game I was told, but obviously it is not and there’s no more hope to make things change.The game, in every aspect, is following the same path as many games lately.
Old fans betrayed, ignored, even despised. Forums full of negative feedbacks, and still, fanboyz arguing “you don’t like it? Leave! Most of the players love this game the way it is”.
And people left, forums went full of happy players, and game emptied more and more.Difference being, I was telling on the other forums that “Gw2 would prove how excellent a game can be”, and even “this game is dead the day gw2 is released”. Nice try. Nice joke.
Denial is not gonna prevent the same things to happen to gw2 in any way.
But sadly, 1 person buying gems is worth more than 10 leaving.Yes, we understand you’re disappointed with the game but why don’t you give Arenanet some constructive feedback?
What would you change?
There are at least as many doomsayers than fanboys on these forums. Bashing the game without constructive feedback is allowed…but ultimately won’t motivate Anet to change anything.I think many people are unhappy because they burnt through the content at such a fast pace that there isn’t anything left to do for them anymore. But that’s their own mistake. It’s like reading all 5 books of Game of Thrones in two weeks and then complain to G.R.R Martin that you feel bored waiting for Volume 6&7.
I love GW2 so far and I see myself playing for several months at the least. I’m only a casual player so I have lots of the game to experience still but I can’t say I’m bored with it. If I do get bored I’ll just stop playing, wait for some content patch to arrive and play that
That’s the thing I like about GW2 – it’s very casual friendly and I don’t feel like I’m forced to keep playing to keep up. I can just play a little bit when I want and then stop playing if I get bored.
See? People like him are happy because he has the correct attitude towards gaming. He takes his time like reading a good book.
What strikes me is that many complaints remind me of the way lots of people seem to live their lives – always full speed, brain disengaged, rushing towards whatever goal is up next, as if maintaining a constant high stress level is the primary objective of life.
I did not “rationalize” first, you know.
I was enjoying the game the first hours, and then, I suddenly got bored. Really bored.
I didn’t rush that much. And it came fast, I was not even lvl 80.
And the /age I got on gw1 is here to prove I can stay on something.
I do not complain about any lack of content. I complain about mecanics, that I find over simplified, I complain about wrong choices made for the story, the lack of continuity between elements of the PvE world and the trip we have to make through it. And above all, I’m really disappointed because many revolutionnary things were present in gw1, and abandonned for gw2. Despite what they said.
And I wrote contructive feedback. Lines and lines explaining why such element seems lame to me, why it doesn’t work well. WE did.
Nothing came out of it. I was not asking for a “Yes sir, consider it done”.
Just an answer, or something informing they were thinking about changing some things for the new content, I don’t know.
I assume last 2 months were more about mourning the game after all.
This game would have more longevity if they weren’t spending 80% of their time on gimmicky monthly updates and 20% of their time on core gameplay improvements.
I didn’t have any interest in this game before launch. I thought there we’re too many fanboys knocking on every other MMO and glorifying a game that hadn’t launched yet. I admit that I wanted to see the game fail.
But, because I love MMO’s I tried it anyway. Out of all the MMO’s I am currently subscribed to, this is the best. The graphics, scenery and combat are amazing. The monthly FREE updates show me a company that is taking my money and putting it right back into the game.
I take my time leveling, and level every profession. My highest level is a 65 Mesmer.
When I get bored of playing I either level a different class, or take a break from the game and play something else.
It doesn’t matter how good a game is. If you play too much you will get bored.
I can’t speak for other servers but Blackgate is always active with plenty of people.
My opinion: this is the best MMO out today and I plan to play as long as I can.
But sadly, 1 person buying gems is worth more than 10 leaving.
Correct, there’s plenty of cash based games which are still active even though they’re running with less than 5.000~10.000 active players (I play one of them), although I don’t know how many of these actually buy cash.
It’s sad, though, since for a world as big as GW2, it’ll feel even more empty as time goes by, and even though the devs are attempting to hold their players (and get new ones) with new content every 2~3 months, I don’t think it’ll last much like this.
Seems too much work, worse net profit than those cash games where they only add a few new items and call it a new patch.
Fractals seems like an attempt to hold players as they develop new content, but it’s similarity with other MMOs systems a bunch of people fled from makes it unappealing (in my opinion), it’s also poorly designed because of the level limitations, and even though they’re tempting players with the “new gear only here”, I don’t see it lasting too long since players will end up bored with it.
Sometimes it just takes more time, but this will eventually happen without changes.
For the game’s longevity, I also worry about it for a couple reasons: The time and money I spend on it.
Just like WoW, after playing 400 days worth of game time, I had a hard time quitting because of all the stuff I had, but I managed to quit (just so you see how BAD Cataclysm really was).
So I hope they figure something out while the game has the “spark” of like, new players seems to be still joining, if they can get less players to quit, the game’s will last much more longer.
Or, even better, if they can come up with a system that doesn’t screw players and doesn’t makes them feeling like they want to quit (and there’s plenty of these in game already), maybe players won’t quit as frequently as now and they might enjoy a WoW-like popularity and longevity…
Currently, though, the game is only worth for it’s initial playthrough the zones once (since it’s desert everywhere, and it’s no fun playing a MMO in a deserted world) (or maybe I thought it was fun because when I played, I played with the huge mob from the first month?), and the endgame (grind grind grind) / cash sinks (RNGs for cash? That’s a great way to make players upset) makes players feel like quitting.
Same with Sanctum of Rall.
Overflow servers at 8am PST.
Hundreds of people in zones everywhere.
Queues for WvW in primetime.Busiest MMO I’ve ever seen.
Overflow in Lions Arch during holiday event? :O Praise Balthazar.
Overflow everyday in Lion’s Arch. Holiday or not. Been that way for MONTHS
Your “the game is dead” posts would be better served on the forums of another game….one that has a subscription and hundreds of dead servers maybe?
Overflows in Lion’s Arch. There’s proof the game is active!
Oh here we go
You seem to think that the people in Lion’s Arch don’t count because they are in Lion’s Arch?
Or the people in WvW don’t count because they are in WvW?
Or the people at dragon events don’t count because those events have chests?
Or the people in dungeons don’t count because they are in dungeons?
Or the people that you run into everywhere in jumping puzzles don’t count because?
Sure, there are some zones that don’t have a ton of activity because they don’t have major events or events that are on a predictable timer. I went to Gendarran Fields yesterday to pick up something from a heart vendor and thought, hmm – seems a bit slow here today. As I was running along I saw this large rock formation growing and swirling out of the ground, these 2 large fire/rock dogs spawned and before you know it 25 people appeared from out of nowhere to take them down along with the Champion Centaur that came after the dogs. It was an epic meta event that awarded a chest. The other players dispersed after the event and things were quiet again.
We will never see 2 million people packed into 5 zones like we did at launch. But to have this kind of traffic where we are hitting overflows at 8 in the morning 4 months after launch is unheard of. The game is doing great
I’ve taken a break, that’s the beauty of the B2P model, no sub that makes me feel like I should be logging in.
I am concerned about end game, grinding dungeons isn’t something I’m fond of (including fractals), the useful crafting materials can only be got at level appropriate areas, which is a shame, a low chance to get useful mats in other areas would see me revisit them more. The armour I want to make requires a tonne of grinding, drop rates are so poor in this game it puts me off, not fun. I’m leveling a couple more alts when I get back, once they are max, not sure what I will do, it’s a great journey but there needs to be more to keep me involved in end game.
I’d like to see:
Horizontal Progression – more skills that aren’t just unlocks but that need to be hunted down and learned/captured.
Player/Guild Housing – A good housing system would keep me enthralled for a long time.
Crafting – Hard to get recipes, recipes for crafters not the mystic forge. Crafters at end game need something to strive for. Ties in with housing.
It’s a great game but so far end game is messy, it doesn’t live up to ‘every area is end game’ simply because the drops aren’t there, Fractals and ascended gear shouldn’t have been introduced, they shifted the focus for a lot of players, may well have retained players but like any gear grind it’s going to be short lived. It’s like Anet aren’t sure any more of what end game is, that’s how it feels to me.
I’m interested to see how it turns as the new content and patches roll in, and as I stated earlier, no sub to keep me tied, there’s plenty of other stuff to play in the mean time. Disappointed it’s not the world that would hold me as I’d hoped, but I’m not ruling out that it could be further down the line.
Well, first off, I would mention that WoW is the sole remaining major MMO without a free to play/cash shop option. So, being subscription free is really not a consideration.
Scaling or not, Anet shot themselves in the foot by express leveling to max. Every MMO’s problem is players at max whining about nothing to do.
I miss low level dungeons with low level, but nice rewards for players leveling up. No point here, you won’t use the gear for more than a day or two while leveling. Crafting is crippled the same way, if you want to craft for your own character, you are going to be outleveled of anything decent you can craft long before you grind the mats to make it. Crafted goods under level 80 are very rarely worth the opportunity cost of the mats.
There is no journey here, only “content”. Content best done by leveling to 80 as fast as you can, then going back and farming it. No learning how to play with a low level skillset, naw, level to max and have everything.
I fear for GW2 longevity, as they promised a dynamic game with little grinding, and the reality is a stale, repetitive, cookie cutter series of “events” and endless grinding for cash/mats with very little in the way of freshness or a feeling of Oh Wow! as you progress.. there is no progression. Get to 80, get gear, then go play the game as a twink. GW1 is “get to 20, play the game” but the huge difference is.. the bulk of the game is level 20+. In HM.. it all is.
I loved going into new zones in Everquest 2, doing a brand new series of quests would net you a sizable pile of plat, and more often than not, decent gear, sometimes outstanding gear. It was always exciting to see what a boss would drop. Here.. no. You want that gear or gold? grind. No other option. Drops? most chests, storyline rewards, champions drop garbage, and in the case of Champions.. sometimes not even trash body loot. I’ll see someone say “anyone for Champion X” and I think.. why.. odds are random trash on the way to it will drop better.. and so I pass.
Once you have completed a zone or two.. you have exhausted the type of content offered. Escorting a pack bull is the same, regardless of who is attacking it. Clearing an outpost of “x” enemies is the same. Killing the Champion Whatever terrorizing the whoevers is the same. Collecting crap in a cave to give to someone outside of the cave is the same. The zones are not new, just a bit different, and the sameness, the sense of Deja Vu is appalling.
And finally, this game is practically choiceless beyond race, gender, profession. Storyline merges to become the same for everyone, there is no faction at all, you are bound into a very small box. Yes.. GW1 was the same.. but at least there the choices were in the mechanics, skillsets, heroes etc. This game has very few choices that are not done at Char creation.
An MMO this big should have choices.. and tradeoffs. Not having factions.. a huge mistake. My piraty thief can’t be piraty pals with bandits and pirates. My vengeful Ascalonian can’t have sympathy with the Seperatists. Our paths are chosen, locked in, our very thoughts and motives pre arranged. No room for any kind of unique character. Such a loss, in a world full of opportunities to follow different paths, we can’t.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
GW2 needs more variety and a reason to have a community outside of guilds
The game is still young. As it continues to add MORE FREE CONTENT and MORE FEATURES each and every month FOR FREE, it’s going to be (as Angry Joe said) the nail in the coffin for paid subscription models.
Gota love content people. Tell them the word and they go “OMG WE’RE GETTING CONTENT!”
“Don’t you wan’t to know what it is?”
“CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT”The game is dull, boring and dry. They can throw a few more useless spells, introduce a few more generic zones — who cares if its free, its still crap.
To quote Lord Faren: “Speak for yourself chum!”
I’m having a blast and I can’t wait to see more content especially in form of new zones.
I’m wondering if we will get new zones with the January and February patches.
They did say that we would be getting as much as an expac’s worth of content in those 2 months.
This is the first MMO I quit after 3 months. Most other MMO’s I’ve played at least a year before taking a break.
I did return and would play for an hour or 2 most days, but after steam sales I’ve been playing those games I got cheap, much more fun. I haven’t logged in to GW2 since Xmas day. I feel like I don’t miss the game much and may only return if bored.
Gw2 just seems hollow and empty offering little reward for your efforts. Nothing ever feels epic or exciting. And personal story is very lame and poorly executed. Gw2 to me went from something fun and new to just something I play when bored and don’t have any other games to play.
Yes, we understand you’re disappointed with the game but why don’t you give Arenanet some constructive feedback?
What would you change?
There are at least as many doomsayers than fanboys on these forums. Bashing the game without constructive feedback is allowed…but ultimately won’t motivate Anet to change anything.
Nonsense. Developers don’t respond to constructive criticism; that’s just someone telling them how to do their job. What they respond to are widespread complaints.
The game is dull, boring and dry. They can throw a few more useless spells, introduce a few more generic zones — who cares if its free, its still crap.
Gee, I suppose all these games are really the same. I mean really.
- Start at level #1 and work your way up to level #x (a bit different for every game)
- Almost constantly upgrade weapons and Armor while ‘leveling’
- most “worlds” are filled with different creatures to fight off as you adventure around
- there almost always are “bandits”, “pirates” or other aggro NPC’s to kill as well
- anything you kill will almost always eventually respawn (sometimes almost instantly)
- “quests” consist of: fight your way to “x” and return with “y”, protect “x” from “y”, escort “x” to “y” protecting them from “z” and last but not least goto “x” and kill “y”.
- Some sort of “loot” which can be used for ‘crafting’ or generating ‘cash’.
- Some system of “classes” where not everyone gets to use everything (weapons, skills, spells) or everyone gets to use everything (AKA: Skyrim).
The above is just the “PvE” section. Most games implement some sort of <meh>“PvP” or “team vs team” mechanic. A few might toss in some sort of cooperative play.
Did I cover all the bases?
Most games started with “buy once (with hopes to) play a few times” and the early online “services” and “mmo’s” introduced a “subscription model”. Lately there have been a number of “free to play” with “micro transaction” models introduced. Just about everyone has ether a “DLC”, “add on” and/or “micro transactions” to $$up$$ the revenue stream.
Then of course there’s the “COD” model – release (meh) “new game” every year.
This game is somewhat unique in that it has three (4) modes (PvE, PvP, sPvP, PvW) and a “buy once and hope for micro transaction model”.
IMHO, this game is no more boring than the last TES title (I enjoyed playing for over 400hrs). I think its much less annoying and boring then Boarderlands2. Granted the “lore” is not deep and intertwined like a TES game, the cities and villages in GW2 seem somewhat ‘disconnected’ as there’s no story arc or ‘theme’ tying it all together.
Then again its “Guild Wars” and I think the entire point is the WvW game play. After all, if your not in a guild fighting another guild where’s the “guild wars” in this game? Maybe the PvE is there to ‘entertain’ players who are bored with WvW play?
Longevity? I’ll likely be finished about the time when ether Crysis3 or Tomb raider gets released.
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.
Honestly I wish they would give a option to join overflows… It would make it so that people in a empty zone could either play alone or join the overflow where I’m sure others would be joining overflow just for the larger group and cross server interaction…. It was like this on gw1 with the normal towns being empty then you go to the international channel and there would be a ton of people….
JQ is fairly active. Always on overflow in LA and while I don’t see as many people in low level zones as launch, I still see a decent number. I never seeing anyone do group events though, but that’s a problem with group events, not server population. If the group event doesn’t give a chest reward (temples, dragons and a few other metas), then people simply won’t do it. The Town of Nageling giant is usually up, untouched for example. That risen shark outside of Fort Trinity is also always swimming around.
I am pretty much the only one left in my guild that plays. I love alts so experimenting with different classes – till the perceived change in the drop rate made me frustrated. So I question the longevity based on decline in population mostly. I still like parts of the game, but playing less and less.
I’m pretty bored and frustrated with it at the moment. Waiting to see what the Jan/Feb updates are going to be about.
If they fix the broken dungeons, smooth out the bugs, and make it easier to group up with people, that’s a good start. Any new content they add ought to be after they’ve fixed what’s here, though.
If the start adding more gear grind and raising the level cap, I’m done. I am so sick of that in MMO’s.
The only thing i really hate and complain of this game, and i’m honest, is the lack of communication between arenanet and us. I mean, gm’s are only here to say yes or no, or maybe, or deleting post they don’t like…ok that’s fine, some nice info sometimes, but did you see a comment or a sign of life wher it needs to? There are tons of post with people who wanna know things crucial of an aspect of game ignored, totally. I don’t get if they don’t know too or they have been told not to answer by anet, both way it seem to me we are isolated and forced to suck what they want for us, not hearing us…i prefer instead that they talk more and discuss and then base their change on us who play, change something according to what most ppl wants or desire, or make a mix between this and their commercial needing. an Example?? We complain about the thousand of bugs, even in the most simple quest, tons of post on this, and then what? They implement fractals? Who ask for them? In the beginning they say it’s a no-grind game, and then people who don’t like grind came. Then they see we were less and then they implement grindy things, so people who play for no grind were being confused and quit. THIS IS NOT A WAY TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT IMO, takes a path amd follow it, or maybe answer to the one who ask what path guild wars 2 really pursue? Let us know!… I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME, i play from beta, and don’t think to stop. But i ask them more communication (reddit and some vague response about gm’s for me isn’t enough), more listening to the people who gave them money on gem shop, or that buy their game. This is the best lack i see. More honesty and more straight-to-the-core response.
(edited by kangaroo.8753)
I don’t know about the game’s longevity, but for me personally, I’ve still got tons to do in the game, and am looking forward to playing it for a long time more.
I just hit 80 on my first character. I have so much to do on that character, but have 3 others to work on as well. I have levels 40, 35, 32 on the go right now, and will soon start my 5th character.
The game is pulling me in more and more, and I find that I’m playing other games less. It was really fun getting to 80, and can’t wait to do it all again multiple times.
Updated every Monday
My Guild is pretty full on Sea of Sorrows but no one chats or talks, no one really does much but grind dungeons for the millionth time.
I must agree though out side of Lion Arch the world feels dead, sure i see a hand full of people in the open world and its 50/50 i’ll get an event completed if i’m lucky, but on a whole GW2 feels lost and empty…
Pretty sad really, but i blame the loot restrictions and the insane grind, forced upon us, not to mention having zero reason to even do open world after Ascended gear and that horrible FotM got added, they both really ruined this game in my opinion.
It strikes me as rather odd thing, that someone who got bored of the game 2 moths ago still cares, for some reason, to log in, after 2 months of not even playing, and writes wall of text about it here. And then more bored guys show up, who also haven’t played the game for months, and express their frustration.
(edited by wasted.6817)
It strikes me as rather odd thing, that someone who got bored of the game 2 moths ago still cares, for some reason, to log in, after 2 months of not even playing, and writes wall of text about it here. And then more bored guys show up, who also haven’t played the game for months, and express their frustration.
It’s because of the years long love affair we had with Guild Wars.
We’re hoping against hope that some of what we say here makes an impression on ArenaNet and they stop moving away from all the things that made Guild Wars great, and all the things they promised us while the game was in development. If this was any other game I’d have been long gone.
I’m just hoping that someone cares enough at ArenaNet to listen to the casual players and their GW fanbase and stop driving this game into the grindy, botty, goldselling ground.
I’m hoping that they’ll fix the broken things, actually make sPvP into the eSport they talked about (and the eSport it actually was in GW), and get away from the WoW/SWToR/Aion/Rift clone business.
Because I loved Guild Wars. It was brilliant. So I just can’t let go that easily. Although, I can say in all honesty, I am just about to let go. Let’s see what January brings.
Chuo.4238 I got the feeling that only few ppl here are GW1 vets. OP certainly not one of them. It’s also funny how you contradict each other in your complaints. Tells me something.
Chuo.4238 I got the feeling that only few ppl here are GW1 vets. OP certainly not one of them. It’s also funny how you contradict each other in your complaints. Tells me something.
Hmm excuse me?
Your questioning why I don’t want a game i previously enjoyed to go back to being enjoyable? Please stop with such a short sighted view of, oh because an individual begins to get bored with a game he should immediately drop it.
There are aspects of GW2 i really enjoy like the combat, the guardian class, the aesthetics, the music etc but there are also things I don’t enjoy, the unbalanced mechanics in DS, class unbalance, end game grind, no enjoyable end game, Spvp is dying, lack of customization build wise, etc.. GW2 is not the perfect game and will never be the perfect game, I just want it to go back to being enjoyable.
Chuo.4238 I got the feeling that only few ppl here are GW1 vets. OP certainly not one of them. It’s also funny how you contradict each other in your complaints. Tells me something.
True. Most of my friends I played Guild Wars with tried this game and gave up on it. About 40 of us remade our GW guild in GW2. I think I’ve seen 5 or 6 of them in the last several weeks.
To be honest, I probably should move on, too. This game definitely does not “take all the things you love about Guild Wars”. I think most of the Guild Wars fans got left out in the cold. Oh well.
I like the contradiction that he put into those 2 posts.. I love the game yet I hate it because it smells funny!!!
Doesn’t seem a contradiction. Looks like he took a break and wound up changing his mind. It happens.
I like the contradiction that he put into those 2 posts.. I love the game yet I hate it because it smells funny!!!
Sorry didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to like and dislike different aspects of the combat system. Using common sense you should be able to deduct that I like some parts of the combat and dislike other parts.
Trying to break down my posts word by word to get your point across is making you become less creditable.
I am a guild wars 1 vet. I like this game.
My only worry is that ANet will stop keeping us in mind, because we are quieter than the loud ‘we want trinity, we want raids!’ etc etc minority.
Tarnished Coast
Same with Sanctum of Rall.
Overflow servers at 8am PST.
Hundreds of people in zones everywhere.
Queues for WvW in primetime.Busiest MMO I’ve ever seen.
Overflow in Lions Arch during holiday event? :O Praise Balthazar.
Overflow everyday in Lion’s Arch. Holiday or not. Been that way for MONTHS
Your “the game is dead” posts would be better served on the forums of another game….one that has a subscription and hundreds of dead servers maybe?
Of course LA is always in Overflow. That’s where everyone is standing around waiting for a group to run fractals.
For a company that claims to want to be different they did the one thing to ensure they weren’t. I.E. They put an instanced dungeon grind in the busiest city possible and nerfed the hell out of the open world to ensure no one ever leaves that city other than to enter their instance.
Doomsayers come and go, but GW2 will go on. Check back in 2015 and you’ll see the same posts repeated over and over again.
This right here. Game will be fine. Enough with the doomsday. Those of us who love the game will keep it strong.
GoF Commander
I like the contradiction that he put into those 2 posts.. I love the game yet I hate it because it smells funny!!!
Sorry didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to like and dislike different aspects of the combat system. Using common sense you should be able to deduct that I like some parts of the combat and dislike other parts.
Trying to break down my posts word by word to get your point across is making you become less creditable.
Don’t direct that at me I was just stating what the other guy noticed first… I was giggling at the fact that between those 2 you contradicted the hell out of yourself… When you say stuff be clear or you’ll do that a lot…
I like the contradiction that he put into those 2 posts.. I love the game yet I hate it because it smells funny!!!
Sorry didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to like and dislike different aspects of the combat system. Using common sense you should be able to deduct that I like some parts of the combat and dislike other parts.
Trying to break down my posts word by word to get your point across is making you become less creditable.
Don’t direct that at me I was just stating what the other guy noticed first… I was giggling at the fact that between those 2 you contradicted the hell out of yourself… When you say stuff be clear or you’ll do that a lot…
Oh wow sorry, Thoguht i quoted the other guy :/ This wasn’t ment for you sorry!
lol never fails " every map on every server doesnt have 1000 players active 24/7…games dead" thread…Seriously just look around, join a guild/ use GW2LFG…I find groups non stop for what I want to do in less then a few mins…I cant say the same for other mmos…
lol never fails " every map on every server doesnt have 1000 players active 24/7…games dead" thread…Seriously just look around, join a guild/ use GW2LFG…I find groups non stop for what I want to do in less then a few mins…I cant say the same for other mmos…
gw2lfg is amazing for finding groups… I just wish that it was available in game instead of having to alt tab to open a browser for it.
Honestly I think AN needs to come up with something more for PvE.
If they want people to actually stick around they need some sort of raiding, something a guild can do together in groups of 10/25 people or whatever. There is 3 types of people in mmos. The raiders, the pvpers and the casuals. The casuals being the people who are happy to quest and do things like that without being competitive in any aspect of the game… And that’s fine.
However I believe they need to offer more. There needs to be end game content. It doesn’t have to be like WoW, make it unique. But when PvErs get to max level what is there for them currently? Not much. So they will quit.
There are a lot of people who would love to raid but either don’t have access to a group of raiders, or don’t like the nasty attitude that raiders get.
ANet said that they don’t want party size to be the barrier between players and content, so they settled on five. I think they were right to believe this, they made it part of their philosophy for this game, and I hope they never go back on this (as if they do, I will no longer financially support ANet and I will probably quit entirely).
Tarnished Coast
Vail you left out my type of players the farmers…. With all of the loot bugs and time/reward payout being horrid it’s like they would rather my type of player go back to gw1 or go play wow or another game all together….
They need to reward players who prefer to farm… I mean in gw1 I could farm just by playing and having fun with the game but 2 it’s like I have to dedicate hundreds of hours to actually make any major profit…. The majority of money makers are exploiting dungeon bugs to get quick money or monopolize the market nether of which I care to do… Ore farming is profitable but the huge respawn on the veins is really annoying and makes it so I have to find other things to do…. So I opt to attempt to farm for my legendary… Just my precurser to go but that’s about 2-3 months away due to costs.
I would farm the t6 materials since they are decent money makers but the drop rates are to unreliable to make a good profit… You make more just grinding fractals then doing this.
Terribly sorry to hear your guild failed. Maybe you should join an active one?
Mine is doing great. 60-100 people logged on at any given time, generally up to 250 people a day (btw, you can check the daily logins under the transaction tab on the guild pane)
We run dungeons, do some WvW, lots of events, and people working on their legendaries. I can’t hardly keep up with gchat these days.
The game is still young. As it continues to add MORE FREE CONTENT and MORE FEATURES each and every month FOR FREE, it’s going to be (as Angry Joe said) the nail in the coffin for paid subscription models.
no it’s not, this game offers nothing that monthly fee mmos offer.
Well, first off, I would mention that WoW is the sole remaining major MMO without a free to play/cash shop option. So, being subscription free is really not a consideration.
rift still has a fee and is doing very well.
Terribly sorry to hear your guild failed. Maybe you should join an active one?
Mine is doing great. 60-100 people logged on at any given time, generally up to 250 people a day (btw, you can check the daily logins under the transaction tab on the guild pane)
We run dungeons, do some WvW, lots of events, and people working on their legendaries. I can’t hardly keep up with gchat these days.
The game is still young. As it continues to add MORE FREE CONTENT and MORE FEATURES each and every month FOR FREE, it’s going to be (as Angry Joe said) the nail in the coffin for paid subscription models.
no it’s not, this game offers nothing that monthly fee mmos offer.
What do you mean?
What do I get extra with monthly fee MMOs (like WoW)? End game Raids and grinding for gear? Is that it? Feeling like you have to log on every day to do Dailies to get your $15 worth?
GW2 has the same (or better) leveling, crafting, questing/hearts, events, exploration, guilds, trading post/AH, etc, etc. that WoW (or other monthly sub MMOs have).
So, what do you mean?
Updated every Monday
Terribly sorry to hear your guild failed. Maybe you should join an active one?
Mine is doing great. 60-100 people logged on at any given time, generally up to 250 people a day (btw, you can check the daily logins under the transaction tab on the guild pane)
We run dungeons, do some WvW, lots of events, and people working on their legendaries. I can’t hardly keep up with gchat these days.
The game is still young. As it continues to add MORE FREE CONTENT and MORE FEATURES each and every month FOR FREE, it’s going to be (as Angry Joe said) the nail in the coffin for paid subscription models.
no it’s not, this game offers nothing that monthly fee mmos offer.
What do you mean?
What do I get extra with monthly fee MMOs (like WoW)? End game Raids and grinding for gear? Is that it? Feeling like you have to log on every day to do Dailies to get your $15 worth?
GW2 has the same (or better) leveling, crafting, questing/hearts, events, exploration, guilds, trading post/AH, etc, etc. that WoW (or other monthly sub MMOs have).
So, what do you mean?
read the op, why do you think his 30 guild mates quit and went back to other games? why have so many others reported guilds losing majority of members back to other games?
Terribly sorry to hear your guild failed. Maybe you should join an active one?
Mine is doing great. 60-100 people logged on at any given time, generally up to 250 people a day (btw, you can check the daily logins under the transaction tab on the guild pane)
We run dungeons, do some WvW, lots of events, and people working on their legendaries. I can’t hardly keep up with gchat these days.
The game is still young. As it continues to add MORE FREE CONTENT and MORE FEATURES each and every month FOR FREE, it’s going to be (as Angry Joe said) the nail in the coffin for paid subscription models.
no it’s not, this game offers nothing that monthly fee mmos offer.
What do you mean?
What do I get extra with monthly fee MMOs (like WoW)? End game Raids and grinding for gear? Is that it? Feeling like you have to log on every day to do Dailies to get your $15 worth?
GW2 has the same (or better) leveling, crafting, questing/hearts, events, exploration, guilds, trading post/AH, etc, etc. that WoW (or other monthly sub MMOs have).
So, what do you mean?
read the op, why do you think his 30 guild mates quit and went back to other games? why have so many others reported guilds losing majority of members back to other games?
Because all those thigns actually work in the other MMOs. GW2 may have all (or most)of that but 90% of it is bugged or completely broken.
read the op, why do you think his 30 guild mates quit and went back to other games? why have so many others reported guilds losing majority of members back to other games?
They’re the same folks who do this in every new game. What they need to do is stop doing this, and instead tell WoW that they want their graphics upgraded. That way, us fans of games that are not WoW will stop seeing our devs getting jerked around by fairweather folks who say they want something different but really don’t.
Tarnished Coast
read the op, why do you think his 30 guild mates quit and went back to other games? why have so many others reported guilds losing majority of members back to other games?
They’re the same folks who do this in every new game. What they need to do is stop doing this, and instead tell WoW that they want their graphics upgraded. That way, us fans of games that are not WoW will stop seeing our devs getting jerked around by fairweather folks who say they want something different but really don’t.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see the game evolve and adapt. You may not care about people leaving but I’m sure AN will when their game is no longer profitable. Having no sub fee is great but it’s also dangerous. Would you like to see Gw2 fail? Probably not. How can Anet make it not fail? By listening to it’s player base.
From what I can see the biggest complaint right now is a lack of end game for PvErs. That is not a little thing, something you can just shrug off and find something else to do. Not if your main interest is PvE. So what other choice do people have other than go and find some other game?
From what I can see the biggest complaint right now is a lack of end game for PvErs. That is not a little thing, something you can just shrug off and find something else to do. Not if your main interest is PvE. So what other choice do people have other than go and find some other game?
Because expansions never happen? You guys want years’ worth of content in a new release and then freak out when it’s not there. Would you like to pay ANet millions more so they can produce that content, since you magically expect it to manifest from some lost dimension of time and money?
You guys knew what you were getting when you bought the game: an initial release focusing more heavily on the 1-80 experience, with 80+ content coming through free and paid expansions. Everybody said this. Reviewers said it. Beta testers said it. Forums said it. But now it’s like you’re willfully forgetting and refusing to wait, as you were told would happen.
I’m sorry you guys decided to burn through part of the content and then refuse to do any more, but that’s on you guys, and that is not ANet’s fault.
Edit: and before you call me a casual, I’ve put in 1600 hours or so into this game, with 1500 on one character, and I still have plenty of things left to do.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Sylv.5324)
From what I can see the biggest complaint right now is a lack of end game for PvErs. That is not a little thing, something you can just shrug off and find something else to do. Not if your main interest is PvE. So what other choice do people have other than go and find some other game?
Because expansions never happen? You guys want years’ worth of content in a new release and then freak out when it’s not there. Would you like to pay ANet millions more so they can produce that content, since you magically expect it to manifest from some lost dimension of time and money?
I hope to see end game pve content in the future. I don’t expect to see it tomorrow. But in the nearish future would be nice.
However I am not new to MMOs and I know if it stays like this Gw2 probably wont go very far
I simply want Gw2 to become my new home mmo.
(edited by Moderator)
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see the game evolve and adapt. You may not care about people leaving but I’m sure AN will when their game is no longer profitable.
Not sure you’ve paid attention to their business model. They already have received most of their profit that they’ll be living on until the next expansion. Just like with GW1. Cash shop transactions are gravy.
In fact, they’re better off if people don’t play and stay addicted, because they have reduced costs.
Having no sub fee is great but it’s also dangerous. Would you like to see Gw2 fail? Probably not. How can Anet make it not fail? By listening to it’s player base.
Only partially. Software companies these days live and die on innovation, not customization. Listening to it’s player base is part of it, but they have to do better than just “give people what they ask for.” They have to give people what they aren’t asking for but will make them happier than what they are asking for.
From what I can see the biggest complaint right now is a lack of end game for PvErs. That is not a little thing, something you can just shrug off and find something else to do. Not if your main interest is PvE. So what other choice do people have other than go and find some other game?
So, this argument is always really funny to me.
1) People have no other choice, but seem reluctant to choose it. (ANet doesn’t mind if you take a break for a little bit or even a while.)
2) They’ve clearly stated their intent to include more PvE content at level 80. No, it’s not here yet. But I see no rational reason to believe it won’t be. In this Interview with Colin Johanson, he states (Nov. 2) that the Nov 15 release is just a taste of the larger contents and end game updates to come.
So, yeah… basically people need to be patient and not worry that the world, or the game, will end because they’re taking a break and playing another game.
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)
I am not pessimistic about this games future. I am merely giving my opinion on what I can see right NOW. I really like this game so far, I just want it to appeal to everyone. That’s all.
I will take a look at that interview, though.
(edited by Moderator)