GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


At the beginning of the game, there was a rumor in the MMO world that said GW2 has NO end content. This was completely true….BACK THEN! In our current state, GW2 provides more end-game content than any MMO of its age (4 years old right?). ALL new maps are lvl80, which provide massive meta content and achievements/items to work for. Crafting/collecting/exploring goes hand in hand with creating end-game gear. SPVP has recently seen a massive upgrade, which improves pvp content in vast amounts. Fractals have seen similar upgrades, providing challenging end-game content for players to enjoy. Both previous statements indicates that pvp and end-game content is receiving a lot more attention than previously. You can also WVW, but we all know that is still lacking the necessary attention, regardless, its still fun! We have map bosses, which increases in variety after every update. We have a massive wardrobe you can work for if you want to collect items. We have HOURS of story playable content; personal story, HOT story, living world story, current events. Masteries to level up, and elite specs with every Xpac (we speculate). Lets not forget RAIDS, which provides even more challenging content for competitive players. Well the list goes on if you want to be more specific, but thats most of its relevant content. IN MY OPINION, thats a ton of content, which continues to expand! In 3 more years, i expect this game to have more content than any other game on the market…except maybe very very very old games like WoW…which is an outdated game ANYWAYS and its starting to copy GW2 features, which made me laugh.

EDIT: The problem with us MMO players is that we want spoonfed linear content. Meaning, people dont like to figure things out on their own. Instead, they want “hey you, follow this narrow path, here you go” type of end-game. GW2 doesnt provide that. After you become lvl80, its up to YOU to know the game and figure out what YOU want to work on first, and expand from there. This is a complex game, but its also casual, meaning you can take your time to figure things out.

(edited by Adry.7512)

GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chad.6104


It’s taken them a while but I think they’ve finally figured out what to do with this game they made. I think they thought at launch that people would endlessly do events in all maps of all levels and that they didn’t realize how big cosmetics would be in a game without a traditional dungeon/raid endgame. Then they spent time on trying to make it a true Living World, a noble goal that was destined to fail. Finally we have a game now with new maps opening up, cosmetics and goals added to each of these map, expansions, raids/fractals and permanent living story. If they continue along this line they will be adding content to keep people busy in a way they didn’t when the game was new.

GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


It’s taken them a while but I think they’ve finally figured out what to do with this game they made. I think they thought at launch that people would endlessly do events in all maps of all levels and that they didn’t realize how big cosmetics would be in a game without a traditional dungeon/raid endgame. Then they spent time on trying to make it a true Living World, a noble goal that was destined to fail. Finally we have a game now with new maps opening up, cosmetics and goals added to each of these map, expansions, raids/fractals and permanent living story. If they continue along this line they will be adding content to keep people busy in a way they didn’t when the game was new.

YUP! you basically described their history on point. Currently, their content format is top tier for sure, especially in the long run.

GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wildkitten.3872


At the beginning of the game, there was a rumor in the MMO world that said GW2 has NO end content.

This wasn’t a rumor and it was, and still is true. As the devs said then, the entire game is end game. GW2 isn’t a game where it’s rush through meaningless content and get yourself into a raid where the bosses could all be square boxes for what anyone cared about.

Fortunately the “raid” experiment seems to be dying the death it deserves to. If anything it needs to be tuned to what UW and FoW were like to GW1.

The whole point to GW2 is the story about defeating the dragons as well as subplots created during GW1. As such, the ENTIRE game is important, not just what happens when you get to level 80.

Jaina Kitten, Level 80 Elementalist, Main
Yak’s Bend – Expletus

GW2 Provides Nonlinear End-Game Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adry.7512


At the beginning of the game, there was a rumor in the MMO world that said GW2 has NO end content.

This wasn’t a rumor and it was, and still is true. As the devs said then, the entire game is end game. GW2 isn’t a game where it’s rush through meaningless content and get yourself into a raid where the bosses could all be square boxes for what anyone cared about.

Fortunately the “raid” experiment seems to be dying the death it deserves to. If anything it needs to be tuned to what UW and FoW were like to GW1.

The whole point to GW2 is the story about defeating the dragons as well as subplots created during GW1. As such, the ENTIRE game is important, not just what happens when you get to level 80.

Well if you read just a sentence or two further I’m sure I confirmed that the rumors were true, but luckily it no longer is. Sorry but you are wrong on so many statements that I don’t know where to start. Gw2 =\= gw1 and it never will, ever. Raids is yet another platform of creating content in which devs can create challenging content and add a strong amount of lore and back story to the game, it will never ever die. Additionally, the story isn’t about only killing dragons lmao. If you would read the games lore then you would understand that the story will go much much much further and it will continue. If the game ended when the dragons are killed then the game wouldn’t last more than a few years, which makes no sense. I could continue this reply but honestly when someone is so wrong, it’s hardly worth the effort. I do understand how you feel though, but no you’re wrong.