GW2 after some time...

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


This is a review based on several players many we really believe this and we will like to see this game on its full potential.
Just for the record many included my self we have years of experience on this kind of games 30 years old + players we arent kids.

GW2 after some time in resume.


-Really nice game engine well optimized (1 of the best game engines i saw so far)
-Huge as kitten hell world and I really mean is huge
-Huge amount of random events everywhere
-Customizable characters, the way they look and what they do (even on same class they can be totally different skills and look)
-Easy to reach max lv
-All players are equalized on SPVP so it is more skill based than gear based.
-Low dependency on others for reach max lv pretty much u can solo all the way to max lv on open world or pvp
-If you are a social player this game works for you, if you don’t still works for you
-Graphics are nice really and detailed this game have a lot of work
-No subscription fees
-Fair market (no pay to win)
-No lv cap (you can go at any place with any low lv cause u will be that lv that area demands)
-GW2 removes the holy trinity (tank, heal, dps) and replaces it with professions that all have their own ability to do some tanking, healing, or dps.
-No opposing factions. Equalized levels depending on the questing area. Shared kill credit and loot availability.
-PVE can be a real challenge for your skills for suicide mode, if you are good you will have success where the others fail
-Game support is nice helpful and answer fast I was amazed the 1st time I got a trouble here was so nice to see that arenanet cares for they players


-Guild wars? Really? Siriusly? Why the name is guild wars? There is nothing like a “guild war” here
-PVP is restricted to world vs world and arenas so that huge as hell open world is useless and a sad waste cause there is no “guild wars” here
-WvW can be funny the 1st times but then is boring and annoying, you will end going there cause your needs not for fun
-WvW is based on numbers not on player skills doesn’t matter from where you look at it, so there is no tactic involved just numbers, its funny the 1st times but then is just to repetitive and offer no challenge as a real guild war usually offers in other games
-WvW doesn’t offer a really valid goal is just nonsense pvp many ppl just dont care about it unless they needs make them go
-This game doesn’t have any objective prolly in that way is worst than Tera. L2 still is superior cause the castles fortress wars etc
-No 1 vs 1 dueling
-Lack of interface customisation
-Real farming demands a lot of time (fractals for example u will really need a bunch of free time for make it) * *
-Is not free * *
-Crafting is a freaking mess * *

In resume is a good game worth the time and the money you waste on this, fits on a freak mode players and casual players, but the “cons” are really important and are the big main trouble on this game specially the stuff related to the non existent guild wars.

- * * Not really important stuff.

Thanks for read this.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Interesting opinion. If they put open world PvP in this game, I’m guessing more than half the game’s population would leave. The game is designed to have cooperative PvE, which is pretty much what many game here for. You’d have six guys in this huge world to fight and you’d never find them.

Have you looked at the threads that suggest open world PvP and dueling before? Most people that respond don’t want them. So yeah, this game is better for not having that stuff.

As for WvW, those who live by the zerg, die by the zerg. Seems to me plenty of people on my server have a whole lot of fun running havok groups. Seems to me there’s a guild vs guild culture developing in the place Anet set aside for it.

Most of your cons are my pros.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Judge Banks.9018

Judge Banks.9018

Most of your cons are my pros.

Coincidentally some of his pros would be considered my cons. Also, best engine?

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


Most of your cons are my pros.

Coincidentally some of his pros would be considered my cons. Also, best engine?

My friend trust me this game beside what we can call a bad optimized engine works really but really nice.

For the rest ofc will be hard to make everyone happy that’s is nearly impossible but for those who like PVP that is our point of view.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Most of your cons are my pros.

Coincidentally some of his pros would be considered my cons. Also, best engine?

My friend trust me this game beside what we can call a bad optimized engine works really but really nice.

For the rest ofc will be hard to make everyone happy that’s is nearly impossible but for those who like PVP that is our point of view.

The PvPers became the minority in Guild Wars 1 eventually. I’m pretty sure the same is already true here.

How does threatening half your audience to please the other half make sense?

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stemare.2578


-Guild wars? Really? Siriusly? Why the name is guild wars? There is nothing like a “guild war” here

Read the lore, then answer yourself.

Stemare ~ Guardian ~ lv80 ~ Far Shiverpeaks
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milo.6942


-Guild wars? Really? Siriusly? Why the name is guild wars? There is nothing like a “guild war” here

Read the lore, then answer yourself.

lore was added to give backstory to gvg

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OmaiGodman.2098


-Guild wars? Really? Siriusly? Why the name is guild wars? There is nothing like a “guild war” here

Read the lore, then answer yourself.

lore was added to give backstory to gvg

Here’s a little secret, but all the lore was made up to provide backstory for the game. This may shock you, but none of it is real. It never actually happened. It’s all a story.

Any plan that involves dead quaggans is, by design, foolproof. I’m an unmitigated genius!

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Really, PvP in PvE would be a very, very bad idea.

Just look at this update where that’s going to happen, already loads of PvE players are crying foul.

I honestly don’t blame them…I am a dedicated WvW player and have every intention of farming all the PvE and achievement hunters until the pips squeak. I and all my WvW dedicated friends have MASSIVE advantages.

-We don’t care about living story.
-We don’t care about achievements.
-We have 100’s to 1,000’s of Wxp ranks.
-Our builds are WvW optimised.
-We know how to use siege arrowcarts, trebs and have developed expert aiming skills from repeated use.

In short it will be a nighmare’ish place for any pure PvE or achievement hunter to go.

Best to keep PvE, PvP completely separate.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romek.4201


Arenanet should add 1 more server in NA and EU

noone can join this server – people can only guest on it

higher dropchances higher karma everywhere BUT world is complete open pvp

server dont have wvw


GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


In a very heartfelt, sincere way, I would like to ask if Guild Wars 2 has managed to get any “better.” Coming from playing Guild Wars, from release and still to this day… I was more than displeased to find pvp in GW2 to be a button mash and the pve to be more of less a follow the leader through a semi-meaningful, in regards to the actual progression of the game.

I came into beta, expecting actual dynamic events, not quest counters that were meters instead of numbers.

I am re-installing Guild Wars 2 to take a glance at it myself, but I would like some honest feedback. What has changed since release? Has the question system made any progress as far as becoming more dynamic? Has the pvp been developed to allow for more skill, less zerg?

I was always taken by the beauty of the Guild Wars engine; I still stop and enjoy its splendor. However, pretty looks cannot keep my attention for too long. Guild Wars 1 is finally dying down to the point that it is getting hard to find groups in many parts of the game. Should it die entirely, I will simply move on to a different genre.

Guild Wars will always have a place in my heart. I would love to see Guild Wars 2 progress past a money squeeze and into a fruitful world of adventure.

Thank you.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milo.6942


-Guild wars? Really? Siriusly? Why the name is guild wars? There is nothing like a “guild war” here

Read the lore, then answer yourself.

lore was added to give backstory to gvg

Here’s a little secret, but all the lore was made up to provide backstory for the game. This may shock you, but none of it is real. It never actually happened. It’s all a story.

yes… what’s your point

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


-This game doesn’t have any objective

—I agree!

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PSX.9250


Most of your cons are my pros.

Coincidentally some of his pros would be considered my cons. Also, best engine?

The engine is mediocre at best. Hah.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I disagree with some of your point.

Your Pros:
- Fair Market (no pay to win) : There is some hint of P2W. They are really tiny and usually don’t change nothing in the game, but I hope it stay like this or remove them completely.
- Removal of the Holy Trinity : Its really a pro for me, i like way more this combat system. But they lost something in the transition and this combat system feel incomplete. I want condition damage and support to be as good as strait Direct Damage build.

Your Cons :
- Guild War name : Actually the name of the game is a reference to the Guild War a event in the universe. So its a lore reference not a gameplay reference. Still GvG is missing and your point is valid.
- WvW : That is a opinion (and i have nothing against that) by someone who seem to be a casual WvW player that never really get into it. Of course number is important in a fight, but saying that tactics and skill change nothing is just false. When i raid with my guild we can kill a zerg twice our size depending on the skill of the players and their organization. Its true, it take less skills that sPvP, but it take way more organization and synergy in the group. I don’t say that WvW is perfect, far from it. But thinks like no skills, no challenge, numbers is the only important thing, etc are just false. It can be true for a pug vs pug, but not for roaming and GvG zerg, which in my opinion is the heart of WvW.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


I disagree with some of your point.

Your Pros:
- Fair Market (no pay to win) : There is some hint of P2W. They are really tiny and usually don’t change nothing in the game, but I hope it stay like this or remove them completely.
- Removal of the Holy Trinity : Its really a pro for me, i like way more this combat system. But they lost something in the transition and this combat system feel incomplete. I want condition damage and support to be as good as strait Direct Damage build.

Your Cons :
- Guild War name : Actually the name of the game is a reference to the Guild War a event in the universe. So its a lore reference not a gameplay reference. Still GvG is missing and your point is valid.
- WvW : That is a opinion (and i have nothing against that) by someone who seem to be a casual WvW player that never really get into it. Of course number is important in a fight, but saying that tactics and skill change nothing is just false. When i raid with my guild we can kill a zerg twice our size depending on the skill of the players and their organization. Its true, it take less skills that sPvP, but it take way more organization and synergy in the group. I don’t say that WvW is perfect, far from it. But thinks like no skills, no challenge, numbers is the only important thing, etc are just false. It can be true for a pug vs pug, but not for roaming and GvG zerg, which in my opinion is the heart of WvW.

I understand your point and yes you are right a massive brainless zerg will lose vs an organized group most of the times, but still is WvW a zerg based area, most of the times zerg is what rules at WvW and in a big zerg player skills are not that important cause doesn’t matter how bad you are if you are in a group of 100 vs 10 that 100 will win always.

Im not saying that WvW is the most boring thing on this game that will be a lie, but several ppl miss the challenge of a real PVP, I really enjoy when from time to time I find at WvW 1 enemy and we can have a real fight where the player skills are the what will make the difference, some1 may say “go to the mist” yeah well I live there but that becomes really repetitive is just the same place and same strategy again and again.

As LanceHavenbay.2067 said we will like to see here “more skill, less zerg”

PVE so far is fine for me I cannot complain about it but at least for me my friends and several others PVE is secondary our priority and what we like more is the challenge of a good fight vs other ppl.

Usually all this kind of games offers gameplay for PVE/PVP fans, I will have to say that this one is just very focus on PVE.

(edited by Seetth.6189)

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siobhan.5273


It’s late here, but I read the OP, and have some thoughts I’d like to add, but.. if you don’t mind, I will come back in the light of morning and do so.

Night, fellow GW2 players

No news since October 28th 2014. Question asked straight up! 473 times. 647 days and thread locked..

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Is this the kind of punctuation, grammar and composition which these proverbial “we” of 30+ gamers you represent are capable of?

When you hear someone say “trust me,” it’s usually because you’re about to get.. meowed .

I have 529 days on my /age and I still play it every day. If you can’t find something to do, you’re not trying.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


Is this the kind of punctuation, grammar and composition which these proverbial “we” of 30+ gamers you represent are capable of?

When you hear someone say “trust me,” it’s usually because you’re about to get.. meowed .

I have 529 days on my /age and I still play it every day. If you can’t find something to do, you’re not trying.

I think you didn’t read the whole text or you miss the point

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


Most of your cons are my pros.

Coincidentally some of his pros would be considered my cons. Also, best engine?

My friend trust me this game beside what we can call a bad optimized engine works really but really nice.

For the rest ofc will be hard to make everyone happy that’s is nearly impossible but for those who like PVP that is our point of view.

The PvPers became the minority in Guild Wars 1 eventually. I’m pretty sure the same is already true here.

How does threatening half your audience to please the other half make sense?

Actually I heard a lot about this, so I guess we can say that GW2 is not a good place for a PVPers cause this game is focused a lot on PVE.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

you forgot to mention bug’s

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I understand your point and yes you are right a massive brainless zerg will lose vs an organized group most of the times, but still is WvW a zerg based area, most of the times zerg is what rules at WvW and in a big zerg player skills are not that important cause doesn’t matter how bad you are if you are in a group of 100 vs 10 that 100 will win always.

Im not saying that WvW is the most boring thing on this game that will be a lie, but several ppl miss the challenge of a real PVP, I really enjoy when from time to time I find at WvW 1 enemy and we can have a real fight where the player skills are the what will make the difference, some1 may say “go to the mist” yeah well I live there but that becomes really repetitive is just the same place and same strategy again and again.

As LanceHavenbay.2067 said we will like to see here “more skill, less zerg”

PVE so far is fine for me I cannot complain about it but at least for me my friends and several others PVE is secondary our priority and what we like more is the challenge of a good fight vs other ppl.

Usually all this kind of games offers gameplay for PVE/PVP fans, I will have to say that this one is just very focus on PVE.

Correct me if i’m wrong but you are saying. I want WvW to be more like sPvP so i can have the same gameplay but in with different strategy/new maps. So for me this is a sPvP problem, not WvW problem. WvW is far from perfect, but making it more like sPvP don’t solve any of them. WvW should be a better Realm vs Realm while sPvP become a better sPvP. And OF COURSE 10 ppl will lose again 100. What is wrong with that?? Were usually raid with 15 ppl in my WvW raid and we can take against 30ppl and even 40ppl if they are not organized. Hell we were able to kill a 50ppl zerg once, because they split and we jump on the occasion. But we will never be able to win over a blob of 60+ ppl if they stay together and that’s normal. If we could wipe them, imagine how this would be unfair.

But you are right about the fact that GW2 is a PvE game with some PvP parts. If you just want to pvp there is a lot of better game out there.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: War Siren.2346

War Siren.2346

Actually I consider lack of Trinity (or some form of roles needed.) a Con, it’s really what keeps me from really enjoying this game past super casual, as I personally am a support player, I’ve always loved support roles whether as a Tank, Healer, Crowd Controller, or Buff Bot. I’ve never been happy playing dps in any game this one is no exception, and while you an offer buffs, a lot of it’s baked in, it’s not your sole job, you’re still there to dps.

Anyways, that’s just my opinion the lack of some sort of Trinity keeps me from really enjoying this game as I wanted to when I purchased it. Now I log on here once every few weeks do some running around see what’s changed and log off. It makes me sad because I love the concept f the world, and the original game story ..which has been horribly side tracked.

P.S. Yes I knew here was no trinity when I bought my CE, but I figured there would be need for heavy support focused players, and nope.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


There is some hint of P2W. They are really tiny and usually don’t change nothing in the game

Sorry my pedantic nature simply won’t allow me to not point out that you’re contradicting yourself.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

This is a review based on several players many we really believe this and we will like to see this game on its full potential.
Just for the record many included my self we have years of experience on this kind of games 30 years old + players we arent kids.

GW2 after some time in resume.


-Really nice game engine well optimized (1 of the best game engines i saw so far)

Are Joking ??? its a Dx9 engine and unable to take advantage of multi thread , The shadows and reflections are done on the CPU !! just this is a major flaw. come on.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


There is some hint of P2W. They are really tiny and usually don’t change nothing in the game

Sorry my pedantic nature simply won’t allow me to not point out that you’re contradicting yourself.

Ya lol i can see why. Of course with my sentence out of context, I seem to contradict myself.

What i mean is that someone with a lot of money that he can put into that game, will have some advantage over someone else. For example, some stats booster give you an advantage over player that can’t afford them and the watchwork mining pick will eventually be the only place to have sprockets. These are real advantage that hint P2W. Ya you can still buy them with in-game Gold, but its either 85 Gold or 12.50$ USD for the mining pick. I don’t mind that if its only for convenience or for looks, but when it give you stats booster and a material that you won’t be able to get otherwise, then P2W start to appear. For now these examples really don’t affect the game because Booster can’t be bought directly (only by Black Lion Chest and its RNG) and the sprockets don’t really have any values. If it stay like that i have no problem but imagine if sprockets would be valuable or if booster could be directly buy at the gem story. A WvW Guild where every member could buy Booster will have a huge advantage over others and people buying the mining pick will be able to dictate a market.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


This is a review based on several players many we really believe this and we will like to see this game on its full potential.
Just for the record many included my self we have years of experience on this kind of games 30 years old + players we arent kids.

GW2 after some time in resume.


-Really nice game engine well optimized (1 of the best game engines i saw so far)

Are Joking ??? its a Dx9 engine and unable to take advantage of multi thread , The shadows and reflections are done on the CPU !! just this is a major flaw. come on.

As I said before this game beside some others runs very well, here I have no troubles with CPU load maybe smaller systems do. Im not joking im just saying what I know cause I remember several game engines what doesn’t matter what you have as hardware they will just never run in the right way.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


you forgot to mention bug’s

LOL well I really hate that one at mist where is very common when some 1 push you away with an skill you end stucked in near a wall or something and there is no way for you to move again unless some 1 come to kill you.

GW2 after some time...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seetth.6189


There is some hint of P2W. They are really tiny and usually don’t change nothing in the game

Sorry my pedantic nature simply won’t allow me to not point out that you’re contradicting yourself.

Ya lol i can see why. Of course with my sentence out of context, I seem to contradict myself.

What i mean is that someone with a lot of money that he can put into that game, will have some advantage over someone else. For example, some stats booster give you an advantage over player that can’t afford them and the watchwork mining pick will eventually be the only place to have sprockets. These are real advantage that hint P2W. Ya you can still buy them with in-game Gold, but its either 85 Gold or 12.50$ USD for the mining pick. I don’t mind that if its only for convenience or for looks, but when it give you stats booster and a material that you won’t be able to get otherwise, then P2W start to appear. For now these examples really don’t affect the game because Booster can’t be bought directly (only by Black Lion Chest and its RNG) and the sprockets don’t really have any values. If it stay like that i have no problem but imagine if sprockets would be valuable or if booster could be directly buy at the gem story. A WvW Guild where every member could buy Booster will have a huge advantage over others and people buying the mining pick will be able to dictate a market.

The fact is that ANET needs money in order to keep running and updating this so far still looks fair for me if we compare this game vs others. As long they keep it fair will be fine there is many ways to get money from player w/o unbalance the game.