GW2 great goal: no hacking relevance.

GW2 great goal: no hacking relevance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luce.8106


I wanna congratulate myself with ANet because this is the first game that i see without any hacking / cheating issue that is affecting the gameplay.

Playing since almost the beginning:
Not a single fight was broken: I never saw a godmode, an instakiller, someone with higher attributes, etc.etc.
Watching on most top gw2 players stream: both high level GvG and PvP tournaments i never saw any issue which stopped their gameplay (maybe one time there was a guy below the terrain in Obsidian Sanctum trolling around.. but if i remember correct that was easily avoided and reported = toruble fixed)

I think this is the best goal to achieve.

Ok, maybe someone flyhaked, cap a tower in wvw, you see people on top roof of Divinity Reach etc. but theese stuff are unusefull and won’t affect anybody gameplay.
Even the tower flipping can’t turn bad a matchup unless the sad guy keep repating that every 15 min for all days (in that case it’s too easy to spot and report)

So, once again, Great Job ANet and thanks to let me play in a hack free game!

GW2 great goal: no hacking relevance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blubberblasen.3901


you are right, we see not much hackers / cheaters but they are here.
every second AC sellers are Bug users ( skipping by swimming..; killing boss while under water…)
in WvW there was / are many cheaters ( speed hackers, no wall, stealth killers )
and in PvP i saw teleporting and speed hackers.

But you are right there are 0.001% cheaters/hackers, its a good and mostly fair game.

(edited by blubberblasen.3901)

GW2 great goal: no hacking relevance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tramwajarz.2369


Who needs hacks when you can get a perma steralth bug in pvp.

GW2 great goal: no hacking relevance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I’ve only recently started seeing/noticing hacking. When I first started playing I was solely PVE orientated; didn’t see a single hacker or anything in regards. I took a long break and came back around when mega-servers were introduced; getting more into dungeons, WvW and PvP.

Regarding dungeons, my 2nd time on an Arah path someone was carrying us all and this mesmer found a place where we could just skip heaps of content and at the time I didn’t know any better so I merely tagged along and was done with it for the day. It was a bug and I feel now all this time later it is an exploit; skipping content intended to be done to advance forward.

Other than that I have yet to see any hackers in PvP but in WvW I’ve seen my fair share and it’s lame. Really, downright disappointing that people do that type of stuff.

But yeah, fantastic game; a lot less spammy with gold sellers than other MMO’s and the odd hacker.