GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


I hope the die-hard “all games must be WoW clones” do return to WoW. It would improve the already stellar community on my world server and these forums.

Just because you plan to go back, doesn’t mean this game will “fail”. Not all share your view; you speak only for yourself.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keziah.2653


Come at me.

You’re not worth the effort.

Have fun in WoW.

Kiz Nyx (Ele) | Kressida Nyx (Guar) | Phaedra Nyx (Mes) | Ylva Nyx (Ran) | Ghanima Nyx (Nec)
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Bye. Have fun kidding yourself.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


((/Wave))….At least the boards will lighten up.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YuniYasha.4752


WoW is getting old. The newest expansion is starting to feel like they’re beating a dead horse. I think it’s time for Blizzard to begin building WoW 2.0 and ditch the old engine. As for how GW2 will fare with the newest expansion, I highly doubt it will lose 40% of it’s population to the WoW expansion. Everyone I know who is getting the expansion is already playing WoW full time again preparing for it.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Venator.5780


It’s a different game for sure – and has taken some getting used to.

I prefer GW2 over WoW currently, but I wouldn’t put it in the same boat as Vanilla or TBC. It’s a sum of the little things in WoW that made it so appealing, there was a sense of permanence to the character as they developed.

This is all but lost on WoW’s current iteration, but it was pretty much magic while it lasted.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


Come at me.

Typical WoW-troll idiocy.

Good riddance!

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khono.6942


It’s quite excellent considering it has just launched. The coming year will really determine the fate of GW2. So far the signs are good that they will improve upon the problems in a timely fashion. I’m very disappointed with the PvP system but it doesn’t fail in principle, only in the details.

You may very well be right about you 40% figure. It sounds very reasonable to me. However, I don’t think all those people will stay away from GW2. As it is, GW2 is not only a massive success but it is keeping many people playing it for weeks now. We also know that they will be improving GW2 as time goes on, so it just remains a question as to how effective their improvements are and just how kitteny the competition is.

Because of the no subscription part, it will be very easy for players to drop other MMOs, such as WoW, and come back to GW2. It’ll also be fairly simple for many players to pop back into GW2 to see how it has changed without committing to completely dropping their other MMO. This may not be the WoW killer but that doesn’t really matter because it’s a fun game that many players are planning to stick with for the long term.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dmorin.9543


bye bye go back to your quest hub
and to all that are leaving pls sell all your stuff and send me the gold thanks

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


GW2 wasn’t designed to kill WoW. It was designed to work in parallel. It’s hard to grasp this concept, but unlike WoW witch is chocolate icecream, SWTOR as rum raisan, Rift is Neopolitin. Guild Wars 2 is more like a cheese cake.

What do players want today? Ice cream or Cheese Cake? How does it make this difference? You already purchased the game. Once the MoP content has run dry and you waiting for the next big update patch with the new dungeons, raids, gear factions there is GW2 with subscription waiting for you to hop back in.

Personally I love cheesecake way more than icrecream, but when I want some icrecream flavour I have SWTOR. Not because it’s well polished, but I like Bioware stories… otherwise that game has it’s own lacking areas.

anyways I’m done. good luck. certainly the game isn’t what needs evolving right now it’s mindsets

I don’t need no stinking signature.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I love GW2 and I think it has lived up to a lot of the expectations they set out for themselves. As for MoP, I agree with YuniYasha – most people interested in MoP are already playing it. I had a friend I got into GW2 and we played the betas together and he bought the game, but then he went back to WoW before GW2 even came out. He and most other WoW fans were preparing for the update and they are already playing with the new talent system that came with the recent pre-MoP patch.

So I think GW2 will see little impact from that game. I’ve played a lot of new MMO’s recently and GW2 is far better than the rest. GW2 has staying power and will have a healthy and happy playerbase for a long time. That’s pretty easy to see, especially in the hands of a company like ArenaNet.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


Come at me.

Good lord.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


It is by no means a secret that Blizzard are preparing to launch MoP in approximately ten days from now. How does this affect GW2?
Well for one I am positive that at least 40% of those who purchased GW2 will “go back” to World of Warcraft within two weeks, and there is no indication that MoP will fail. Let me explain. The main reasons WoW players bought Guild Wars was that:

a) GW2 would possibly become the best PvP MMO (as it was hyped up).
b) They needed a break/were bored. GW2 was a nice distraction.
c) WoW has been in a “game-over” state for a while.
d) They wanted a completely new game.

And I can tell you this game has not delivered more than being a “nice distraction”.

Most other games which were supposed to “kill WoW” usually died within a year. However the initial process was set in motion earlier, rougly 1-2 months post launch.
The first two months are critical for any launched game. Even though the reasons why games fail differ, there is always a common factor. Those factors being unorthodox gameplay and poor setup.
Although out-of-the-box thinking IS needed to evolve games, there are lines that cannot be crossed and there are things that cannot be compromised. For example eyecandy (the stunning graphics) or a dodge system, cannot be compromised with awkward movement or choppy combat. Those are basic things that needs to be smooth before graphics and such even matter.

I embrace and appreciate the freedom in GW2 to do anything anywhere anyhow i want, to not being pigeonholed into certain things. However the competitive bit in GW2 is not up to scratch, by any stretch.

This game’s strengths are casual Mass PvP, exploration, sandbox layout, socialising.
Unfortunately it cannot compete with WoW, and the 50€ leaves a bitter aftertaste.

Come at me.

Sorry but YOU do not REPRESENT this community or the players in this game thus your ASSUMPTION that so many players will leave and go back to WOW are FAIL….zip. I do love how those that think themselves the gods of gaming make up these silly threads though. hahahah It’s always good for a laugh.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: remix.9856


Did you have to make a thread about this?

If you want to play WoW that’s fine by me opinions are opinions.
I could really care less.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


Blizzard seems to be aiming for a different audience with WoW these days (a much younger one) between the pokemon pet system and other changes with MoP. And that’s understandable as it is generally untapped. All of my friends recognize this and, after playing GW2, decided to let their WoW characters go and not even bother ordering the expansion.

Have fun with it if it’s still your thing, though! We’re all gaming to have some fun, after all.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


Yeah WOW is dead now and the new improved MMO’s are appearing. WOW is for the KIDS now and KIDDIElike minds. It’ll never be the same again.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Ok, GW2 may not be the messiah of games, but WoW is just old and stale.
Pandas only strengthen my opinion that I shall never touch that game again.

OP, play whatever game you want. I’ll be here until I’m bored and then I’ll move on.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Did you have to make a thread about this?

If you want to play WoW that’s fine by me opinions are opinions.
I could really care less.

Well. See it this way. Does this thread go against any rules? No.
Dude is just stating his opinion, and it’s quite well stated imo.
We all see this differently. No need with some of the passive agressive comments some people post. Not referring to yours.

Regarding MoP, I think it indeed will affect GW2 in terms of sales/playerbase, that is quite obvious. How strong of an effect, that’s the question.
I’m not too sure myself about the idea of there being that many players playing GW2 just as a distraction. I think there are quite a lot of us playing it and regarding it as our future MMO for quite a while.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

(edited by August.2678)

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShadowGryphon.6257


Come at me.

And nothing of value was lost.

If someone is talking behind your back… Fart.
North Alabama Guild Wars Players

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I don’t see how you can compare the two games really, but ok.
I also don’t think 40% of people bought GW2 because they are bored of WOW- but rather people bought it because they were interested in GW2.
Many people have been playing since the Betas and that generated a lot of sales by word of mouth. We knew what we were getting.

But if it makes you happy sure.

Gunnar’s Hold

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Birdy.4816


Yeah WOW is dead now and the new improved MMO’s are appearing. WOW is for the KIDS now and KIDDIElike minds. It’ll never be the same again.

And yet it will still have the most rich and depthful end-game which is what the majority of MMO gamers want.

I don’t even play it, but I am not so gullable as people like you to believe the flash of games like this will leave a mark long term without a satisfying end-game which is currently non-existant.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


I hope the die-hard “all games must be WoW clones” do return to WoW. It would improve the already stellar community on my world server and these forums.

Just because you plan to go back, doesn’t mean this game will “fail”. Not all share your view; you speak only for yourself.

Oh you. I know your kind, you respond to anyone who claims the above.

But reality sets in and the community isn’t better off without the World of Warcraft players because it ends up being that that is the majority of the playerbase GONE.

This end-game won’t hold a candle to Mists of Pandaria which offers:

1) 18 raid bosses, 2 world raid bosses and 8 Dungeons with 3 difficulties
2) The casual mass PvE actual rewards you where those oh so “epic” world raids in Guild Wars offer you literally nothing but a “nice” one time experience.
3) A rewarding end-game refined over the years, not this god awful token/materials grind with no “middle-way-rewards” and instances that litterally are flat and offer nothing to the player.

“buh buh the challenge and no monthly sub”.

Guild Wars 2 needs to turn its end-game around, that is a given fact. the majority of MMO players love this element and currently is a massive weakness (imo the only real weakness) of this game compared to something like WoW.

I predict the first expanion of this will pull a “Mists of Pandaria” … mainly focus on the quality and quantity of the end-game… problem is, will it be too late?

oh and inb4 "you dont pay monthly for this game rabble rabble apoligst nonsense that isn’t coherent with Guild Wars 2’s business model of a “pay for once + item shop” strategy that encourages people to stay and pay."

Abit harsh? yes but the reality.

WOW is $15 a month to play how much does it cost to play GW2? Hrmmm?

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: souldonkey.9534


WTS Troll Food – 1s – PST.

Seriously people, stop feeding the troll…

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sin.8174


I hope the die-hard "all games must be WoW clones" do return to WoW. It would improve the already stellar community on my world server and these forums.

Just because you plan to go back, doesn’t mean this game will "fail". Not all share your view; you speak only for yourself.

Oh you. I know your kind, you respond to anyone who claims the above.

But reality sets in and the community isn’t better off without the World of Warcraft players because it ends up being that that is the majority of the playerbase GONE.

This end-game won’t hold a candle to Mists of Pandaria which offers:

1) 18 raid bosses, 2 world raid bosses and 8 Dungeons with 3 difficulties
2) The casual mass PvE actual rewards you where those oh so "epic" world raids in Guild Wars offer you literally nothing but a "nice" one time experience.
3) A rewarding end-game refined over the years, not this god awful token/materials grind with no "middle-way-rewards" and instances that litterally are flat and offer nothing to the player.

"buh buh the challenge and no monthly sub".

Guild Wars 2 needs to turn its end-game around, that is a given fact. the majority of MMO players love this element and currently is a massive weakness (imo the only real weakness) of this game compared to something like WoW.

I predict the first expanion of this will pull a "Mists of Pandaria" ... mainly focus on the quality and quantity of the end-game... problem is, will it be too late?

oh and inb4 "you dont pay monthly for this game rabble rabble apoligst nonsense that isn’t coherent with Guild Wars 2’s business model of a "pay for once + item shop" strategy that encourages people to stay and pay."

Abit harsh? yes but the reality.

Th only reality here is that this is not their YOUR type of game. People that come from MMO’s like WoW, and expect GW2 to fill their ’Vanilla’ WoW’ needs are sadly delusional.

As it has been stated before:

This game is not WoW. It will never be like WoW. Stop trying to turn it into WoW.

The game caters to a different playstyle, one that I’m very much happy with. Don’t like it? Well. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xfuryion.6835


Go back to your WoW dude.
Go play with panda’s like a child. Have fun.

I won’t miss you, that’s for sure.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


WTS Troll Food – 1s – PST.

Seriously people, stop feeding the troll…

Ok nobody feed SOULDONKEY anymore.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AidanTaylor.3872


European Community Manager

As this was created purely to illicit a sour response I am closing it.

Do not submit “trolling” posts or threads. We define “trolling” as commenting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses for mere shock value, attempting to derail threads, persistently posting off-topic, or engaging in personal attacks on another forum member. Accounts made with the sole intent to “troll” will be terminated.