(edited by Faze.6948)
GW2 is beautiful, immersive and most of all fun
This is my first real MMO, but so far I’m having a blast. Other than a few minor gripes I have with the game GW2 has exceeded my expectations in almost every way. PC GOTY for sure
Thank you, Anet.
Same here, and same for most people I know in the game. This is the best, most beautiful, most enjoyable video game I’ve ever played.
I’m loving it as well. I explore, craft, help people along the way and take keeps with my guild in WvW – and I too feel like I’ve only scratched the surface. It’s disheartening to read the negativity in the forums, but no game pleases everyone. This one definitely pleases me and the vast majority of my friends playing it. Thanks Anet
Wait till you get to level 40+ and the big game bugs start glaring at you…
Hear hear. TBQH, after SWTOR (great stories, substandard MMO) and TSW (great stories, just not enough game) I’d been on the verge of giving up on the genre. Since my first 3 year addiction to an MMO with City of Heroes, I’d been chasing the “buzz” with other MMOs ever since, but never really found it. Some MMOs have come close, but none of them has “had it all”. So far as I’m concerned, GW2 has it all, and it’s revitalized my interest in the genre. (And surprisingly so for me, since I was wary of the hype and didn’t like the screenies and beta vids – i.e. me trying GW2 out was almost a last gasp type of thing, but I’m sooooo happy I did )
Great game. I have almost hit level 80 and there is still a HUGE list of stuff I want to do. If only to just roam the zones and participate in events that I encounter. Doing DE’s has not gotten old yet, I guess for some they were just a way to get to level 80 though.