GW2 is very boring at 80

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dan matthews.2736

dan matthews.2736

I know im going to be flamed for posting my opinion. So i played nonstop to reach 80. I got 80 and started to see people with awesome gear. I found out how to get the awesome dungeon gear. I started to run dungeons to get this gear. Heres where my fun ends. Its basically a grindfest to get the set of gear that you like. Ive literaly run sorrow’s embrace over 40 times. Even when i get a full set of gear, i dont know what stats benefit my class the most. Without a dps meter, theres no way to figure out what is optimal for me to put out the most dps. So basically im grinding a dungeon over and over for gear that im not actually sure will benefit me. After grinding dungeons i got super bored of, i tried some WvW pvp. Ive fallen asleep many times in this WvW. Its seriously a very boring and annoying pvp style. First, it takes 10 minutes just to get to the battles. 2nd, its a mindless zerg. I know it takes stratagy to take key points and what not, but the actual fighting is sooo boring. When you get owned by 20 ppl, you have 1 waypoint thats 10 minutes away. So your forced to run all the way back, most likely missing the end of the battle. I cannot stand this for more than 1 hour. Its funny, most of the time my guild starts with around 30 ppl. After 1 or 2 hours, that number is down to 10 people. You get badges randomly and it takes ALOT just to get 1 piece of the pvp gear. If anything, they need to give a badge everytime you make a player kill. Set some kind of standard so people know what to expect. Getting random loot is just stupid. Back to dungeons. I sit in LA for an hour trying to get a group together. Everytime i post somthing, its out of chat view in 20 seconds because so many other people are posting in the map chat. After 5min, “my messages are suppressed”, so i have to spend money to port out and back in. Sometimes its better to wait outside the dungeon and hope that people are there looking for a group. MAKE A LFG CHANNEL kitten One of my biggest issues with this game is how all 80 gear is statistically the same(exotics). I get that you want it to be fair but this gives me no incentive to play this game much anymore. If i already have a full set of exotics, why would i care to get a new set, other than for looks. If i actually could see what stats are best for my dps, i would have more incentive to grind for the set that works the most. They nailed the pvp fairness aspect, but in pve, you NEED to have certain gear be superior. I like the way arah gear looks but its so dam hard theres no drive to get the gear. i can run another easier instance that takes 20 minutes and get gear thats just as good as arah gear that takes me 2 hours to get badges for. Lastly, i have issues with tournament pvp. This is the hardest kind of pvp to get people to do. On my server, its nearly impossible to find 5 people to do this with you .I think if they used the wow arena model, this game would become a serious esport. For 1, finding 1 or 2 people is much easier.Also, having a rating system gives players a sense of accomplishment everytime they beat another team. Just adding a ratings system would keep players on for endless hours. This is just my take on the game and why i think most people i play with hardly sign on anymore.

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.4537


A more suited title would be “GW2 is very boring”

Yes – my name is Nayru and I am a guy – we play games too, get over it.

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Why not play WoW i think it fits you more.

Getting really tired of this response. I used to play WoW and would not go back to it, ever. I am playing GW2 but even I am getting bored. I would be fine with a new zone – don’t really need the dungeon or new gear. A new large zone would of sufficed for me.

Popular to contrary belief apparently, you also grind dungeons/raids in WoW, so no WoW would not be a better fit for this poster. Anyone who keeps on saying that is a moron.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

(edited by Magiofdeath.2745)

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dominae.3146


So basically im grinding a dungeon over and over for gear that im not actually sure will benefit me.

Technically no.

You are grinding a dungeon for the skin on the armor. The look.

If you figure out you want Power/Precision/Crit … or Power/Toughness/Vitality … or whatever else, in two weeks time, you can just buy that off the TP and reskin it with your dungeon ‘look’.

Exotics are top tier equipment and interchangeable. The only thing you have to grind for is what you want it to look like. That has been the philosophy behind GW1, and now 2.

Oh wait …

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.4537


Why not play WoW i think it fits you more.

Getting really tired of this response.

The majority of the community are white knights, it’s to be expected.

Yes – my name is Nayru and I am a guy – we play games too, get over it.

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Meh, ever heard of breaks? That’s a wall of text. Anyway, I found your problem just by looking at the first line: “So i played nonstop to reach 80.
You shouldn’t have done that. Everybody said that the journey would be the reward.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I disagree. I think the game is great fun at level 80.

In fact, I enjoyed it the most when I thought I was done with gear progression, too. Boy that was sweet while it lasted.

Level 80 with no gear progression in GW2 was the best time I’ve had in an MMORPG, ever. Sadly, now it won’t be quite as relaxing and fun…but it’s still FAR from boring.

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Why not play WoW i think it fits you more.

Getting really tired of this response.

The majority of the community are white knights, it’s to be expected.

Yeah, they’re as f’ing bad as ToR white knights. I didn’t think I’d say this about a GW community, but its come to that. The game’s community was for the most part fine in GW1.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

GW2 is very boring at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



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