GW2 played with an Xbox 360 controller
I can’t imagine how complicated the button set up gets! On thief maybe its possible as you only have steal on your f1 toolbar, but something like an elementalist or an engineer? What key bindings did you use?
So I’m thinking youve got to have 1 through 5 weapon skills, 6 through 10 your utilities, f1 through f4 for profession specific stuff. Then interact, dodge, swap weapon as a bear minimum.
That alone though is 17 buttons, and i count a max 14 on the controller including pushing the sticks in. Now I’m sure we’re going to be looking at a load of combos of L1 + triangle, l2 plus triangle stuff but surely that just gets too complicated on anything relatively complicated as a build
Eh, seems a bit awkward mapping 14 keys to a controller for my ele or guardian. I’m just too much of a PC gamer at heart maybe, to see the advantage with a controller.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
I want ANet to make something official in this direction that doesn’t require any 3rd programs outside of the game.
I want just to go into the options menu of the game and change there, if I want to play the game with Mous and Tab, or if I want to play it with an Controler and if I change it to controler, that I need to put just my X360 Controler onto the PC and set up the Settings for it to start playing with the Controler….
but this isn’t the first thread about this topic.
I really hope therewill be one day official support by anet for Controlers…
I’m a person that would say to myself, that I could play the Game alot better and more fuidly, with a Controler, than playing GW2 with Mouse n Tab…
I grew up playing with Consoles alot more, than I played with Mouse n Tab, so I’m alot more experienced and skilled with using a Controler, than playing with WASD ect.
Controler Settign for Eles:
Left Stick: Moving the Character
Right Stick: Camera Turning/ Zoom in and Zoom out on pressing it and using the Left stick up n down
Skill 1-5: A, B, X, Y, Start
Skill 6-10 Left, Right, Up, Down, Back
F1- F4 > LB, LT, RB, RT
Dodge > Left Stick pressed and Right Stick forward, backwarde left or right
Menu: Xbox Button, while menu is up Left stick or D-Pad to select the points…
Weapon Swap (for classes which can) LB and RB together
Its all just a matter of how you configurate the buttons.
an Xbox 360 controller has 16 buttons including the joypad directions. The weapon skill should be X Y A B ( I added start as my weapon skill 5 and select as my Healing skill)
this next part is why people think there is less button on controller then there actually is. You have 1 direction pad on and two joy pads. The joypads has 5 buttons (up down left right and click down on the joypad as #5) the directional 4 of course you only need one pad for movement(W A S D). I choose one of the joypads so as I move I can use the down click to nearest targeted enemy. The others used for class skills , my guard has the buffs on directional pad and skill on the other. A quick flick of the joystick and I’m popping spirit weapons and my elite skill.
For the Classes that require mouse movement for range combat. Its not tricky you end up treating these skills like throwing grenade . Leave the mouse in close to your character end the skill will always land where the mouse is. To some people this may be annoying when you have a 20 button mouse that can do it all. As a pvp/pve player
i dont really focus on setting mouse skills on targets, I set them as traps.
I want ANet to make something official in this direction that doesn’t require any 3rd programs outside of the game.
I want just to go into the options menu of the game and change there, if I want to play the game with Mous and Tab, or if I want to play it with an Controler and if I change it to controler, that I need to put just my X360 Controler onto the PC and set up the Settings for it to start playing with the Controler….
but this isn’t the first thread about this topic.
I really hope therewill be one day official support by anet for Controlers…I’m a person that would say to myself, that I could play the Game alot better and more fuidly, with a Controler, than playing GW2 with Mouse n Tab…
I grew up playing with Consoles alot more, than I played with Mouse n Tab, so I’m alot more experienced and skilled with using a Controler, than playing with WASD ect.Controler Settign for Eles:
Left Stick: Moving the Character
Right Stick: Camera Turning/ Zoom in and Zoom out on pressing it and using the Left stick up n downSkill 1-5: A, B, X, Y, Start
Skill 6-10 Left, Right, Up, Down, BackF1- F4 > LB, LT, RB, RT
Dodge > Left Stick pressed and Right Stick forward, backwarde left or right
Menu: Xbox Button, while menu is up Left stick or D-Pad to select the points…
Weapon Swap (for classes which can) LB and RB together
Its all just a matter of how you configurate the buttons.
I dont use camera turning, but I’ve seen it done. I will post my controller set up and If you would like I can send you the cf file I have that will work with any default setup for mmos