GW2 players want to help you developers
I’m sure we can help you in creating better and better patches.
I’m sure Anet would love it if you supplied them with the money needed to cover wages and all the time and effort that would be put into making new content like new skills, races, maps, instances and so on.
Another bad thing about your idea is Anet wouldn’t be able to please everyone. Some would want this and others would hate it. So Anet would make something they like but the other group hates.
In the end it’s not up to us to decided the direction the game goes. Anet makes and develops GW2 the way they want to not they way we want it to be.
“But first of all it’s not a big problem if you don’t develop a new living world story season or new changes for a while”
That would be a problem if Anet goes months or a year without making something new, the players get bored and stop playing. It’s a problem that affects all online mmo’s. If the game stays the same for a long period of time and the players do everything there is to do they lose interest in the game and go elsewhere.
As for the bugs. Game bugs will always be there and will always pop up. No game even GW2 will ever be 100% problem free.
I would personally like more rewards to be obtainable from other sources than Gem Store, RNG or grinding.
Dear Joshc first of all I’m not speaking on little bugs, the whole mesmer class is buggy it has around 20skills bugged.
After that I would like to speak about the sentence “But first of all it’s not a big problem if you don’t develop a new living world story season or new changes for a while and concentrate on the bug fixes…”. Everybody knows that the instances are a bit buggy and when I first entered it was a disapointment for me. And I don’t say that don’t make new contents for a year just to do one or two patches mostly with bugfixes, because my friends are saying that a lot of things are buggy and I experience them too. I don’t demand that the Guild Wars 2 must be 100% bug free just to do reduce the number of bugs.
And to return to your first sentence we all supply ArenaNet with buying this game and it’s a big cash which could supply the Guild Wars 2 for a while (not speaking about the gems people have bought and in exchange we received the League of Lengends’ servers and untill that the GW2 did not have server laggs). And at last but not least if the ArenaNet want more money why don’t they bring out the patches for money like in the Guild Wars 1?(The GW1 had really great contents and most of the people liked it.)I really don’t want to complain and sorry if this topic looks like that, but I want to help because this is not what most of the Guild Wars 2’s players want.(I’m sure they want permanent instances because the GW2 do not have new ones since the start)
(edited by Rohiro.4160)
I’m sure Anet would love it if you supplied them with the money needed to cover wages and all the time and effort that would be put into making new content like new skills, races, maps, instances and so on.
If they made an expansion and let us buy it, then we would. As for the initial cost, NCSoft has money, you know.
The problem is most forum posters would rather be totally negative and bombastic than actually help. ALso most forum posters have total blinders on as how what they want will affect all aspects of the game. A.Net has to balance PvE, PvP, and WvW – posters only worry about one, usually.
If you want to help, join the CDI discussions.
Dear Joshc first of all I’m not speaking on little bugs, the whole mesmer class is buggy it has around 20skills bugged.
After that I would like to speak about the sentence “But first of all it’s not a big problem if you don’t develop a new living world story season or new changes for a while and concentrate on the bug fixes…”. Everybody knows that the instances are a bit buggy and when I first entered it was a disapointment for me. And I don’t say that don’t make new contents for a year just to do one or two patches mostly with bugfixes, because my friends are saying that a lot of things are buggy and I experience them too. I don’t demand that the Guild Wars 2 must be 100% bug free just to do reduce the number of bugs.
And to return to your first sentence we all supply ArenaNet with buying this game and it’s a big cash which could supply the Guild Wars 2 for a while (not speaking about the gems people have bought and in exchange we received the League of Lengends’ servers and untill that the GW2 did not have server laggs). And at last but not least if the ArenaNet want more money why don’t they bring out the patches for money like in the Guild Wars 1?(The GW1 had really great contents and most of the people liked it.)I really don’t want to complain and sorry if this topic looks like that, but I want to help because this is not what most of the Guild Wars 2’s players want.(I’m sure they want permanent instances because the GW2 do not have new ones since the start)
List those 20 skills please!
I’m sure Anet would love it if you supplied them with the money needed to cover wages and all the time and effort that would be put into making new content like new skills, races, maps, instances and so on.
If they made an expansion and let us buy it, then we would. As for the initial cost, NCSoft has money, you know.
It’s a terrible shame they use all their resources on fixing content that isn’t broken instead of fixing bugs that are still present, years after release.
Maybe if they fixed those and stopped worrying about changing existing features and repackaging them as new content, they could work on an expansion or at least real new content.
That’s how GW2 ends; not with a bang, but a whimper.
To be perfectly blunt, I’ve seen a lot of the “help” offered by players over the years.
I wouldn’t want to listen to it either, because most player ideas are terrible.
I’m sure Anet would love it if you supplied them with the money needed to cover wages and all the time and effort that would be put into making new content like new skills, races, maps, instances and so on.
If they made an expansion and let us buy it, then we would. As for the initial cost, NCSoft has money, you know.
Arenenet develops GW2, ncsoft is the publisher. Wages and such have nothing to do with ncsoft, it’s arenanet who pays the people
That handshake brought upon ascended gear, as well as many other changes some love and others hate. They do listen-wish they did less listening sometimes, actually. They just cannot bring about every change every player wants at their pace.
I think it’s rather disrespectful to claim they don’t listen to players, all evidence considered. I hope they don’t take these forums personally, or as a whole representation of the so-called “playerbase”, so that they don’t lose passion in their jobs moving the game forward.
Dear Joshc first of all I’m not speaking on little bugs, the whole mesmer class is buggy it has around 20skills bugged.
After that I would like to speak about the sentence “But first of all it’s not a big problem if you don’t develop a new living world story season or new changes for a while and concentrate on the bug fixes…”. Everybody knows that the instances are a bit buggy and when I first entered it was a disapointment for me. And I don’t say that don’t make new contents for a year just to do one or two patches mostly with bugfixes, because my friends are saying that a lot of things are buggy and I experience them too. I don’t demand that the Guild Wars 2 must be 100% bug free just to do reduce the number of bugs.
And to return to your first sentence we all supply ArenaNet with buying this game and it’s a big cash which could supply the Guild Wars 2 for a while (not speaking about the gems people have bought and in exchange we received the League of Lengends’ servers and untill that the GW2 did not have server laggs). And at last but not least if the ArenaNet want more money why don’t they bring out the patches for money like in the Guild Wars 1?(The GW1 had really great contents and most of the people liked it.)I really don’t want to complain and sorry if this topic looks like that, but I want to help because this is not what most of the Guild Wars 2’s players want.(I’m sure they want permanent instances because the GW2 do not have new ones since the start)
List those 20 skills please!
I think you should check this thread out, maybe some of these bugs have been removed but I think quite a lot of them are still not fixed.
(edited by Clostridium.9832)
OP, you say you want to offer “help” but in all your posts, the only thing you did was complain and give very vague and general suggestions that anyone could have thought of. It’s quite easy to say “You need to add more maps!”, “You need to introduce more weapons and skills!”, “You need to add a new playable race!”, but sadly those aren’t very helpful. Asking for more content is the usual response for a player when they feel like a game’s gone stale, but that is not always (and usually isn’t) the best solution.
There have been people who said that all of Anet’s patches are just “bandages to hold the game together”, but really, when they start doing nothing but introduce new races, classes, and weapons/skills is when I’d say that Anet is doing that. Those tactics are not sustainable in the long run.
As to actual ways to actually help Anet is to support them and participate constructively in CDI’s and stuff.
Elsdragon I created this topic to help and at the end of my texts I said I’m not complaining / I don’t want to create this topic as a complaint and I said it is not important for the first patches to have new races maps etc…(and of course I put the new race in brackets because it won’t be possible for a while). Firstly I want the huge bugs to go away than the ArenaNet to create more content for those who would like to experience new instances and new adventures.
But I knew it won’t be enough to create this topic and it is going from help to complaining so I think it is time to share my helpful plans with the ArenaNet and ask you forumers not to complain or turn my words against the topic and give ideas and help to the developers because that’s why this topic was created.
So first of all I my plans are:
In the first two or three patches (that should be around 6 months more or less) fix most of the bigger bugs in instances and classes and of course bring a little bit of content to the GW2 because we don’t want it to die. I know that is a long time but it should worth taking this awesome “train” back to the rail.
After that there should be a little patch with less bugfix and more content to prepare the players for a big patch what I’ll explain later.In this patch there should be 2-3 new armor sets and 2-3 weapons as well and a new character creation option for example a new hair.
So to the big patch…
It should take a while and there should be more living world seasons/reduce them to episodes to draw some time. In the new patch there should be 2(or maybe if it is possible more) dungeons and a bigger patch for the living world so the casual players and the hardcore players would be happy too (Joshc: “…Anet wouldn’t be able to please everyone”[first reply]).
After that these big and little updates should be changing each other with bug fixes and if there is a lot of bugs ArenaNet don’t worry we are people too we can wait.
So these were my ideas (and I didn’t put in the new race/class it relays on the ArenaNet how do they feel it because this is their game and it is really great).
Feel free to post helpful ideas and offers to the ArenaNet because we know that they can do much more.
P.S.:I’m not complaining and I really like this game because it is fun, detailed and it has a nice graphic, I just want to help in doing better and better patches. I have more and other ideas too just write a message to me with the problem if there it is and I mostly can figure out how and what to do.
Like I said, giving them “help” in the form of "my plans for this game are … " isn’t actually helpful. What you just said reiterates my point, they’re vague and general ideas that anyone could have (and probably has) given.
Saying you aren’t complaining doesn’t make your complaints before non-complaints. As I said, your post is a bunch of general ideas and wishes which there are an abundance of in the forums.
If you want to actually offer concrete help then you can send them some rough works of those patches/fixes or whatever. I don’t think even for a moment that Anet’s biggest problem is not having any ideas on what to do or not knowing what should be done. If you make a suggestion and give them a detailed plan on how to execute that suggestion (and not just saying what they should do, but like showing them how to program it and stuff in such a way that it is doable in GW2), then that would be helpful.
Issues such as the party system (how people can “steal” a party/instance by having two people and kicking everyone else) have a clear way to fix it; in this case, it’s by having the vote count to 3 before kicking. However, this solution becomes increasingly more complex when you try to implement it. With 2 votes, it’s a simple “Yes or No” response to the initial request. With 3 or more votes, you’d need something to keep tally of the number of “Yes” and “No” from the remaining 4 players.
A lot of people want more dungeons, bug fixes/class balances, maps, weapons, skills, and so on, and have asked for them already. It’s not a new thing to ask for.
Are these ‘new instances’ you speak of dungeons, or are you talking about Living Story instances? Wouldn’t Open World content be preferable for an MMO?
I’m not overly fond of dungeons (I’ve nothing against them, either), and the LS instances were …ok. I liked the content like Scarlet Invasions, Marionette, Battle for LA, and such better, though.
Those were awesome, but that does kinda ensure that they would be temporary content (or should be), which a lot of people have complained about. Keeping the major battles and such as instances ensures that Anet can keep them as permanent content, but does kinda take the fun out of it somewhat.
“Like I said, giving them “help” in the form of "my plans for this game are … " isn’t actually helpful."
That’s why I created the topic. I am trying to help with my best and because I am just learning the ways of programming I cannot send a whole rough program to them, but some of the forumers who are more experienced in programming are able to. That’s why I said that please send helpful ideas. They can be rough programs too, but what I’ve learned in programming it is harder to repair other people’s programs or working with it than creating a new one(and I’ve been learning it just for 2 years). But if you send pictures of a weapon or even a modell than I think it should be apprechiated. What I can help in is the planning drawing and a really simple program or an untranslated one. I am not able to create patches, but I may be able to help in something.
((Complaint warning:
“I don’t think even for a moment that Anet’s biggest problem is not having any ideas…”
It should be true that the A.Net is having great ideas, but they do not release a permanent version out of it for almost three years.))
So I’ve done a lot of complaining in my previous posts, because they are needed for my reasons and those may be constructive, but as you said before there are a plenty of forum posts full of complaining and that’s why I want you to have helpful ideas (such as a paint/model of an armor or maybe an untranslated program) and not speaking about what I am doing wrong if I want to help.
In the future of course I should try to post some more useful things than a plan for the patches, but I have to think more of them and I’m asking you to post those kind of things too.
P.S.: Please think about it and try to help the GW2 because I can see a bad ending in this great game and I don’t want it to be closed.
(edited by Rohiro.4160)
Well, GW2 has only been out for a little over 2 years (nowhere near 3 just yet).
I don’t think GW2 is heading for a bad ending. They have released many contents (some were temporary but they were still fun) over the 2 years and have also added in a lot of features in that time. There is a strong playerbase from what I see in game. If you base the playerbase’s opinions on the stuff in the forums, it’s severely lacking and can serve to misinform instead.
I would agree with you concerning the programming bit (that is is harder to repair another person’s work), but the alternative would be for everyone to re-download most everything should Anet decide to rewrite the game’s programming for some bug fixes.
I am not saying what you’re doing is wrong, far from it as it is a whole lot better than most whining threads in the forums; but this kind of help should be discusses with Anet directly rather than gathering forum goers to create a rough programming and sending over to Anet. It is good to want to help, but the way you’re going about it seems to be misguided in my opinion.
Just for a short answer this is the second time on the forum and my idea (that the players are leaving) is from my environment. Some of my friends lef the game because there aren’t enough permanent contents and the other “half” of my GW2 friends are saying that the ArenaNet isnot doing it right there are bad patches and they are not repairing the important bugs(I brought them back to the game because they uninstalled it and they are now farming the reagents for the dusk). As for me I want to do everything to bring all of my friends back Thanks for the advice and I should start to discuss this with the ArenaNet, but yet I don’t know how (my plan was through this topic
And I think it should be a great idea to inspire players to help ArenaNet too.
Unless they take especial note of this topic, I doubt it. Like I said, there are a lot of topics out there giving general ideas about how they think the game should progress, so much so that devs might just pass them by thinking “Oh, another one!” (at least I would).
There will always be players that leave a game due to them being bored, but that doesn’t mean the game is bad or dying. It is generally faster for a player to play through the content of a game than for a developer to properly develop new content; more so when the player plays a lot or blasts through each new content.
For those who complain on what they’re putting out, most of what they’re suggesting is based on unintelligent assumptions on the complexity of the game. “Add this!” “Change that!” “Remove this!” are all easy to say but can be quite difficult to execute. If someone thinks they have all the “best ideas” for an MMO, then maybe they should try making one and see how well the feedback they get is. Best way is to make it and give access to it for free and see if people will appreciate it or critique it like they did.
You are right, but they are not like those people they are giving ideas what did they experienced on other MMOs and mostly I agree with their critique, because those are reasonable and true (and they have been playing with it since the pre-purchase beta or something like that [I’ve been playing this game for one year]).
While I cannot judge their critiques rightfully (especially since I don’t know what they are), I will say that unless they know the inner workings of the GW2 programming, they can’t make very accurate suggestions to work on their ideas. Only the game developers can rightfully say whether or not an idea is feasible or if something will take time to implement.
I’ve also played from the betas and pre-purchase events, and while I have a million (exaggerated) ideas about what could make this game even more awesome and love talking about them, I am also realistic enough to know that many of these ideas will be difficult, if not impossible, to execute.
And I think it should be a great idea to inspire players to help ArenaNet too.
I agree. There is much we can do in the way of “help” for Anet. And thats where positive feedback comes in. All too many don’t like something and will come on to the forums to complain. We know this, and understand this. But just complaining about something, and offering what is thought of as a “solution” doesn’t really help. You want to help? Point out the things done right/well. If we just highlight the parts we don’t like, it doesn’t give anyone any idea of what we do like, why we liked it, and a push to do more things like that. Sure you can try to fix what we think is wrong, but what we think is wrong, is not what everybody thinks is wrong. It’s far more benefical to draw attention to what works, and why, so in future development, they have a clearer picture of what went well, to build on the success rather then trying to rebuild something that was “flawed”.
An example of this would look something like:
-The level up rewards, and pops ups, make it so I actually feel like I am gaining something as I level up.
-The compass makes it easier to find out where the next event/heart/poi is, so I don’t need to search the map, or rely on the mini map to locate events. I feel like I can more freely explore, and not feel like I am missing something.
-Leveling up quickly. With the change to the leveling system, I can quickly gain levels, while being shown what is happening as I level up. I don’t feel like I need to go kill 1000 grubs in order to level. I can do the hearts, the events, etc, in a more organic manner
-Skills unlocking at certain levels. If I was a beginner, brand new to GW2, this would be great. It gives time to learn what my weapons do, and how to use them. As a veteren it’s a little difficult to assimilate, being used to the old system for so long. Is there a way that this system could be optional for veterans? Or some other way to make it so veterens don’t feel like they are dumb.
Bad feedback:
This system sucks!! I hate it!! Change it back or I’m going to quit!! I can’t believe Anet thinks I’m a noob!! I have over 6k hours, and 15 lvl 80 alts!! I don’t need to be told that I can’t use a skill that I already know how to use!! This is kitten! Fix it now or your game is going to die!!!!111
see the difference?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I can see the difference but I was thinking on an other way of helping too. For example giving them models so they can use it if it fits the theme of the patch and they have more time on thinking what should they do next. And an other important thing is that if we could say that yeah that bugfix was a good one and it is really great that you are working on it and next time if you should repair this bug: text+[picture/video] because it would really increase the gaming experience. But you gave me a good idea for the next topic which I should create tomorrow so the developers could see we are happy to play this game and receive new updates.
(edited by Rohiro.4160)