GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


As if waiting 3 months to create a character wasn’t torture enough, besides the fact we were promised unlocked names within days of release… Now we are missing precious events!

My character does not exist, so how can I get the items from Halloween such as personalized items, soulbound exotic armor pieces ect?! They give us no true response via forums or support, but get mad when we bring it up. It truly feels like a punishment but what have we done? Hackers and cheaters were given their accounts back and “second chances” before we are even given a first chance to play!

Some people give great importance to their character naming such as myself, so choosing a different name is not an option, and honestly its been this long…

All we can do is look to the future and hope that the team sets this problem to a higher priority and that one day my characters will be born.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

Sad that you’re waiting just because of a name really. Kind of stupid.
Although I DO understand how you feel about it. I guess there’s little
point in saying that maybe you should just pick the next best thing.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Just out of curiosity, how do you play a game if someone managed to get the name you wanted before you did? Do you just give up? What happens when ANet releases the reserved names and someone else snags it before you do?

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Just out of curiosity, how do you play a game if someone managed to get the name you wanted before you did? Do you just give up? What happens when ANet releases the reserved names and someone else snags it before you do?

They…can’t? They’re…reserved?

What’s the difference between them being reserved and someone else taking them? You’re not guaranteed to get a reserved name when it’s no longer reserved, so you won’t play if someone else gets it first?

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: infrequentia.3465


so your waiting for names to be unlocked ( wich are either reserved from gw1 or already taken) to even start playing this game?
you might aswell quit, cause either their taken already, or there reserved, so you would be stealing some1’s name. but if they where your name already you should be able to use it since its reserved for your account

“If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.”

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


Just out of curiosity, how do you play a game if someone managed to get the name you wanted before you did? Do you just give up? What happens when ANet releases the reserved names and someone else snags it before you do?

They…can’t? They’re…reserved?

“What happens when ANet releases the reserved names and someone else snags it before you do? "

But really, just pick a new name. Why so many people refuse to play the game at all because they don’t have that one name, is beyond me. Just pick a new name and continue on, if you refuse to then don’t come around here complaining. I mean seriously, i didn’t get the name i wanted (and i am the worst when it comes to thinking of new names, my imagination is nonexistant) but i still managed to think some out for my characters. (one of which i am shocked i came up with because it is so fiendishly clever lol)

But seriously, just pick a new name and play.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


“one of which i am shocked i came up with because it is so fiendishly clever lol”

Probably just luck, you know like when you guess one of the answers to a question on University Challenge.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ares.3619


It shouldn’t come to this but if you want the name so bad, delete your GW1 character, wait 24hrs, and create in GW2.

inb4 But I/He/She has so much progress done that would now be gone.

Sorry, like I said that’s something you shouldn’t have to do but you also shouldn’t have to wait 3 months.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mira.3681


I thought names from GW were only reserved for 3 days from GW2 head start, or launch, can’t remember which – after which, anyone could use the name, whether or not someone else was using it in GW. Is this what OP is referring to? If so, that ship has sailed, I fear.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I’m not understanding… if the name is reserved by you, then take it. It’s reserved so you can have it. If you are having difficulty attaching your GW1 account to GW2, contact customer support to help you out (unless of course you sold the account to someone else…)

Otherwise, are you saying that you can’t play the game until Arenanet allows you to steal someone else’s name from GW1? 0_o

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyaochan.1756


Come up with more creative names, and getting them “stolen”, or having to fight over it with someone else that also wants it (which points to your name probably being generic as hell), and you’ll never have issues.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the name reservation should be expired by now. i tried to get a name and it said it is still reserved.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I’m sorry to inform the OP that “Hugh Mandangle” isn’t reserved.

I have it already

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


The reserved names are from GW1, used in GW1 by anyone but unused in GW2 for 3 months… when they are released then yes potentially anyone could attain them but my names tend to be unusual so Ive had no problem securing my other characters names. I am waiting on a couple “main character” names to be released or I might not care so much myself.

To some players, a lot actually, a name is equivalent to your characters appearance if we put it in those terms… would you be happy playing an asura if you only like the norn appearance? or vice-versa? That’s like saying you should be content having your name be Ogrebreath when you really wanted to be called Mr Yeti, and knowing that your desired name is still available, and has been promised to be released any day now for 3 months…

The main point is this wouldn’t of been a problem if the GW2 team had kept their promise, a promise maybe they shouldn’t of made in the first place, but they did, and now we are just waiting for the completion of it.

I am only bringing to light a problem that many players are having so that the nice people at GW2 will not forget about us and the promise they made us long long ago

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluebird.1890


I understand frustration from not being able to use the name you want, but not playing a game you want to play in it’s entirety because you can’t use the name?

That’s just stupid. There’s no other way to put it.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grumwulf.9602


Make a character and when the name becomes available get it on an alt and pay for a name change when they become available. All this waiting time you could be making gold to buy the gems to get the name change.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


What if that person who have that name in GW1 decide to make a character with it?
Will you just stop playing?

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


What if that person who have that name in GW1 decide to make a character with it?
Will you just stop playing?

Pretty much this. You’ve waited 3 months to steal someone’s name… what if they decide they like it and don’t want it stolen?

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: versidia.4520


Some people are waiting for names reserved for they second GW accounts, They aren’t trying to steal any name.
The main problem is that we still expect to get our names soon, if we were given a time frame or told that the names wont be freed, we could know if we can move on or not. I’m waiting for the name change consumable, don’t know if I will be able to afford it (gem in-game prize is going up and my gold down).
However, I am still enjoying this game with my alts, what’s the point of buying a game and not play because a little detail?

(edited by versidia.4520)

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Actracts.1389


This is the first I’ve heard of this. My main toon’s name is the EXACT name of my Prophecy main’s name – exact spelling. Or was there some kind of “Fill this form to actually get a name reserve so you won’t risk someone else using it before you can create it” process that I skipped out on?

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


I have alts that I want names for, can’t make them yet though, because Arenanet still hasn’t released their names.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


How you think this is a remotely reasonable complaint is beyond me …

What are you so eager to call your character? Blaze? Laser? Blazer?

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Irie.7149


Try using some letters with accents on them. Some do work, and I feel add to the unique feel of a name! e.g. résumé :P

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


The reserved names are from GW1, used in GW1 by anyone but unused in GW2 for 3 months… when they are released then yes potentially anyone could attain them but my names tend to be unusual so Ive had no problem securing my other characters names. I am waiting on a couple “main character” names to be released or I might not care so much myself.

To some players, a lot actually, a name is equivalent to your characters appearance if we put it in those terms… would you be happy playing an asura if you only like the norn appearance? or vice-versa? That’s like saying you should be content having your name be Ogrebreath when you really wanted to be called Mr Yeti, and knowing that your desired name is still available, and has been promised to be released any day now for 3 months…

The main point is this wouldn’t of been a problem if the GW2 team had kept their promise, a promise maybe they shouldn’t of made in the first place, but they did, and now we are just waiting for the completion of it.

I am only bringing to light a problem that many players are having so that the nice people at GW2 will not forget about us and the promise they made us long long ago

jacking reserved names and guild names is your cup of tea, i know that pretty well.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


Make a character and when the name becomes available get it on an alt and pay for a name change when they become available. All this waiting time you could be making gold to buy the gems to get the name change.

True but should we really have to pay for this? I do have alts I play on in the meantime

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


Try using some letters with accents on them. Some do work, and I feel add to the unique feel of a name! e.g. résumé :P

This is a good alternative the only problem is when dealing with other players they can never type the name. In turn it can cause lost parties, mail, ect ect as some of my friends are having these exact issues

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrsrachelm.7618


I am not saying this is happening here, but…I have known of people who will make a bunch of characters using very popular names so the name is “taken” and can’t be used. Then they “sell the name” for RL money on various sites to people who are ummm….retentive… about getting the exact name they want or life is over. Saw it happen in WoW, EverQuest2, Rift and other games.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


The reserved names are from GW1, used in GW1 by anyone but unused in GW2 for 3 months… when they are released then yes potentially anyone could attain them but my names tend to be unusual so Ive had no problem securing my other characters names. I am waiting on a couple “main character” names to be released or I might not care so much myself.

To some players, a lot actually, a name is equivalent to your characters appearance if we put it in those terms… would you be happy playing an asura if you only like the norn appearance? or vice-versa? That’s like saying you should be content having your name be Ogrebreath when you really wanted to be called Mr Yeti, and knowing that your desired name is still available, and has been promised to be released any day now for 3 months…

The main point is this wouldn’t of been a problem if the GW2 team had kept their promise, a promise maybe they shouldn’t of made in the first place, but they did, and now we are just waiting for the completion of it.

I am only bringing to light a problem that many players are having so that the nice people at GW2 will not forget about us and the promise they made us long long ago

jacking reserved names and guild names is your cup of tea, i know that pretty well.

Hmm interesting accusation, especially since all my current character names are from my GW1 account and my guild is named exactly as it was in GW1 as well.. better luck falsely accusing someone next time this will be my first and final response to you. Good day.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


As if waiting 3 months to create a character wasn’t torture enough, besides the fact we were promised unlocked names within days of release… Now we are missing precious events!

My character does not exist, so how can I get the items from Halloween such as personalized items, soulbound exotic armor pieces ect?! They give us no true response via forums or support, but get mad when we bring it up. It truly feels like a punishment but what have we done? Hackers and cheaters were given their accounts back and “second chances” before we are even given a first chance to play!

Some people give great importance to their character naming such as myself, so choosing a different name is not an option, and honestly its been this long…

All we can do is look to the future and hope that the team sets this problem to a higher priority and that one day my characters will be born.

Can’t tell if dumb or trolling…but here goes. The name you seek has probably been taken, and you’re sitting here with your nose up your kitten trying to complain because you’re so picky. Life does not reward picky people.

Thanks for the friendly player to player greeting first off. But if a name has been “taken” then character creation will say the name is already in use.
If the name was used in GW1 and not in GW2 character creation will say the name is a reserved GW1 name. And that is what this thread is about.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804


and the key line: “After launch day (and after we work through support tickets filed on launch day), we’ll free up the millions of unclaimed names for new Guild Wars 2 players to use.”

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frost.2908


Finally the wait is over and a date has been set for the release of the GW1 names(11/8/2012)! Of course it happens to be on a week that ill be out of town, but I’m sure I can figure something out…

Here’s the link:

And I do want to thank arena net for upholding their promise.. better late then never right? hah just kidding but really.. thank you.

GW2 team has still not unlocked reserved names and now were missing out even more...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kKagari.6804



“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.