GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


The game looks “pretty”… That about sums it up. The game wasn’t very simple or functional. Everything from talking to NPC’s, buying items at the shop, crafting and cut-scenes seems to just be an attempt to be “different” from other MMO’s…. But that alone doesn’t make your game awesome nor epic.

Your PvP system is also a huge mess, as its too “shot-gunny”. I feel like I can’t control my character 90% of the time cuz I’m either getting 2 shot or being chain knocked down. Did you guys even PLAY other games before making this game? As well you’ve split your PvP up into 3 completely different games. SPvP is a zerg fest where defenders don’t get rewarded at all, tPvP is so “niche” heavy for builds it makes me sick, and WvW gives me an upset stomach just thinking about it.

GW2 Team, here’s your solution:

Take this Friday off, go grab some brewkii’s, sit down and play League of Legends, play Dota1 and 2, play Starcraft 1 and 2, play Diablo 2 (not 3), play Halo 1,2,3, play Nox (old Westwood game from ’98), play WoW, play Legend of Zelda, play Demon/Dark Souls, play all other games that were FUN, SIMPLE, and FUNCTIONAL.

Right now, GW2 is on the path to being the next SWOTR, LOTR, Age of Connan, Warhammer Online, etc.


GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


Yeah Anet!!! why don’t you go make your game just like those other games?!? What’s wrong with you, thinking all out of the box and stuff. The box is your home, go into the box!!!

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheWarKeeper.5374


or better yet, play Guild Wars 1 and remember why u advertised GW2 the same.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


Yeah Anet!!! why don’t you go make your game just like those other games?!? What’s wrong with you, thinking all out of the box and stuff. The box is your home, go into the box!!!

You’re their idealistic fan-boy/girl who is probably anti-WoW. This game was really catered towards you sadly. However, as you and GW2 Team are about to discover, you’re the worst player base they could have targeted.

L2 take good components from other games and scrap the bad ones. All GW2 turned out to be was re-hash of all the bad things in other MMO’s with a “cooler look/feel”.

Inb4 declining player base…Oh wait…

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toomuchtatose.6874


What has Simplicity and Functionality has to do with this?

I think most people who are most passionate about GW2 are those who want to get away from other MMOs.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


What has Simplicity and Functionality has to do with this?

I think most people who are most passionate about GW2 are those who want to get away from other MMOs.

Only to come to another MMO that again, is in essence, the same thing with “cool flavouring” on it.

For the game to be “different” from other MMO’s, Gw2 team needs to get their heads straight and simplify all the crap they tried to be innovative with… Which clearly didn’t work out. Simplicity and functionality are everything in successful, FUN, games. Unless you’re telling that is not what you’re wanting?

Put it this way, game needs to change in a lot of ways and unless we the player base speak up, its just going to be another niche MMO with 1200 people playing across 3 servers. I’d like to not see one of my favourite games go down that path.

But keep being blindly passionate bro. thumbs up

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toomuchtatose.6874


Only to come to another MMO that again, is in essence, the same thing with “cool flavouring” on it.

For the game to be “different” from other MMO’s, Gw2 team needs to get their heads straight and simplify all the crap they tried to be innovative with… Which clearly didn’t work out. Simplicity and functionality are everything in successful, FUN, games. Unless you’re telling that is not what you’re wanting?

Put it this way, game needs to change in a lot of ways and unless we the player base speak up, its just going to be another niche MMO with 1200 people playing across 3 servers. I’d like to not see one of my favourite games go down that path.

But keep being blindly passionate bro. thumbs up

That is true. But considering the player base are mostly noise, only the ‘minority’ or the ‘passionate’ ones speak up loudest :P

Best ideas usually come from developers themselves, players are mostly acceptance testing in my opinion.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolt.8791


i like OP point. GW2 combat system just boring. I lack the feeling of doing something cool when i’m fighting. What are all those skills that gives you like 30% damage reduction or either 30% damage bonus for like 5 seconds with 1 minute cool down? I want 90% reduction or over 9000% damage bonus. I want that cool feeling when i’m killing someone with my ultimate cool skill or dodging someone’s ultimate skill not just rolling around like wounded raccoon pressing my boring 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 skills on they huge cooldowns.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


You listed a bunch of things in the PvE side of things, but you didn’t really explain why this game isn’t simplistic or functional. You walk up to an NPC with the stack of coins for a symbol, right click or hit F, a list of items appears, you select an item to buy. Not sure how that’s neither simple or functional.

Your PvP complaints aren’t about your topic either.

Also, it’s funny that you mentioned action RTS’s in your list of games, seeing as the genre is hard to pick up and play,

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


i like OP point. GW2 combat system just boring. I lack the feeling of doing something cool when i’m fighting. What are all those skills that gives you like 30% damage reduction or either 30% damage bonus for like 5 seconds with 1 minute cool down? I want 90% reduction or over 9000% damage bonus. I want that cool feeling when i’m killing someone with my ultimate cool skill or dodging someone’s ultimate skill not just rolling around like wounded raccoon pressing my boring 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 skills on they huge cooldowns.

Finally, someone else who gets it.

Dude, I totally feel you. I understand where GW2 was coming from with the simplified skill bar and all, but its just boring and unoriginal. The game virtually plays itself for me and I don’t really have much option for doing crazy combos. Having a built in combo system that requires u to consecutively hit the same target 3-4 times doesn’t work. Its boring, and there’s no point as everyone can just evade, dodge, block.

When I don’t feel like I have any control in combat or that I can sit down for an hour and just kitten face like I’ve done in other MMO’s. I feel the game doesn’t reward player skill as much as other games and its simplified in all the wrong ways.

Koodo’s though GW2 Team for the collectable deposit. That was about the only simple, innovative thing you got right. =\

The only thing to do at max level once you’ve gotten all the gear/items is to do PvP…. Which currently blows at the moment…

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craiger.8579


As much as I would like to flame posts like this….. You do make a very good point….

But to just bash ArenaNet isn’t right, every MMO developer should be blamed for making these bad MMO’s….

I got tricked into liking GW2 somehow, I didn’t even look at it some months ago, but then it caught my eyes and I made the mistake of hyping the game, just to be let down pretty fast……. cause it’s just another MMO with some minor changes….

Don’t think any developer will change this though….. They don’t seem to play other non-MMO games at all….

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


As much as I would like to flame posts like this….. You do make a very good point….

But to just bash ArenaNet isn’t right, every MMO developer should be blamed for making these bad MMO’s….

I got tricked into liking GW2 somehow, I didn’t even look at it some months ago, but then it caught my eyes and I made the mistake of hyping the game, just to be let down pretty fast……. cause it’s just another MMO with some minor changes….

Don’t think any developer will change this though….. They don’t seem to play other non-MMO games at all….

I totally feel the same way. Despite my doubts, I still have this childish glimmer of hope for this game…. Somehow. Part of it definitely is that my characters could look cool given a weeks time to farm materials….

Then I realize I’ve completed the game and go “now wut?”.

If they could seriously sit down and fix their PvP in every aspect, people would have something to do after they get bored of PvE. As for fixing PvE… well, I’d suggest Hard Modes in dungeons for ascended gear and cooler dynamic events/world bosses as the dragon guys at level 40-60 were boring.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chronus.1326


It’s a very good post OP but frankly I don’t think that ArenaNet cares anymore. At least, that’s what the complete lack of feedback and the discustingly stock responses imply.

This whole “on popular demand” is just a facet. There are several “popular demands” here and on the Suggestions section that get several threads all day every day, many of them ending up on the last page without as much as “we disagree with this”, “this is a good idea” or “we will talk about it”.

I don’t think that there is a realistic possibility that they will take any suggestion seriously that doesn’t just augment their own ideas but implies that an existing system is wrong. It’s a combination of rights, ego, and fear of the supporter asking a reward for his idea.

(edited by chronus.1326)

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


Take this Friday off, go grab some brewkii’s, sit down and play League of Legends, play Dota1 and 2, play Starcraft 1 and 2, play Diablo 2 (not 3), play Halo 1,2,3, play Nox (old Westwood game from ’98), play WoW, play Legend of Zelda, play Demon/Dark Souls, play all other games that were FUN, SIMPLE, and FUNCTIONAL.

I know this is going to sound old but since you’re mentioning Wow (and I will only refer to Wow since it’s the only game in the same category as GW2) and saying it WAS fun, simple and functional, do you mean by that they should inspired on a I don’t know BC expansion? And further more, has Wow pvp stopped being fun? Cause aside from the class revamps the concept is exactly the same it was for years.

And besides Demon/Dark Souls isn’t fun to everyone, you should know that by now. You just throw so many random games in the pot there that it’s hard to understand your concept of fun, simple and functional. I do for instance like D/Dark souls but I do not think it’s simple and even less functional.

In short:

sPvp is pretty much what every other game is with less maps. I know you’re going to debate this but to me it really is. Bursty with people not giving a kitten about objectives. Sounds like every other mmo at some point to me.

WvW is a massive zerg for me. I understand several folks enjoy it and that’s fine, but to me it’s too zergy and individuals don’t count as much.

I didn’t try tournaments yet so I’m going to abstain from commenting.

But on the other hand you’re criticizing the game and not giving any ideas and still dare to say you need to be vocal. If you can’t see the metaphor here , god have mercy on your soul.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


Yeah Anet!!! why don’t you go make your game just like those other games?!? What’s wrong with you, thinking all out of the box and stuff. The box is your home, go into the box!!!

You’re their idealistic fan-boy/girl who is probably anti-WoW. This game was really catered towards you sadly. However, as you and GW2 Team are about to discover, you’re the worst player base they could have targeted.

L2 take good components from other games and scrap the bad ones. All GW2 turned out to be was re-hash of all the bad things in other MMO’s with a “cooler look/feel”.

Inb4 declining player base…Oh wait…

Uh…something witty to say so the kiddies on 4 chan like me, oh yeah!!…..Learn to type.
Leet speak is for children…oh wait…

Uh…something sarcastic that attempts to flame the OP but fails. Congrats on trying to sound tougher than me though tough guy.

IMO, go role play an elephant on some RP server… Oh wait…

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


Take this Friday off, go grab some brewkii’s, sit down and play League of Legends, play Dota1 and 2, play Starcraft 1 and 2, play Diablo 2 (not 3), play Halo 1,2,3, play Nox (old Westwood game from ’98), play WoW, play Legend of Zelda, play Demon/Dark Souls, play all other games that were FUN, SIMPLE, and FUNCTIONAL.

I know this is going to sound old but since you’re mentioning Wow (and I will only refer to Wow since it’s the only game in the same category as GW2) and saying it WAS fun, simple and functional, do you mean by that they should inspired on a I don’t know BC expansion? And further more, has Wow pvp stopped being fun? Cause aside from the class revamps the concept is exactly the same it was for years.

And besides Demon/Dark Souls isn’t fun to everyone, you should know that by now. You just throw so many random games in the pot there that it’s hard to understand your concept of fun, simple and functional. I do for instance like D/Dark souls but I do not think it’s simple and even less functional.

In short:

sPvp is pretty much what every other game is with less maps. I know you’re going to debate this but to me it really is. Bursty with people not giving a kitten about objectives. Sounds like every other mmo at some point to me.

WvW is a massive zerg for me. I understand several folks enjoy it and that’s fine, but to me it’s too zergy and individuals don’t count as much.

I didn’t try tournaments yet so I’m going to abstain from commenting.

But on the other hand you’re criticizing the game and not giving any ideas and still dare to say you need to be vocal. If you can’t see the metaphor here , god have mercy on your soul.

Okay, I think you’re on the right track too. I know that I throw a lot out there, but that’s because there’s so much for the GW2 team to look at as reference material for their game.

In regards to PvP, see my above replies. But yes, most times it will be zergfest, omgletsgetkills. But if they were smart about the changes they could at least “tone it down”.

Adding a mechanic similar to League of Legends, Dominion Mode would be nice for starters in sPvP or tPvP.

For every 10 seconds you are on the point, you get 2 points or something. If you die defending the point you get a “martyr” bonus (+10 glory) or something. The idea is to encourage different roles rather than just go uncap/cap everything or, if you’re a thief/ele, kill everything in sight.

This way there’s more role diversity now in the game and its not jut about glass cannons and kills. Yes, you can do that, but even if you are a glass cannon you’re encouraged to go defend points as you’ll get rewarded.

No, there will be no turtling as every objective map has odd numbers for points, so you always have to move around to win.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rysinsun.7306


How to fix PVE (temporarily at least)? Give us more reaction based skills that aren’t on ridiculous cool downs that can be used at least once per fight. This whole idea of spamming auto attack and maybe pressing a few extra buttons if the situation demands it…is BORING. Especially when it’s one of those ten minute fights with a boss who does not even drop anything (nageling giant).

How to fix PVP? I don’t really do much but as far as balancing goes surely it would be easiest to stick to their roots. Make skills do specific things in PVP that are slightly different compared to PVE such as shorter snares on a player, or deals more damage to a player who is stunned…

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


So, um. I don’t have to get to the end of the third sentence before we get to the lovable basket of kittens, and the first and second weren’t very long at all. I mean, come on, the conversation system isn’t simple?

Step 1: Click the NPC.
Step 2: Click the buttons.

Buying things isn’t simple?
Step 1: Click the NPC.
Step 2: Double click on what you want.

I know you criticise the game because you love it, but this is just ridiculous. Get a grip.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


It’s a very good post OP but frankly I don’t think that ArenaNet cares anymore. At least, that’s what the complete lack of feedback and the discustingly stock responses imply.

This whole “on popular demand” is just a facet. There are several “popular demands” here and on the Suggestions section that get several threads all day every day, many of them ending up on the last page without as much as “we disagree with this”, “this is a good idea” or “we will talk about it”.

I don’t think that there is a realistic possibility that they will take any suggestion seriously that doesn’t just augment their own ideas but implies that an existing system is wrong. They can’t. It’s a combination of rights, ego, and fear of the supporter asking a reward for his idea.

And sadly if it goes on, many of them will lose their jobs, if they haven’t already because nobody is spending money in the cash-shop or buying expansions.

Again, small childish hope that one of the mods/admins will see and forward something to their team.

If not, then I hope it was enough to give a couple of their employees a dreading feeling about the longevity of their positions.

Also, drive the nail in the stubbourn, happy-go-lucky fan-boy’s head that this game is going nowhere if they keep posting THIS GAME IS AWESOME I LOVE IT!

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


And sadly if it goes on, many of them will lose their jobs, if they haven’t already because nobody is spending money in the cash-shop or buying expansions.

sadly what?
if i buy something and i get something other or even if this is changed, its called deceptive advertising where i live…. and its illegal….

So why should we be “sad” ?

Also they are doing something against the major part of the community for some reason that for sure is not “rewarding players” and its not either to cather more sales…

I would bet to reduce server costs by having a huge part of the community to leave….

P.S: a week ago this game WAS awesome and now it isn t….they should be sad for people that dragged their friends here on the promise of no grinding..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


So, um. I don’t have to get to the end of the third sentence before we get to the lovable basket of kittens, and the first and second weren’t very long at all. I mean, come on, the conversation system isn’t simple?

Step 1: Click the NPC.
Step 2: Click the buttons.

Buying things isn’t simple?
Step 1: Click the NPC.
Step 2: Double click on what you want.

I know you criticise the game because you love it, but this is just ridiculous. Get a grip.

Its not the step tha’ts the issue, its the actual overall graphics/placement of the thing. It looks kitten and out of place. Generally people read more in the center of the screen as opposed to the top. Or even to the left so I can see whats going on in the center of my screen.

The layout in general is just horrid. It defies everything anyone will ever teach you about picture/text placement in school or the real world.

As well, the actual buying/selling of items is stupid tiny in images/text. There are so many better and more innovative ways to go about this.

Taking it a step further, where are my options to see player health bars ON my screen not on the top left. And how come I can’t see cast bars, etc, so I know when to place my stuns? Sure, in WvW that wouldn’t work, but for the other PvP modes (and even PvE) its nice to be able to time things.

But again, I guess you wouldn’t understand because you don’t see the overall issue here.

Game’s clearly fine, keep watching baseball bro.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


And sadly if it goes on, many of them will lose their jobs, if they haven’t already because nobody is spending money in the cash-shop or buying expansions.

sadly what?
if i buy something and i get something other or even if this is changed, its called deceptive advertising where i live…. and its illegal….

So why should we be “sad” ?

Also they are doing something against the major part of the community for some reason that for sure is not “rewarding players” and its not either to cather more sales…

I would bet to reduce server costs by having a huge part of the community to leave….

Did you know Google takes a cheap kitten servers, puts them in boxes in a warehouse and just drops the temperature? It costs them next to nothing, granted they don’t have to go to extremes in processing. But the idea still stands.

You’d think other people would start getting a clue on how to run “affordable servers”.

PS: I totally agree with you. I feel bad for all the friends I dragged with me onto this game. </3

Out of 50+ people I was playing with be it guildies, friends, etc, there’s only me and one other guy left and we log in a few times a week now.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


Another fan-boy that doesn’t get it. /lesigh

Some of your complaints make sense, but the overall message is conflicted.

Basically, fan-boy, the other games were all FUN games that had good ground work for their game. It doesn’t matter if its an RTS or RPG, the point is they narrowed the focus of their game down to make it fun, interesting, and simple. This game just throws stuff at you in a big mix hoping something will catch your attention.

League of Legends and DOTA throw a big mix of RTS and RPG. If you make someone who’s never played an action RTS game in front of DOTA 2, they wouldn’t immediately understand basic mechanics such as last hitting, courier and item management, and learning how to engage properly. All of which are necessary to succeed and enjoy the game. The mechanics are not simple, but it’s still a blast, which is why your reference to this genre makes no sense.

PvE – Dungeons all over the world map, k awesome, but where’s the cross-server dungeon finder so I can dungeon with people 24/7. Not everyone’s on at 5pm, sorry bros. Also making 2 different dungeon modes was silly. I probably already stated that though.

Finding a group for dungeons is slightly inconvenient, okay. Not sure why you commented about the world map, you can teleport to a dungeon instantly. I’m still not sure what this has to do with simplicity or functionaitiy.

PvP – See above post. Also, WvW ranged class dominate with little room for melee. As well honour badges are a joke to try and get. In other PvP modes you basically can’t do much as an individual cuz its zerg fest and your health pool is “meh”. As well there are no diminishing returns on stuns/daze/knockdown for some stupid reason. I guess they figured we’d enjoy being bounced around all day. Good PvP games make it a bit like chess, this game made it rock, paper, puke-on-screen.

WvW is a mess, yup. Still don’t know why it isn’t simple or functional.

As well, for a game wanting to target “casual play”, they did a bang up job with the sPvP and tPvP. sPvP you basically just go for kills instead of defending/holding points as long as you can. There have been a ton of posts on this and no fix for it in sight. In tPvP you basically go up against pro teams with your “casual”, single que team. GG

I was general about the whole thing cuz there’s a huge list of issues with this game and the only thing its got going for it is that it LOOKS COOL.

Again, you have a list of complaints that make sense, but they have nothing to do with lack of simplicity or functionality. You even mentioned that sPvP was pro “casual play”, implying that it’s simple enough to pick up and play.

The game is functional. You kill things and participate in events, you get exp, you gain levels. You loot corpses, you get items. You kill players, you take control points, you are scored. The game “functions” and the things I listed are “simple” concepts to grasp. Whether or not the elements in the game form a fun experience have nothing to do with simplicity or functionality.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rubmywontons.3972


…Not sure what OP was hoping to gain from this thread besides people not liking him/her…

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chronus.1326


I would bet to reduce server costs by having a huge part of the community to leave….

Server costs are insignificantly small in MMO’s. The combined costs of GW, Aion, Lineage, and all the others only appear on NCsoft’s yearly in a footnote.

It’s only an urban legend that they cost a lot.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


You do 90% of the common things in this game by pressing the F key. Every time any of that functionality is available, they put a clear-as-day message in the middle of you screen that tells you to press the F key. I doubt there is any possible way it could be simpler or more intuitive. Do you need the game to connect directly to your thoughts so you can just think about winning and it will happen?

Saying WvW or the other PvP is poorly designed simply because you aren’t good at it is just sad.

This all just smells a bit of troll.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belgrond.4583


Though the game is far from perfect and has it flaws, your view points lie far beyond the other spectrum. While it is true there are limited skills within the game, there is depth in the builds itself. Similar to how MOBA style games have the same depth to it despite the small amount of skills within a character.

Classes like the Engineer, is a prime example of style that can vary on the fly, and the combinations within kits/skills creates a number of builds. Ranging from a High damage grenadier build, to utility kit based builds, to Bunker style builds, etc. Each plays different, despite the small amount of weapons the engineer has access to.

Now, your point that within W v W melee is worthless, is simply not the case. While Glass Cannon type melee will often melt against large groups, specialized melee builds can literally destroy players while being able to withstand a great amount of players

Example of it:

Within the video, especially the 2nd half, a small group of players literally crushing large zergs with relative ease. It showcases that despite numbers, good tactics and coordination can go far.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bella.3502


or better yet, play Guild Wars 1 and remember why u advertised GW2 the same.


Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1… Sadly, it doesn’t. It takes everything I didn’t love about other MMORPGs and puts it into GW2.

(edited by Bella.3502)

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Its not the step tha’ts the issue, its the actual overall graphics/placement of the thing. It looks kitten and out of place. Generally people read more in the center of the screen as opposed to the top. Or even to the left so I can see whats going on in the center of my screen.
The layout in general is just horrid. It defies everything anyone will ever teach you about picture/text placement in school or the real world.

Your one piece of praise for the game is the graphical design. Your criticism of this system is the graphical design. I don’t have my client available at the moment, so forgive me for my lack of certainty, but for the point of the physical positioning/arrangement of the window, can’t you move it to alleviate the problems you’re having with it?

As well, the actual buying/selling of items is stupid tiny in images/text. There are so many better and more innovative ways to go about this.

Again, unavailable client, but can you size up these items? I have difficulty believing this is a serious problem unless you have a poor choice of resolution or a sight condition, and you didn’t address the point of mechanical simplicity rather than aesthetic design in your first post.

Taking it a step further, where are my options to see player health bars ON my screen not on the top left. And how come I can’t see cast bars, etc, so I know when to place my stuns? Sure, in WvW that wouldn’t work, but for the other PvP modes (and even PvE) its nice to be able to time things.

This actually sounds like a genuine issue. Mind, not one of the ones you originally raised, or relevant to any of the points I’ve brought up…

If I can’t understand the overall issue that you’re apparently talking about, it’s because you’re not talking about the overall issue. I’m getting this general vibe of you obscuring what you’re saying; whether you’re doing this intentionally or unintentionally, I don’t know, but it makes it very difficult to see you as anything other than someone attacking blindly.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380


For every 10 seconds you are on the point, you get 2 points or something. If you die defending the point you get a “martyr” bonus (+10 glory) or something. The idea is to encourage different roles rather than just go uncap/cap everything or, if you’re a thief/ele, kill everything in sight.

This way there’s more role diversity now in the game and its not jut about glass cannons and kills. Yes, you can do that, but even if you are a glass cannon you’re encouraged to go defend points as you’ll get rewarded.

You can´t make pvp defense based. Wanna know why?

Cause it won’t catter for the majority of the players. Let’s be frank most pvp players want to pvp to kill people not to be defending points even if they are rewarded. If you put it defense based what will happen is everyone will want to go in there with a structured group and that will make pugs obsolete because they will be mauled to death with no chance of winning in a matter of seconds.

Objective based pvp = anti-casual.

I know some of us enjoy it more hardcore but I can understand the cash inflow doesn’t come from the hardcores only.

SWTOR had objective based pvp in most maps and it turned out it didn’t work well.

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolt.8791


Now, your point that within W v W melee is worthless, is simply not the case. While Glass Cannon type melee will often melt against large groups, specialized melee builds can literally destroy players while being able to withstand a great amount of players

Example of it:

Within the video, especially the 2nd half, a small group of players literally crushing large zergs with relative ease. It showcases that despite numbers, good tactics and coordination can go far.

I’ve nearly felt asleep while watching this video although it has pretty good gameplay. It never happens to me while i’ve seen good videos from GOOD MMO. Don’t you see any problem here?

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nhemin.1520


or better yet, play Guild Wars 1 and remember why u advertised GW2 the same.


Guild Wars 2 takes everything you love about Guild Wars 1… Sadly, it doesn’t. It takes everything I didn’t love about other MMORPGs and puts it into GW2.

Another guy who gets it. Thank you. I feel better about life now.

@ the other pplz however:

Its not the graphics that I’m being hypocritical about. Yes, the graphics are awesome, but the layout was poorly designed. Those are 2 very different things. The game looks “cool” but lacks common sense in its overall design. As you’ve maybe noticed in this post alone, people noticed that GW2 is failing to be what it claimed; a better, different, more in-depth MMORPG.

PvP is just a joke flat out. I don’t know where you people get off saying its still just an “L2P issue”. Probably because you don’t play PvP I’d imagine.

I also meant for the game needs to have the defensive option for point holding. Right now you get the most points by killing other players and maybe quickly uncapping. Thieves in particular are good at this, same with ele’s and mesmers. Being the guy that’s literally trying to hold the line and wasting 5 mins guarding 1 point gets nothing.

Basically it comes down to the fact that your time invested in this game does not feel very rewarding. And again, tPvP isn’t all that popular because as a casual you don’t want to play against the guild premade that’s going to stomp you because they can coordinate.

I have no clue how so many of you are so blind. =.=

GW2 vs. Simplicity & Functionality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bella.3502


Another guy who gets it. Thank you. I feel better about life now.

Actually, a gal.

And no problem, at least I made someone a bit happier.