Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


in short:
“we are being stupid and don’t want to bother making them just like armor pieces, instead we fuse them as one suit and block everything that makes us code a bit more lines”

i know exactly how it works in the background, all the had to do is add the town clothing pieces in the armor category and be done with it.
it’s nothing more then a 3D model, adding them to the armors would actually be less time consuming then making them the way it is now.
so they kinda did more work on something then they had to, they made a new system that becomes completely useless and never even considered doing the obvious yet wise thing, using the system that already exists to make town clothing usable in any situation.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkOcean.8746


So, I posted this image in a different thread I made and got an infraction (along with the thread being shut down) for quoting the Black Lion Armor NPC.
People that bought the town clothing and are having to go through this conversion mess are already down; stop kicking us Anet. Am I just taking this too seriously? It really feels like he is adding insult to injury.

1. It’s just not a “wonderful deal”. Period.
2. It may have been a slight inconvenience to swap to town clothing, but he states that it’s inconvenient “with all the combat here”. Here being Divinity’s Reach, where there is little inconvenience besides the occasional falling damage — there’s absolutely no combat, that’s for sure.
3. “Endless tonics, which give unlimited temporary appearance changes to a similar look”. You’re kidding, right? It’s not like my clothing didn’t do that before, except better in every way.
4. At the end of the conversation the grease-ball NPC assures us that the conversion is worth it, and the player is forced into accepting these changes as an “upgrade” or being left with entirely useless items.

Whoever designed this NPC was deliberately being a troll. I don’t really appreciate it much, but I seem to be the only one.

TLDR; Anet is convinced they gave us a “wonderful deal” involving town clothing.


Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


I loved the tone from the trader. Especially the tossed in – No give backs!

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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wonderly.1324


I think it would be great if the name and flavored text of equipment were associated with the skin of the item, not the item that grants the stats. This way everything that makes a skin unique and memorable is preserved.

Of course the immediate conflict I see with this request would be the lower-level gear of different stats that share the same skin. Perhaps a solution would be some sort of hierarchy system: unique skins will always have their name and flavored text applied to the item; in the case of a named exotic and rare/karma (e.g. Twin Sisters and the rare “light sword” obtained in personal story) the name and flavored text of the exotic would be associated.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: winters.3521


Duplicate Specialty Skins – Kasmeer’s Staff Skin

I bought two of these back when they were on sale, saving one for later use.
Since one is already applied and is now part of my wardrobe, is there any possible chance of having the Gems refunded or exchanged for another limited skin of the same value or am I simply S.O.L.?

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: playfuldreamer.1920


First point: Shoving all complaints into one huge dogpile thread isn’t for ease of reference on your part. Every time you trot out that tired old lie, it’s just flogging your flatlined credibility. There is nothing easy or convenient about digging through this heap. This is about containment and suppression.

Containment, to keep our dissatisfaction from crowding all the happy ignorant fluff threads off the front page, and to make sure the only thread titles for actual discussion of your failures are marketing approved, fully sanitized. Suppression, because it’s impossible to have a discrete conversation about a small part of this fairly involved feature change without following the whole enormous messy thread, and carrying out any such discussion contributes to the overall bloat that intimidates others from joining in. You have corralled us all here because you don’t want us to post, and don’t want anyone to notice or care when we do. This isn’t a feedback thread, it’s an Oubliette.

Second point: Gem refunds for items that you’ve broken are worthless. What’s the difference between a bunch of ruined costume pieces composting in my inventory until I take the time to manually delete them, and a big heap of gems? Nothing. There is no difference. Your gems are trash. You have proven that nothing we buy from you is safe. It doesn’t matter what gorgeous things your art team manages to produce, I will never spend gems again, under any circumstance. You deserve to take the hit in cash refunds and chargeback fees. You have earned that penalty.

Third Point: Now that all Transmutation Charges are unified to Transmutation Crystal rates, why not lock Transmutation out entirely until level 80? I’d hate for some confused nooblet to accidentally use a charge on a low level character to keep a neat sword or his starting class headgear without knowing how badly he’s being ripped off.

Fourth Point: Without the PvP lockers to mix and match armor previews, much of my incentive to hunt down new pieces is suppressed. Why would I waste the time, without the advance certainty that the pieces won’t look like garbage together?

That’s all I’ve got for now on Wardrobe, Transmutation and Outfits. Now to go waste time screaming at the wind about how the Megaserver system is an attack on small-guild RPers.

Sounding an echo for this post. I agree on all points. Well-said.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nadha.6097


Somehow reading the news I did expect the wardrobe to be like this (and was soo looking forward to it):

You pay one Charge for each slot to put a skin on you like.
And it stays there! (until you want to put on another Skin)
No matter what stuff you swap for stats underneath.
Well, this was my neat Idea.

If I swap stats the appearance still changes with it, so what is the improvement there?
I still have to fuddle with each and every piece of equipp.

It just costs three times more now for Characters under lvl 80 and furthermore we lost the ability to move the runes to where we want them to be.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkOcean.8746


So none of the original functionality was taken away, but additional uses were added.

Unless you consider original functionality to be working with town clothes like they were originally intended to be.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MathBuster.7915


I am deeply saddened by the loss of being able to mix, match, dye and otherwise customize my townclothing. It’s specifically what I bought a lot of the outfits from the gemstore for (with actual money), and I genuinely can’t see me using some of the outfits again as they are now.

I am aware refunds are possible, but I’d highly prefer it if a lot of the original customizability would be restored!

(edited by MathBuster.7915)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Necrid.2705


Please put townclothes back to 5 seperate items, not sets, and dyeable, like they used to be. Now it is no longer possible to wear the default townclothes and celebration hat… or santa hat plus winterday clothing… or earmuffs and wintersday clothing…. or executioners outfit and phantom hood…. this has broken the townclothes experience for a lot of players… leave them skin-unlockable, and able to apply the skin to either Fighting-Gear or Townclothes Slots, and let the townclothes slots be able to be worn during combat…
Essentially, change the OUTFITS section, into a similar box for each armor-slot, allowing us to pick and choose which townclothes skin we want there, and be able to individually checkmark whether or not to display that set of townclothes…
This will make lots of people happy.
As it stands now, it kinda feels like the townclothes system has been made a sham and a mockery, and its only been a few hours and while everyone loves the feature pack update and all the changes, there has been one complaint that everyone has been sharing about it and its the townclothes system. This complaint has been quite resounding.

— Necrid — Ehmry Bay — [TML]/[oG] — Charrdian Main — All Classes
— [Twitch] — [GW-EN] “Necrid and Chill”

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MacCharrver.4658


Here my feed back about Wardrobe, Transmutation and Town Cloths changes.

For Transmutation change, lets see transmutation price here, 1 Transmutation Charge is 30 gems (5 per 150gems), 1 Transmutation Stone is 25 gems (5 per 125 gems) and 1 Transmutation Crystal is 40 gems (5 per 200 gems). The plus side of this new transmutation system is transmute things for level 80 character is cheaper, but 3 Transmutation Stone per 1 Transmutation Charge is bad because the value (in gems) of Transmutation Stone is about half of Transmutation Crystal, if 2 Transmutation Stone per 1 Transmutation Charge, that would be good.

For the Wardrobe, I liked it, for make all skins the player obtain available account wide, account wide dye system, move all skins from PvP wardrobe to one place, etc. I haven’t experience any problem that skins of low tier of back items is missing. But seems like the DEV liked to apply 25 stack of confusion to players, in Hero panel, the title bar have text “Hero Equipment [H]” then, below it there is also text “Equipment”, also the new status, “Ferocity”, one of my friend confuse with the one from Personality, which have same name. and where is personality indicator? I can’t find it on the right of profession icon now. also when transmute the item, instead of rename transmuted items name with the name of skin like old system, it still use status item name, I’d like transmuted items have name of skin like the old system and in Hero panel, it should default to “Equipment” tap since most people go there for change their weapons and gears

And… here is the part that I hate of this patch, Town Cloths changes…. :<
I like town cloths I have simple mix-match for my main Charr and full pirate costume for one of my atl Charr, the change of town cloths to outfits that can be worn in combat sounds good, except it is single slot, with only 4 dyes channel and /cry tonics…. nothing to say about this ’cus many have already say about it.

here is my suggestion of town cloths/outfit, make it like another armor set, like old system with separate piece of in it’s slots, head, shoulder, chest, legs, feet… that can dye a piece of it, not entire outfit and can be worn in combat. lastly convert all town cloth tonic to outfit, or (if possible) skins.

Sorry for my English, since it isn’t my native language, the above wall of text may confuse you.


Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirFlame.5126


WORST UPDATE EVER @! this i can say !

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


if this is there idea of a great update i want a downgrade to befor this crap was made.
also if youre going to make swimsuits for characters now with this crap you can keep them coss i aint buying any costumes with this poor excuse for a customization sistem

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirFlame.5126


if this is there idea of a great update i want a downgrade to befor this crap was made.
also if youre going to make swimsuits for characters now with this crap you can keep them coss i aint buying any costumes with this poor excuse for a customization sistem

Me to ! Btw dont know what is all about i can tell You – > $

:// And give me back my gems because i can’t use skins i have boght ~~

(edited by AirFlame.5126)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan Cronus.9216

Titan Cronus.9216

I put in a request for a refund on the night of the patch but still no reply (other than the automated “we have recieved your request” reply).
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had a refund yet?

Crónus : Human male Eelementalist, Desolation.
17 level 80 characters, all races, all professions.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cakesphere.5910


I put in a request for a refund on the night of the patch but still no reply (other than the automated “we have recieved your request” reply).
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had a refund yet?

Haven’t gotten my refund yet either, but they did say that it might take some time to sort out all the requests (which leads me to think that yes, they did expect this, which makes me even madder that they went through with it anyway). Not that knowing that there’s a waiting game makes it any better

GS1’ing world bosses since 2013

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirFlame.5126


I put in a request for a refund on the night of the patch but still no reply (other than the automated “we have recieved your request” reply).
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had a refund yet?

How did You titled Your refund and what You expect of refund ?

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


so to make it simple, do we have to raise a ticket to get a refund in game for the doubled skins we have?

norn warrior

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this realy sucks all the costumes i used to have wich i loved were turned into stupid tonics wich i hate. my favorite hoodie was also turned into a stupid tonic
give me back my hoodie how it used to be ya greedy jerks

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klocknov.8219


The things Klocknov has enjoyed with the current patch:
1: Bunny Ears now being a helmet, I can now be all the Asruabbit I can be! This and other helmet adds for certain hat items was a good deal and I very much so like the step forward here.
2: The search for skins feature, as we now don’t see the set in the line like in sPvP it makes it great for finding armor sets and for weapons you can find the sets as well.
3: Finally having a use for those yellow crystals other then being lazy and using them to move heritage armor as I lvl my toons up, and the free transmog for heritage armor.
4: All my dyes being universal like the original plan way back when before you guys launched. Was so happy to see that coming back as I had all but gemstore dyes unlocked on my first toon.

The things that Klocknov did not enjoy:
1: Culture armor being in the Armor Skins category rather then having itself a category. Have 15 sets of skins per armor class in their just seems to clog it up more then needed, as well when your looking at different skins for your character you get bombarded with not available to your race when you don’t check. This really should have been handled more like sPvP where it had it’s own category.
2: As I said in the sPvP thread, there is no bank in the Heart of the Mists, as we have lost our Wardrobe Closets to further bring both modes closer together I really think that is needed for if not anything to be able to look through your wardrobe and see what you have.
3: Not being able to pay to have unlimited uses on a single item. If I plan to use a skin a lot I really think there should be a way to make it a free to apply skin like heritage armor is. Though I understand this would require more coding, but the end result is already, just need a way to purchase it and track the purchase.
4: Town clothes and outfits. This I will have to say was the biggest mess, but I will give you props for offering the gem refunds, it did ease my disatisfaction when I found out I could ask for a refund.
5: Toys, I will forever miss that toy slot, as it made 100% more sense to me then the current system of tonic for toys. But I guess this will bring stuff like sonic tunnel hiding and broom riding back to WvW, so as I don’t have those at least others can get some joy out of it.

The things Klocknov had wished were done:
1: Crafting skins that you have unlocked added to wardrobe. Though I understand the reason behind adding that, I myself was just hoping to not have to make that added step in making them.
2: A preview set button for armor that has 6 items. This I don’t understand why it wasn’t there, it makes all sorts of sense in the new wardrobe system, even if it is only able to be done in the wardrobe tab.
3: A better seperation between gem-store skins and non gem-store skins. Before they were listed as the last sets in the list, now they are found in the mix. Though I guess that is a way to get people to look for them.
4: Outfits being split in to 5 pieces like before, this is pretty much what killed the outfits for me, not being able to dye them seperately and having only I choose X Y or Z color scheme was a major killer to my favorite piece.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titan Cronus.9216

Titan Cronus.9216

I put in a request for a refund on the night of the patch but still no reply (other than the automated “we have recieved your request” reply).
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had a refund yet?

How did You titled Your refund and what You expect of refund ?

I titled the ticket “Refund for Town Clothes” and the ticket was this:
Hey there Suppor Guys. ; )

I would like a refund for some town clothes, outfits and toys that I bought before this latest patch.
Please can I have a fefund for:
3 Cook’s Outfits
2 Pirate Outfits
1 Mad King’s Outfit
1 Fancy Winter Outfit
5 Riding Pants
5 Riding Boots
2 Casual Hoodies
1 Leather Hoddie
1 Layered Vest
1 Bouquet of Roses
and 1 Riding Broom.
If needed, I can provide a screen shot of all the appropriate tonics and toys.

Thanks a million for your time guys. : )

I have another 1 of each outfit but as they have already been added to the wardrobe, I thought it would be cheeky to ask for a refund for those too. I also have another 1 each of the toys (and some others) but might as well keep 1 of each.

I know they said that the refunds may take a while but im just curious has anyone at all had a refund yet.

Crónus : Human male Eelementalist, Desolation.
17 level 80 characters, all races, all professions.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TechCat.4819


While having unlocks for skins across all my characters is incredible and amazing there are a few things that make me question the decisions about townclothes. I feel like I could tolerate the changes of my costume sets being turned into outfits and not having the mix and match options with the rest of the armor skins. What is not cool is the individual pieces becoming un-dyeable tonics as well. (The hoodies, the laced shirts, the riding shorts, etc). They take up even more space and I’m not sure why those individual pieces couldn’t be converted into regular skins. The removal of them being able to be dyed removed a great portion of why I enjoyed having so many options. I’m very sad to see so much of the personality and life in the town clothes replaced with an unchangeable dull brown. They were designed for so much better, is there any hope of breathing life back in to those skins your creators worked so hard to make?

What I think would make the outfit mechanic more tolerable would be having the headpieces unlocked as general skins as well, such as having the fancy wintersday hat (beret for males) working with armor, but keeping the Wintersday outfit as a whole available as well. I don’t think asking for complete translation of the outfits into separate skin pieces is feasible. Many of the options we have been given have been headpieces, I would love to see that option available from the outfits’ headpieces.

I will deeply miss mixing and matching pieces together. While running around with bunny ears is amusing, I will miss being PunchBunny more. (gold and white Designer Hoodie, white Boxing Gloves, Bunny Ears, and gold Riding Shorts.)

I’m extremely grateful for so much of the work done on this mechanic. I love how easy it is to pick from skins I’ve unlocked and applying them. There are several deep factors that stopped me from loving this completely.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

I’m sure this has come up many times in the past, so here it is again.

Please! Read! On!

At the moment, some town clothes are not able to be dyed and most are not able to be mixed and matched. This is a travesty of the utmost! An absolute debacle! Thus!

I hereby declare my intention to not wear any clothes until this horrendous oversight has been mended! That’s right! I am about to commit my body to the whims of the wind! Fashionista suicide!

All who hold fashion close to heart listen clearly! We must rally our forces against the common foe that is no customization options! Naked parties in all Gendarran Fields / Vigil Keep Waypoints! Don’t hold back! Yes even the Charr can come!

If you happen to be at this place, shout these words so that other brothers and sisters may hear the truth and follow us in our glorious campaign!

What do we want?
When do we want it?

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leohan.1096


Background and Player History
I am a long time player and major supporter of Arena Net I have run a community within the games for 7 years and spent a large chunk of my time and money enjoying the people around me and the experience Anet as provided. Guild Wars is truly a unique experience that as enriched so many life’s.

Guild Wars 1
/age: 14,044 hours over the past 85 months (7 years)
/money: 3 GW1’s/ 6 Expansions/ /Bonus Mission Pack/ 26 toon slots/ All Costumes. = $630 or so

Guild Wars 2
/age: 3,914 hours past 600 days (1 year and 8 months/ since beta weekends)
/money: Collectors Edition / Digital Heroic Edition/ Digital Deluxe Edition/ $320 Buying Gems/ 3 Novels/ Original Soundtrack/ GW2 Mouse Pad. = $1,650 or so.


The Wardrobe System and how it makes me feel.

When first hearing about the system (GW2.1 update) it felt like finally Anet gets it, we are getting the game that was Anet vision to begin with. However the current implementation is not what should have happened.
Changing a product people bought with their hard earned money to something we did not pay for is not something I thought Anet was capable of. I am all for making things better. However the current system as downgraded town clothes purchases people bought in good faith towards the company. Making kitten to $10 item in the store into a trading post tonic item is shocking.

This one decision as brought into question, for me and others, if financial support towards the game is viable. If something is paid for there is a understanding between the two parties that the product paid for will remain in a constant state.
Example; I do not buy a car, than 3 months later told by the dealer that they are changing my model to a moped for the sake of the environment.
My guild members of 150+ roster are also questioning their past support, if Anet is trust worthy of any future store purchases.

Now the game is a digital product and digital companies think they can do whatever they see fit as its in the terms of use that they can. However there comes into question responsibility to honor the customer, to respect the customer and to keep the trust.
There are deadlines to be made, and people to answer to on the developing side. However not delaying an update to a game when you know full well it is not ready and is going to hurt your long time business was not a good choice.
The company knew that this was going to be bad, as they are were offering refunds before the update.

This update as brought in so many good features, but being over shadowed by one glaring choice, that needs to be acknowledged and changed.
The man hours and money need to be put in, to correct a design flaw in the current iteration of the town clothes/wardrobe.


How to Fix it in my opinion.

  • The current town clothes that are tonics, need to be included into the outfit section of the wardrobe.
  • The Outfit wearable need to have customized square for each piece like before.
  • Being able to dye each piece, like it is now, needs to remain.

This is easier said then done. Anet as made the current choice, for a reason as maybe they wanted to do it one way, but had to compromise for now.
Someone at Anet needs to speak up and say something, to let us know you are least trying to make it better.


Conclusion/ No Money being Spent.

I was buying Outfits with the old system in the gem store, but with the current system, unless there is an expansion pack. All faith and support towards Anet through the gem store is lost from me. All this money I spent supporting the game was worth it. However this feeling of being cheated out of my money buying town clothes is something as a consumer, I have to deny Anet for any more future funding.

Still be playing the game and having fun, with the GW community. However will just be sucking up bandwidth and costing Anet money for now on, until I get the town clothes back I paid for in good faith. Thank you Anet for so many years of fun, I do hope to continue the fun for many years to come. Thank you for giving me the choice to financially support the game or not to. I really want to, but at this time, can no longer.

The wardrobe system should have been the crowning example of Anet’s hard work and dedication towards the community. Instead it comes off to a giant gesture of ill will.

Guild: Assured Mutual Destruction [ICBM]
World: Isle of Janthir (NA)

(edited by Leohan.1096)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shogei.8015


For me the new wardrobe-system has one big flaw. Of course it is not possible to unlock every skin that we possessed in the past. But why are the skins of all the armors and weapons, that we can craft, not unlocked? I am able to craft it, but i have no idea how it looks like? I would appreciate it very much, if you could “fix” this issue.

Because you can craft some spiffy looking stuff, but it costs you resources to do so. They aren’t going to give you an unlock for everything you COULD craft but haven’t.

Guild warrior for life!

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Will you be making armor skins that look like CLOTHING? Ordinary, sitting around town, non-combat type clothing? This is the only way I can see to remedy the current Town Clothes fiasco.

Some people wanted to wear their Town Clothing into battle, so you took the rollout of the Wardrobe as an opportunity to please this portion of your player base. Well even those people are disappointed with your implementation. Various pieces of oddball headgear seem to be about the only Town Clothing that made the transition into armor skins. This is obviously not what people wanted when they asked to wear their Town Clothes into Battle. Not just hats.

Curtis Johnson assured us that “people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible”. He was right. I was very surprised, and even more appalled. The vast majority of my Town Clothes are now Tonics. Tonics can NOT be used in battle. Tonics can barely be used as Town Clothes. Nobody wins with this implementation. I will not rehash everything that is wrong with Tonics, because it has been discussed ad nauseum already in thousands of other posts dating back to before the Patch. I have yet to see anyone who thinks this was a good idea. Suffice it to say:


The remaining Town Clothing was transformed into “Outfits”. I guess this is what Curtis was referring to when he said many pieces of our Town Clothing would become armor compatible? The problems with this have also been discussed to death. It is only a slight step up from Tonics. You can wear them into battle, and you can dye them in a limited fashion. But once again, I’m sure this is not what the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into battle were looking for.

IN CONCLUSION (Or TL;DR if you prefer) the only way I see for you to fix this situation is to make armor skins that look like clothing. You know that is what the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into battle were asking for in the first place, but you decided to take shortcuts instead.

We know it is a lot more work for you to remake 3 sets of everything for Light, Medium, and Heavy armor, but you made your own bed. Now you’ve got to lie in it. We aren’t unreasonable. We will wait. Perhaps not silently, but we will wait.

And above all, please COMMUNICATE with us. The sooner the better. A wound becomes harder to heal the longer it goes untreated. We have heard very little over the past 2 weeks except “Gem refunds” which is a mollifying gesture, not a solution. Fess up. TELL US you made a mistake. People will forgive you. If you let us simmer in our anger, you will only lose trust and customers. You pretty much sacrificed the Town Clothes aficionados for the people who wanted to wear their Town Clothes into battle, and in the process you have not even given them what they wanted. Let us know that you plan to make things right again.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

(edited by Moderator)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shogei.8015


I don’t like that everytime you change a dye of your clothes, the system asks you for a transmutation charge. The dialog box should not exist. In the future, t

The text of the button is clumsy but there aren’t any extra steps. The previous system has you click “apply” before the color change was saved. Now you click the “apply for 0 charges” thing.

I understand why they did this: You select an armor piece under wardrobe but it doesn’t look quite right under the previous dye scheme. You then go to the dye panel and select a dye to make it look right. If you can’t find a dye to make it look right you just cancel the whole transaction. Without this system you would need to apply the armor, pay for it, then switch to the dye tab to see if you can dye it to your satisfaction.

Guild warrior for life!

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shogei.8015


My review:

I like the wardrobe system a lot. I have been running around unlocking karma skins and playing dress-up. I even spent some charges on looks that I thought were an improvement. I had a number of items in my bank just for their skins and I am happy to be able to clear them out. Applying the HoM and achievement skins anywhere for free, without the step of putting them in inventory, is very nice. The preview on the greyed-out skins is helpful in trying to decide what to go for next. All-in-all it is great work.

I do think the wardrobe/equipment tabs are confusing and am surprised that they aren’t documented somewhere better than they are. Having the outfit on one tab and the helmet suppress only on the other tab is annoying. I also don’t know why the Hero tab wardrobe is limited while the bank tab wardrobe is everything. I think everything should be visible in the Hero panel wardrobe with maybe a check box allowing you to filter for things applicable to the current toon.

Tonics: all are icky, non-functional and going back. Everything seems to default to an unappealing biege or brown.

* Prince Thorne outfit is great, with logical dye channels.
* Pirate is OK, with the dye channels mostly OK.
* Witch and Executioner have some odd dye channels and I might return them.
* Cook is a laugh. Who decided to make the shoes the same color as the hat on human? On the Asura it looks OK, but it is horrendous on the human. Need to check the other races to see if this is redeemable. Not going to keep it if it only looks good on one race.
* Mad King is a nope. The few dye channels don’t show up well unless you make the colors garrishly clash.
* Winter outfit is a nope. The dye channels are badly done. The trim not on one channel?

Guild warrior for life!

(edited by shogei.8015)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Prod.3610


I have another 1 of each outfit but as they have already been added to the wardrobe, I thought it would be cheeky to ask for a refund for those too. I also have another 1 each of the toys (and some others) but might as well keep 1 of each.

I know they said that the refunds may take a while but im just curious has anyone at all had a refund yet.

They said in the live-stream that ‘Yes you can get a refund for your town-cloth with the changes we made but only if you looked at what we did with it first’

So you can get a refund for all your Town-Cloth and it is not cheeky, they messed up not you.

I too would love a refund for my style items but i would not be able to buy them back if they reintroduce town-cloth as some of them are no longer sold… the question is: how long should i wait? because at some point they will stop their refund policy…

Also what worth has a ‘crystal’-refund people should get their money back! The product is not as advertised anymore. At least in some European countries that could warrant a cash-refund (not a pitiful giftcard for something you do not want anymore)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nwtracker.7460


I had a suit of Primeval armor for my Guradian that came out of the heroic chest in my inventory. For those six pieces (plus a town version) I had to spend 6 charges to transmute the items. So much for a free 5 charges from the Gem Store.

The zenith skins used to be “one click use once” endless supply achievement transmutations. No longer you have to have Charges from the Gem Store.

The Heroic chest items were promised in the package deal as a part of the purchase of the Heroic version of Guilds Wars 2. It was also a part of the description of the package for the upgrade to the “Deluxe Edition” of Guild Wars 2.

The more I think on these changes, and considering how much money I’ve already spent on this game, the irate I’m getting.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


12 pages and not one GM here to give a straight answer on what there going to do to fix this mess they them self caused. Some thing tells me they realy dont care about the customer only there pockets. We the player demand a answer on how you plan to fix this and i realy dont care for gems. What am i gona do with them buy more costumes that might get screwed up with another patch at some point? make town clothes the way they used to be or im not buying anithing from you ever again.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: doomfodder.2906


only one thing comes to mind when I read the myriad of posts in this thread…

It’s what that PC guy (john hodgman) used to say on the Mac commercials….

you’re welcome

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seth.1308


The items that are “click to apply to an item” skins need to be updated to “click to unlock skin”. I shouldn’t have to trash an item to get the skin unlock.

I don’t plan on using the wardrobe that often – as I don’t want to have to buy transmutation charges very often, if ever. A repeatable way of earning charges would be nice. An infinite transmutation stone, available at a reasonable gem cost, would also be welcome.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

12 pages and not one GM here to give a straight answer on what there going to do to fix this mess they them self caused. Some thing tells me they realy dont care about the customer only there pockets. We the player demand a answer on how you plan to fix this and i realy dont care for gems. What am i gona do with them buy more costumes that might get screwed up with another patch at some point? make town clothes the way they used to be or im not buying anithing from you ever again.

First off, I really don’t like the town clothes and outfit aspect of the update, but am satisfied with the armor skin and dye system.
The constant complaining is making this thread seem like everyone HATES this new system.

After saying they have been working on some of these features since release, I can assume the one or some of following in regard to this thread:

• Since so many features were released at once, issues are prioritized according to if they are game breaking or not. Cosmetic issues will not effect the game as greatly as a skill or event that is not working as intended.
• They are working on this and instead of just appeasing players by saying “We’re working on it”, they are actually finding a way to solve the issue with real answers and solutions to update.
Simply rolling back that particular part of the update will do more harm than good, and refunding gold/gems isn’t practical long term.
• A fix will not be available today, next week or maybe even in a month.
Expect realistic fixes that take as long to correct as the problem was to create.
• That they are not going back to the old system, as I know very few developers that do it. We will either get a polish on this system or leave it as is.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Awbee.8405


What probably shocks me the most is that they even ripped our original, racial town clothing away from us. That is what me and my two friends were wearing when we were excitedly running around Rata Sum during the very first beta weekend. One of my fondest memories in this game. Each of us had a little fresh Asura, each of us had died our cool Asuran town clothes in our own look. We felt so immersed in this world.

And now all I have left is a tonic that will give me a black and red version of this piece, that I have to carry around in my inventory, and that I have to refresh every 15 minutes. I hate the colors black and red. My Asura’s townclothes were light blue, golden, and a light purple.

This patch not only disinclined me from ever leveling any character again (thanks to the trait changes), it also disinclined me from ever RPing again, ever buying anything in the gem shop again, and ever trusting the developers again. It also ruined my fondest memories of the game.

I cannot keep playing a game like this. Goodbye.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taldarg.6049


As I’ve said before, this is a bunch of asinine nonsense that they’ve pulled with the wardrobe-to-tonic thing. I’m frankly ASTONISHED that ANYONE thought this was a good idea.

But, then, seeing as they’ve already got their 60 dollars a person for the game, why on earth would they listen to customer feedback, or care at all?

The fact that all threads about this topic have been shoved onto one thread that can be easily ignored is testament to the fact that ANet does not give a single kitten .

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Will you be making armor skins that look like CLOTHING? Ordinary, sitting around town, non-combat type clothing? This is the only way I can see to remedy the current Town Clothes fiasco.

Some people wanted to wear their Town Clothing into battle, so you took the rollout of the Wardrobe as an opportunity to please this portion of your player base. Well even those people are disappointed with your implementation. Various pieces of oddball headgear seem to be about the only Town Clothing that made the transition into armor skins. This is obviously not what people wanted when they asked to wear their Town Clothes into Battle. Not just hats.

Curtis Johnson assured us that “people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible”. He was right. I was very surprised, and even more appalled. The vast majority of my Town Clothes are now Tonics. Tonics can NOT be used in battle. Tonics can barely be used as Town Clothes. Nobody wins with this implementation. I will not rehash everything that is wrong with Tonics, because it has been discussed ad nauseum already in thousands of other posts dating back to before the Patch. I have yet to see anyone who thinks this was a good idea. Suffice it to say:

Tonics Don’t Work!

The remaining Town Clothing was transformed into “Outfits”. I guess this is what Curtis was referring to when he said many pieces of our Town Clothing would become armor compatible? The problems with this have also been discussed to death. It is only a slight step up from Tonics. You can wear them into battle, and you can dye them in a limited fashion. But once again, I’m sure this is not what the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into battle were looking for.

IN CONCLUSION (Or TL;DR if you prefer) the only way I see for you to fix this situation is to make armor skins that look like clothing. You know that is what the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into battle were asking for in the first place, but you decided to take shortcuts instead.

We know it is a lot more work for you to remake 3 sets of everything for Light, Medium, and Heavy armor, but you made your own bed. Now you’ve got to lie in it. We aren’t unreasonable. We will wait. Perhaps not silently, but we will wait.

And above all, please COMMUNICATE with us. The sooner the better. A wound becomes harder to heal the longer it goes untreated. We have heard very little over the past 2 weeks except “Gem refunds” which is a mollifying gesture, not a solution. Fess up. TELL US you made a mistake. People will forgive you. If you let us simmer in our anger, you will only lose trust and customers. You pretty much sacrificed the Town Clothes aficionados for the people who wanted to wear their Town Clothes into battle, and in the process you have not even given them what they wanted. Let us know that you plan to make things right again.

EDIT: Sorry for re-posting the same thing. My original got deleted and infracted for using large text. I trust they’ll be happy now. It’s a shame the only response we’re getting is scoldings for trivial minutiae, and we haven’t heard a peep from the Devs who tell us to use this thread for our comments. I’ve just about had it with this. Love the game. Hate the lack of communication.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KarateKid.5648


It is entirely possible this has been posted in 12 pages, but just in case:

The UI does not change to reflect weapon skins like it does for armor skins. Not wasting a charge just to find out what it looks like.

This is on a Mac, if that makes a difference.

I don’t know if everyone’s seeing this

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katz.5143


I’m not sure if we are supposed to put this type feedback here but, I just want to say I’m glad we have a wardrobe system now and I’ll have fun collecting armor.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Combination NC.9813

Combination NC.9813

Curtis Johnson assured us that “people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible”. He was right. I was very surprised, and even more appalled. The vast majority of my Town Clothes are now Tonics. Tonics can NOT be used in battle. Tonics can barely be used as Town Clothes. Nobody wins with this implementation. I will not rehash everything that is wrong with Tonics, because it has been discussed ad nauseum already in thousands of other posts dating back to before the Patch.

This is something that upset me a lot. We had already been informed at that point that sets would become outfits, and that some headgear would be usable as armour skins. That comment of his seemed to hint at some of the clothes not mentioned before would become armour skins, which gave me some hope that perhaps the riding set would turn out to be armour.

I was appalled to find out it was just another misleading statement.

I am also appalled to not have seen any dev response, yet; they knew this would be a big thing with many upset feelings, so it would have been a smart move of them to actually make sure someone would be around to respond to our concerns. As it is, I feel ignored, overlooked, and not valued as a customer.

As I said in another thread, the theme of this update seems to be the removal of choice, something we were assured we would have a lot of in this game. I do not like it, and I feel discouraged to play and invest more time in the game. The money I invested in it turned out to be wasted, and at this point it seems like it will be the case for my time as well.

Knights of the Round Vegetable [SASS], Tarnished Coast.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Are we being heard? Look at the forum Welcome Screen. Right there on top. It’s the first thing you see. “Be heard!”

I don’t think we’re being heard. I think all of the Devs are in China for the rollout, and the Mods are minding the house while they’re gone. With strict instructions not to say anything.

Somebody needs to call the Devs and tell them to send somebody back. Their house is on fire.


Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GodOfDeath.8291


this outfit update was sad, want refund on witch outfit

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Are we being heard? Look at the forum Welcome Screen. Right there on top. It’s the first thing you see. “Be heard!”

I don’t think we’re being heard. I think all of the Devs are in China for the rollout, and the Mods are minding the house while they’re gone. With strict instructions not to say anything.

Somebody needs to call the Devs and tell them to send somebody back. Their house is on fire.

Technically, this is pure nonsense. If anything, it must be “Be Read!”.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwen.7981


Does anyone else get the feeling that they are herding all of the negative posts into this one particular thread just to ignore us?

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Does anyone else get the feeling that they are herding all of the negative posts into this one particular thread just to ignore us?

No, they just want to keep the forums clean. I actually do think that they’ve already understood that this townclothes disaster has to be fixed.
Let’s just hope they don’t run into “technical issues” again they can’t fix. Or so they say.

(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peregrine Falcon.5496

Peregrine Falcon.5496

I have two problems with this Wardrobe Update.

1) Functionality was removed from items that people paid real money for. If this happened with any other product (such as the dealer removing the air conditioner from a car I’d already purchased) the company that sold me this item would be subject to lawsuits and possibly criminal prosecution, but because it’s a video game (the media’s current whipping boy for violence) nothing will happen.

2) By removing functionality from purchased items ArenaNet has shown me that nothing is safe. I might purchase something from the Gem Store with cash and then, at some future date, ArenaNet may change the item or remove things from the item that were the reason that I purchased it in the first place.

Until ArenaNet shows me that they will no longer remove functionality from items that I’ve spent real money on, I will not give ArenaNet another penny.

Paragon City refugee – “We’re heroes, it’s what we do.”

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Just looked into the Outfits again. Sure, they can be dyed. But if you change outfits, it forgets what dyes you used, and reverts to the default! I will never buy an Outfit, and I wish I could remove the ones in my Wardrobe now.

I would grudgingly live with this disaster as it is now for as long as it takes, if they will only tell us that it IS going to be repaired! But I am sick of the silent treatment.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: waltercross.5392


I have two problems with this Wardrobe Update.

1) Functionality was removed from items that people paid real money for. If this happened with any other product (such as the dealer removing the air conditioner from a car I’d already purchased) the company that sold me this item would be subject to lawsuits and possibly criminal prosecution, but because it’s a video game (the media’s current whipping boy for violence) nothing will happen.

2) By removing functionality from purchased items ArenaNet has shown me that nothing is safe. I might purchase something from the Gem Store with cash and then, at some future date, ArenaNet may change the item or remove things from the item that were the reason that I purchased it in the first place.

Until ArenaNet shows me that they will no longer remove functionality from items that I’ve spent real money on, I will not give ArenaNet another penny.

I Agree, I Spent about $250 on Gems and I’m no longer going to buy anymore Gems, Nothing in the Gem Store is safe.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuQingXin.3827


I usually just lurk the forums, but for this update, I felt like I needed to say something.

The way the town clothes was handled is a complete TRAVESTY. It is truly ironic that the introduction of the Wardrobe system emphasizes customization, yet the customizable town clothes that the players had come to love were reduced to nothing but a bad joke. SERIOUSLY? Converting my town hoodie into an endless tonic is ABSURD. The fact that this many players have requested Gem refunds is bonkers.

MANY PLAYERS PAID MONEY FOR THESE ITEMS. We put our trust in you, and you FAILED us with this town clothes nerf… Asking for a refund isn’t just taking back our gems. It’s also taking back our trust. Until you resolve this issue, I won’t be content… A simple gem refund is simply not enough. Restore the town clothes back to their original glory, or make ALL town clothes pieces part of the equipment wardrobe.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Idris.9351


I posted this on another thread but it probably deserves to be here too-

Ideas for how to make transmuting more affordable for characters between 1-79:

-Free transmutes for pre-80s. This may not make anet money, but 95% of people are playing with level 80s at any given time. They will most likely still use charges for those characters, seeing as how transmute crystals were also a more expensive item.

-Infinite transmute charge item. Even if it was just for 1-79, I would buy this from the shop and use it.

-Return the three-charge reward to map completion/story rewards as opposed to only one. That way when I am leveling up a character, I can consistently keep them skinned as before.

-Make every armor change only cost ONE charge for characters under 80, but charge by piece for level 80s. That would still be a change because I would wait until I replaced most of a character’s gear until I transmute, but it’s still a reasonable option.

-Transmutes for characters under level 80 could cost karma/gold.

-Separate charges into two different currencies. Pre-80 (earned mainly through gameplay) and 80. Call the 80 superior transmutation charges or something. Clunky, but more like the original function.

(edited by Idris.9351)