Game/event difficulty

Game/event difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I stopped playing about a year ago, but came back with the release of HoT. I have seen a few discussions both here and in game about how difficult some areas and content is.
I just wanted to mention something I have noticed. When I left, Teq was one of the hardest events in the game. Special guilds where created just to do him. Players, including myself, where complaining about content done just for the “elite” players.
Imagine my surprise when I came back to find Teq is now no more difficult then most of the other content. I thought I would never get him done, and have done him dozens of times with only 1 single failure. Now to the point of this thread. My opinion has changed about “elite” or “hardcore” content. When released, it may be hard but just give it time for enough of the player base to learn it, and everyone will be doing it and you will be wondering “why did I ever think this was hardcore”?

Game/event difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bomber.3872


Thats just wrong!
Tequatl is now easier for only ONE reason: anet nerfed tequatl massively! Same reason why TT is now eaiser, anet nerfed it!

On your stand to hard elite content: Yes it gets easier as soon as anet makes it easier so its no hardcore content anymore!

IGN: Euer Verderben
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!

Game/event difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Figlilly.3907


Hey SS. Good to see you back. I remember you were always very helpful in the Support threads.

I guess it could be a combination of the two – clever players working out strategies and maybe a bit of tweaking by Anet. I still find TT scary difficult though. I still have to kill the Amber head and I can find a thousand things I would rather do than go back to face it again.