Game frustrations
Plz tell me this is sarcasm…
Let’s make it “Casual Friday” errday.
Take another player with you?
I did that event a bunch of time(maybe soloed 10 times?). Never have trouble getting the skill point.
I’m not entirely sure but I think monster stop spawning after you killed a bunch of time.
Have also done this a few times. I know what you are talking about in terms of having to clear the area before engaging the SP boss, but have never really had a problem doing it playing solo. Not that I am that good, it just did not seem to be much of a problem, as I recall. In fairness, it may have changed since I did it last, though.
Use guest passes on other servers. When to 3 servers to find an easy way to beat event. Event wasn’t up on any of the servers.
Or beat event with your warrior and log then login with engi.
I have done this area before with 7 other chars but that was when the game was still quite active with people in the lower regions. I think they must have changed it because I never had this problem before. But also there are more events now and they are on basically always in certain spots.
Thx Sir Morgan, I think I will beat them with my Guardian or Necro (lvl80) and then quickly log in my Engineer