Game is completely broken at this point :(
I can honestly say my client has never crashed ( not since beta anyway ) and i have never been stuck in a loading screen. Maybe your hardware has something to do with it?
As for fighting ghosts, it usually happens when you join a region with a lot of players and it takes time for the server to feed you data for your client to display. This can not be completely eliminated because there’s just too much stuff going on.
Why do people, even when they feel they have a genuine complaint, seem to think that grossly exagerating everything will get people on their side?
If you are experiencing issues regarding client stability, please check these pages : Minimum System Requirements & Guild Wars 2 Optimization & Performance.
Thank you.
alfista, you may want to go over to the bug section of the forums and take a look at all the people having the issues, are you doing tourneys or spvp? as far as i know no pve’rs have complained about the issue, atleast on the post i read…
@xericor, because this is really game breaking for people that only play this game for pvp, I am not really looking for people to get on my side, im pretty sure the empty mist speaks for itself… at least on the server im on
@moderator my computer can run 2 of these games at the same time, I am not having hardware issues sir, thank you…. and this is general chat forum, i figured I could ask people for alternative things to do in game now that pvp doesnt function in this game….
Massively game destroying bugs? Where?
My clients crashed, maybe twice since launch, the issues sound like they are your side to be honest.
The mists are still packed on my server.
Massively game destroying bugs? Where?
My clients crashed, maybe twice since launch, the issues sound like they are your side to be honest.
The mists are still packed on my server.
ahhhh, nevermind the link, im pretty sure its just me.
but wait….
nevermind that post either, cant be the game has bugs that they’ve already acknowledged?
meh… I doubt it.
I’ve never experienced any stability problems yet and the game isn’t half as buggy as the majority of mmo launches I have been through.
That said. The problem with clipping is completely unacceptable in a opvp game. This should be the number one priority right now. The wvw will never recover if it has the same teething problems warhammer online had. The wvw is well done and great fun when it works, but at the moment is completely broken.
I love the part where you said 10/7 was the worst patch in any mmo ever. Like you scoured the forums for any complaints you could find about the game, incredibly exaggerated them and posted them here. I’m just waiting for a “OMG fix kitten or I’ll quitz!!!!” post now.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, thanks.
PvP does work. The game is not unplayable, it does not crash randomly for the majority of players, neither does it fail to load “9 out of 10 times”, at all. There are some bugged abilities like you would expect in any mmo, neither of which are gamebreaking. Nothing to see here, move on.
dont tell us OUR settings are the foult for this major undeveloped game,
boy you guys had 6 years to make this game properly, you delayed it like 100 times and the state the game is in now is just loughable!
- never ending loading screens,
- complete random and very often pc-restart,
- the worst rendering ever,
- PERSONAL STORY which should be the main focus here is bugged like hell, had to do some parts 5 times to get a workaround and not been stuck outside of maps or get doors open or anything
not to talk about like 100 broken events around the map where the npcs just stand around and dont move, i report like twice a day something i discover ingame with typing /bug in chat >_>’
the OP IS right, no matter how you look at it, just embarassing for a game of this format
(edited by Amen.2630)
@ wintermute, i never said i was quiting…. and im not demanding they fix it, im just very surprised they have not yet.
you must have skipped the post’s i linked, it IS broken, both wvw and spvp.
The fact that there are bugs isn’t really questionable. There are and they are fairly frequent.
However they aren’t " MASSIVE utterly game destroying bugs".
WvWvW, invisible players; I’ve experienced it, and it is a pain, but it’s also been acknowledged and is something I have no doubt being worked on to fix the issue.
Endless loading screens, again I have experienced, however it’s always been when Steam is updating something in the background. my issue.
Personal Story, I did a few missions several times because they bugged out. I still completed them. I also bug reported them so they can be worked out for future players running through the same missions. Not game breaking
Was locked out of Arah for a week due to a bugged event so couldn’t complete my personal story. Arah then bugged on my first play through so we had to start again.
The event was fixed in a patch, and Arah ran through fine on the second play through. Both instances, I /bug reported and went and did something else and came back when it was working.
It’s a massively multiplayer online game. You throw a few thousand people at something, your going to reveal holes in your coding. Holes take some time to fix, test, fix again, test again, release, monitor, fix, test..etc.etc.
No amount of stress tests/public tests will provide the same amount of numbers of players doing more different things as a live server.
The most productive thing you can do when you come across something that’s broken is to /bug and/or email, stating the problem and give as much information as possible.
Coming onto the forum and over exaggerating things isn’t productive. If you want something fixed you need to give clear concise feedback, not angry ranting.
edit: fixed a typo
Community Coordinator
Hi everyone.
Thanks for your contributions.
Shalmont, thanks also for your feedback. The team is aware of the issues the community has been pointing out and certainly working on solutions. Thanks for your patience and understanding.