Game losing its appeal?

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I didnt rush to 80, you would know that if you read my thread.

I was replying to someone who asked what a “real RPG game” was, not really replying to the OP.

All I can suggest is, create a new character, and PLAY the game. By play I mean, go screw around and have fun. I have 7 characters total, and they’re all in the 20 to 40 level range. I also play about 5 hours a day (which honestly is way too much), and I have yet to get close to level cap.

This isn’t that game where you play work in it with objectives to complete and tasks to accomplish in the most timely and proficient manner. That type of playstyle isn’t compatible with this game.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bguk.1309


Some games appeal to some, some games appeal to others. How long you play is up to your own entertainment threshold( forgot who mentioned that above ). I imagine ANET will probably not read this thread as they will look at their own numbers in regards to population. Personally, if this game went down to one server I would still play it.

For those wanting more, I semi applaud you. In one way it’s great to strive for a better gaming experience. But there are also those out there you will never please. Gaming companies need to find balance. I think ANET has.

Failure? Nope. I paid $60 for a game that I spent countless hours on already and plan on doing more so in the foreseeable future.

Oh, and this is not a F2P game as someone mentioned earlier. I paid $60, not $0.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: silvermember.8941



Guild was 2 is the sequel to guild wars 1. So while the mechanics have changed the concept hasn’t really changed. In guild wars 1, you got hit max level in a day or 2, if you put the effort into it. There are people like us that will burn through the content in a week due to how much we play the game.

The difference between you and I is that, 80 to me was a stepping stone for all my main objectives while you rushed (aka played the game for a lot hours per day which it is still rushing whether you agree or not). The funny thing I read about gw1 expansion model (everything 6 months) was that the majority hated having expansions too soon, amazing right?

I digress, the point being you could always hit level cap in guild wars series really fast, but what kept you wasn’t the level, it was the personal objective that you set. Whether it was getting legendaries, armor or just PvPing all day long. If you approached guild wars 2 like WOW or any typical mmo, where the content is 80 heavy (raids etc) then guild wars 2 is not the game for you. You might like guild wars 2, but you don’t respect guild wars 2 aka the ideals behind it (whether they work is a different story). Also Arenanet is fully aware that some people like you are gonna burn through their content which is why they openly say that if you like raiding or anything in other mmo put the game down and go play that while you wait for more content and when you miss gw2 come back to it. Guild wars series has never been about the hardcore 10% of players, it has been about the other percentages.

Also Swtor did no fail. It had 800k subs when it decided to go f2p. And it failed mainly because the amount of money invested in the game did not pay off properly. investing 150 million on a game about voice over in a genre where few people actually care about story and voicework is not pay off. Also based on their survey 40% quit because of the sub clearly that was a barrier of enjoyment which fortunately guild wars 2 does not have.

Make no mistake, people like you are the minority even if you got a few people agreeing you with. Hopefully arenanet sticks with what made gw1 such a great game and not like it become a typical mmorpg that we have all played and hate (well me anyways).

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekillya.6529


I think all the suggested ideas are great. But unless something is implemented soon, I will need to take a break. I am at the stage where I log in and look at my beautiful characters….just look, see what in on the TP look at a way point that will cost me to much to get there…and log out. I feel bored. They have made the most stunning game with amazing leveling, new concepts in dungeons, great jumping puzzles, fun pvp, explored mykitten off, tried new professions, new crafting. But all have run their course. I and the 65 others in my guild have hit a brick wall. We are all fans of this game we have a website, fb page you name it! No content in pve beyond 80 other than dungeon grinds is not enough. Pvp is now stale and boring. Sorry fan boys (I am one) but with harsh words I need to say I will come back now and then, but until something more is added I cannot grind over and over:(
I think gw2 is the best game in its class, it just lacked enough content, sorry arenanet I want to love this soooo much.
Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you all again soon when new content is put in the game. Have fun:)

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


@Tekillya, I know how you feel, you want it to go on forever, but nothing lasts forever. I knew what I was getting in to from the beginning, so I’ve been taking my time. I have yet to get even close to level cap on any of my 7 characters, my highest is a level 45 guardian.

I plan on taking my time to draw it out as long as possible, hopefully they’ll start putting out expansion packs like they did with GW1.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewie.7389


I’m taking a longggggggggg break from the game. I loved Ele in the beta but they’ve really damaged the class and now it’s the lowest on the food chain. The game is a buggy un-optimized mess that becomes unplayable where the game is meant to be the most fun. By that I mean in massive WvW fights, enemies are invisible, fps can drop to painful levels, and now since the latest “fix” I crash after an hour or two without fail. The game was not released “when it was done” as promised and now they’re going to feel the repercussion of that i’m sure. Another issue is dungeons, every dungeon is just getting one or two shot by boss mobs that seemingly didn’t even hit you at all and then running back to your corpse dozens of times. As a customer and long-time follower I am severely disappointed in the state of the game. I’ll return on a later date, nothing would stop me after all since there are no sub fees, but still.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


Another issue is dungeons, every dungeon is just getting one or two shot by boss mobs that seemingly didn’t even hit you at all and then running back to your corpse dozens of times.

That happened with my first ever dungeon run, because we didn’t know what to expect. Our second run we only had 2 deaths the entire time, because we figured out how to use field/finisher combos, and how to take advantage of boons and conditions so that we barely take any damage.

That’s the thing about this game. Once you figure out what the classes are capable of, the content gets to be way easier. You can’t just run in and tank/spank without any sort of strategy in this game.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tito.3270


I didnt rush to 80, you would know that if you read my thread.

I was replying to someone who asked what a “real RPG game” was, not really replying to the OP.

All I can suggest is, create a new character, and PLAY the game. By play I mean, go screw around and have fun. I have 7 characters total, and they’re all in the 20 to 40 level range. I also play about 5 hours a day (which honestly is way too much), and I have yet to get close to level cap.

This isn’t that game where you play work in it with objectives to complete and tasks to accomplish in the most timely and proficient manner. That type of playstyle isn’t compatible with this game.

wrong, GW2 isn’t a sandbox game where you can discover new things each time you visit a new zone, it’s still a themepark mmo like wow/rift/swtor,… but it manages to hide the grind better then former themepark mmos. GW2 has clearly objectives which are farm sets/farm legendary weapons/ farm xxx, the only part of GW2 that has sandbox elements is WvW and that is right now completly broken because of the undynamical adjustments of playernumbers, resulting in hour long queues at peak-times and nightcaping.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonnyguitar.1684


I probably am going to check out WoW again on the 25th.

I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


I probably am going to check out WoW again on the 25th.

I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

^This. They made the game seem like you had so much to choose from, but yet it feels like you only have these few spells, even though u can swap weapons in combat

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

That’s pretty much every mmo out there, especially with macros.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safire.1965


Yes, in last time, i think that gw2 was just overhyped…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

That’s pretty much every mmo out there, especially with macros.

NOT AT ALL!!!! Wtf man. thats pretty much, no other MMO than GW2….

WoW was different SWTOR was different Aion was different. Dont try and defend GW2 around this subject! Because, no other MMO that ive played, have you had so little to choose from.

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


wrong, GW2 isn’t a sandbox game where you can discover new things each time you visit a new zone, it’s still a themepark mmo like wow/rift/swtor,… but it manages to hide the grind better then former themepark mmos. GW2 has clearly objectives which are farm sets/farm legendary weapons/ farm xxx, the only part of GW2 that has sandbox elements is WvW and that is right now completly broken because of the undynamical adjustments of playernumbers, resulting in hour long queues at peak-times and nightcaping.

wrong? sandbox? I guess you wanted to sound like you know what you’re talking about or something, since, you know, I didn’t mention anything about this game being a sandbox.

However, the only thing you can’t repeat are storylines, and hearts. Everything else is repeatable, and can be done at anytime, due to the level scaling. If you compare that to something like eve online, (which people consider a sandbox), it’s pretty similar in the PVE department.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gao Gao.4973

Gao Gao.4973

world versus world.

exploring the many many many areas you haven’t seen.

ignoring the old gear treadmill, and playing for fun (crazy i know).

Baiyun – Necromancer
Member of Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

That’s pretty much every mmo out there, especially with macros.

NOT AT ALL!!!! Wtf man. thats pretty much, no other MMO than GW2….

WoW was different SWTOR was different Aion was different. Dont try and defend GW2 around this subject! Because, no other MMO that ive played, have you had so little to choose from.

Really? Are you talking about MMOs where you have 5 hotbars stacked up with keys bound to shift,ctrl,alt,etc, which all basically do the same thing with slight variations? Yeah that’s innovative.

BTW I’m not defending anything, just stating the obvious.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

That’s pretty much every mmo out there, especially with macros.

NOT AT ALL!!!! Wtf man. thats pretty much, no other MMO than GW2….

WoW was different SWTOR was different Aion was different. Dont try and defend GW2 around this subject! Because, no other MMO that ive played, have you had so little to choose from.

Really? Are you talking about MMOs where you have 5 hotbars stacked up with keys bound to shift,ctrl,alt,etc, which all basically do the same thing with slight variations? Yeah that’s innovative.

BTW I’m not defending anything, just stating the obvious.

Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


world versus world.

exploring the many many many areas you haven’t seen.

ignoring the old gear treadmill, and playing for fun (crazy i know).

Yes you are pretty crazy

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfmother.4098


Here’s the issue. People are attempting to fulfill a never ending hunger. If you haven’t dealt with ‘it’ you may never find something that sates you.

We can make ourselves miserable, or we can make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

Am i the only one, beginning to get a bit bored with GW2?

First of all. No i didnt rush to lvl 80. I came lvl 80 this thursday.

Now that im 80, i just really dont know what to do.

Hm, it depends on what you came to GW2 to do.

My “end game” is WvW. That basically never gets old (for me).

As I get older (in age), however, I play games less. I think that’s natural.

The great and awesome news about GW2 is that I have no pressure at all to play to feel like I’m getting my money’s worth. And I’ve already played this, dollar per hour, far more than any other standard $60 game.

I do feel you, however. There is a sense in which there isn’t a great deal that’s alluring at 80.

When I get that feeling, I remember I don’t pay a monthly subscription and I do something else. It’s a great feeling. GW2 will be there when I want it to be there. If I’ve become bored of the current aspects, I’ll just do something else until I’m interested again.

It’s the same thing I did with GW1. Yet I still played that game for hundreds of hours over seven (or so) years.

Right now I have a goal of getting a very nice looking set of exotics. That takes plenty of time, has immediate steps (one piece at a time), and is clearly obtainable. Maybe you could set a similar goal.

If not, take a break from the game. It will feel nice. And the game will be waiting for you when you return!

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

You must have misread my post, or you’ve never used a macro. With a macro, any game can be trivialized into a 1 or 2 button mash-fest, especially in games like Vanguard that have a built in macro engine.

Basically, why press 1 through 8 when I can press one button that does it for me with optimal rotation built in, get it?

BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the #1 skill usually has 3 or 4 attacks built in that automatically activate, so it is essentially a built in macro.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

you can have high tier gear without the gear treadmill…. you have tons of dungeons with paths people rarely take, assuming those dungeons get played at all. If there are no requirements to get into those dungeons other than level and story mode completion, then why not have some awesome gear at the end of those tougher paths (whether it be actual items or specialize “sectional clear” tokens)? Think of it not so much dungeon A gear to get to dungeon B, dungeon B gear to get to dungeon C gear…. but rather, do we wanna do dungeon A, B, C, D or E? Well A has some pretty nice shoulders, E has those neat helms, C has a good chest for our warrior, but B has chests for our engineer and mesmer…

The only limitation to getting these items, aside from the easy pre-reqs, is willingness and competency…. Nothing more

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

You must have misread my post, or you’ve never used a macro. With a macro, any game can be trivialized into a 1 or 2 button mash-fest, especially in games like Vanguard that have a built in macro engine.

Basically, why press 1 through 8 when I can press one button that does it for me with optimal rotation built in, get it?

BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the #1 skill usually has 3 or 4 attacks built in that automatically activate, so it is essentially a built in macro.

LOL using macros in WoW you can do your whole rotation with one button.

Don’t feed the troll.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


I’m getting a bit bored of pressing 2 buttons, weapon swap, press 2 buttons, repeat.

That’s pretty much every mmo out there, especially with macros.

NOT AT ALL!!!! Wtf man. thats pretty much, no other MMO than GW2….

WoW was different SWTOR was different Aion was different. Dont try and defend GW2 around this subject! Because, no other MMO that ive played, have you had so little to choose from.

Really? Are you talking about MMOs where you have 5 hotbars stacked up with keys bound to shift,ctrl,alt,etc, which all basically do the same thing with slight variations? Yeah that’s innovative.

BTW I’m not defending anything, just stating the obvious.

Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

/castsequence from WoW and the awesome fall through macro of Rift beg to differ

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anishor.6921


Acutally from a RP-PVPer perspective this game fields more like a virtual world than any has since Star Wars Galaxies. ( yes SWG’s ground combat was bad at times )

Between RP and PVP I have virtually unlimited things I can do. Unlike most recent games this game actually encourages going out and RPing in the world while doing content instead of sitting a bar getting drunk and talking about who’s sleeping with whom.

If they implement housing and player cities I would be in heaven.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086



Why am i suddenly a troll. please gtfo my thread, if you have to be an moron.

In the other thread you bashed a post because the guy complimented Anet saying if he wanted to do so he should call Anet and not open threads in the general discussion forum.

If you’re not a troll you’re very good at looking like one.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: geets.9035


I wouldnt say i am getting bored with the game as much as i am getting frustrated with the diminishing returns that keep me from enjoying the game…

I dont understand why the players that are being so harshly punished for killing what is in front of us from events diminishing down to nothing and the loot becoming near non existent..
Both this game and its players deserve better than very limited fun for a very limited time before having to quit the game for an hour so some false gate can reset..

I believe gw2 is the greatest game ever made by an awesome company in anet however diminishing anything that treads on players in a game to where constant killing, holding and conquering is the norm while bots roam free is not fair or right..

(edited by geets.9035)

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457



Why am i suddenly a troll. please gtfo my thread, if you have to be an moron.

In the other thread you bashed a post because the guy complimented Anet saying if he wanted to do so he should call Anet and not open threads in the general discussion forum.

If you’re not a troll you’re very good at looking like one.

Because i dont see the point in making a thread thanking GW2, in a discussion section.

But ofc, its much better to be you, going around to posts, that you dont like, and calling the author a troll..

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonnyguitar.1684


Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

You must have misread my post, or you’ve never used a macro. With a macro, any game can be trivialized into a 1 or 2 button mash-fest, especially in games like Vanguard that have a built in macro engine.

Basically, why press 1 through 8 when I can press one button that does it for me with optimal rotation built in, get it?

BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the #1 skill usually has 3 or 4 attacks built in that automatically activate, so it is essentially a built in macro.

LOL using macros in WoW you can do your whole rotation with one button.

Don’t feed the troll.

Theres no “Rotations” in PvP in WoW in case you werent aware.

It’s all situational, and in alot of cases most of the abilities on here have way too long CD’s, forcing you to run around in circles auto attacking because you cant do anything else.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

You must have misread my post, or you’ve never used a macro. With a macro, any game can be trivialized into a 1 or 2 button mash-fest, especially in games like Vanguard that have a built in macro engine.

Basically, why press 1 through 8 when I can press one button that does it for me with optimal rotation built in, get it?

BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the #1 skill usually has 3 or 4 attacks built in that automatically activate, so it is essentially a built in macro.

LOL using macros in WoW you can do your whole rotation with one button.

Don’t feed the troll.

Theres no “Rotations” in PvP in WoW in case you werent aware.

It’s all situational, and in alot of cases most of the abilities on here have way too long CD’s, forcing you to run around in circles auto attacking because you cant do anything else.

Are you serious?… really? its been a while since ive played wow. but as i remember it, there was alot more abilities to choose from, also you could macro weapons, and go into different stances as warrior for example. I must admit PvP in WoW, is alot better. Or well. its really unbalanced, but the gameplay is alot better in my opinion. Not that i dont like GW2’s pvp. It just gets kinda boring with these 3maps and gamemode :o

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


Theres no “Rotations” in PvP in WoW in case you werent aware.

It’s all situational, and in alot of cases most of the abilities on here have way too long CD’s, forcing you to run around in circles auto attacking because you cant do anything else.

Yes and no, there are still ‘Rotations’ they are just more fluid. You still have to do certain attacks to generate the build up to a finisher or big attack, or any of the synergy type attacks, you just are less slavish to them as you might not be able to preform them or need to do something else.

All my damaging macros where on my PVP hotbar, but I had other skills that I never used in PvE also key bound. But my dmg (Rotation) macros where still used.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonnyguitar.1684


Then you clearly havnt tried any of the other MMO’s. or you must have been lvl 1 on the character in the games, running around with “auto attack”.

You must have misread my post, or you’ve never used a macro. With a macro, any game can be trivialized into a 1 or 2 button mash-fest, especially in games like Vanguard that have a built in macro engine.

Basically, why press 1 through 8 when I can press one button that does it for me with optimal rotation built in, get it?

BTW, not sure if you noticed, but the #1 skill usually has 3 or 4 attacks built in that automatically activate, so it is essentially a built in macro.

LOL using macros in WoW you can do your whole rotation with one button.

Don’t feed the troll.

Theres no “Rotations” in PvP in WoW in case you werent aware.

It’s all situational, and in alot of cases most of the abilities on here have way too long CD’s, forcing you to run around in circles auto attacking because you cant do anything else.

Are you serious?… really? its been a while since ive played wow. but as i remember it, there was alot more abilities to choose from, also you could macro weapons, and go into different stances as warrior for example. I must admit PvP in WoW, is alot better. Or well. its really unbalanced, but the gameplay is alot better in my opinion. Not that i dont like GW2’s pvp. It just gets kinda boring with these 3maps and gamemode :o

I Remember i tried Ranger shortbow.

Auto attack, a poison AOE, and 3 abilites that help you keep range so you can spam auto attack more.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I Remember i tried Ranger shortbow.

Auto attack, a poison AOE, and 3 abilites that help you keep range so you can spam auto attack more.

Don’t you hate it when a game puts your DPS rotation in the auto attack, putting you on equal footing with someone who doesn’t have the super fast keyboard skills to press 1 through 8 while circle strafing?

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


No it’s not losing it.And if it does you can always stop playing it for a while then return.It’s B2P and none monthly fee.So even if you get bored from it you won’t lose anything if you make a little break.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


No it’s not losing it.And if it does you can always stop playing it for a while then return.It’s B2P and none monthly fee.So even if you get bored from it you won’t lose anything if you make a little break.

Agreed. It’s like saying, I’ve been eating chocolate cake every day for 2 weeks now, and now I don’t like chocolate cake anymore! Something must be wrong with chocolate cake, and the bakers need to fix it or I won’t eat chocolate cake anymore. Why can’t the bakers make it taste like strawberry cake instead! I want strawberry flavored chocolate cake, now.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bravemoon.8053


personally i still think its pretty awesome. its just right now there is Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2. the beauty with guild wars though.. doesnt matter. lack of a monthly fee is nice


if you dont like WvW and structured pvp
and you dont like the dungeons
and you dont like the leveling
and you dont like the exploring
and you dont like the crafting
and you dont like the trading

why did you buy GW2 in the first place??

also, for those that said the game is getting boring.. what do you want? 100 hours of brand new content every month? a raiding system?

well, at least regarding the 100 hours of new content every month.. i think we all know this is unrealistic.

as for a raiding system.. get a ton of people together and take on some of the major world bosses in the game. they are out there for people to conquer if you want. .and the beauty is the boss scales with the amount of people.. its the best kind of raid.. the one you make yourself.

as for ‘end game gear’.. there are soooo many ways to get gear in this game it insane. and they purposely made it this way.. if you are looking for a game that pigenholds you into going one of two ways – end game pvp.. or raiding.. i think WoW might be the better game for you.

my 2 cents.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


No it’s not losing it.And if it does you can always stop playing it for a while then return.It’s B2P and none monthly fee.So even if you get bored from it you won’t lose anything if you make a little break.

Agreed. It’s like saying, I’ve been eating chocolate cake every day for 2 weeks now, and now I don’t like chocolate cake anymore! Something must be wrong with chocolate cake, and the bakers need to fix it or I won’t eat chocolate cake anymore. Why can’t the bakers make it taste like strawberry cake instead! I want strawberry flavored chocolate cake, now.

Please Fanboys… can you settle down and leave, your “funny” comments out of my thread. We all have our own opinion, i give you right Moiraine, i can always take a break, which i am also planning to do. But i just hope that this MMO wont go down the toilet like most other MMO’s after WoW has.

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


Agreed. It’s like saying, I’ve been eating chocolate cake every day for 2 weeks now, and now I don’t like chocolate cake anymore! Something must be wrong with chocolate cake, and the bakers need to fix it or I won’t eat chocolate cake anymore. Why can’t the bakers make it taste like strawberry cake instead! I want strawberry flavored chocolate cake, now.

Please Fanboys… can you settle down and leave, your “funny” comments out of my thread. We all have our own opinion, i give you right Moiraine, i can always take a break, which i am also planning to do. But i just hope that this MMO wont go down the toilet like most other MMO’s after WoW has.

Fanboy? Oh please. I’m currently playing this, TSW, EvE Online, and Rift occasionally. I just call it as I see it, and it sounds like you played too much and got burnt out, hence the chocolate cake analogy. Like I said before, too much of anything is a bad thing.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


Agreed. It’s like saying, I’ve been eating chocolate cake every day for 2 weeks now, and now I don’t like chocolate cake anymore! Something must be wrong with chocolate cake, and the bakers need to fix it or I won’t eat chocolate cake anymore. Why can’t the bakers make it taste like strawberry cake instead! I want strawberry flavored chocolate cake, now.

Please Fanboys… can you settle down and leave, your “funny” comments out of my thread. We all have our own opinion, i give you right Moiraine, i can always take a break, which i am also planning to do. But i just hope that this MMO wont go down the toilet like most other MMO’s after WoW has.

Fanboy? Oh please. I’m currently playing this, TSW, EvE Online, and Rift occasionally. I just call it as I see it, and it sounds like you played too much and got burnt out, hence the chocolate cake analogy. Like I said before, too much of anything is a bad thing.

That is true, but this is an MMO, it shouldn’t be like this. Your suppose to put many hours into it? or am i wrong? Sure ive spent alot of hours player it since release, but the game is missing alot of stuff. I know it just got released, but there is so much, that they should have inserted in the game at launch :/

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


if you dont like WvW and structured pvp
and you dont like the dungeons
and you dont like the leveling
and you dont like the exploring
and you dont like the crafting
and you dont like the trading

why did you buy GW2 in the first place??

Its not that i dont like those things, or well. Crafting kinda bores me, trading O.o?
Exploring, is cool, leveling nice, but 80 sucks, dungeons suck alot! since the only thing people do is grind 2 bosses, go out and restart it. sPvP is getting boring since there is only 1gamemode, and wvw doesnt really interest me :o

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Venator.5780


Here’s the issue. People are attempting to fulfill a never ending hunger. If you haven’t dealt with ‘it’ you may never find something that sates you.

Spot on.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infinity.1728


Im also bored.
It was fun for few days as lvl 80 but it gets boring really fast…
Dungeons is really boring feels like a raid for 5 ppl…too many mobs so takes forever and all the repairs omg i dont want to pay to do a dungeon!
Tried lvling new chars have 1 77 1 50 and rest lvl 1 or 2…but whats the point?

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


That is true, but this is an MMO, it shouldn’t be like this. Your suppose to put many hours into it? or am i wrong? Sure ive spent alot of hours player it since release, but the game is missing alot of stuff. I know it just got released, but there is so much, that they should have inserted in the game at launch :/

But its not like that for all, infact many people have said so in this very thread. I’ve put many hours into this game and will probably be putting many more. When I run out of stuff I want to do, I’ll move on and be back for all new content.

You say it is missing stuff, but what stuff is it missing that ANet hasn’t said since before launch that is wouldn’t have in the first place. For my money I got every bit the game the ANet promised and am still having a blast playing it. Lack of desire to do content doesn’t equate to lack of content. It might be this game isn’t a serious MMO for you but just something you pick up for a week or two when new content is release (and since no sub this is easy to do) and/or when an expac drops.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UgaBuga.6457


That is true, but this is an MMO, it shouldn’t be like this. Your suppose to put many hours into it? or am i wrong? Sure ive spent alot of hours player it since release, but the game is missing alot of stuff. I know it just got released, but there is so much, that they should have inserted in the game at launch :/

But its not like that for all, infact many people have said so in this very thread. I’ve put many hours into this game and will probably be putting many more. When I run out of stuff I want to do, I’ll move on and be back for all new content.

You say it is missing stuff, but what stuff is it missing that ANet hasn’t said since before launch that is wouldn’t have in the first place. For my money I got every bit the game the ANet promised and am still having a blast playing it. Lack of desire to do content doesn’t equate to lack of content. It might be this game isn’t a serious MMO for you but just something you pick up for a week or two when new content is release (and since no sub this is easy to do) and/or when an expac drops.

arenanet has either lied or twisted their sentence in some videoclips, or they have for me atleast. they said “no grind”, i would almost consider this game more of a grind than WoW.

They said “you would get your own personal space, where people you have helped would visit, maybe honor you with a statue, if youve saved their city” ive seen the personal space, and, cmon, wtf is that?… That has to be the lamest personal area, in any game. They promised alot of stuff, that people was hyped about, what about ALL the activities, until now ive only seen Keg Brawl, which was alright the first 4matches, but you dont even get anything for doing it?… PvP is cool, until youve done the same 3maps over and over again, and the same game mode over and over again.

They really, really made the game sound interresting… but well, its not as much as i thought it would be

ArenaNet… I thought you listened to the community? what a load of bull…
But if you happen to do, listen to this thread…

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ituhata.6830


I Remember i tried Ranger shortbow.

Auto attack, a poison AOE, and 3 abilites that help you keep range so you can spam auto attack more.

And then you remembered to swap out to your horn / axe to give yourself a speed/might buff and drop the hilariously awesome pigeon attack while simultaneously aggroing everything in range using your standard axe attack and then swapping back to the bow to reapply your poisons and stun/slow the champion mob you are trying to solo? No? Man, you’re no fun. We didn’t even get an aggro clusterkitten worthy of dropping the 3rd Flora Artillery unit on.

PS: I use my AoE poison on single targets, stun, run around to the back, fire 5 poison shots at point blank range…..stand there until the mob decides you are a bigger threat than the bear.

Caelthras – Fort Aspenwood
3rd Flora Artillery Unit

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guns and Giblets.9308

Guns and Giblets.9308

They really, really made the game sound interresting… but well, its not as much as i thought it would be

Then take a break and come back when it is. No loss of money either way. Win-win.

Also, if you believe any advertising hype and end up disappointed, I am sorry, but you just had a hard lesson in the school of real life. I don’t condone false or misleading advertising, but it’s real and everyone does it.

“A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Well the magoraty of sever’s are still High and Full must not be bleeding players to fast >_>

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


its a great action mmorpg.
having a blast doing coop with RL friends.

everything is quite balanced, its huge, lot of different builds possible.

thumbs up.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tremayne.6734



Why am i suddenly a troll. please gtfo my thread, if you have to be an moron.

In the other thread you bashed a post because the guy complimented Anet saying if he wanted to do so he should call Anet and not open threads in the general discussion forum.

If you’re not a troll you’re very good at looking like one.

Because i dont see the point in making a thread thanking GW2, in a discussion section.

But ofc, its much better to be you, going around to posts, that you dont like, and calling the author a troll..

So you don’t see any point in anyone making a positive post around the game – presumably you think forums should be reserved for unbridled negativity.

Not a troll. Right. Gotcha.

Bashing on keep doors since 2001.
Rambling insanely at since 2010.
Proud member of The Farstar Alliance ( on Gandara (EU) since 2012.

Game losing its appeal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


One day shy of a month in playing every day. Game still hasn’t lost its sparkle.

10/10, would play again.

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