Game needs more emotes
Or even an /airplane emote for after the April Fools day that replicates the arms and plane noises.
Even /clap would be nice.
RIP City of Heroes
Or maybe the emotes they had back in GW1? Such as:
There were a ton more but never made it into gw2. Just like so many other things that were in GW1 that players loved, but didn’t make it into the second game. -cough build templates cough-
If this game had half the emotes that City of Heroes did, it would be a vast improvement in that category.
Even /clap would be nice.
But if they added /clap, I’d also like to see /golfclap.
There were a ton more but never made it into gw2. Just like so many other things that were in GW1 that players loved, but didn’t make it into the second game. -
Prepare to get shot down by fanboys who never played the first game
Been there done that.
I think GW2 should take a hint from EQ2 and LoTRO and use similar emotes. They have a vast array of them for just about every situation.
There is a /scared, sorta. I think it’s called /surprised
I’d like to see /facepalm. Altho /no is a close second.
And /clap yes! But…that just /cheer right?
Insert the obligatory link to GWW
So if we take the entire list of emotes from GW1 that are missing in GW2 that gives us :
/attention: [Character] comes to attention!
/beg: [Character] begs.
/boo or /scare: [Character] scares you!
/bored: [Character] is bored.
/bowhead or /head: [Character] bows his/her head.
/catchbreath or /breath: [Character] stops to catch his/her breath.
/clap: [Character] claps.
/congrats: [Character] offers congratulations.
/cough: [Character] coughs.
/doh: [Character] smacks his/her head. Doh!
/doubletake: [Character] does a double take.
/excited: [Character] is excited!
/fistshake: [Character] shakes a fist angrily.
/flex: [Character] flexes.
/goteam or /encourage: [Character] cheers wildly, “Go Team!”
/helpme: [Character] requests help!
/highfive or /five: [Character] says, “High Five!”
/moan: [Character] moans.
/paper: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on paper.)
/pickme: [Character] says, “Pick me!”
/pout: [Character] pouts.
/ready: [Character] is ready for action!
/roar: [Character] roars.
/rock: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on rock.)
/roll <#>: [Character] rolls (#) on a (#) sided die. (This emote does not work in towns, outposts or PvP combat areas.)
/salute: [Character] salutes.
/scissors or /scis: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on scissors.)
/scratch: [Character] scratches.
/shoo: [Character] shoos you away.
/sigh: [Character] sighs.
/sit or /afk: Character sits from a standing position.
/sorry: [Character] apologizes.
/taunt or /rude: [Character] taunts you.
/violin: [Character] plays the violin sadly.
Continues to make this emote until the character moves or another emote is given
/yawn: [Character] yawns.
Emote related to music instruments have been removed since we have instrumental bundles available.
And I’ll point out that these emotes should be standard and come with the game, not via some gouging scheme in the gem store.
GW2 is a great game, but in this one area it is lacking severely.
Insert the obligatory link to GWW
So if we take the entire list of emotes from GW1 that are missing in GW2 that gives us :
/attention: [Character] comes to attention!
/beg: [Character] begs.
/boo or /scare: [Character] scares you!
/bored: [Character] is bored.
/bowhead or /head: [Character] bows his/her head.
/catchbreath or /breath: [Character] stops to catch his/her breath.
/clap: [Character] claps.
/congrats: [Character] offers congratulations.
/cough: [Character] coughs.
/doh: [Character] smacks his/her head. Doh!
/doubletake: [Character] does a double take.
/excited: [Character] is excited!
/fistshake: [Character] shakes a fist angrily.
/flex: [Character] flexes.
/goteam or /encourage: [Character] cheers wildly, “Go Team!”
/helpme: [Character] requests help!
/highfive or /five: [Character] says, “High Five!”
/moan: [Character] moans.
/paper: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on paper.)
/pickme: [Character] says, “Pick me!”
/pout: [Character] pouts.
/ready: [Character] is ready for action!
/roar: [Character] roars.
/rock: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on rock.)
/roll <#>: [Character] rolls (#) on a (#) sided die. (This emote does not work in towns, outposts or PvP combat areas.)
/salute: [Character] salutes.
/scissors or /scis: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on scissors.)
/scratch: [Character] scratches.
/shoo: [Character] shoos you away.
/sigh: [Character] sighs.
/sit or /afk: Character sits from a standing position.
/sorry: [Character] apologizes.
/taunt or /rude: [Character] taunts you.
/violin: [Character] plays the violin sadly.
Continues to make this emote until the character moves or another emote is given
/yawn: [Character] yawns.Emote related to music instruments have been removed since we have instrumental bundles available.
If you are making lists, let’s look at my old game. Click on the emote to see the example of it in action.
RIP City of Heroes
I would adore a /blow kiss emote.
Soon to come to your friendly gem store :p
Soon to come to your friendly gem store :p
Yeah, and the way Anet does things, it’ll be 800gems per emote
Compared to Square Enix’s FFXIV game. This game emote is really lacking.
Compared to GW1 this game is lacking even more emotes.
Why do we lack so many basic things from GW1?
I was specifically disappointed about the lack of a /scratch animation. I like to RP itchy characters.
Come on, it’s /airguitar that we need!
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Come on, it’s /airguitar that we need!
We have a bass that does not sound like a bass but it’s still something anyway