Game time played?

Game time played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: death.2497


On the forums everyone always posts how long they have played for in hours. I am extremely curious on how to figure this out. How could I do this or is it too late?

I love penis

Game time played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483


You type /age I think.

Game time played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tifa Lockheart Ex.9614

Tifa Lockheart Ex.9614

Type /age in game chat

Game time played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xander.9024


When you log into your character type in /age in the chat box. It will show your time played. If I remember correctly that is.

Game time played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483



/invite [name] – invite a player to join your party
/join [name] – request to join a player’s party
/leave – leave your current party
/kick [name] – vote to kick party member
Ctrl+t – suggest a target to your party
T – target the suggested target


/friend [name] – add a player to your contact list
/block or /ignore – prevent a player from contacting you in any way
/unblock or /unignore – remove a player from your block list
/LFG [on/off] – toggle “looking for group”
/AFK [on/off] – toggle “away from keyboard” (This command is listed in the reference card of the retail box edition but presently results in ‘Unknown command’ when used in the game.)
/invisible [on/off] – toggle offline status on other contact lists (This command is listed in the reference card of the retail box edition but presently results in ‘Unknown command’ when used in the game.)


/age – prints the following message in your chat window: “Across all characters, you have played for <x> hours <y> minutes over the past <z> days/months.”
/deaths – prints the following message in your chat window: “You have died <x> time(s).”
/help or /? – opens the Help panel.
/ip – prints the IP address of the server.
/support or /bug – opens the Support panel.
/wiki – opens the front page of the wiki in your standard browser.
/wiki <article name> – searches the entire wiki for the specified content, then opens that page in your standard browser.