RIP City of Heroes
Game wide reward nerfing needs to stop.
RIP City of Heroes
How to make gold :
1. pick up everything you find on your way, from ores to plants. Put in bank.
2. Loot everything. Salvage everything white-blue-green. Put in bank.
3. Do as many champs as you can when you’re near them, do all events when you’re near them. Loot, see 2.
4. Make your own foods.
5. After a few days : put everything in bank onto TP with sell orders.
Reap. Rince and repeat.
There are oc many other ways, but in order to make a point to Anet, i’d suggest NOT buying any gems for that oh so new and awesome skin (…yet another one….) and tell em to bugger off. Show them you’re unhappy. IF enough ppl do it, they might listen and use their brains. Or not.
When everyone is just selling everything including the mats you will need to craft ascended/legendary weapon’s/armour that you can’t buy on the Black Market. How do you get them item’s? If no one is buying anything on the Black Market where does the Gold come from?
As another poster suggested. If the developers want far less Gold in GW 2 stop selling gold for Gems. You know what would happen within a month or two of them removing the ability to trade Gems for Gold?
All the Gold would dry up and people would be crying out for a way to make Gold.
GW 2’s economy is built on people with credit cards buying tons of Gem’s to convert to Gold to buy what they want on the Black market. Without anyone doing that everyone would be exposed to just how little DIRECT Gold you can make in game.
Every other MMO I have played I can farm tons of gold just by selling junk to venders without ever having to rely on other players buying anything from me. Here I’m still getting silvers and coppers for fighting champions.
The biggest ‘nerf’ in my opinion is the one they did to the Hero Points System in Central Tyria. It goes entirely against their philosophy that they launched the game on the back of.
New Level 80 characters not being able to earn Hero Points like the rest of us have been for years once they reach level 80 is probably the biggest slap in the face. Such a completely thoughtless, and rushed system.
As a leader of a small guild with some newer players this ridiculous change is felt acutely each day, and does nothing to their enjoyment in the game, nor their opinion of ArenAnet.
And if people don’t enjoy themselves, we all know they will go somewhere else. And I certainly don’t want them leaving.
The biggest ‘nerf’ in my opinion is the one they did to the Hero Points System in Central Tyria. It goes entirely against their philosophy that they launched the game on the back of.
New Level 80 characters not being able to earn Hero Points like the rest of us have been for years once they reach level 80 is probably the biggest slap in the face. Such a completely thoughtless, and rushed system.
As a leader of a small guild with some newer players this ridiculous change is felt acutely each day, and does nothing to their enjoyment in the game, nor their opinion of ArenAnet.
And if people don’t enjoy themselves, we all know they will go somewhere else. And I certainly don’t want them leaving.
Are you talking about the extra skill points (now hero points) we got from leveling after 80, pre HoT, pre Trait 3.0 patch? We knew why they did when they rolled it out then.
RIP City of Heroes
If u want to get gold, I suggest u stop doing any of the new content and head to that spooky spoooky halloween labyrinth! 10+ gold per hour easily from there… that is some fun and challenging content right there, it might even give you nightmares!!
The current version of the lab is a kitten compared to last year. There’s less loot and ppl willing to even do it. But 10g per hour is huge for the current state of the game though.
10g an hour sounds like a gross overstatement. I’m pretty efficient and making less than half of that. (perhaps DR?) You’re right though, I love the lab. It’s the most fun thing in the game.
I really don’t know how I am gonna play this game after Halloween ends. Everyone will be in HoT and I didn’t buy it. As it was I was just checking in and doing my dailies and perhaps a WB or two. Not that I got any loot from the world boss train anyway, but It’s sure to be dead after this.
Too much gold in the economy? You could have fooled me I barely manage to have 100 gold and I haven’t even bought all the faction armor skins that I want. It’s kind of silly that some people buy legendaries with 2000 gold and then there are people like me that don’t even dream of ascended gear because of the amount of materials needed and not enough money to buy them.
GW2 is the first MMO where I just can’t make money, farming Silverwastes is something I just can’t do because it after doing it for a few times it loses all the fun.
If too much gold in the economy is a real problem (I doubt it is) Then they could just solve it in one fell swoop. They can stop selling gold.
… sigh …
They sell gold that other players used to buy gems from players who sold gems for gold. They simply act as a broker since gems are the gem shop proxy currency.
No new gold is made from thin air, other than the small amount that primed the exchange at launch.
You’re telling me they can’t/ won’t manufacture gold out of thin air? You don’t know any of that factually. The whole system is under their control. They control the rates and exchange.
My point was that they can stop gold sales anytime they want if its problematic and I think it is on so many levels.
Legendary items should just randomly drop with a very low drop chance in the hardest content the game has to offer. That way they would actually require skill instead of mindless farming for months.
“very low drop chance” directly equates to grind.
The salvage nerf became super real to me last night when I used a BLK to salvage an 80 rare and got… 1 mithril.
So they nerf dungeons by 66% and nerfed Salvage by 66% and Fractals by 66% (unless you grind the fractal mastery)
I guess they want us to all blow $100’s on gems to get everything now the games free2play.
Free2play ruins another MMO
Is 66% salvage nerf factual? (I’m not saying it isn’t) Wow, that is high if it is true. That is game breaking for me. If I don’t get materials and ecto from my salvage there is no reason to play anymore.
Legendary items should just randomly drop with a very low drop chance in the hardest content the game has to offer. That way they would actually require skill instead of mindless farming for months.
“very low drop chance” directly equates to grind.
Not that I disagree with you, but its a zero percent chance now. If I play over time with a small chance I should at least get something eventually. (remember play how you want?)
As it stands now, trash mobs drop essentially nothing, chests have an infinitesimal chance at dropping anything useful and Salvage/fractals/dungeons are done now.
My point was that they can stop gold sales anytime they want if its problematic and I think it is on so many levels.
the gem exchange is also a gold sink. one of the relatively few things you can do with huge heaps of gold is to buy gems. in any case, if they didn’t have a gold shop, then players will just go to gold sellers. proven fact.
(edited by Shoe.5821)
My point was that they can stop gold sales anytime they want if its problematic and I think it is on so many levels.
the gem exchange is also a gold sink. one of the relatively few things you can do with huge heaps of gold is to buy gems. in any case, if they didn’t have a gold shop, then players will just go to gold sellers. proven fact.
There’s nothing to do with huge heaps of gold? Crafting materials, 20 slot bags, armor, minis, precursors and legendaries to name a few. The TP is also a huge gold sink.
On your second point about players going to gold sellers. I don’t know how much of a “proven fact” that is. Sure, some will but that is true of almost anything. Most never will.
On your second point about players going to gold sellers. I don’t know how much of a “proven fact” that is. Sure, some will but that is true of almost anything. Most never will.
It’s a well documented fact, outfits like IGE exist for one reason and one reason only.
There is absolutely nothing, anet can do to make you happy. OK? You are not to satisfy. You just want more gold per hour, I want to play content. …snip…
I want to buy halloween outfits before the timer runs out without spending irl cash. Why are you mad at me for this?
I’m sorry I cannot agree with this post. What you refer to as “gating” is the way that every MMO creates a money sink. And before you strart saying P2W, I am saying money sink in as in game currency. You have to have at least something to so called “grind” for. I find it actually pretty pitiful that people are complaining about this. First off you only read half of the economy new letter. It first off said that the economy was going to go to crap the first 2 weeks as things needed to be re-balanced. (Look the economy has gotten worse but it is not August 2008.) Second they were putting in other ways to get high costing matts such as “map bonuses”.
The only big issue I see here is that Anet catered to the casuals for so long now they expect to get everything handed to them. Where the game is now it should have been 2 years ago. A year back the game was about dead because there was nothing but legendaries to grind. Now legends are easier to get but the over all game is harder like the first GW.
As for money you get boost all the time to in game currency. This is the only game I know of that you can personally increase your own magic find. You get countless magic find buffs from playing newer maps. You get a 2% gold from mob literally every 30 days you login. You get boost from guild halls. I think what it comes down to is this only hurts the person that wants to play in there own sand box by themselves and say either I have it my way or I am taking my toys and going home. Problem is these type of kids don’t share anyway and they get bored after 5 mins of getting something handed to them.
As for the “gating” behind masteries…. ummm yea… this is a needed thing. One it makes you actually play the game to get what you want. If you just create an account in vanilla and are able to walk into HoT end game and get everything you want, what is the purpose of buying an expansion let alone playing after 2 days. Anet/NC soft are in the business of making money. Everyone is. What is the point to creating an expansion if it provides nothing to buy.
Personally I think Anet is at least finding a decent way to control longevity in the game I can say this is not an easy thing. Specially when you have been lacking it for some time. I have been playing MMOs since the UO days some 16 years ago. I have played many games. I have seen the Korean grind in such games as Linage 1 and 2. This my friend is still pretty casual even with all the re-works. Rift is 5x more grindy this GW2. Gw1 was about 2x as grindy. I would be pretty content if Gw2 was 3x as grindy as it is now. At least you will have people still trying to get things. The biggest issue with GW2 a year ago was that most of the hard core players already had everything and just logged in to see what was new and there was a very little player base to go do dungeons/farm etc. Most people had more gold sitting in there wallet than to know what to do with. Anything new popped up they just bought it off the AH and brushed off the gold loss. If a game does not have a money sink the economy dies. The economy dies the game dies.
Personally, since HoT launch it feels like the rewards shifted to “stuff” – mats, drops, etc. and strongly away from gold. Pre-HoT I always hated when a new player would ask “how do I get [item x]?” and the stock answer was always farm dungeons and buy on TP. Self-sufficiency (i.e. no or minimal TP) was so incredibly inefficient in comparison that it was practically non-viable. As someone who prefers at least the option of more self-sufficiency, the changes seem positive.
Personally, since HoT launch it feels like the rewards shifted to “stuff” – mats, drops, etc. and strongly away from gold. Pre-HoT I always hated when a new player would ask “how do I get [item x]?” and the stock answer was always farm dungeons and buy on TP. Self-sufficiency (i.e. no or minimal TP) was so incredibly inefficient in comparison that it was practically non-viable. As someone who prefers at least the option of more self-sufficiency, the changes seem positive.
And thanks to that many expensive things become cheaper.
Some overhyped items did get more expensive, but hilariously expensive ones are cheaper.
My point was that they can stop gold sales anytime they want if its problematic and I think it is on so many levels.
the gem exchange is also a gold sink. one of the relatively few things you can do with huge heaps of gold is to buy gems. in any case, if they didn’t have a gold shop, then players will just go to gold sellers. proven fact.
Offering a gold exchange does 2 things for the game.
1) it puts the Korean gold farmers out of business. Many economies have been wreaked by them. Reference Lineage 2
2) Gives options for a in game currency sink which GW2 really lacks. It gives people a chance to buy vanity items from the gem store without using real money.
I personally don’t have a problem with buying gems with gold or real money as long as the shop stays vanity. If anything needs to be removed from the shop IMO it would be boosters.