Gates of Arah the New Lyssa
didn’t they remove the loot from grubs for a while at launch because people did exactly that?
I remember a pop up saying “this content has been temporarily disabled”
It’s not just the grubs, it’s all the other spawns due to the event.
Just do it anyways. Sadly you can’t fix a community that tries to exploit everything.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
PvE content, or any game content for that matter, should not be restricted just because some group says you shouldn’t do it. It is one thing to work with the community with things like farming and such but when players start demanding you go to a different server:
Just do your thing bro don’t worry about gamers farming exploits. I would end the event for them on purpose if I seen that.
Guardian Paladin 2.5 Build,So We Are 80 Series “Weekly”
Guardian Berserker 3.0 Build
Smurf them. Clear the event.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Farming =/= exploit.
If you want the dungeon open, just do it. Or you could be courteous and guest and leave them, but it doesn’t matter either way. They can’t stop you and there is no reason to try and stop them.
Garbage at every profession 2015
Farming =/= exploit.
If you want the dungeon open, just do it. Or you could be courteous and guest and leave them, but it doesn’t matter either way. They can’t stop you and there is no reason to try and stop them.
Wow ummm?!
You know what…..not even worth it.
Kind of sucks for both sides, if you ask me.
-You feel like making money and decide the best place to do that is at the giant event, only that isn’t going to happen because another group wants to open/run a Arah.
-You want to open Arah, but need to wade through the rabid farmers flinging insults at you.
So yeah, do whatever you feel is right; either just do the event or have someone guest to let the party enter. Until they inevitably fix it, that is.
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray
This wouldn’t happen if Anet would give us more than 1 way to make decent gold in this game. What, am I supposed to do world bosses for 5 months until I can afford that 1 weapon I want? Give me a break. Farming monsters in Orr for 1 hour will barely give you 1 gold. Farming icebrood in frostgorge will give you a corrupted lodestone once every 3 hours.
Sure the farmers telling you to leave is wrong, but they’re in the same position as you most likely. They have a goal and they want to achieve it. It just so happens thanks to nerfnet, both parties have limited opportunities in achieving said goals.
stupid to farm there, really.
there are many ways to get enough money in this game. do a few dungeon runs, for example CoF, or Fractals. Or go WvW, really.
and to you, dear OP, just do the event. gates of arah is a nice and rewarding event. many loot bags, bonus chest and chest. and the dungeon is open again.
I’d more call this a effect of how other events used for farming have been handled.
I remember in the early days, all those events with wave uppon wave of mobs that gave loot. When I return to those events now, there is hardly any people there to do them, with far to many just passing by. This is rather evident in the orrian zones. I dont consider some of the steps taken against these events to be good ones, considering that most run on a timer. For events without a timer that keeps spawning, I support the removal of loot as those can and will be exploited.
With less farmable events, people go looking for a new place to farm, before the mobs either get changed or have their loot taken away. If the devs take the usual steps they have in the past to make this event unfarmable, people will just look for a new spot, and on and on it goes.
Wheter or not one is pro farm is another matter, but the changes made to previously farmed events/chains leads to things like this happening. It’s not as much a community issue, player issue or an eploitive issue, its a design issue.
There’s stil a few events where there are wave after wave of spawning mobs that can be farmed at a decent rate, but very few if any remain at the lvl 80 range. One example is the deffense event for CoF, alas the loot there isn’t that good so it’s not as popular(seen it fail a few times even with the area outside the entrance packed with people doing the actual dungeon, go figure)
I have been at arah and witnessed the fighting that occurs between the farmers and the group trying to get to Arah. I does suck for both sides and the nastiness and name calling that occurs is on par with primary school brawls , its hilarious but so childish. I have also been there when a farming group moved to Melandru let the others through with out much fuss.
People really need to grow up and stop being so selfish
I have been at arah and witnessed the fighting that occurs between the farmers and the group trying to get to Arah. I does suck for both sides and the nastiness and name calling that occurs is on par with primary school brawls , its hilarious but so childish. I have also been there when a farming group moved to Melandru let the others through with out much fuss.
People really need to grow up and stop being so selfish
People do need to grow up yes, but even decent people can be set off if the situation is right.
To draw a parallel from RL: When food, water, and necessities are in supply, people, for the most part, will treat each other decently. When there is some sort of disaster that takes those things away, people become quite mean and will even kill.
While we all accept that GW2 is just a game, the immersiveness of it can lead to some of those instincts affecting how we act. And Arenanet operates the entire game on a scarcity model (in the name of the gem store).
Meh … so just another case of stupid people shooting themselves in the foot. No thought put into the consequences. If one group of people is trying to do an event and another group is trying to prevent it from being done it’s pretty obvious which side ANet is going to support.
the gate of arah dungeon are always open anyway, so preventing the event doesn’t make it impossible to do the dungeon, that said it’s always bad when people shout at other people because they want to complete the event and they want to farm it.
what will happen will be turning cursed shore in no drop shore, but yeah, i think if anyone want to complete an event that should be done
Join the Rainbow Pride
(edited by Amadan.9451)
Well, the solution is like every time that they will nerf the loot that drops there. -.-
It’s not nice that these guys try to farm there (it doesn’t make any sense for me) when you want to complete the event, but the solution should never be to punish the legit players that will do this event and shall be rewarded with loot.
If they continue to nerf these events by removing the loot drops from foes they will reach some day the point where nobody is interested in doing these events anymore.
But I wouldn’t know what to suggest.. maybe I would just ignore them and complete the event. ^^
Well, the solution is like every time that they will nerf the loot that drops there. -.-
It’s not nice that these guys try to farm there (it doesn’t make any sense for me) when you want to complete the event, but the solution should never be to punish the legit players that will do this event and shall be rewarded with loot.
If they continue to nerf these events by removing the loot drops from foes they will reach some day the point where nobody is interested in doing these events anymore.But I wouldn’t know what to suggest.. maybe I would just ignore them and complete the event. ^^
The solution would be to make the reward from killing the bosses and completing the chain exceed the time investment of farming. If the event chain, which takes ~10-15 mins to complete, delivered , say, 2-4 high-value lodestones, several rares and possibly an exotic weapon/armor, and 5 skillpoints (these would all come from killing the bosses, as described in Colin’s post), nobody would farm the giant.
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.
I thought about that as well, but personally I like that foes are (still) dropping loot. A nice chest at the end is great, but for me it is also nice to kill foes and actually get loot for that. ^^
EDIT: Ah well, I guess I know what you’re talking about.. if the reward at the end is a lot higher than what the foes drop during the event people might stop farming the low quality loot and aim for the higher quality loot in the chest. It would make more sense to complete these events faster, maybe then switch to an alt and do the same thing again.. if they intend to farm the chest.
(edited by Navi.7142)
Not to mention when this event is happening the Arah dungeon becomes contested (because gw2 logic). So if everyone (in all servers) farm the mobs like this no one can do the dungeon. Thankfully this stupidity hasn’t been that widespread yet
I don’t see the problem…. Just complete the event and ignore chat.
And farmers can just guest on another server if someone completes the event…
I wish (as someone who likes making some gold) this didn’t even need discussing here -_-
Ignore em, play the way you like and don’t let anyone else tell you it’s wrong because they wanna to run around playing wack-a-mole. No group of farmers owns this game, don’t let em treat you like they do.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I like how there’s, like what? ….
…over 10 ppl now who’s first comments act they don’t even understand that grubs have no L00t Table anymore. Yet offer sagely advice despite that. Well intentioned … but not exactly the Occam’s Razor of answers either. Either this is a troll thread itself, or they were trolling whoever came along to see them “farming” grubs. No one is stupid enough to mistake what “This content has been removed from game” means.
And Lyssa’s temple … ugh … just way tooooo sloooooow for a Temple. If those Champions that get summoned have the same issue of no drop table after this new update that’s supposed to give champions decent tables… I dunno. That’s kind of a deal breaker and Anet should just trim some of the fat around that temple
(edited by ilr.9675)
the gate of arah dungeon are always open anyway, so preventing the event doesn’t make it impossible to do the dungeon
Actually, it does. We were surprised about it few days ago when we decided to run Arah and bumped on the closed doors and locked waypoint. Not sure when that change happened, as this is not a dungeon i visit often.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
i don’t know, i never found it close after they changed it on my server, although people on my server used to farm only penitent/shelter, you rarely saw someone to lyssa or wherever else.
Join the Rainbow Pride
Can’t wait till they nerf it so its unfarmable. What ever happened to just completing events for rewards.
Tried to open Gates of Arah but had a bunch of farmers telling people to reset it and farm more. Classy bunch AUNZ, POEA and TS, tell people to not finish it so you can farm more.
This wouldn’t happen if Anet would give us more than 1 way to make decent gold in this game. What, am I supposed to do world bosses for 5 months until I can afford that 1 weapon I want? Give me a break. Farming monsters in Orr for 1 hour will barely give you 1 gold. Farming icebrood in frostgorge will give you a corrupted lodestone once every 3 hours.
Sure the farmers telling you to leave is wrong, but they’re in the same position as you most likely. They have a goal and they want to achieve it. It just so happens thanks to nerfnet, both parties have limited opportunities in achieving said goals.
had to lol @ the nerfnet thing.
caught me off guard with that one….
just sayin…… heh
I heard its the new, 10g an hour farm.! y would you ask it nerfed?
Anyone know which server farms this? I’d like to join in.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Maybe they should bind event rewards to a chest? That way, farmers can still farm and bots might need recoding, since that’s the issue with open-world farming – that bots can and have an easy time farming with the way rewards are bound to kills.
I think you guys are overestimating the number of bots that are still in this game, let alone bots in higher-level zones.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Tell them to guest another server to exploit because you’re sure as hell going to open this one.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Okay this is getting so ridiculous and out of control, I need to speak up.
On my server, Seas of Sorrows, this has been happening everyday for hours for at least the last few weeks. These selfish people are preventing the event chain to finish just so they can farm the loot from the risen mobs. With people like me who don’t have much time to play and actually wants to do the world boss events, it becomes impossible. And no I can’t guest to another server, since being from the oceanic timezone not many servers actually do world bosses around the time i get on.
As of right now, these people have been farming the event for about 2-3 hours now….. and I got flamed for speaking out loud and getting reported by these farmers by trying to do the right thing.
I am on one of the servers that farms this event (or attempts to) and in the guild that is usually responsible for starting it. I realize that for a lot of people it seems unfair that we ask them not to kill the giant, which in turn delays the opening of the Arah dungeon, but you need to take a minute to look at it from our perspective as well.
We’re a huge PvE guild that focuses on group activities. We were a large part of the other significant farm locations (Union, etc). Time and time again we’ve seen every viable farm location nerfed into the ground, leaving only CoF and CoE as steady sources of gold farming. And really, who wants to run one of those dungeons for the thousandth time?
So what do we do? We look for events such as this one that have high amounts of mobs to kill which drop good loot (bags, t6, rares, etc). When we find one we get our entire guild together, run the event through its pre-event chain, and start farming.
Unfortunately this event shows up on the gw2stuff world boss list for the High Wizard. So what happens is our guild puts a good hour into the pre events to start the farming, then as soon as it appears on the site tons of randoms show up to get their daily loot chest. They start auto attacking the giant and we kindly ask them to stop and farm with us for awhile or simply hop to another server if they’re looking to do Arah. But no, they instead tell us to kitten off and continue killing the giant.
So it goes both ways. We realize that this event more than likely isn’t meant to be farmed and that people want to complete it. But at the same time we’re the ones putting all the work into setting it up for us and others who want to farm. The giant will die in time from the NPCs attacking it, stray AOEs, and so on. Just give us our hour or two of farming before that happens
They start auto attacking the giant and we kindly ask them to stop and farm with us for awhile or simply hop to another server if they’re looking to do Arah. But no, they instead tell us to kitten off and continue killing the giant.
Oh poor boy. You exploit and when people want to do it straight you blame them?
So it goes both ways. We realize that this event more than likely isn’t meant to be farmed and that people want to complete it. But at the same time we’re the ones putting all the work into setting it up for us and others who want to farm. The giant will die in time from the NPCs attacking it, stray AOEs, and so on. Just give us our hour or two of farming before that happens
Good to see someone with balls: you publicly admit to Anet that you exploit despite the policy about exploits. That’s indeed some balls you got!
as always in these occasions, the advice would be: ignore/block annoying people, report/block abusive people. This event does not belong to a group of farmers, complete what you like to complete. Consider yourself lucky for every unpleasant player you block in these comparatively irrelevant events, reduces the probability of ending up with those in dungeon teams and the like.
Oh poor boy.
You exploit and when people want to do it straight you blame them?
I don’t really expect players like you to understand. I’m just giving our half of the story, like it or not.
Oh poor boy.
You exploit and when people want to do it straight you blame them?
I don’t really expect players like you to understand. I’m just giving our half of the story, like it or not.
in which you clearly and extensively explained why and how you “exploit” the event if one would like to classify it as that. I am not blaming you for wanting to farm badly, anet is really strange with their grind heavy content and their antagonism to the grinding process itself, but well, it is that way. blame the game, not the player… especially those who are just playing the game the way they want to play which happens to be in the line of how this event is designed. You can lament that someone breaks your event farming, but certainly not blame him or even abuse verbally.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Players take something sufficiently rewarding and abuse it to the detriment of other players experiences. Anet has no choice but to nerf the event so it’s played as designed; then people come in and QQ about unrewarding events.
Farming the event when its up is one thing. But griefing other players in a PvE zone over it is going to lead to developer intervention. Everyone ends of losing out because of players like the ones in Mashiso and Taeks screen shots.
Oh poor boy.
You exploit and when people want to do it straight you blame them?
I don’t really expect players like you to understand. I’m just giving our half of the story, like it or not.
in which you clearly and extensively explained why and how you “exploit” the event if one would like to classify it as that. I am not blaming you for wanting to farm badly, anet is really strange with their grind heavy content and their antagonism to the grinding process itself, but well, it is that way. blame the game, not the player… especially those who are just playing the game the way they want to play which happens to be in the line of how this event is designed. You can lament that someone breaks your event farming, but certainly not blame him or even abuse verbally.
It’s not really an exploit. Union farming was an exploit. The loot here is on par if not below that of farming CoF. It’s just something different to do that doesn’t make you want to blow your brains out. And I don’t know where the whole verbal abuse notion is coming from. If you’re talking about the chat logs in the pictures posted above that is not my server/guild. We are very polite when asking people to stop killing the giant and invite them to farm with us. If anything it’s the other people trying to do the event cussing us out for not assisting in killing the giant as they stand there and get 2-hit from his attacks.
i lead the temples many times,my question is,what u farming for? for fun?or for materials?its just the event and u need alot ppl to do it,if u wanted to farm like 6 month for all tier 6 mats,just go for ahead,and if u want to complete the event faster go solo it,we not exploiter,but there is a different a stupid people,exploiter and good farmer.
It’s not really an exploit.
The first defense line of any exploiter. So let me get this straight. The definition of an exploit is the following:
You see a strange behavior happening giving you profit beyond what is normal. You observe that you can repeat it. You repeat it to get profit beyond normal. You’re exploiting.
Prove me that you are not using this pattern to the letter in your case and I’ll withdraw that accusation of exploiting.
Just do it anyways. Sadly you can’t fix a community that tries to exploit everything.
yeah, just do it anyways if you have the people
You see a strange behavior happening giving you profit beyond what is normal. You observe that you can repeat it. You repeat it to get profit beyond normal. You’re exploiting.
im leading the event to end,we cant repeat it after it done like 2 hours.U will get more profit(loot) when the event scaling to maximum..
When ever there are people like this that want you to stop doing what you are doing i just act like I can not read what they are typing because I’m from a different country. When you don’t respond it generally gets at them more than when you do.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
Anyone who bad mouths or insults someone else for playing the game as intended (and no one can honestly say that artificially keep events going longer is as intended), should be banned.
Not for doing the activity…but for insulting players trying to play the game.
It’s like keg brawl, when people are passing the keg back and forth to get achievement points. You know, I don’t care that they do it. I don’t even care that people farm the event.
But the moment people start insulting or badmouthing or being rude to people who are playing the intended game, they’re crossed a line.
A 72 hour ban should sort them out.
There’s no reason to be rude in the first place.
I’d have dropped the giant and then left the event chain stuck right in the middle before guesting to a different server, just to spite them. People like that are obnoxious as hell.
Farming =/= exploit.
If you want the dungeon open, just do it. Or you could be courteous and guest and leave them, but it doesn’t matter either way. They can’t stop you and there is no reason to try and stop them.
Farming IS NOT an exploit, sheesh.
O.P. just ignore them and continue what you were doing to open Arah. People like this give legit farmers like me a bad name.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger