Gem Store: "Armor Class Profession Changer"
Oh and I almost forgot to add if you create a bundle for 3 characters it could be 3000 – 4000 gems, or for whatever price you think is sufficient.
So basically i have run into an odd delima whereby I want to change my Warrior (Sylvari) into a Revenant, my Guardian (Norn) into a Warrior, and my Revenant (Human) into a guardian.
I know that I could just purchase another character slot which cost about “800 gems” although starting over with a brand new character; which is time consuming, or by deleting a current character with all of its progression (map areas, locations, birthday’s (I’ve been playing since pre-launch, name etc) for another really isn’t an option for me
at-least in my opinion that is.
Secondly i understand that we have the level 80 Boost that we are able to use on a new character although just as a “personal preference” I would much rather just purchase a Total Make Over Kit (350 – 1400 gems), or a Identity Repair Kit (1000 gems) rather than create another character of the “same profession”.
- In my defense for this idea i just want to state that considering we have specializations (that makes other weapons viable to wield especially for upcoming expansions and isn’t as much of a lost for the player character.
- The “Armor Class Profession changer” would be dependent on Light, Medium, and Heavy. In other worlds the conversion wouldn’t work if a Mesmer wanted to become a warrior, or vice versa. However if a Thief wanted to become an Engi, or a Ranger then it’s “fine”.
- Ascended/Legendary weapons and armor are becoming more prominent now (so we wouldn’t really run into as many issues of soulbound items.
- We now have the Wardrobe and transmutations charges (150 – 600 gems) for weapons; I don’t know about anyone else but I like Fashion Wars 2
- Cultural Armor wouldn’t be affected.
- Living World/ Story shouldn’t be affected much in my opinion since everything is based upon character “Race”
Anyway I know that this would be time consuming but there are quite a-lot of benefits from this especially when it comes to purchasing more gems for other items as well.
Total Make Over Kit (350 – 1400 gems)
Identity Repair Kit (1000 gems)
Transmutation Charges (150 – 600 gems)
etc…Anyway for the “Armor Class Profession Changer” would 1400 – 2000 gems be sufficient per character?
Also if anyone have any suggestions why this idea wouldn’t work, could work, if the price is sufficient, or not let me know in the post.
Thank You.
Not something I’m interested in at all, but I want to say thing, while you’re probably right in regards to lack of impact on the Personal Story, don’t make any assumptions. We don’t know what may be in the coding and its already been shown repeatedly that whenever the PS gets messed with, the whole kitten thing breaks.
Thank you The Greyhawk for your reply, also you’re right their really would have to be serious overhaul.
I guess the way that “I was looking at it” is that if you’re able to change a characters appearance, name, armor and weapon appearance (swapping code for another to obtain a new appearance), being able to insert specializations and add a new weapon set for a character, wield an item or object and receive a new set of skills in the process, and etc
Like I can understand in regards to a characters race when it comes converting a Charr into an Asura, or converting a medium armored character into a light armor class which would be impossible when it comes to the amount of code that would would have to be sorted through regarding the personal story, like the city locations, weapon sets, armor sets, quest completed, and etc.
I still “think” its possible to perform similar to swapping an appearance of an armor-set/weapon in the wardrobe, change a characters name, and etc but in this case if it were based upon a characters armor class.