[Gem Store] Bank & Trading Post NPCs
Greetings once again fellow Tyrians.
I know that it is generally frowned upon to reply to your own thread that has not received a reply. Nonetheless I’ve had a few ideas for alternatives methods for obtaining a Bank & Trading Post NPC in the home instance.
As we all already know, ArenaNet have handed out specific gathering nodes as Living World event rewards, an example being the Candy Corn Node. So, perhaps having a themed NPC being given as a reward might be a nice idea? By themed I mean something that fits in with the theme of the event from which the NPC was awarded.
Alternatively, the NPCs could be obtained via in-game gold hiring, similar to the general goods merchant and personal warehouse NPCs for housing in Aion?
Let me know what you all think.
I’m pretty sure Bank and TP NPCs will never appear in the home instance for a simple reason: That way a lot of people would never leave their home instance and cities would be less populated.