Gem fee for Transferring Servers
Why is this an issue? Pick a server, stick with it. Guest for free on other servers.
I don’t agree. Since they made server transfers paid to avoid griefing in WvW, it’s perfectly acceptable that it’s not too cheap to transfer servers.
And 4.5g was pretty expensive at launch. How many days it took you to get one gold? I know I wasn’t instantly rich the moment I joined the game…
Yes, let’s punish the whole WvW player base to please the unlucky few players who happen to miss their guilds boat.
There is no pleasing everybody
I don’t think it’ll be a big problem because most people are unlikely to want to transfer often. Apart from people who want to skip to whatever server is doing well at WvW (or want to sabotage an opponent) the game is very much geared towards encouraging you to pick a server and stick with it.
So you can take your time and save up. I’m not rich in-game, I don’t even have a level 80 character yet and 2 gold is a lot of money to me. But I still think it’d be feasible for me to save up for the gems. Especially when you consider that the price of gems can vary a lot depending on time and date and what’s going on. Right now a lot of people are probably stockpiling gems ahead of the update at the end of the month (either to buy the new gem store items or to exchange for gold again when the price inevitably jumps). So if you pay attention you can probably get them for a lot less.
And if you really need to transfer now and can’t wait to save up in-game remember you can buy gems with real money, or a combination of real life and in-game money. (You probably have materials or other stuff you could sell for gold too.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
At launch: People forgot you could buy with in-game gold
Now: People forgot you could buy gems with cash
Considering it’s a B2P game, and they:
- give you the option to buy cash-shop products with in-game gold
- allow you to PvE on 2 additional servers for free
- don’t charge to transfer each individual toon
I wouldn’t complain too much.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
At launch: People forgot you could buy with in-game gold
Now: People forgot you could buy gems with cash
Considering it’s a B2P game, and they:
- give you the option to buy cash-shop products with in-game gold
- allow you to PvE on 2 additional servers for free
- don’t charge to transfer each individual toon
I wouldn’t complain too much.
I learn something new everyday.
It didn’t get adjusted. Unbelievable.
Current price for 100 gems is 1g89s
Low: 9g45
Medium: 18g90
High: 34g02
(edited by Clark Skinner.4902)
Better than paying $15 per TOON transfer, like Blizzard do
I transferred when it was free, but I have no intentions of moving anyway.
There’s nothing to complain about. If you don’t like ridiculous cost, don’t go to a high pop server.
Free server hops severely damaged WvW. This fixes it and gives Anet monies. Cry more.
There’s nothing to complain about. If you don’t like ridiculous cost, don’t go to a high pop server.
Free server hops severely damaged WvW. This fixes it and gives Anet monies. Cry more.
Well said. +1
Better than paying $15 per TOON transfer, like Blizzard do
I transferred when it was free, but I have no intentions of moving anyway.
Wait, how is it better? GW2 would cost 25 dollars to transfer to high pop. Also 32g isn’t easy for most people to get especially with DR’s keeping your grind session to about 35 minutes.
I’m not crying. (is anyone accused of crying on the internet ever actually crying?)
I have already transferred, and others I care about have.
Can a person not think something is wrong without it personally affecting them?
5g is more than enough to deter people from switching servers to get the best wvw bonuses.
I’m not crying. (is anyone accused of crying on the internet ever actually crying?)
I have already transferred, and others I care about have.Can a person not think something is wrong without it personally affecting them?
5g is more than enough to deter people from switching servers to get the best wvw bonuses.
5g is not nearly enough to deter people from switching to get the best zerg on their side in WvW.
Have you even played WvW? People playing WvW don’t play it to ensure they secure the best PvE bonuses.
I don’t even know how a wvw player can get 5g a week.
I don’t even know how a wvw player can get 5g a week.
By not relying entirely on WvW as an income source?
The prices are fine to discourage server hoppers to winning servers. I think ANet did a good job on the pricing.
Umm.. The whole point is you are supposed to buy gems with real money and support the game. You’re lucky they let you buy gems with gold.
Better than paying $15 per TOON transfer, like Blizzard do
I transferred when it was free, but I have no intentions of moving anyway.
Wait, how is it better? GW2 would cost 25 dollars to transfer to high pop. Also 32g isn’t easy for most people to get especially with DR’s keeping your grind session to about 35 minutes.
$15 PER toon.
This transfers ALL of your toons Besides, you’ve had plenty of time to realm change – Everyone knew that they were going to start charging gems to change. If you didn’t change beforehand with plenty of warning about this, why whinge when it actually gets implimented. If you weren’t on the realm you wanted to be on, knowing that they were going to do this, that’s your bad lol.
I don’t believe players putting money into the gem economy would lower the prices. It’s like a zip-tie. It can only tighten in 1 direction.
I just feel sorry for people who join and then find out a friend plays, and has to pay another $22 to join their friend’s guild. And all of the people who haven’t logged in in the last few days when so many guilds up and moved, and are now trapped because they don’t have 32g to spend.
Better than paying $15 per TOON transfer, like Blizzard do
I transferred when it was free, but I have no intentions of moving anyway.
Wait, how is it better? GW2 would cost 25 dollars to transfer to high pop. Also 32g isn’t easy for most people to get especially with DR’s keeping your grind session to about 35 minutes.
$15 PER toon.
This transfers ALL of your toonsBesides, you’ve had plenty of time to realm change – Everyone knew that they were going to start charging gems to change. If you didn’t change beforehand with plenty of warning about this, why whinge when it actually gets implimented. If you weren’t on the realm you wanted to be on, knowing that they were going to do this, that’s your bad lol.
I’m not complaining on my behalf, I’ve already switched and returned to my server, though people who don’t follow anet on various sites, probably still have no clue. As for gw2 switching ALL your toons, that is a negative imo because now if I want to WvW with my friends in EU and US I have to then dump another 60 dollars and level another character, plus deal with 2 accounts. Anet is like a Chinese Buffet in the morning, sure its cheaper, but the choices suck.
Better than paying $15 per TOON transfer, like Blizzard do
I transferred when it was free, but I have no intentions of moving anyway.
Wait, how is it better? GW2 would cost 25 dollars to transfer to high pop. Also 32g isn’t easy for most people to get especially with DR’s keeping your grind session to about 35 minutes.
$15 PER toon.
This transfers ALL of your toonsBesides, you’ve had plenty of time to realm change – Everyone knew that they were going to start charging gems to change. If you didn’t change beforehand with plenty of warning about this, why whinge when it actually gets implimented. If you weren’t on the realm you wanted to be on, knowing that they were going to do this, that’s your bad lol.
I’m not complaining on my behalf, I’ve already switched and returned to my server, though people who don’t follow anet on various sites, probably still have no clue. As for gw2 switching ALL your toons, that is a negative imo because now if I want to WvW with my friends in EU and US I have to then dump another 60 dollars and level another character, plus deal with 2 accounts. Anet is like a Chinese Buffet in the morning, sure its cheaper, but the choices suck.
I think you may not understand the intrinsic design of this game if you can’t see that having toons on multiple servers would be exploitable in WvW.
It’s not about limiting choices, it’s the design of the game itself.
And unless they changed things recently I believe Blizzard charges $25 per toon + $30 for faction change. You could easily spend $250+ to transfer your toons off a dead server in that game. That’s what I was looking at when I quit playing. Pretty terrible considering how poorly they manage their server pops. Those players would give their left eyeball if they could use ingame gold to transfer.
I don’t even know how a wvw player can get 5g a week.
By not relying entirely on WvW as an income source?
+1. Cuz those of us who spend lotsa time there, of course, ONLY spend our time there. No breaks, and the money drips from every orifice of the slain. Nope, out WvW time is never subsidized by PvE time and other income streams.
Blizzard character transfer is 25$ per toon.If you want to transfer all your heroes will be really expensive.
I have no idea why people are complaining for Anets payed character transfer?25$ to transfer ALL your characters is a lot more cheaper than Blizzard.
I think you may not understand the intrinsic design of this game if you can’t see that having toons on multiple servers would be exploitable in WvW.
If people are determined to cross-realm in WvW, it’s extremely easy to do even without having characters on multiple servers (or multiple accounts, in this case).
Blizzard character transfer is 25$ per toon.If you want to transfer all your heroes will be really expensive.
I have no idea why people are complaining for Anets payed character transfer?25$ to transfer ALL your characters is a lot more cheaper than Blizzard.
Plus we can use ingame gold for the service. Can’t do that in a Blizzard game.
Not reading the thread, but players have had FAR more than enough time to find some WvW they enjoy. If they missed the gracious opportunity, Tough.
As for new players, I hope they get a single Free Transfer, or a set amount of time for Free Transfers.
Blizzard character transfer is 25$ per toon.If you want to transfer all your heroes will be really expensive.
I have no idea why people are complaining for Anets payed character transfer?25$ to transfer ALL your characters is a lot more cheaper than Blizzard.Plus we can use ingame gold for the service. Can’t do that in a Blizzard game.
Yes we can use in game currency too.That is one more thing that makes Anet’s server transfers better.
What i like the most is that different type of servers cost differently.That for me personally is a bonus.
I’m not crying. (is anyone accused of crying on the internet ever actually crying?)
I have already transferred, and others I care about have.Can a person not think something is wrong without it personally affecting them?
5g is more than enough to deter people from switching servers to get the best wvw bonuses.
I’m with you on this one. At least two people in my (relatively noob-dense) guild transferred to play with a friend within the past week, not realizing that they were moving all of their characters at once. They don’t visit the forums, they don’t read the whole “Guesting is coming!” article on the login screen, and they had no clue what was going on. Now our guild is divided into two groups: those who played early on and haven’t logged in for a couple of months (mostly my RL friends) on our server, and those who recently started playing and didn’t realize the mistake they were making.
And now we see that guild services are bound to your home world, so they won’t be helping us with influence or gaining the benefits of our upgrades (which are numerous).
Given that I’ve played this game for ~3.75 hours/day since August 25 (plus the beta, but that’s irrelevant), don’t “farm,” have 9 characters, and spend <10 silver/day but keep all my crafting materials instead of selling them, I’ve never had more than 6.5 gold at any one time. I can’t imagine how long it would take a new player to earn the money to transfer, especially when leveling up. They could by gems with money, I suppose, but I don’t expect them to do so.
Considering the circumstances of our guild, and especially given that all of the NA servers are “High” or “Very High” population (ours, Borlis Pass, is only “High”), I think the transfer price is too steep.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Businesses have the right to set prices however they please. Consumers have the right to not pay the price if it is too high. If no one pays, maybe the business decides to lower the price, maybe they don’t. Complaining about prices, however, will not get anyone anywhere.