Gem harvesting tools
I sent a message to support about the same concern and they don’t care. They literally do NOT care.
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64
lol @ gem harvesting tools. I like it.
Artemix (80 Rang) – Mercurio Rex (80 War)
Nine Divines [ND] – Sorrow’s Furnace
Too expensive to buy for multiple toons? Simple solution: don’t buy for multiple toons!
I would like a tool that harvests Gems, wow that would be epic.
I would like a tool that harvests Gems, wow that would be epic.
Update XX.XXX.X
Players now have the rare chance to get 1 gem from harvesting any nodes. Chances are not affected by which tool used.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
There are gem harvesting tools? o..o Like, the gems you use as currency on the gem store in Guild Wars 2? What is this? o..o
No haha, seems like a missunderstanding, but a good idea tho. Sad it will never happen.
However, I meant the unlimited charges harvesting tools which are bought BY gems :p
They should be made accountbound and not soulbound xD
I’m on’s side on this one. If you really need these on all of your characters then buy more. It’s far from being something essential.
I would like a tool that harvests Gems, wow that would be epic.
I came to this thread to make this very comment.
Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]
Sigh, I want the item your thread title suggests. I would love to be able to harvest three gems per mining node, consistently. I don’t even care about the metal, I want the sparklies!
I’m on’s side on this one. If you really need these on all of your characters then buy more. It’s far from being something essential.
Agreed. This isn’t an essential item, just a convenience thing. With the rage going on about RNG and so many people asking for straight cash for items in the gem shop, ANet can’t then do themselves out of making money by reducing potential sales on items such as the tools.
Well tbh without giving a single Euro on Gems, i managed to buy 4 endless mining picks, 3 endless sickles, and am ready to buy at least 3 endless logging axes. Not to hard, if you are creative in making money. And i’m by no means good in making money compared to my guildies. I just do CoF runs and wvw.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
It would be nice if they didn’t make them limited time items on the gem shop, does anyone know if they plan on bringing them back from time to time to buy if you missed them?
It would be nice if they didn’t make them limited time items on the gem shop, does anyone know if they plan on bringing them back from time to time to buy if you missed them?
I foresee them putting all three back on the BLTC at the end. Hopefully when NOTHING else is on the BLTC worth buying. Because all 3 tools would cause quite the spike in gem>gold gold>gems, one of those. I can just imagine how much 100 gems would cost people gold>gems if they put all 3 tools, aether weapon skins, and new boosts on there at the same time.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
I can see them putting them back onto the gem store but with a different look/animation.
Would be nice having them account bound, then I can switch them around seeing how they just recently butchered my class build.