Gem shop feedback

Gem shop feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostwhisper.7921


I know that most of the things sold on the shop are for convenience only and are earnable in game through various methods. My only real feedback is that some of the character only upgrades should be account wide and one per character not one per account.

Example here : starter kit with bag in it that is 18slot.

I thought it would be one per character that binds to the character, in practice it wasnt. It was one bag total. Sure it fit the convenience bid but to ask me to pay 3x or 6x for that bag just falls into annoyance. If you want to charge more for something more practical great but atm it leaves me with a bad taste in buying anything else like it.

Another example would be character bag slots being opened, I thought they opened for each character at first, i clearly see that isnt the case but after i already decided to spend some money on the bag slots. This doesnt bother me as much because 600gems is cheap, it however falls into the same category.

Then we have our account bound gathering equipment. Which is great but… having to trade them between characters to use neutralizes the convenience factor. Asking me to spend another 35$ per character just seems spendy and not respectful to my wallet. I have a good paying job but i cant be just throwing money at nothing.

I finally want to close that the lions arch boxes/keys seem to be a much better spot than when i played 3 years ago. Im glad you took the feedback and made a much better fair system to those people who wish to get skins from boxes. I was one of the people originally veyr upset about the first holiday keys and i quit over the matter as my money spent wasnt respected.

~ old, new player who figured he would give the game another try with the expansion i like the changes thus far keep up the good work. Please continue working on understanding the different types of online shoppers you have and their feelings about digital purchases.

Gem shop feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samnang.1879


I unlocked the inventory space thinking it was account wide like 3 years ago… only to find out it’s single character… that really annoyed me.

Please nerf bag types instead of class skills!

Gem shop feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sky.8035


The bag slot upgrade got you too?

Yeah, I bought four expansions about three years ago thinking it was account-wide and I’m sure you know all-to-well what my reaction to it was and it’s a shame. I assumed it was like the first game, when you purchased the Xunlai Storage Expansions. That, you know, it would be for all characters…

The permanent gathering tools is another annoyance for me too. There’s so many times I need them when I’m out and about on my lower level characters, but due to me having like 10 different characters that I swap to frequently… It makes transferring it all the time a serious problem.

The only other things I have a problem with really are that I wish that helmetless outfits gave you the option to show your actual headgear. If they don’t have a headgear of their own, then why not have that option? I can’t wear my sunglasses with my Noble Count outfit, which really irritates me because it has no headgear of it’s own and it doesn’t specify that due to not having headgear that you can’t show any at all before purchase.

The last thing might be a stretch and I may receive flak for it, but I wish they would offer at least a partial discount to the people who choose to rebuy the outfits that they rereleased from the first game. I already bought almost all the outfits from the first game and seeing them rerelease the Lich and Wedding outfits, which I already paid for, is upsetting. They’re literally a copy and paste from the first game with very minor graphical improvements.

Linking your GW1 account allows for HoM rewards, but it should also keep track of your previous real world purchases on your GW1 account because I feel like I’m being ripped off if I choose to buy them again for this game.

Just my 2¢.


(edited by Sky.8035)

Gem shop feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Didn’t buy the inventory slot upgrade because for a single character that’s a screaming rip-off. 600gems isn’t cheap if you equate that to real cash and realise that it would cost you more than the full game just to add another bag slot to your characters!