Gemstore items: new/sales/discounted prices
Wreath of Cooperation: 200 gems (50% off)
Jungle Explorer outfit: 490 gems (30% off)
Rampart Heavy armor: 640 gems (20% off)
ANet may give it to you.
Also, if this thread turns into a discussion of the merits of the items or suggestions for other items, the super useful informative point of it will be lost.
Thank you, Flesh, for the heads up on today’s items. I didn’t even think to look until you posted it, and a guildie who’s been playing less thanks to a new baby was able to snap up the Wreath of Cooperation which apparently she didn’t know about before.
I wants the holo dragon wings recolored and/or textured for things like claw of jormag, kitten, and my personal fav, to look like toxic wings (like the toxic gloves and shoulders? Those colors.)
Flesh maintains this thread as a generous and selfless service to other players and is not really for discussion of existing or potential future gem store items, but for notification of current item availability and discounts (thanks Fleshy!).
Your desire should instead be posted in the thread where such desires are made known to ANet:
I think I have posted it there but people read this more I think
That doesn’t mean ANet employees read this thread. Those are the people you need to have reading your requests. If you want to make suggestions for new things, a thread of your own or the official request thread is the way to do it, as ANet staff reads those.
Cook’s outfit: 420 gems (40% off)
Incarnate light armor: 640 gems (20% off)
ANet may give it to you.
Cook’s outfit: 420 gems (40% off)
Incarnate light armor: 640 gems (20% off)
For those new to what these are, Cook’s is an outfit that looks different based on race and gender, like Wedding does (and can hide the gloves). Incarnate is a set of 6 armor pieces, you can preview them in the Wardrobe.
(edited by Donari.5237)
Pirate’s outfit: 420 gems (40% off)
Mad Scientist outfit: 490 gems (30% off)
Strider’s Medium armor skins: 640 gems (20% off)
ANet may give it to you.
A new set of black lion weapon skins was the only new or returned item. Cavalier weapon skins, one ticket each.
ANet may give it to you.
Available for 4 days only
Viper’s medium armor: 800 gems
Trickster’s light armor: 800 gems
Phalanx heavy armor: 800 gems
ANet may give it to you.
Moth wings glider combo: 700 gems (dyeable)
Available for 3 days
Caithe’s Bloom dagger: 600 gems
ANet may give it to you.
I’m keeping my eyes peeled for the chain whip sword! >.>
Each day is a new opportunity. Fingers crossed!
(edited by Seabreeze.8437)
Moth wings glider combo: 700 gems (dyeable)
Available for 3 days
Caithe’s Bloom dagger: 600 gems
Adding a comment. Only the glider part of the Moth wings is dyeable. Not the backpack. It remains the default colors.
ANet may give it to you.
Also available short term if you go into the very back vault of the BLTC in LA:
Ley Line, Shadow, Mordrem, and Phoenix skins, 3 tickets each.
On dyeing the Moth glider: You get two channels, one for the field and one for the “eyes.” The edge of the glider remains default color, beige-ish.
Here’s a post from Dulfy with the video and pictures of the new Moth wings
“the glider can be dyed and has 2 dye slots.
Dye pattern:
ANet may give it to you.
Available for 2 days
Grenth hood: 500 gems
Phantom’s hood: 200 gems
Rox’s short bow: 600 gems
Rox’s quiver: 600 gems
ANet may give it to you.
Available for 2 days
Mad King’s outfit: 700 gems
Available for 3 days
Braham’s shield skin: 600 gems
Braham’s mace skin: 600 gems
ANet may give it to you.
Available for 2 days
Witch’s outfit: 700 gems
Marjory’s dagger: 600 gems
Marjory’s axe: 600 gems
ANet may give it to you.
Available for 4 days
Kasmeer’s staff: 600 gems
Belinda’s Greatsword: 600 gems
ANet may give it to you.
Available for years:
Just a flesh wound, retweeting gem store sales
(i.e. thanks again for keeping us up-to-date — when is ANet going to pay you for this?)
Available for years:
Just a flesh wound, retweeting gem store sales(i.e. thanks again for keeping us up-to-date — when is ANet going to pay you for this?)
Probably never.
My poor chars are reduced to living off raw meat and vegetables scavenged off the land while I wait for them to send me that big paycheck.
ANet may give it to you.
Available for years:
Just a flesh wound, retweeting gem store sales(i.e. thanks again for keeping us up-to-date — when is ANet going to pay you for this?)
Probably never.
My poor chars are reduced to living off raw meat and vegetables scavenged off the land while I wait for them to send me that big paycheck.
If that raw meat is slabs of poultry, your retirement fund tanked something fierce
Available for years:
Just a flesh wound, retweeting gem store sales(i.e. thanks again for keeping us up-to-date — when is ANet going to pay you for this?)
Upvoted this in total agreement, and many thanks once more to Jafw.
Oh god. Run, JAFW. Run before she hobbles you!
Oh god. Run, JAFW. Run before she hobbles you!
It’s too late for me I’m afraid. Anet has failed to send me my thousands of gems for this thread and last night my char was arrested and jailed by the Asuran Peacemakers after being caught dumpster diving in the lowest corners of Rata Sum. The charges were vagrancy and no apparent means of support. I tried to tell them I was the one, the only, FLESH WOUND and that the check was in the mail but they hustled my char off to prison. I have my suspicions that they are in cohoots with ANet. They certainly got there fast enough. I barely had time to grab a few bites before the little ankle biters were dragging me off.
ANet may give it to you.
Oh god. Run, JAFW. Run before she hobbles you!
It’s too late for me I’m afraid. Anet has failed to send me my thousands of gems for this thread and last night my char was arrested and jailed by the Asuran Peacemakers after being caught dumpster diving in the lowest corners of Rata Sum. The charges were vagrancy and no apparent means of support.
I tried to tell them I was the one, the only, FLESH WOUND and that the check was in the mail but they hustled my char off to prison. I have my suspicions that they are in cohoots with ANet. They certainly got there fast enough. I barely had time to grab a few bites before the little ankle biters were dragging me off.
Now, I’m thinking an Asuran Ranger named Annie Wilkes with a pig named Misery is surely in order!
From the patch notes
- The new Electromagnetic Ascender toy is available in the Toys category of the Gem Store for 250 gems.
- The Electromagnetic-Descender Glider is available in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 400 gems.
Both are available for 6 days. The toy will allow you to float through the air. (Just above ground level. Has a electromagnetic glider type effect).
Available for 7 more days
Rampart heavy armor: 800 gems
Incarnate light armor: 800 gems
Aetherblade medium armor: 800 gems
Strider’s medium armor: 800 gems
Covert Charr backpack: 300 gems
Ceremonial Plated outfit: 700 gems
Aviator cap: 200 gems
Fuzzy panda hat: 200 gems
Mask of the Queen: 400 gems
Mask of the Wanderer: 500 gems
Ringmaster’s hat: 200 gems
Wreath of Cooperation: 400 gems
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Something I saw from a post by that_shaman. A dyeable floral glider is in the wardrobe. You can preview it. Has (white? dyeable?) petals coming off it. My guess is only the flowers and maybe the petals are dyeable. Not the green leafy background.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Darn, still no chain whip sword. The wait continues… >_>
Cool glider, by the way! With all the attention given to the sylvari and mordremoth in HoT, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for a plant-themed glider to surface.
20% off
Elegant fan focus: 480 gems
Water fight ballon bucket: 400 gems
Butterfly wings backpack: 400 gems
Sun kite: 400 gems
Wind kite: 400 gems
Lightning kite: 400 gems
Available for 7 days
Aviator sunglasses: 150 gems
Inventor sunglasses: 150 gems
Mini rock: 350 gems
Dragon’s fortune fireworks: 200 gems for one. 5 for 800 gems.
Floral glider: 400 gems
Armor sets described as new: 800 gems
Also described as new
Jungle explorer outfit: 700 gems
Mist herald back item set: 500 gems
Shadow assassin outfit: 700 gems
Fuzzy cat hat: 200 gems
Fuzzy hylek hat: 200 gems
Glint’s gaze mask: 500 gems
Magnus’ eye patch: 400 gems
Mask of the jubilee: 400 gems
Mask of the Silent Skin: 500 gems
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
ANet may give it to you.
20% off
Heroes dye pack: gems are 1@500. 3@1300. 10@3750
Phoenix glider: 500 gems
Video from Dulfy
Edit: Available for 2 days (ty Randulf for catching that).
New Black Lion weapon set: Privateer. Account bound upon purchase with a Black Lion ticket.
Also listed
Riding broom: 250 gems
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
From Dulfy: Privateer weapon skins gallery
This isn’t so much as a bump, more adding to Astrals post that the phoenix glider is in store for just 2 days during this window.
There will be many who will miss it, but worth getting the message out there since it was a highly requested skin
I seem to have missed this item this morning. My apologies.
50% off
Salvager’s Supplies: 1360 gems
1 copper fed salvage-o-matic
1 silver fed salvage-o-matic
3 upgrade extractors
3 Black Lion ticket SCRAPS
25 salvageable hides
25 valuable metal scraps
25 discarded garments
25 equipment bags
No timer or expiration date showing
ANet may give it to you.
I seem to have missed this item this morning. My apologies.
You’re fired, now get back to work.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Available for 3 days
Permanent Unicorn finisher: 700 gems
ANet may give it to you.
25% off
Crystal Nomad outfit: 525 gems
15% off
Crystal Savant outfit: 595 gems
20% off
Home instance node pack: 3200 gems
*Basic cloth rack
*basic leather rack
*basic harvesting node pack
*basic lumber node pack
*basic ore node pack
Glitter Bomb harvesting tool: 1000 gems
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Home instance node pack is 2560 gems (the savings is 640 gems compared to buying them all at retail value of 3200).
Thanks to Just a flesh wound‘s timely edit, it’s clear that the node combo pack is 20% off the price of the components bought separately, e.g. 3200 for the full set (versus 4000 individually). See below if you want the math done for those who already own some of the packs.
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
Dulfy video of the Glitter harvester:
Also per the blog there may be more skritt-related items other days this week.
(edited by Donari.5237)
Home instance node pack is 2560 gems (the savings is 640 gems compared to buying them all at retail value of 3200).
the price is also adjusted depending on what nodes you already have in your home instance.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
I’d gobble up the Home Instance Node pack if it were only 640 Gems, for sure! Lol.
I see where Flesh got the 640 figure — that’s the price if you only have one node left to get (in my case, leather). But the Leather Node still shows 800 gems individually priced, so I would need to buy the pack at 640 to get the discount.
Home instance node pack is 2560 gems (the savings is 640 gems compared to buying them all at retail value of 3200).
the price is also adjusted depending on what nodes you already have in your home instance.
Good point. There’s always a 20% discount. For those who don’t want to do the math:
- 5 Node/Node-packs: 3200 gems vs 4000 gems bought separately
- 4 items: 2560 vs 3200 separately
- 3 items: 1920 gems vs 2400 separately
- 2 items 1280 gems vs 1600 separately
- 1 item 640 gems vs 800 separately
Anyhow, the main point is: it’s not 640 to unlock it all. (I guess we know now that Just a flesh wound already owned four of them before today )
Incidentally (and speaking of math), at current gold:gem rates, it would take over 5 years to pay off each node pack, if you farmed them daily (closer to two years for the lumber, closer to 9 for cloth). So don’t buy them for the mats; like all gem shop items, they are convenient rather than cost-efficient.
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
Home instance node pack is 2560 gems (the savings is 640 gems compared to buying them all at retail value of 3200).
I’m seeing it on my screen (main account) as 640 gems
Maybe it’s because I already have part of this and it’s showing the price as already discounted for the rest that’s remaining?
Ok, I switched to an alt account. NOW it’s 3200 gems. I didn’t realize it would matter which account I used to check. Editing.
ANet may give it to you.
So what’s the price y’all are seeing. On this account its 3200 gems. Is anyone seeing it as less who hasn’t bought any of the nodes before?
Edit: as calculated above then
5 Node/Node-packs: 3200 gems vs 4000 gems bought separately
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
So what’s the price y’all are seeing. On this account its 3200 gems. Is anyone seeing it as less who hasn’t bought any of the nodes before?
I’m seeing it for 3200 on an alt account without any nodes
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
So what’s the price y’all are seeing. On this account its 3200 gems. Is anyone seeing it as less who hasn’t bought any of the nodes before?
I’m seeing it for 3200 on an alt account without any nodes
Ok thanks.
And thanks everyone for the catch and the math.
That certainly woke up the forum dwellers. I went off for a round of sapling murdering and come back to a bunch of posts. Lol. Well, now I know to use an alt account to check.
ANet may give it to you.
- 2 items 1280 gems vs 1600 separately
That’s really good to know. Looks like I’ll be getting those last two nodes today.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
The nodes cost 2560 gems for me, and I only own the mineral one.
Would have tried it a few months ago, but it’ll be too hard to get more gems, so I’m probably saving for something else.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
The tool-tip states that the price is adjusted for the amount of items in the pack one already owns.
This may be a new feature, or not…I don’t remember if the prices were different previously, if you already owned, say, a Glider that comes in an Outfit pack. If it is new, it is very handy. =)